One thing I really don't get with some people on here. I can understand blacklisting people for their attitude or stuff they have done.

But why do people you have never met or dealt with before blacklist? I honestly can't figure that out.

As it stands, I know I am now on 2 blacklists and I honestly have no clue why.

<Edited out the names, didn't think it would be offending anyone. Never meant to offend>

I simply to blacklist them as well when I find out, but I really can't figure out the point of when people do it like that. If you don't like my ratio, you have the giveaways done by level which closes out everyone at that level or below.

But to blacklist for no reason, I just don't see the point of it.

What is really the point of blacklisting people you have no dealings with good or bad now do they have a reputation for doing bad things? Literally the only thing on my list here was caused when Steam started region locking games and a mix-up caused by it.

Edit:I found out was a mistake on my part because I thought our level was based on contributions versus our wins when in actuality it was based purely on contributions.

I was always under the assumptions that bad ratios could just be weeded out simply with the level lock. Honest mistake on my part.

Always seemed weird when I would see one and be blocked from someone I never met when I thought they could just level lock it instead. Now I know the level doesn't mean what I thought it meant.

Thank you.

FYI: If you blacklist based on bad ratio. I am a fair target and have no issues with it. Have at it because it is something I will not be able to change easily for a while.

Edit again, went ahead and cleared my blacklist at this point, at least I know why and it is something I can understand now.

8 years ago*

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It's probably your ratio. Whether you agree with it or not, that is likely the reason you have been blacklisted.

What is really the point of blacklisting people you have no dealings with good or bad now do they have a reputation for doing bad things?

There is no "point." People are allowed to blacklist whom they wish. Sometimes, that person will be you.

8 years ago

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If it is the ratio, that is handled by level locking your giveaways. Blacklisting a single person due to that is pointless given all the others.

8 years ago

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This thread will get you guaranteed more blacklists.

8 years ago

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So be it, I just don't understand the point of it. I have never argued with others on here and generally try to help when I can but just seems weird to have that happen to people you never met or talked to on here.

8 years ago

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Your problem is thinking that there must be a point at all.

8 years ago

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I guess, I know I rarely do giveaways due to financial reasons, but if I did, I doubt I would just start blacklisting people at random.

8 years ago

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I am broke as crap, but look at my profile, you are in a good enough country, try Tremorgames.

As he pointed out, everyone's list is their own and they will do whatever they want with it, might not be for reasons you agree with it, but not much you can do about it.

8 years ago

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I do use Tremor games, it is where virtually all my giveaways on here have come from.

How did you do $7k in giveaways? If I added up the value of every game I have on my PC it would be worth just barely that much according to most website calculators

8 years ago

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95% from what i given here and 95% of what i own comes through Tremorgames (aside from desura, gog, and cards i also bought), earned in about 3 years.
I have a steam account for 8 years, but i haven't really started using steam since 3 years ago.

And in the past free paypal credit and bitcoins sometimes were handed out. There is turkdesk on amazon (though haven't tried it myself yet) Being broke doesn't always mean you can't get stuff anyway to giveaway, although it does really depend on country.
Apparently Tremorgames takes a 50% cut on crowdflowe tasks, but if you get a direct account with them you get paid fully.

But what you given away or even your own steam account being worth, needs to be taken with a grain of salt, because of bundles.

8 years ago

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I have had this one about 9 years and did get some stuff back then. I didn't find out about this place till about 2 years ago though.

And the past 4 years now I have been too broke to get crap. Dealing with the Military since 2012 over a spinal injury and they have been trying to say I am fine even though the doctors and surgeons say otherwise.

Thought about some of them but with the way the VA is, I have to be careful of what I do because if I do anything that leaves me with a 1099 tax form, they use the excuse that if I can do that, then I can hold a job.

As it stands, I am trying to survive on less than minimum wage and the last thing I want to do is end up with them using something from the Amazon turks site or something else for them to try telling me that if I can do this 12 hours a month, then I can do it 40 hours per week.

8 years ago

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most website calculatorZ, seriously though:
1) I wouldn't have started a thread for this
2) I wouldn't have added the names of BListers
3) don't worry so much about the BL
4) nobody forces you to do giveaways but everybody decides who he/she let's enter their gibs
5) have a nice day/night :)

8 years ago*

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The cost of my games with sales $2231.

The cost of games on Tremor I have gotten. $2021.

So I guess my costs were estimated pretty accurately.

8 years ago

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It's the amount of games people see :)

8 years ago

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Yeah, can understand that.

I found it on here that my big misunderstanding was I misunderstood what our levels meant. I thought it was based on wins versus contributions when it is based completely solely on contributions.

Was thinking they could just level lock to deal with it just fine when I was wrong.

Edited the top to post that. If this earns me blacklists due to my ratio. I am fine and accept that. Legit reason since I now know the level didn't mean what I thought it did.

8 years ago

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It's really simple, people will keep on blacklisting no matter what crazy reason they can come up with.
Just to make example:
I was blacklisted by 14 people till 30 minutes ago, then I commented this et voila. I am now blacklisted by 15 people :). It's a sport for some, don't bother it. Just enjoy the site, their are lots of really nice people on here too :)

8 years ago

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I know, like talking on the forums from time to time.

