[March 15 2022 Update] I'm only adding non-Steam suggestions games to the list. If the game is on Steam, I'll just add it to the Photoholics Curation. The current ones will stay for posterity of course.

As the title mentions, I'm looking for more games where taking pictures a part of the mechanics or progression to the story. Just a little thing I'm currently interested in my games, and it's not always easy to find niche ideas. So, do you know of any not listed?

Whoa. I sincerely wasn't expecting too many replies. Y'all are awesome! Thank you! ♥

I credited suggestions to the first person who mentioned the game + those who provided additional info on a previously mentioned game. Feel free to provide extra info if you see a lack of them on the table. I appreciate the enthusiasm either way.

Photography Games

Title Platform/s Comments
11-11 Memories Retold Steam One of the leads is a photographer.
1,000 Heads Among the Trees Steam Search for spirits & take photos & the locals respond to what they see.
1979 Revolution: Black Friday Steam The lead is a photojournalist.
Afrika Playstation 3 Website Be a wildlife photographer.
The Amazon Trail PC -
Angelo and Deemon: One Hell of a Quest Steam Lead is a blogger
Beyond Good and Evil Steam The lead character is an action reporter with a camera.
Camera Obscura Steam Puzzle-platformer where camera is the tool to solve puzzles.
Capture Itch.io -
Casebook Trilogy - FMV Detective. Take pictures and analyze them for clues.
Dark Cloud 2 Playstation 2 Wiki Document objects & creatures w/ a camera to create new items/weapons.
Dead Rising 1/2/OTR Steam Lead character is a photojournalist.
Dead Rising 4 Steam Lead character is a photojournalist.
Depth Hunter 2 Steam Parts of the campaign include taking photos of reef and fish.
DreadOut Steam The camera is the lead's weapon against spooks.
DreadOut: Keepers of the Dark Steam The camera is the lead's weapon against spooks.
DreadOut 2 Steam The camera is the lead's weapon against spooks.
The Evil Within 2 PS4, Xbox One, Steam A character's photos can be found as collectables. He's only in part of the game. Spoiler: He's a serial killer, he photographs his victims. And his pet is an anthropomorphic camera with legs.
Fatal Frame / Project Zero. Playstation The camera is the lead's weapon against spooks.
Final Fantasy XV Steam, PC One of the main characters is a photographer who snaps photos randomly, and you can take manual photos. Additionally, there are side quests/minigames. Chosen photo can impact the ending.
FOCUS on YOU VR Only Steam The lead is a high school senior majoring in photography. Dating Sim.
Forgotten Hill Disillusion Steam Camera is crucial for play, but photo-taking is optional.
The Good Life Steam, Playstation 4, Xbox One / Kickstarter Lead is a photojournalist trying to pay off her debt.
Infra Steam -
KONA Steam Not required for story, but it's useful for takes "notes."
The Last Crown - Frequent use of camera.
The Last Crown: Blackenrock Steam Unreleased.
Life Is Strange Steam The lead character, Max, is a his school student photographer.
Moonrise Fall Steam Find clues with a unique camera mask worn by the protagonist.
Morels the Hunt Steam Mushroom hunting and photography in nature.
National Geographic - Safari Adventures: Africa PS2, Wii, PC Protagonist takes pictures of animals he meets on his adventure.
The Painscreek Killings Steam The lead is a journalist investigating a cold case.
Pokemon Snap Nintendo 64 -
Pupperazzi Steam Photograph pups. Not Out Yet.
Reef Shot Steam The lead is a photographer.
Snapshot Steam Puzzle-platformer where camera is the tool to solve puzzles.
Sonicomi Steam The lead is a personal photographer to a model. NSFW
Tokyo Snap Steam Play as a social media photographer.
Voyeur series PC Website -
Wild Earth PC, XBox, Wii / Website Be a wildlife photographer.
- - -

