Just created 10 GAs this past weekend. I ended up opening them up to the general public. No restrictions so there is really no excuse. Out of the 10 only 4 have not yet been received. That means at least six people out there are simply too busy winning games to take a few moments to thank the creator for winning the game. I understand, you folks just need a little help. You are winning too much and just don't have time to say thank you after winning. To ease the burden a bit, I'll be blacklisting everyone who won my GAs but is too busy to say thank you. See, now you'll have less GAs to enter so you might have more time to show gratitude after winning a free game.

I really don't care if someone says thank you when entering the GA. There are hundreds of GAs so thank you starts to sound real hollow when entering but when you win you should take the time to thank the GA creator for giving you the game you just won. I've been discouraged from making GAs which are open to all. This is one of the reasons why. It's too bad lower level members of this website are getting such a bad rap but it is what it is. This will likely be one of the last open GAs I make, unless I do by mistake. Anyways, don't feel bad, I'm not mad. I don't get mad.

I get even. :) <----- This is said tongue firmly in cheek, in case of any confusion. I also wish to add that I don't really believe that you have to ask yourself if you need to be grateful if you are Pikachu. Pikachu don't care!

8 years ago*

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Do you expect to be thanked by the winner of your GA?

View Results
Oh hell YES.
No, I just crush my disappointment into a tiny little ball and push it deep into the dark recesses of my soul.
My answer is much too complex for a poll you pleb! I will elaborate below!
Never really thought of it but now that you mention it you have AWAKENED THE GIANT!
My leeching is as thankless as it is mindless.
Do I have to be grateful when I am the MuthaFuckinPikachu?!

where's the "no, i don't really care because i choose not to get upset at random people for not typing a 6 letter word" option?

8 years ago

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That one is in the thread you created to celebrate your humble magnanimity.

8 years ago

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I personally don't want to be thanked, just take the game and go. lol

8 years ago

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I'd like to reach that place but even taking the game seems difficult for some. I had to contact three different people, who had been on SG after the GA ended, to let them know to claim their gift. I guess I'm just coming around to thinking open GAs are not worth the aggravation. Folks complain higher level members don't give lower level members a chance but this is what happens when I do so I guess it's invite, whitelist and group GAs from here on out.

8 years ago

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I feel like a hallow thank you is worse than none. Forcing someone to thank you only detracts from the actual act of feeling grateful for someone's kindness.

8 years ago

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Nobody can be forced to say thank you in this kind of format. The threat of being blacklisted is a hollow one at best. For example, although I have threaten to blacklist winners if they forgot to show gratitude for winning only 1 out of the 9 showed any gratitude. Also I have not blacklisted anyone ;)

8 years ago

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What I do is check if the guy who didn't say thanks has repeatedly broken the rules or has a less than 10% ratio rather than just BL them.

What I did once, was made an invite only giv and invite individually the winners who did say thank you, and a couple of people who said thanks (without automated tools) and didn't win.

8 years ago

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Doing a WL only Ga sounds like a great idea. I don't do those at all.

8 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by MuthaFukinRick.