As you all know, PTDE is no longer available on steam store, here is your chance to get it for really cheap price
It is steam key

6 years ago

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404 page introuvable.

Oups, il semblerait que vous ayez la mauvaise adresse

oui oui baguette

6 years ago

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yeah it initially loads and then gives the oops page. i think it may be a regionally restricted offer

Edit: deal for UK users:

(same as I paid for it about 5 years back)

6 years ago*

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Hey, any idea if it's region locked? Also, would this be $5 in US, 5 Euro in Europe, and £5 in UK?

6 years ago

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no idea. I get the impression the offer may not be available in the US though (some friends could not see a discount on the US page), so codes might be EU or non US only. Havent bought it to test as I already own the game and dont have the spare byms to bag a gift copy this week.

6 years ago

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I'm from Argentina and I redeemed it without any problems
EDIT: I didn't installed it yet, but I don't think that it would have any problems, it's already in my library

6 years ago

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Page won't load for me and I'm in the U.S.

6 years ago

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Thanks for the replies, I tried to check the US page too and you're right, looks like it's just EU and UK. The pages usually only load for your region. If you're outside of the US accessing the US page, it redirects, if you're outside of the EU accessing the EU page it shows the 404 error.

6 years ago

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You need to use a VPN to buy the game.

6 years ago

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bought,look like row key,work from Hong Kong regional

6 years ago

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how about the address and phone in the infomation step? Do you need to use VPN or something?

6 years ago

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doesn't need VPN ,address and phone just simply put some random word

6 years ago

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Thank you, i bought it XD

6 years ago

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Already have it so it must have been in a bundle or very cheap a while ago.

6 years ago

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They gave it out from a Golden Joystick promotion a couple of years ago.

6 years ago

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Discount code: WELCOME10 => 4.49 €

6 years ago*

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5 euro cheap ?

6 years ago

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Yes, especially it not.being discounted for.2-3 yearss.

6 years ago

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€4.99/€4.49 isn't exactly a "really cheap price", IMO. Would have liked to see €1 or €2, but I guess €5 is decent. Thanks for the heads-up!
Note to self: 14 day "flash sale", 13 days to decide.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago*

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"You have placed an order on our Store and we thank you for that.

Your order needs some additional checking by our services to be validated. During our verification, we may need to contact you to get further information.

At the end of this verification and subject to the approval of your order, you will receive an order confirmation email.
The verification of your order generally comes a couple of hours after this email.
We will come back to you within 48 hours. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us and we will be happy to assist you.

The BANDAI NAMCO Official Store Team"

This seems rather shady. Especially since they already asked for a phone number to send an SMS with the "verification code". I did that and now they still want me to wait anywhere between two hours to a couple of days for even more bloody checks and balances? What gives?

EDIT: Nevermind, the email with the key arrived now. It activated fine and here's to hoping it won't get revoked or any other unpleasant surprises. My thanks to the original poster, Destiny133 and to Max07935 for posting the discount code. Welcome to my whitelist!

6 years ago*

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Are you in the EU?

6 years ago

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Yes. Even if it doesn't look like it belongs, Romania is both geographically and politically linked to the EU.

6 years ago

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What ... Romania is in the EU for so many years :)).
11 years to exact :)))).

6 years ago

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Greetings from Bulgaria, quite the same here xD

6 years ago

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Of course :D.

This is why I don't like how we promote our countries, they even doubted my nationality because of stereotypes :)).

6 years ago*

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It goes easy with you my friend, the Bran castle and Earl Dracula are promoting it itself :)) Also your parliament is one of the biggest! So tourism is a way to promote it ^^

6 years ago

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Комшиите трябва да се подкрепяме :D

6 years ago

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i got my key, no worry you will be fine, and i got my key in 3 mins

6 years ago

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I would only take it if it's given away for free, but wouldn't pay for virtual stuff

6 years ago

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So, how do you play games now ?
You only buy DVD's ??

6 years ago

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I don't buy anything, but I still have 783 paid games on Steam and I can download each game for free on DRM

6 years ago

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What has DRM got to do with this.

Steam is DRM so ...

GOG has DRM aka Galaxy etc :D.

6 years ago

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I meant Original :D

6 years ago

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GOG has no DRM. That is the entire point of the entire store. You can download and play every single GOG game without ever touching Galaxy. (Not all DLC though, some need the client to be able to get added to the game.)

6 years ago

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Then enlight me what DRM stands for, cause I always connected it to Original games..

6 years ago

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Digital Rights Management, but most people simply translate it to what it actually is: copy-protection. Software methods to ensure that if you buy and install a game, you cannot just copy the files to another PC and run it there as well. The point of GOG games is that you can get an installer EXE and use them as many times and on as many compatible machines as you want.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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I think mostly You can download DLCs as separate patches.

6 years ago

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Most, but not all. For example, you cannot install the 8-bit Armies Guardians DLC without Galaxy, as I experienced last week. It can only be added through Galaxy.

6 years ago

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DRM means management you know the M, steam is the same as GOG galaxy my friend they don't do Denuvo or other concepts the publishers do .

You don't need to run Steam for several hundreds of tiles :)).

6 years ago

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pinches nose

Galaxy is a client. Furthermore, GOG has been around since 2008 but the first Galaxy beta was released in late 2014. What do you think we did for the first six years then, asked a magical genie to wish the games on our computers?

Denuvo is a built-in software in some games that prevents it from being run outside the associated accounts. It is one of the many available DRM solutions that prevent doing what you can do with any GOG games: install them on as many computers as you want without logging into anything.

