I've been looking for ways to give back to the community in the ultimate way, and I figured, "hey, I've got some extra money, and SG is missing a TeamSpeak server!" This cost would be completely covered by me at no expense to the community or CG - I just wanted to know if it'd be used so I can know whether or not I should buy it.

TeamSpeak would provide an additional medium for community discussion outside of the forums, and would create a more personal connection between community members (hearing each other's voices can really help do that).

8 years ago

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Should I host a 350-slot TeamSpeak server for SteamGifts?

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First a selfie thread now this. Its like you people are gonna be in my house.... what is happening here!

8 years ago

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The introvert in me just died...

8 years ago

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Careful, if you don't bring her back from the dead the repressed extrovert is going to take over your life! screams

8 years ago

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I can finally listen to CG's robot voice.....

or SG's bot support call center

8 years ago

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you don't sound like anna :squirtmeh:

8 years ago

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Sounds like it could be fun. Very sweet of you to offer this.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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I'm okay with it, as long as it stays semi-civil.

8 years ago

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i avoid talking because i don't like my voice. but i could use a text to speech app, just to spam useless comments.

like this one. :3

8 years ago

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I'm frankly surprised 7 people have voted Yes already...I'm bad enough typing my comments, when I have the ability to proofread and edit everything before I send it....live voice chat for a bunch of (primarily) introverts?! Sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. Appreciate the offer, but I don't think this is the right crowd for such a thing.

8 years ago

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So many shy people. :D
I'd hop in, but looking at the poll, well...
Also Discord is a good free voice and text chat software.

8 years ago*

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Shy? Well, maybe sort of a little, but I don't think it's quite that - I've tried to convert text-only relationships to live interactions before and it has never gone well. In RL, I just prefer my social interactions to be with very small groups of people, ideally that I already know fairly well. Is that the definition of "shy"? Maybe. :D
Of course I have to flex outside of that comfort zone for work, but at least there I have confidence in my role and the value I bring. Keeping SG text-only (or gifs/videos/music/puzzles/whatever) gives a level of un-reality to it that keeps the stress level low. I'm not trying to hide who I am, and for the most part I portray myself on here the way I am in RL...even sharing selfies is fine by me as it's not live interaction.

I'm sure that was more than you wanted, but I felt I need to explain the plight of the introvert :)

8 years ago

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Only if people just use this soundboard:


8 years ago

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Most SG things outside of the forum, and SG steam chat, mostly* end up weird/kinda dead. (EDIT: Besides subSG groups. Because they make their own little community)

SG used to have an official TF2, and no one played on it.
It also had an on site chat thing(think steam chat but on SG). Which some people used, but not really.

8 years ago*

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Closed 8 years ago by Jaxipax.