Games with Photography Elements

Title Platform/s Comments
007 Legends Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii U Evidence
35MM Steam Camera with player at all times; may not be relevant to play.
Amazing Spiderman 1 / 2 - Sidequest/Minigame
Anachronox Steam Sidequest/Minigame
Astral Chain Nintendo Switch Wiki Photo challenges that offer rewards.
Batman Arkham Trilogy Steam Evidence/ Camera-like scanner.
Bioshock Steam Research camera reveals enemy weaknesses/gives player bonus damage. +Achievements
Bioshock 2 Steam Research camera reveals enemy weaknesses/gives player bonus damage. +Achievements.
Borderlands 2 Steam Sidequest/Minigame - "Poetic License" - Take three photos.
Bully Steam Sidequest/Minigame
Condemned Steam Camera sometimes used for crime scenes.
Disneyland Adventures Steam Sidequest/Minigame - Photograph hidden Mickey's.
Dragon Quest 8 3DS Sidequest/Minigame
DuckTales: The Quest for Gold PC/DOS Sidequest/Minigame
Fallout 76 PC, Xbox One, Playstation4 Sidequest/Minigame - Earn premium currency for taking specific types of images.
Fallout: New Vegas Steam Sidequest/Minigame - Photograph 5 landmarks.
Firewatch Steam The lead finds a camera & can use it. Additionally, exporting & print order is a thing.
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Steam Sidequest/Minigame
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City PC/Removed from Steam side mission with blackmail photos
Hydrophobia Prophecy Steam A hacking tool functions like a camera. Hack security, find hidden messages and images.
Jurassic Park Operation Genesis PlayStation 2, Xbox, Windows Sidequest/Minigame - Photograph during safari ride.
Jurassic World Evolution Steam Sidequest/Minigame - Photograph during jeep ride.
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Nintendo Switch, Wii U Sidequest/Minigame - Fill a compendium and take selfies.
The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker Wii U, GameCube Sidequest/Minigame - Fill a compendium and use it to create figurines.
Leisure Suit Larry - Magna Cum Laude Steam Sidequest/Minigame - Take photos at the right time to earn points.
Life is Strange: Before the Storm Farewell Steam Max appears in the final episode only.
Metal Gear Solid ?? player can take photos of the environment, ghosts of the development team may appear on the captured images when taken in specific locations.
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker PS3 Extra Ops side missions
Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance PS3 Alternative missions
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty PS3 Main story mission has an evidence photo quest
Michigan: Report from Hell PS2 the player is a television news cameraman.
Nethack PC One char is combat weak, so he'll snap a photo to daze monsters and run away.
No One Lives Forever 1/2 Windows, MacOS X, Playstation 2 Spy Glasses, Lipstick Spy Camera
Paratopic Steam Sidequest/Minigame - Photograph birds.
Poi Steam Sidequest/Minigame - Photograph different creatures you encounter.
Tant-R (タントアール) Sega Mega Drive Sidequest/Minigame - Take well-timed photos of fast-moving objects.
The Sims 3: World Adventures Steam Expansion. Adds photography skill & career.
The Sinking City Epic Exclusive // Steam Sidequest/Minigame
Sleeping Dogs Steam Evidence / Sidequest/Minigame
Spider-Man PS4 Peter is a photojournalist.
theHunt: Call of the Wild Steam Sidequest/Minigame
Warframe Steam Camera used to discover/learn various things in quests.
Yakuza Kiwami 2 Steam Sidequest/Minigame.

Honorable Mentions

Title Platform/s Comments
60 Parsecs Steam You can save time lapses.
A Hat In Time Steam Camera badge/filters.
A Trip to Yugoslavia Steam The protagonist is an amateur photographer. Finding a camera is a quest objective. No phototaking.
Assassin's Creed: Odyssey PC, Uplay, Steam Photo Mode
Beyond Reality Steam Photography elements exists, but you don't get to see the photos.
Cateau Steam Free visual novel about cats & friendship.
Deadly Premonition Steam No photo taking, but the detective lead has photos in his files.
Devil May Cry 5 PS4, PS5, Xbox One / Series X & S, Steam Hard & NG+. Defeating a new monster/boss adds a photo to your gallery.
Eastshade Steam Exploration / Painting
Final Fantasy XIV Online PS4, PC, Steam It has an elaborate photo mode.
Flowquest Steam Sandbox/Software
Miniature - The Story Puzzle Steam Camera alignment puzzle game.
Perfect Angle Steam Camera alignment puzzle game.
Perspective Steam, Digipen Camera alignment puzzle game.
RAW FOOTAGE Steam Explore forests inhabited by monsters and obtain recorded footage of them.
Resident Evil 7 Steam You play a cameraman in an early part of the game. Video recording.
Sento Steam Steam Lead is a pervert spying / recording girls.
Shadow of the Tomb Raider PC, Steam Photo Mode
Super Smash Bros Nintendo Photo Mode.
5 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

5 years ago

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From what I know, The Sinking City has photography elements (I've seen part of the game play)

5 years ago

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Pokemon Snap

5 years ago

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Instantly came to my mind. :) It was the first N64 game we had.