Sorry, I know this is massively off topic, but your name reminds me of a girl I knew named Lauren. Used to play Warcraft with her and her Husband years ago. She was born around that year if I remember correctly.

8 years ago

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I can assure you I'm a man :) (last time I checked 100%) My name is Laurens, which is surprisingly for me, mistaken for female Lauren many times since in Belgium I have never ever met a girl who's name is Lauren. Strange but what can you do...
However I did play wow for few years but I never impersonated being a girl lol

8 years ago

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In the US, Lauren is a common girls name. She was a warrior tank. Played it a lot back in the day during TBC. Half the raid was drunk or high while we played except for myself so never made it past Tier 5, but was fun.

8 years ago

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You are the one who does all those puzzle giveaways, correct?

8 years ago

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I have a weekly jigidi thread, and sometimes create seperate topics for a puzzle, correct..

8 years ago

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ratio is not handled by level locking.

get over it. he mostly just thinks: this guy has won enoough. he doesn't have to join any of my giveaways,

8 years ago

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ratio is not handled by level locking.

you could be level 10 ($5k cv) and have leeched $1m of games. just saying

8 years ago

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I was under the assumption that your level was decided by your ratio. If not, how is your level decided?

8 years ago

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What are levels, and how can I increase my level?

8 years ago

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by how much you give away.

8 years ago

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I figured it was decided by how much money you give versus how much you won, didn't know it was based solely on how much you gave.

I won't lie, my ratio is crap. But that is because I am broke as crap in real life due the military trying to ignore their own doctors and trying to leave me for dead as much as they can. Once they get off their butts and do their jobs, I intend to post some. But till then, most I can do is do the occasional giveaway of Tremor purchases.

8 years ago

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The thing is, broke people usually don't own a thousand games... Not that I'm saying you're lying or so, it's just that your amount of games owned speaks another language than what you claim here.

8 years ago

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Virtually all my games on my account come from the free games, Tremor games, and here.

If I took the actual cash I have spent on this account over the course of its entire time, I may have spent maybe $200 over the entire 9 years I have had the account.

8 years ago

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Well then, what keeps you from getting a nice game for someone here instead of yourself then? They have quite cheap and still good titles for a handful of coins there, it really doesn't take much to contribute a little every now and then.

8 years ago

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I guess, may throw up some more over time, but they probably wouldn't be worth more than 100 coins or so at a time. I typically don't get more than that in a day on them recently.

8 years ago

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oh come on, you own lots and lots of more or less expensive games, that were definitely not free. i am against all that blacklist bullshit, and i have nothing against people with bad ratio, but to claim all your games come from tremor is not very believable, if i just take a quick look at your games list. that list looks very much like you would be able to give a little something from time to time, if you were willing to do so.

8 years ago

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I am not kidding. My account is 9 years old, I have spent MAYBE about $200 cash on it entirely in that time. I have been out of work for years now due to a spinal injury and according to my Tremor games account. I have spent roughly $2200 through them since i got my account.

The only games I got cash in it were the Elder Scrolls Collection back when I still had a job before my injury took me out of that. I got the Elder Scrolls Anthology at 50% + Store Discount from Walmart at the time. I got my Elder Scrolls Online when the VA moved me to 100% rating for a few months due to my first surgery. And I also got my Telltale games from Humble Bundle for I think $12 because my nephew was begging for them. And all those together still only cost about $100 combine.

The vast majority past that I got from Tremor games where I currently have a lifetime of about 293,417 coins. Which worked out to about 140 games in total because my profile has my purchase at 14 pages which is 10 purchases per page.

Which games don't you believe I got from it? I got my Fallout collection from them, I got my GTA collection from them, I got my DBZ Xenoverse from it using their custom order tab, got my Bioshocks from them. And according to the Indiegala site, 69 of my games came from their free games.

Let alone the, Orlygift website or all the other little giveaways that come.

Which game don't you think I got from Tremor, here or one of the giveaway sites?

8 years ago

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What about all of the cards that drop from those games?

Should have amounted to a decent amount in your steam wallet. Did you spend that already?

8 years ago

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I have received cards and still have cash left from it, but spent some of it on the DBZ DLC for my nephew. Got the base game on sale with the Tremor custom orders. I am still waiting for him to finish his game and unlock the other slots before I make a character of my own.

Also spent some on the season pass for Borderlands TPS and season pass when they were on sale. Honestly feel ripped off with that. Even on sale, wasn't worth it.

Still have some left though.

Figure I will fix my ratio a little different from what I originally had planned.

My original plan was once the VA finally did their job, I am going to get between 5 to 9 nears of back pay (At year 4 now) and was going to spend about $500 on a final going away since I could more easily get games myself and actually afford to do something away from the house. Take longer but would basically go with Quality over Quantity.

Now, I am deciding I am going to spend maybe 100 tremor coins or so a week putting up a giveaway a week. Will be slow but will do something to help. Already have one up now.

