Okay, it's been a while since I've done any giveaways, and since the last (and also first) time I made a puzzle it was very cool to see how you guys got involved, I decided to play a little game with you.

The rules are very simple, you have to answer the following question:

Which is the greatest game of all time?

But of course, it won't be so easy, right? First of all, the correct answer is the game that I think is the greatest of all time, so you'll have to get inside my mind. And now, for the rules:

  • Each user only gets ONE chance to guess. Any user commenting twice with guesses will get blacklisted. This rule won't apply if any subsequent comments don't contain any guesses (discussion, memes, cat gifs, etc are safe) BUT they can't be first-level comments, but replies to other comments instead.
  • Your answer must contain the game's name (just one), and also a minimum contributor level.
  • You can't edit your answer. Any user editing their answer will get the same treatment as the ones double-guessing. If you make a typo, I believe I'm smart enough to understand what you were trying to say, so keep the typo there.
  • This game will only last for 4 hours, counting from the moment I hit Create Discussion. Any answers outside that time frame won't count.

If you manage to find the correct answer, I will create a public giveaway for the game, with the minimum contributor level specified by the first user who got it right, lasting for... I don't know, a week maybe. If no one gets it right when the 4 hours run out, I will create a Bad Rats giveaway instead.

Ready? You have 240 minutes, guys and gals, get your detective hats on!


Of course, and without any room for doubt, the greatest game ever to be made is Final Fantasy VII.

But you see, this game was a psychological test and a social experiment more than just a plain quiz. I absolutely love this community, but there are two things I can't stand of it, even if they are seen not so frequently: selfishness and elitism.

People who take these kinds of opportunities to ask for just the level they are, and people who ask for unreasonable levels, have been blacklisted, just for this particular giveaway, since no one deserves to pay forever for a single mistake. You dug through my profile: if I'm level 3, what's the sense of asking for a level 7 GA? SteamGifts, from my point of view, is a community about giving, and it's only logical to do GAs for lower levels than your own. All my public GAs have been level 0, just like this one will be.

On the other hand, people with a higher CV than what they asked for, and generally selfless givers, have been whitelisted.

Don't overestimate CV. Many people at high level have done a lot of private group grinding (where they ask other members to give too just so they don't "lose anything" in the process of getting level 10). And, of course, don't be selfish in life would be the main bottom line of this thread. I doubt I reached a big audience by doing this experiment, but man it felt good.

And without further ado, click below to get to the promised giveaway!

Final Fantasy VII

9 years ago*

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Prison Architect lvl 2

9 years ago

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Aww man, I was looking what isn't posted yet and then suddenly it hit 4 hours ago ._.

9 years ago

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I'll be doing some black magic and I'll get back at you soon by editing the OP.

No blacklisthammer below this point, troll freely :D

9 years ago

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"Troll freely," he says. HAHAHA, that's awesome XD

I look forward to seeing what the answer was! Was it Hunie Pop? Was it a game that I absolutely love, was it something I'd never play, or a game I'm not familiar with? Maybe it's one I own, but haven't played... or something I can't stand!

Eagerly waits to see

9 years ago

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It was something I think you'd like to play, if you don't win this time, I hope there's a summer sale! :P

9 years ago

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Absolutely! The Summer Sale will be (hopefully! EPIC! :D

9 years ago

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Let's get down to business.

9 years ago

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When somebody loved me.

9 years ago

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Look at me, I will never pass for a perfect bride.

9 years ago

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I can show you the world.

9 years ago

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There's a calm surrender.

9 years ago

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The seaweed is always greener.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

9 years ago

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I'm about to lose my mind.
You've been gone for so long.
I'm running out of time.
I need a Doctor.
Call me a Doctor.
I need a Doctor... Doctor...
To bring me back to life.

9 years ago

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Without a thought, without a voice, without a soul
Don't let me die here
There must be something more
Bring me to life

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

9 years ago

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Save me Save me Save me
I can't face this life alone
Save me Save me Oh...
I'm naked and I'm far from home

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

9 years ago

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You having fun there? :P

9 years ago

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You betcha! I love music, too! :D

9 years ago

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And you're offline too! Hard at work? :P

9 years ago

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siigh Just taking a quick break, then back to it~!

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

9 years ago

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ANNNND it's done! Enjoy the giveaway and feel free to vent any possible frustration below this point!

9 years ago

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Now that that's all taken care of.
What is your favorite game?

9 years ago

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Bad Rats.

DIdn't you read the wall of text I wrote? D:

9 years ago

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I did, but my RAM can only contain about 5 minutes of data.

9 years ago

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Good experiments, great conclusions, amazing giveaway! Thanks.
Damn, I should have guessed that the game you was refering was FF7. A lot of gamers from our country love that game. I never played it, here is a good chance to do it!

9 years ago

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Yup, this would've been my guess if someone didn't mention it before I found your topic. You had too many JRPGs in your most-played & wishlist for football manager to get the #1 spot :P Thanks!

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by hezur6.