5 years ago

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Beyond Good and Evil

5 years ago

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I'm happy someone mentioned this.

5 years ago

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yes! I loved this game! totally underrated.

5 years ago

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I support this :)

5 years ago

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Not sure if it fits into your category but „Perfect angle“ is all about photos and the right view at it


5 years ago

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Not sure if this counts but check out Eastshade I^v^I

5 years ago

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instantly though about this one as well.

5 years ago

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I added it to honorable mentions at the bottom, that one looks so good!

5 years ago

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I think I read that Yakuza Kiwami 2 has a photography minigame.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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First person shooters


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5 years ago

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Sonicomi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

5 years ago

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It seems like Steam doesn't have a photography tag, but Itch does! There aren't that many, but most of them seem to fit what you're looking for. e.g. Capture

5 years ago

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Let's get to work and add the tag on Steam then. \o/

5 years ago

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I would love that. How does getting tags approved even work?

5 years ago

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I think it's based on popularity.

5 years ago

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That is my guess too but it doesn't appear to be so easy and getting a tag approved could take years or just never happen.

"Though Steam users and developers can assign custom tags to any game on the store, Valve only relies on a list of what it calls approved tags. These prime tags get their own hub pages – which list all games with the same tag, and more importantly, factor into Steam’s recommendation algorithm." (Source)

I think they should just enable hubs for all tags. Yes, there are toxic people who add hateful tags but those have to be removed anyway and a hub wouldn't change much about their impact in my opinion. On the other hand the current system limits the ability to organise games and discover new ones, which should be in Valve's interest because seeing more games you might like potentially increases sales.

5 years ago

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remember when they removed he RPGmaker tag?

5 years ago

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I didn't notice that! Now that you are saying it I think I haven't seen it in a long while (maybe I just avoided those games). If that's the case it seems to be back. Any idea why it was removed? Couldn't find an answer on the net.

5 years ago

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My first thought was Pokemon Snap for the N64. Good Times...

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 months ago.

5 years ago

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In GTA Vice City was it too if i remember right. A Mission or so, to make Pics. Was to long ago, so i could be right or wrong. :D

Or i got it wrong and it was just GTA San Andreas. ^^

5 years ago

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Camera Obscura
Camera Obscura uses an innovative "afterimage" mechanic that allows the player to temporarily clone the Tower's architecture in order to span gaps, create staircases, and freeze moving platforms in place.

  • played it. Pretty good.

Beyond Good and Evil

  • is mentioned above., Great Game, Played it long before I had steam.
5 years ago

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Fallout 76 has both a photomode and an in game camera. Also has achievements/ways to earn premium currency based on taking photos in certain areas of the game or of specific creatures.

5 years ago

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Bioshock 1 & 2 have a photography element.

There's a research camera you can use to photograph enemies. As you take more and better quality photos of enemies, you reveal weaknesses and get bonuses to your damage against them.

5 years ago

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Dead Rising 4 also qualifies :P

5 years ago

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The Good Life, an upcoming game by SWERY (White Owls Inc.).
No Steam Store page yet, and the Kickstarter campaign is over.
But here's the KS page, so you can decide of you want to keep the game on your radar: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/476090608/the-good-life

5 years ago

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Oooh! I'll definitely have to keep an eye out for this one on Steam.

Also, happy cake day!

5 years ago

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Oh, I just remembered Tant-R (タントアール) on Sega Mega Drive had a photography mini-game where you have to take well-timed pictures of fast objects running across the screen, like a jet or a cheetah.

5 years ago

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I unintentionally missed this one previously, I've added it <3

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

5 years ago

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Not a relaxing experience at all, but I have to mention one of my favorite horror series: Fatal Frame / Project Zero.

5 years ago

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Seconded. Fatal Frame genuinely filled me with fright for some reason.

5 years ago

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Wild Earth for pc, xbox and wii.
Edit: And Afrika for ps3

5 years ago*

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there's a mission in borderlands 2 where you need to take 3 pictures 😅
Poetic License

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5 years ago

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Perspective doesn't quite include photography, but does involve lining up the environment in a precise way similar to Perfect Angle. (Digipen download)

Also, Astral Chain for Switch has a mechanic where you can photograph people, monsters, and other things for certain rewards.

5 years ago*

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