Will be slow and not as much in the quality as I was hoping to go for, but it is something.

8 years ago

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I have received cards and still have cash left from it

Why didn't you mention this before? Seems to directly contradict a lot of your earlier statements.

I'm not trying to knock you, here. But, you only seem to be divulging information as it is slowly dragged out of you. Even you must admit, it does seem odd at how much "didn't occur" to you until you decided to post this thread; a degree of naivete that's a bit out of character.

It's great that you are planning to give more in the future. However, it does seem a big disingenuous-- only after this thread went full churn did you start attempting some damage control. I want to believe your aims are true and not simply trying to deflect some of the hate you are now getting for being self-minded over the years. But truthfully, only time will tell in the regard.

8 years ago*

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Doesn't directly contradict my statements, I made 2 purchases with it. The cards typically only give about 2 to 8 cents each on average after valve takes their cuts.

8 years ago

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I never said stuff didn't occur until I opened this thread. I never even eluded to that. And nothing is being dragged out of me either, I have mentioned on other threads on this very same site that the majority of my purchases come from Tremor games and even my few giveaways I have done came from here.

The whole reason I opened the thread was to ask about being blacklisted by people you never knew and it was because of a personal mistake I had about how our levels worked and thought the levels worked by ratio and not just contributions which basically answered the whole question.

The ONLY thing that changed for me was I now know how levels work and decided to do the trickle of small games to fix the ratio and give back instead of the huge high dollar giveaways I was planning when the VA was done with their crap. That was the only change I made.

Heck, I opened this thread KNOWING I would end up on probably a dozen or more blacklists just opening it. I didn't care about that, I was just really wondering about the topic enough to say screw it, bite the bullet and ask.

Trust me, I have been online since 1995 and been playing games the entire time from Quake 2, to Unreal, to Tetrinet, to WoW. Can't play much in the way of online when it comes to games anymore but can still play single player so long as I can pause. But being hated online has never been a concern cause you need a thick skin to play online to begin with.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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Hmmm? I don't quite get what you wanna say with that statement.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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If it is the ratio, that is handled by level locking your giveaways.

No, it's handled however the giveaway creator wishes, and that includes blacklisting.

8 years ago

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i have to disagree here, having a higher level doesnt have to meen people are having a good ratio, i went to lvl 3 or 4 in most of my public giveaways but still come across alot of people with bad ratio's.

8 years ago

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Yeah, that was my mistake. Was already corrected on it. When I had that corrected, kinda made the rest of it make sense.

8 years ago

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Their ratio is pretty bad, but I've never blacklisted anybody simply for having a bad ratio. And neither do I go around blacklisting people for no reason. Fugus either genuinely doesn't remember or is being disingenuous, although to be fair I'm not much bothered either way...

8 years ago

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I only suggested, not declared. I simply applied Occam's Razor.

8 years ago

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And it was a pretty fair suggestion - I simply thought I'd clarify a few things while I was passing!

8 years ago

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I am not being disingenuous.

To my knowledge, I have never met you on here, never argued on here and the only people I know of off Steamgifts, only one of them would have a reason to blacklist me because me and him have disagreements on the MMO-Champion forums on the Clinton/Trump/Sanders threads and even he doesn't that I know of.

Sorry, but I don't know you and never even knew you till I tried to enter a giveaway and found out I was blacklisted by someone I never knew or met. Couldn't figure out why and then found out the ratio not being a decider in our levels.

But if that isn't the case with you, then I honestly have no clue why you blacklisted me.

8 years ago

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Well, to clarify a few more things...

Both telling people they are blacklisted and not telling people they are blacklisted are things that lead to people being criticised. Going around saying you are blacklisting people is generally considered rude and provoking drama, blacklisting people without saying anything is sometimes considered sneaky or underhanded. As at least somebody will moan whatever I just choose the latter for less arguments and get on with it...

I don't go around blacklisting for no reason (despite the occasional accusation that I do). I don't blacklist people just for having a bad ratio (although it may well be a factor). I do keep a spreadsheet of why I blacklisted people.

You were originally blacklisted for 'Being completely unable to fully read a simple fucking description and not be an asshole'. I'd now have included a link with something like that for extra clarity - but unfortunately you have been on my blacklist for a long time and I didn't do that back then. Although given when you were added and the strength of my comment (I don't usually swear) I suspect I do know what the incident was.

I did wipe most of my blacklist a while back for less drama when I went back to posting trains in discussions. Also it was getting out of hand due to the people that I added for posting giveaways of free games - a pet hate of mine due to the times I have missed out on games that I wanted due to other people grabbing twenty or more keys, but was also something that escalated my blacklist over a hundred.

I left on everybody with a ratio worse than 5 games won to 1 game given and everybody who had me blacklisted (along with a handful for other reasons). I guess you can see where you fell foul there.

Furthermore, I don't like to make high level giveaways as there are plenty of great users at low levels and at least a few assholes at higher levels. Although you do now appear to have realised that has nothing to do with ratio anyway.

Hope this clears things up.

