I call haxx on those numbers >_< no way they are that well rounded. Also we should definetely set a limit for the number of times a user can be black- or whitelisted. Just for the fun of it.
System message: Your attempt to blacklist user B has been invalid. He's already on to many lists.
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Believe it or not, but I've had 100 WL / 25 BL recently. The ratio has changed a bit since then, but it's still 4 to 1 if I round it as well :)
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Your wall of text broke me. I stopped reading at Yuni. (I think she is a wonderful human being and she has my full respect)
Don't give much attention to blacklists, I'm on 24 of them, but life isn't about who dislikes you. It's about who thinks you are a nice person, so whitelists are the thing that matters.
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I don't mind them and knew I would be added to a lot more on here by posting this.
For me, the whole point is basically just not knowing. Would rather take a loss asking why than to sit there and wonder some of the time.
I agree, I was friends with them for a while, then I was offline for maybe a month or so during Summer break with family, then when I logged back on steam, they were no longer on my friends list and was blacklisted on here. Never told me why.
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I know, being blacklisted doesn't bother me in the slightest emotionally. Just don't care that much because I know I am not some huge part of this.
For me, the whole thing of not knowing why is something that can bug me, even if it is something trivial.
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I know, being blacklisted doesn't bother me in the slightest emotionally.
This is quite obviously untrue. See: this thread.
For me, the whole thing of not knowing why is something that can bug me, even if it is something trivial.
Welcome to life.
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Topics like that will surely get you a nice pile of blacklists that's for sure.
I'm in like 300 blacklists or somthing close to that number but I hardly care about most of them .
The whole blacklist thing isnpurelya based user opinion and it can be for the most random thing ever .
Some guy blacklist because I said greenlight is full of shit games nowadays , but that game looks okay on some giveaway for a recently released game . Somehow that offended him .
I get blacklisted everybtime I call someone on poor ratio aswell ( like I honestly can't understand how ppl who won 100+games in 6 months can't make like 2-3 gibs a month with the money from the cards.....) but again who cares .
I recently got like 100 count to the blacklist cause I flamed a guy who technically deserved it ,but again my bad I guess that offended them in some way ¯_(ツ)_/¯.
Also fuck autocorrect I'm not fixing all traumatic mistakes , blacklists nazis .
Honestly tho don't , it doesn't rly matter so don't care about it too mch ....
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Blacklisting is a tiny morsel - a small taste - to being a god on the Internet and some people have used the blacklisting power without constraints. To send a person to damnation because of the person's avatar picture or a certain opinion is as close to feeling godly as the blacklister will be.
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You know what, fuck this shit. I go the trouble of posting some giveaways and I get publicly called out for blacklisting people somebody for no reason when actually it was because of them causing shit in my previous giveaways and then morons who have no idea what they are talking about decide to jump in and throw insults as well. That is absolutely the last time I post a giveaway train in discussions just to get shit for it. I hope that makes you feel godly, asshole.
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It was probably an overreaction. But I think up to that stage I had been remarkably tolerant about having a call out thread naming me personally and (in my opinion) full of disinformation sitting in the middle of discussions. When I woke up this morning and the first thing I saw was that ill-informed abuse I just slightly popped a cog for a moment. I've had my extra-strong coffee now...
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Happens far too often to be honest, good people get called out for literally no reason or their attempts at nice gestures or events get shit on by people who feel excluded(even if its for a good reason). I've whitelisted you if its any consolation at all, I feel your pain.
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Didn't mean to cause issues man, sorry. Honestly just didn't see the problem with talking about someone by name if the thread is someone related to them unless it was meant to be some secret or something.
I have no problem with you, I have no problem being blacklisted by you or anyone else. For me it is the whole thing about not knowing why and wanting to know.
If you want, I could edit the description and take your name off if you would like?
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The train I posted has 90 comments. This topic has 205 comments. Many people round these parts prefer blacklist drama to giveaways and it tends to escalate quickly.
I do blacklist people. It's an emotive issue and I try not to do it frivolously - but I've made nearly 700 giveaways and I've seen a lot of shit. It isn't much fun to give a game to a massive rulebreaker when there are plenty of good users. I like to share my art and other things in the trains I make and because of that I've had people take disputes on my social media - so if people or going to be abusive or cause other kinds of trouble I'll exclude them as well. I'd prefer to exclude the minority of users rather than the majority which is why I prefer blacklisting to high level giveaways, etc. I still don't actually have many people on my blacklist.
It's really easy for people to say they have been blacklisted for no reason though - and there are always plenty of folks here ready to side with them without worrying about any facts. I've stopped making public giveaways before now and even avoided the site completely for months at a time because of that kind of shit. I've had notorious trade scammers saying I blacklisted them for no reason and I haven't been able to defend myself because of the no calling out rule and taken a lot of shit over it from people eager to jump in.
Why would somebody make giveaways when it feels like you are just putting yourself in the firing line for a load of shit? And if it isn't about blacklisting some folks will always find something else to complain about...
I really don't want to sound like I'm whining, especially when you consider yourself the wronged party here. Just trying to explain things from my point of view.
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No, don't sound like you are whining on here, I understand it just fine how annoying it gets when people claim you slighted them. Back in my old WoW days I had that happen plenty when I used to run or help run group stuff and it gets annoying when people claim you screwed them over when you didn't.
For me with the thread, the whole thing of just not knowing is one of the big things that bug me. Never meant to annoy, offend or insult. If I did, I apologize.
The whole thing with the level did let me know one thing I was wrong on.
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Slight off topic since people keep mentioning saying thank you on the giveaways were so important, ended up creating a test somewhat.
