I'm new here and I would ask you, I gaveaway game called Party of Sin, which is for 14,99 USD and I didn't get any "Received USD" to get higher Contributor amount/value. Is there something like 10:2 = 10 USD for 2 USD (Sent / Received)? Or it has to calculate withing 24hours?


12 years ago*

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There is a restriction no games from Indie Bundles, where you will only get a percentage of the value they are worth, compared to how many games not from bundles you've given away. Search it up, i'm bad at explaining this system

12 years ago

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Oh, thanks, but I didn't get any % from that Value. I've still gotten 0 USD Received. Does that mean I get NO Received USD, because it's from a Bundle?

12 years ago

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Because you're already 30

12 years ago

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When send games from bundles (marked with a * in the giveaway creation drop down list), the first $25 is counted normally. After that point, you gain no more than 20% of any contribution value you already have (which is $5, total of $30 if you stick with just bundle titles).

The only way to raise it to to purchase games that have not been bundled at some point.

12 years ago

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It's a percentage allowed, compared to what games not from a bundle you own. 20%, if I'm right.

Your first $25 given away of bundle games is added without restriction, but after that point, bundle games are only allowed to consist of 20%, compared to games that werent in bundles that you give away. 20% of $25 is $5, it gets added, so you're limited to $30 until you give something away that wasn't in a bundle

12 years ago

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After you gaveaway a non-bundle game your contribution limit for bundle games will increase.

12 years ago

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You got to giveaway non-bundled games to increase the max amount of bundled contrib. Until you do, your contributor for bundled games is capped in 30

12 years ago

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Alright, thanks for telling me, I greatly appreciate that.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by upSint.