8 years ago

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Would love to read that exchange that earned the blacklisting. At least it is a legit reason. Fine with that.

I am typically not an asshole except in response to another acting the same way. So would like to see it but oh well.

I do hate those who grab crap tons of keys for games. Refuse to do that myself and despise when people do it on Tremor games as well. Have had more than my share of threads in their forums about the resellers.

I have only been a member of this site for 2 years, so probably ended up on it when I first found out about this site and didn't know much about it. Was nice to know why, than you very much.

Question if you don't mind. What do you think the incident was? I probably won't remember it due to how long ago it was, but wouldn't mind hearing it.

Fine by me, cool with it either way. For me, I just really have an issue when something happens around me and not knowing "Why".

8 years ago

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I'd love to provide a link but like I explained I just don't have that. At the time you were blacklisted I was hiding giveaways in flamebait topics that I was posting in the 'puzzles' category of discussions. Some people replied quite strongly without paying attention to the 'puzzle' bit which is where I believe the issue was.

Failing that I can only imagine that the issue related to you ignoring a warning regarding odd region locks, etc in a giveaway - I don't post descriptions like 'I blacklist people who say thanks' or 'post a cat GIF or else', but I may blacklist people who don't pay attention to important information to save myself trouble in the future.

If it is of any consolation, if you had been able to enter the giveaway you would have seen;

"First giveaway is a freebie. I don't have much of a blacklist these days - but I would hate for people to waste their time if they were on it. The rest of the train is SGtools protected because that is what people voted for.

(SGtools giveaway link removed)

Level 1
Given 1 game for every 5 received
No unactivated wins"

So you wouldn't have gotten any further, and that is how all my trains are now...

8 years ago

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I understand perfectly. I have one unactivated win due to a mix-up when steam first put in region locking. The punishment didn't hit till a month or so later and it was too late to try and fix it. So it stayed. I was still relatively new here and didn't read the rules good enough like most do when they go to a new site.

Guy sent me a Russian copy of a game and couldn't activate it. Didn't want him to get in trouble for not sending a game. since he did send it so I marked it as received and put it back up saying I had won it from another and couldn't activate it so put it up with the proper region restrictions.

A few months later, I was infracted for it and got a couple day ban, let them know about it but since it was already done, nothing I could do about it and ate the infraction.

So that is probably why. I am cool with that, I have no issues with ya, Just knowing is the huge thing with me.

8 years ago

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I hadn't even noticed that, I was actually referring to your ratio. And I try and be sympathetic about such things as I like the idea that people may be able to win games who couldn't otherwise afford them, which is why I don't blacklist people just for having a bad ratio and I even have some people on my whitelist who have a bad ratio.

But in my opinion there is more to being a good user here than just having money to spend on giveaways - I struggle to make ends meet myself, I only own as many games as you and the spare cash I have for gaming comes from art commissions. To me as important a part of generosity as giving is letting others win games if you aren't going to play them - and again, although I try and be lenient on that front as I've been criticised for not playing wins in the past that I've actually played in offline mode while travelling or stuck in floods which upset me far more than being publicly called out in this topic, I do still feel that nobody is forcing folks to enter every giveaway and simply being short on cash isn't entirely an excuse for some of the worst ratios that I see here...

8 years ago

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Already figured I would try and spend about 100 coins from Tremor per week on here. Would like to get more quality but what I can do. And I guess any fix to the ratio would be better than nothing.

For me, 100% of my game budget comes this, tremor, and the free stuff. For now, trying to survive off less than minimum wage so zero game budget allowed in cash.

As for me playing the games, the bulk of them aren't for me, they are for the nieces and nephews on another account I have a family share setup with so they can't lose the games if they screw up and give up the account information. The Borderlands, Elder Scrolls, Fallout and stuff like that are mine though.

Not much I can do for side cash at the moment and I suck at art. Last time I tried to draw something was in high school and it was a horse and it ended up looking like a doberman with 20 tails coming out it's butt. And lets just nerve damage sucks as does the VA.

Was nice talking with ya though, thanks for actually giving me a reason. Main thing I wanted. Maybe we can talk again later more casually but going AFK now for a 7 year old to play Roblox.

8 years ago

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I was just curious, I'm pretty sure I was on your blacklist before, but I'm not sure what it was for. When you wiped your blacklist, did you also wipe your spreadsheet? (or do you happen to know why I was blacklisted?

8 years ago

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I'd answer honestly if I could, but I just deleted the entries for people that I removed. I don't remember having an altercation with you and I can't see anything in your profile that would have offended me.

There was an incident where I recommended the site to my cousin and he decided to start off with a giveaway of an AAA title. He got a lot of abuse and sarcasm before the giveaway even ended for making a fake giveaway and ended up giving up on the site and I felt really shitty about recommending the site in the first place and the behaviour of people here.

That was when ZemunBRE and a number of otherwise good users ended up on my shitlist - if I had to guess I'd say you were one of those.