Will be interesting to see the results.
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There are a lot of bots and scripts, but myself I've always been surprised by how many people actually pay attention to something interesting. But I think for most people the big issue is saying thanks after you win.
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I thank people personally whenever I get the chance which is typically only when we trade through steam. But on here, you can't do personal messages or I would every time and I can't do it through steam without having to first add them through a friends list or anything.
And honestly, have only rarely ever done it through the giveaway itself because of how it seems like it is mostly automated and would be pointless and rarely if ever seen. I know when I do my giveaways, I think this might be the first one where I actually pay attention to the thanks for the test. Outside of that, I rarely even look.
I am wondering what the end result of this will show. So far it is at 27 entries with one person who responded in fashion with the description.
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LOL. My post was not intended for anyone but for OP who needed an explanation why people blacklist for no reason - to feel god-like on the Internet. I want you take the last sentence back in your comment.
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Why am I an asshole for explaining to the OP how blacklisting works for people who use it without morals?
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People do not get blacklisted for no reason. It doesn't happen. People do not simply randomly appear on other peoples blacklists. It might not be a good reason or a reason you like but if you really think people get blacklisted for no reason then you are a moron.
But for some reason there are always people ready to complain about getting blacklisted for no reason. And then there always assholes ready to wade in and start throwing about insults and half-baked theories without paying any attention to what might be going on.
And if you are going to wade into a topic about me called out by name allegedly blacklisting people for no reason and start with your idiot abuse - and it is idiot abuse with no basis in fact or reason - then obviously I'm going to take offence.
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It's clearly immoral because it interferes with the fundamental human right of certain entitled twats to win all those free games that magically appear out of thin air.
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@OP: Blacklisted you after reading this thread because you are a leecher, called out some great people like heavenhairsixes, are a crybaby and it also looks like you are a liar.
The community and this site would be so much better if you would just leave and never return. There you go. Satisfied now? Thank you for your revenge blacklist. This will really hurt me that I can't participate in the one giveaway that you do every four months.
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I know a lot of people have said it before, but naming people who blacklisted you is probably not a good idea. Also isn't consider like calling out? Anyways, I know I wouldn't like it if it was my name up there, not that I have anything to hide, but I feel like that is between you and them and the whole community doesn't need to be party to that. Also 2 blacklist is really nothing...
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Sorry, I just never really saw it as an issue. For me, I have never had an issue with someone using my name mentioning in something unless it was trying to insult or anything.
Never really thought about that.
Never meant to offend, I wasn't insulting anyone, I was asking a question and mentioning the 2 people I know of that had done it. I guess I can edit it out. Might be just me, but I have never really had an issue with anyone mentioning me by name for a question, it was only if they were trying to lie or insult that it became an issue.
Will edit out the names.
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It's not you personally, but the rule is there for a reason. You didn't meant to be insulting and I understand that but if everybody started doing that it would create way to much drama, so it's best to just not name people. Same as to why you can't see who blacklisted you.
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I guess. I understand not informing when you were blacklisted, that would make for issues when many take stuff too personally.
For me, this entire thread would have never existed if they had just given options to put in a description or a drop down list for why you were blacklisted.
The whole thing of not knowing what you did to them or even remember ever meeting them is what bugged me.
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I understand, I mean sometime I also wonder why people blacklisted me, but at the same time, I'm not sure that knowing would make me feel better, so I just find it easier to just not bother with it. Anyway it's not like there's a lack of giveaways to enter and if they don't want me to enter their GAs, it's ok, it really not that big of a deal in the end.
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The blacklist itself doesn't bother me. If they did, I wouldn't have done this knowing I just added myself to others in the process just asking. The only blacklist that would would be from the Lugum guy who does the puzzles because I love puzzles and the giveaway at the end is a bonus to me. And to be honest, his puzzles are more entertaining than the ones I typically see on the site unless I wanted to go out of my way looking for ones more my style.
Just something about me where my curiosity kinda has me wondering and not knowing really bugs me. It's not even that knowing would make me feel better, just that not knowing bugs me, almost like an OCD thing for me.
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I thought we moved on from the Blacklist/whitelist drama? Also, if you don't want blacklists buddy, don't make a blacklist thread and don't let your ratio be 139/5?
Come on guys, it's not rocket science.
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One thing I really don't get with some people on here. I can understand blacklisting people for their attitude or stuff they have done.
But why do people you have never met or dealt with before blacklist? I honestly can't figure that out.
As it stands, I know I am now on 2 blacklists and I honestly have no clue why.
<Edited out the names, didn't think it would be offending anyone. Never meant to offend>
I simply to blacklist them as well when I find out, but I really can't figure out the point of when people do it like that. If you don't like my ratio, you have the giveaways done by level which closes out everyone at that level or below.
But to blacklist for no reason, I just don't see the point of it.
What is really the point of blacklisting people you have no dealings with good or bad now do they have a reputation for doing bad things? Literally the only thing on my list here was caused when Steam started region locking games and a mix-up caused by it.
Edit:I found out was a mistake on my part because I thought our level was based on contributions versus our wins when in actuality it was based purely on contributions.
I was always under the assumptions that bad ratios could just be weeded out simply with the level lock. Honest mistake on my part.
Always seemed weird when I would see one and be blocked from someone I never met when I thought they could just level lock it instead. Now I know the level doesn't mean what I thought it meant.
Thank you.
FYI: If you blacklist based on bad ratio. I am a fair target and have no issues with it. Have at it because it is something I will not be able to change easily for a while.
Edit again, went ahead and cleared my blacklist at this point, at least I know why and it is something I can understand now.
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