8 years ago

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My ratio used to be a lot worse and I did necropost one time to get a temporary suspension so either of those could've been also the reason. I definitely haven't been abusive towards newcomers...
Thank you for the answer, it's good to know anyway ^_^

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Well, most of the blacklists are always by people that you have never met or dealt with. :P A lot of people blacklist people with bad ratio though, so keep that in mind.

8 years ago

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most of my BL are from my 💩posts and protected trains :D so kinda from ppl I have met :P

8 years ago

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mmm i dont get it myself... but i think putting those names there would give them a legitimate reason to BL u this time xD
if u wanna know maybe privately message them and ask them privately why they did it. sometimes its best to just accept small matters, besides, life is too short to worry about trivial stuff.

8 years ago

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How do you private message someone on the site? Seems weird being that random guy who messages someone on steam.

8 years ago

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well you cant, has to be done on steam, but hey! maybe we need this function on this site. i think it will be useful

8 years ago

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Yes, definitely.

Main 2 things I want, the ability to private message and descriptions on both black and whitelists so people know why.

I remember helping a guy with his computer on here for a few days, that message stream got LONG on the thread.

8 years ago

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It was suggested on multiple occasions but was shot down due to various negative effect this would have on Steamgifts.

8 years ago

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and what would those negative effects be? i think this would solve many problems such as keeping drama away from threads etc.
i mean, of course there would be cons but imo the pros would be worth it right? or am i missing something?

8 years ago

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Hardcore begging and the exact same blacklist drama/potential harassment it would be used for in this case.
But mostly hardcore begging.

8 years ago

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I'd suggest a quick search of the forum to get the big picture. This is a recent mention of this suggestion in which some users debate the subject.

Basically it's not impossible that it could be implemented in the near future since there's no absolute ultimate reason why it shouldn't exist. It would just cause additional ways to break rules, therefore more work for support possibly. It would also be troublesome for some users if they do not want to receive messages or only want to accept messages from certain individual - it would have to be a bit more than just a simple messaging system, since the options to receive/send messages should be customizable. It would probably require some long planning before being implemented in order to insure the system wouldn't be abused.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not necessarily against the idea in general, I just noticed that the suggestion is often disapproved of by the community. Personally, I don't see why anyone would need it since messaging through Steam or by commenting on an old giveaway is enough for me, but I don't see why a messaging system wouldn't be possible if all things considered. :P

8 years ago

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You can only use an old public giveaway, usually others don't look at those.
I said usually, Mully.

8 years ago*

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Wouldn't be able to comment if they are blacklisted.

8 years ago

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Is Rozier even around these days, anyway?

8 years ago

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She isn't as far as I know.

8 years ago

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Nope, she left sg.

8 years ago

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You are on my blacklist to be honest, your ga ratio in combination with your amount of games you own on Steam made me put you there.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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At least I have a reason from you and I respect that.

My games are typically got from Tremor games, so no cash involved, but can understand and respect it.

Honestly would be happy if they just gave a description in the blacklists so you could list WHY they blacklisted you.

8 years ago

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Honestly would be happy if they just gave a description in the blacklists so you could list WHY they blacklisted you.

While I agree it would be nice to see why you was blacklisted, something like that would probably get abused a lot to insult people etc. But a simple checkbox could go a long way (just put in ratio, behaviour etc).

8 years ago

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Just whitelisted people on this forum with good ratio, and blacklisted one guy. ;)

8 years ago

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You are also on my Blacklist. And your ratio didn't get you there, you need to have broken a rule in the past to get on my Blacklist. My old tags are gone, so I can't tell you what got you there, but if it wasn't unactivated wins / duplicate wins / regifting, then you likely posted something you shouldn't have, such as a ref link or a post that came across as begging for games.

Also, why do this?

I simply to blacklist them as well when I find out

You don't do giveaways we could enter.

8 years ago

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I do them rarely. I did get a single infraction once when steam put in their region locks and I ended up getting a Russian game I couldn't redeem.

The giveaways I do do is from the Tremor website. So even then, the overall dollar value of them would be virtually none.

8 years ago

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Sometimes it's not about the actual value of things someone gifts, but the pure effort of giving back something to a community of which you took a lot from.

8 years ago

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You're talking about me around you. >:D

8 years ago

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+1 I never look at the value of games given but at the amount. I don't care if they're all € 1 games or 60.

8 years ago

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I mean with 1 dollar you can get 3 games on humblebundle right now, there are sales pretty much every day and with a few bucks you can even get great games to giveaway (like pony island).

It takes very little to show support to the community, to show that you care. Honestly I would blacklist op as well but that's for another day.

edit: I forgot about cards, they are a great way to get a few bucks as well, especially since free games with cards are extremely common, farm them -> sell -> buy something cheap on the steam store.

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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Make more giveaways - make puzzles, make little events. Set up a topic and give 2-3 game along those lines. Make a jididy, or a simpler it's too hard puzzle. There are so many ways to make yourself more fun, not by just throwing giveaways by a dozen

8 years ago

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I am planning on trying to throw up a giveaway a week from Tremor. It will end up being the cheap games if I can keep to it.

I would rather go with more quality but I am broke and about 95% of the value of my account actually comes from Tremor games. Just checked my account and about 140 of my games come directly from Tremor games and the bulk of them are the actual games of value on it.

Will just throw up the 100 coin or so games to throw up something. Might miss a week at a time or so given RL and all, but better than nothing.

I love the puzzle giveaways though, the 400+ piece puzzle ones typically, I think these would be the only blacklists that would bug me, the ones from the "IsItHard" side or whatever it is called,don't care for them so much. Would love to see a Sudoku puzzle for them too, but doubt they have them anyways.

8 years ago

Comment has been collapsed. just don't forget about it, because it can be used for various nice reasons.
Basically you can add text, pictures, even sounds files, then ask question(s) and set up what's the good answer(s), and if someone answers correctly, get the text that you put into it previously. You can make a quiz, filter out bots because they can't really give an answer, even if you mention the solution in the description. You can play that the user is Snake and have to enter the password from the topic to continue while undercover on a mission. It can be a great part of an immersive puzzle/experience :)

8 years ago

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Yeah happened to me with a user and I asked about it even i don't ask the reason. I just let people know when i find out. :D But coming from a person first time i have seen, made me wonder. :p And he/she didn't remember why. :(

8 years ago*

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What's the point of giving away games too, right?
People can do whatever they want with their games, if they don't want specific users to win their games, what's the problem?
Whether they don't like your ratio, your posts, or your name, it's up to them.

I'm on a lot more than 2 blacklists, it doesn't matter. If someone doesn't like me, I'd rather not win their giveaway, that would be weird. I try not to focus on things I have no control over, and a stranger disliking me is one of them. Maybe you care more about it, it's fine - you do you.

But calling out specific users in public just seems immature.

Edit: I notice you don't thank people after winning their GAs. That can't help.

8 years ago*

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Copying this where I said it somewhere else in this post but.....

I have once or twice, but just seemed weird especially when I know half the other "Thanks" on the lists aren't even from the people but from the addons doing it automatically for them.

Felt less of a actual thank you and more like I was joining a bot chain mail. When I met with them on steam or anything. I always made sure to thank them in person.

8 years ago

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Come on. >cringes< That's an excuse. A half-assed one at that. You're not 10.

Showing gratitude when someone gives you something should not be situational. Make it something personalized if you don't want it to look like a bot. I mean, if you enter a GA, you should at least be ready to take 10 seconds to come up with something nice when you win.

You're old enough to have a nephew, as I can see. I hope he's raised to be properly grateful to people.

8 years ago

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Yes, I am an old person and I try to be thankful. But I typically don't think about it on the giveaways when it is lost in the crowds of bots. Even on the few giveaways I have done. I didn't really check the posts afterwards, I didn't post it for the appreciation. I posted it to give back something.

8 years ago

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You could always thank them on the giveaway, even if you feel it seems 'bot-like' and then also thank them on Steam/afterwards when you receive the gift.

8 years ago

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I have done that when I exchange on steam. But you can't just message them a simple thank you on steam without having to go through all the stuff of adding them to your friends list first.

8 years ago

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I don't remember for sure but I think almost all the gifts I've won the user has added me on Steam before sending. I do recall one was sent by e-mail but I both replied letting them know I was thankful and I think Steam automatically made us friends once I accepted the gift.

Also, I'd say the hassle is the least someone can go through considering they're getting a game for free.

8 years ago

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Not mine, most of mine were all keys given directly through Steam Gifts, I have had a few that were through emails to Humble Bundle or something and some that were trades. But the bulk of mine were just straight keys through the site.

8 years ago

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I see, that does pose a bigger problem but then it jus goes back to posting after the giveaway on the giveaway to thank the creator for their generosity.

8 years ago

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Bot's do not thanks after winning, and I guess Lady was saying about saying thanks AFTER winning, so not so much effort, and you can personalize it...but that's you free choice, no one can force you to. I personally don't care much about that, but I did few trains in which I stated that I appreciate simple gratitude after winning and it may save from BL. And mostly it worked...mostly...People tend to not read even if it's prerequisite

8 years ago

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This is one of my primary reasons for blacklisting - if someone can't take the few seconds to thank me on the GA page after redeeming my gift to them, then they won't win anymore games from me. Btw, I give everyone seven days to thank - after that I go back through my GA's and if there isn't a thank-you, then I update my BL.

Manners matter :-)

8 years ago

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Well, if it makes you feel better, I blacklisted you just now due to your abysmal ratio and for calling users out. So there, there's a reason.

Also: "I simply to blacklist them as well when I find out" Feel free, it doesn't seem like you'll ever have much to offer.

Edit: I will say though, it would be nice to know why people have blacklisted me, especially considering I go out of my way to be as kind as possible, even to go as far as to keep most opinions to myself. I guess most are revenge blacklists from people with bad ratios.

Editedit: Well, out of curiousity, I went through my entire blacklist, I actually found a fair few people that didn't really belong there, or at least, I'd forgotten, so I've removed them, hope that at least cheer up their day a bit. I also found a few people who did blacklist me though, most of them were on my blacklist and I never revenge blacklist, so I guess that answers why I was. Some of those people were unblacklisted, so here's hoping it was a revenge blacklist so they can see their mistake. :o

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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You shouldn't keep your opinions to yourself for the sake of not getting blacklisted. Be a man goddammit!
kidding about the being a man part of course

8 years ago

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I don't mean it literally, but I do try to keep my way out of arguments or anything too serious. Genuinely don't want to hurt anyones feelings on this site, as I wouldn't really like anyone to hurt me either. It's less about being blacklisted and more... finding a nice quiet corner of the forum I can fit into.

Something like karma I guess.

8 years ago

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+1 I don't care what people think. They're my opinions and if you don't like them, too bad for you.

8 years ago

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The older I get, the more it seems like that the main driving force behind most of the human actions is: "Because I could." Or, how I like to call it: "Why the fuck not?" Blacklisting here is the same.

8 years ago

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Welcome to my WL :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I don't think forcing yourself to be kind or keeping your opinions to yourself is necessarily a good thing ;x.
Some people are always so nice and agreeable with everything, and it comes off as more threatening because it just feels super weird, like they have a hidden agenda.
Just a random passing though, I didnt BL you or anything :^)

8 years ago

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I wouldn't say forcing yourself is a good thing but I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing to not post when you're not going to be saying anything quite nice. I do see what you mean with the hidden agenda thing although I just never trust anyone at the start anyhow, no matter how nice ^.^

8 years ago

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you could try and say thanks for the games that you win... maybe that's also the reason.

8 years ago

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I have once or twice, but just seemed weird especially when I know half the other "Thanks" on the lists aren't even from the people but from the addons doing it automatically for them.

Felt less of a actual thank you and more like I was joining a bot chain mail. When I met with them on steam or anything. I always made sure to thank them in person.

8 years ago

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I was talking about thanking after you win, not before like the bots do.

8 years ago

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ah, never really thought about that.

8 years ago

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Thanking people who send you a gift, never thought about that? Where were you raised?

8 years ago

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Wellll, yes.

8 years ago

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No, I thank them when I can. If I exchange it through steam, I thank them.

If I could send them a private message on here for winning, I would. But can't private message on here and can't on steam either without adding them to friends list first.

I have no problem with the manners, I just didn't really see it much when I was about 95% sure they would never see it anyways and the few giveaways I have done I have never really looked much at the posts anyways as I figure most of them are automated responses anyways.

8 years ago

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You make quite a lot of assumptions to avoid spending ten seconds to thank someone

8 years ago

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Easiest is to just thank them on the giveaway you just won.

8 years ago

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Then you should be happy you didn't get blacklisted a dozen times more. Though I'm sure right now, everyone that's read this thread have put you on their BL, either because of your terrible ratio or because you've admitted being a lazy guy with no manners.

8 years ago

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I have no issues with the blacklist.

But the whole, no manners bit, I have no issues with manners and anyone who typically talk to me online will typically vouch for. I just never figured that joining a hundred bots saying thank you would matter much when most would never read it anyways.

As I said, if they had a private message thing, I would have gladly messaged each one and thanks them personally. But that isn't an option.

Even posted at the top of this in the edit. If you black list based on bad ratio, have at it. Does not bother me in the slightest.

8 years ago

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As I said, that sure is a lot of assumptions to avoid ten seconds of effort. Good manners are typically defined as going out of your way to be nice to others.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I would be so happy if my winners would reply sometimes when they play the game - just how they found it, did they enjoy or not... a very few people did and it's such a great feeling when there's a reply on a totally forgotten giveaway, about how they liked it ^_^

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I just didn't really see it much when I was about 95% sure they would never see it anyways

How would they never see it? I always see it when people thanked me, even if there are a lot of thanks messages. I go through every single message I get, especially when one of my GA's ended.

I'm sorry, but that's just no excuse not to thank someone. And even if they never see it, at least you don't come across as a total jerk then...

You"re now on my BL btw (because of the ratio and this issue)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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No, no, now it must be:


8 years ago

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Is that what the youngsters are up to nowadays xD

8 years ago

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I wouldn't quite say I'm a youngster but it is the new cool around here ;)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I can't keep up with your coolness :(

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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damn, every time you post one of these I don't know if I should smile or bust a tear... those assholes from FOX.

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8 years ago

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yeah, every time i think about that....

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8 years ago

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I didn't read your whole post. In the midtime, while i was reading, I checked your ratio. You are also saying that you don't like to say "thanks" unless you meet them in person, wich is highly unprobable, and I know that it's not mandatory but it's nice and some people think that the people who don't say thanks are rude.

But, like I said, I stopped reading because my guts were telling me it was your ratio.

If you don't mind my asking, how many blacklists did you gain because of this thread?

8 years ago

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No clue, if I get blacklisted, I get blacklisted. I don't mind it. My big issue was getting blacklisted for reasons that didn't make sense or none given.

I found out above it was a mistake on my part because I thought our level was based on contributions versus our wins when in actuality it was based purely on contributions.

I was always under the assumptions that bad ratios could just be weeded out simply with the level lock. Honest mistake on my part.

But as I said, I have no issues with being blacklisted for legitimate reasons. Just always seemed weird when I would see one and be blocked from someone I never met when I thought they could just level lock it instead. Now I know the level doesn't mean what I thought it meant.

8 years ago

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Thing is there are no legitimate reasons, just personal reasons. You can agree with that reasons or not. Some people can blacklistyou for your ratio or some people can blacklist you for your avatar. You can agree or not, but its the blacklister choice.

8 years ago

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I understand people have their reasons, but the whole being blacklisted by people you never met due to reasons you don't know bugged me.

But found out the reason and that our levels didn't mean what I thought it did which is what I had messed up on figuring the reason out.

8 years ago

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You know people can blacklist you after seeing you say something right? You may never have seen that person on here, but if they blacklist you, they have seen you.

8 years ago

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I understand that. As I said. I have no issues with being on peoples blacklists. I just couldn't understand the logic of it at the time.

Learned it was due to a mistake of my own on how the level worked and that the ratio thing wouldn't be dealt with by a level lock.

If I get blacklisted by them for a legitimate reason, then that as their choice and I have no problem with it as I actually understand the logic behind it.

For me, just not being able to understand the logic behind it bugged me till I figured out my mistake on how the level worked. And while I do plan on fixing my ratio at a later date, won't be able to do that for years according to the lawyers as I will be too broke till then. Most I would be able to do was pepper the site with 50-100 coin giveaways I bought from Tremor once a week which I guess I can start doing I guess. But would rather be able to post stuff more people would want.

8 years ago

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I really think you shouldn't raise that question on forums...
Now you'll be blacklisted for LOTS of people that you don't know for LOTS of different reasons.

8 years ago

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Super cool avatar!

8 years ago

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But to blacklist for no reason, I just don't see the point of it.

BL someone for no reaseon is a reason..
Who knows ppl BL someone for fun or for sport ¯_(ツ)_/¯

8 years ago

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There always will be some people who will blacklist somebody for whatever reason. And i'm 100% sure that most of 10 level users got more blacklists than 0 level "stealth" leecher, because they're more active on forum, more people could find whatever reason to blacklist them etc. =)
edit: got another blacklist instantly after my post as a prove, yay

8 years ago*

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!st rule about BL Club, you don't talk about BL Club.

Accept your faith, move on, be happy.

8 years ago*

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but you talked about it right now :O

8 years ago

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How do you even find out who you're BL'd by? :S

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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You don't officially, it is just random if you try to enter a giveaway and it tells you you can't because you've been blacklisted.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Edit: your ratio is pretty bad, who know who will blacklist you now.

8 years ago

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now you will be in more blacklists :3 💔

anyway, people don't get this. anything you do here can be seen by others. i have blacklisted way more people that are rude to others, than to me. there's no need to interact with someone to dislike him/her.

people don't say they blacklisted you because it's a pretty dumb thing to do.

hey random user #54874566754 welcome to my bl!

only a few megapeasants on steamgifts do that.

8 years ago

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I think I would become a megapeasant when actually finding out someone bl-ed me and still entered my giveaway yesterday :steamfacepalm:

8 years ago

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revenge blacklisting doesn't count towards your megapeasant progression

we can now reply with a black heart instead! >:3


8 years ago

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also: enhanced :steamfacepalm:
🤦 lol

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Well played.

8 years ago

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How many multiple accounts are there on SteamGifts if there are at least 54874566754 users?

I have to agree that there doesn't have to be any direct user interaction but more if your general interactions are seen.

I also think people don't need to say they blacklisted you but I can see why sometimes it might be nice to know in the rare occurrences that it isn't plainly obvious to you if it's something that can improve you as a person!

8 years ago

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From time to time I feel the urge to manifest my blacklisting. So far I did it to two users, the first is a famous duck and the second is an annoying Greek leach. Not you Shamrock <3. I do it as a "Pls BL me, pls" post though. :P

8 years ago

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I'm very lazy to explain my thoughts and this is the closest of em all.
yo the real mvp mully

8 years ago

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Is there a way to see who have blacklisted or whitelisted me? :P This topic got me curious!

8 years ago

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No, there is no official way to find out that information. You can see the number of users that have blacklisted/whitelisted you though.

8 years ago

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where do I see that? Also thanks for the reply <3

8 years ago

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Just to add, you can get there by clicking on the arrow next to your username (at the top right of the page) and then click the "My Stats" page.

8 years ago

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Here. Scroll down a bit.

8 years ago

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slow pony :P

8 years ago

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Well, over 30, you start to become slower…

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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It's most definitely your ratio. SG is secretly a trade website: every time you win a game you have to give more games back, otherwise you're a terrible person and don't deserve to enter people's giveaways.

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8 years ago

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Wait... no puzzle or hidden gib? :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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But... Does that then work the other way around as well? :p

8 years ago

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You mean every time you give a lot of games you win a game back? Yeah, then everybody loves you. :P

8 years ago

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More blacklists for you now

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8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Fugus.