6 years ago

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You don't understand the point at all, why do you associate Steam is restriction and not management which is the primary usage , that was the point the steam client is the same with the GOG CLIENT see the logic.
Tell me why does this exist if Steam is all about restriction ?

6 years ago

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Where the fuck did I ever fucking say that?
Also, I see you are right now playing Dark Souls Remastered. If there are no restrictions, then please completely exit and close down your Steam client then try playing that game. Tell me how it went.

6 years ago

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Why would I do that, I can pirate the game for that.
For example I play it offline with steam off lined for my little colleague friend to play other games from my libraries so ...
And again for what you said I can pirate the game :P.

Dark souls is an online game uses PVP so you would cut it's features off with that.

And I like to take pictures with steam overlay, I can't do that without steam and I like to have a central control for all my games and that comes from steam:D.

You have the impression that all of us like to go back to 2000 and have the install files on HDD to double the size for no reasons.
I have a SSD and 2Tb of HDD space.

Let me tell you something the SSD has a 550MB/s write speed and a 230MB/s write speed for the HDD and I still will not do that I prefer to use the steam high end download speed that picked at 95MB/s because I direct download the installed game and not a installer making it 2x times bigger for no reason.

The space it is used for better things like software projects, blue ray 4k films that are 100GB each and backups :D

6 years ago*

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Steam has DRM. That a few developers want to launch their games on Steam without their DRM is another story.

6 years ago

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the point was that STEAM Is a client and Steam works is the DRM.

Also let me understand this, they can not use the DRM aspect but chose to use it and is Steams fault and it makes the client bad for that ?

6 years ago

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So much drama for the precision of the name? Anyway, even if there are DRM-Free games on Steam, you are still required to use their client if you want to download them.

6 years ago

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Damnnn, I was wondering when this reason will pop up.

So is that a bad thing, you want do download from the client that was made in 2003 and worked fine because GOG came in 08 and made it downloadable from a site ?

Wait they made a similar client because it is easier to do it this way.
It is that bad that Uplay, Origin, Galaxy exist :D.

6 years ago

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I always liked downloading my installers manually. I don't use the Windows Store, however it's called, I don't use GOG's client either (I don't quite use GOG anyway for other reasons), and it would be nice not to be forced to use the Steam client to download Steam games (at least the rare few that don't use DRMs).
Also, an installer usually isn't nearly the same size as the installed game, so keeping the installer doesn't double the size (also you don't need to keep it if you don't want to, you can just download it, install, and delete it).

why do we have HB, steamgifts, g2a bad example , Kinguin and other hundreds of key sellers if Steam is such a monopoly

So... you're citing businesses who all revolve 95% around selling/trading/giving Steam keys as an example of how Steam isn't "such a monopoly." I think I see a flaw in this reasoning 👀👀

6 years ago

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Good for you, you are not all so ...

Again why is this a problem now, from 2003 Steam was a client and not a site like GOG :))), but now is a problem because well reasons and logic and stuff :)).

But many do have 2x size because of texture size and example is GTA V not a good example for GOG but an example.
Kindoncome : 39GB on GOG;
Red faction Guerilla remastered 30 GB on GOG;
Dying light... 24Gb on GOG;
ELEX 27 GB on GOG;
And first of all you get the install and install it aka ~2x do this for all this games and see the HDD cost :D.

So tell me again how is Steam a monopoly because it has more then 51% of the marker share.
Then stop using Windows as OS because same reason :D.Use linux, I use it from time to time but not for gaming or use Steam OS wait that is tided to the Steam name, use Mac OS wait that is tided to Apple then use linux is open source :D.

Is steam the only client on the market now?

I see buzz words as DRM free and monopolies on every lips, because it is trendy :))).

SO what you want Uplay keys you have that GOG key you have, not the most popular but hey they exist :)).

But yessssssss monopoly :))))))))).

6 years ago*

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Good for you, you are not all so ...

It wouldn't be hard for Steam to provide downloadable stuff, and it wouldn't negatively impact people who are happily prisoners of the client. It's not that they can't, it's just that they don't want to. They like it all locked down, and idiots (and shareholders) are cheering.

Again why is this a problem now, from 2003 Steam was a client and not a site like GOG :))), but now is a problem because well reasons and logic and stuff :)).

It's always been a problem, it's not a problem "just now". I actually didn't use Steam just for that reason until not even 2 years ago. Just because they've always been this way doesn't make it less (or more) of a problem.

[huge size of installers]

I agree with you that this is too big. But I think the takeaway here is that devs seem to think of our computers as their personal, high-capacity garbage bin. I remember playing great games that would fit on a few floppy disks, or at least on a CD (not a DVD).

So tell me again how is Steam a monopoly because it has more then 51% of the marker share.

It's hard to find market data because as Valve is private they don't publish much, but 51% seems pretty far from the truth.

I see buzz words as DRM free and monopolies on every lips, because it is trendy :))).

I wish. If they were really so trendy we would be rid of both by now.

But yessssssss monopoly :))))))))).

The tricky thing about Steam's quasi-monopoly is that you need to think of it backwards. It's not a monopoly for the end-user (gamer), it's a monopoly for PC game developers. I.e, unless you're a really really big game producer, you pretty much have to be on Steam if you don't want to miss out on 90% of the market. A lot of games can only be played via Steam though, so it still puts some pressure on end-users too, only not as much.
Just like Google's quasi-monopoly is not a monopoly for the end-user (searcher) but a monopoly for webmasters. I.e., unless you're Mark Suckerberg or Jeff Bezos, you pretty much have to obey Google Search and Google Chrome's diktats if you don't want to miss out on 90% of your potential visitors. Some sites can only be accessed via a Google account (or a lot more commonly at least a ReCaptcha), so again the end-user also gets some pressure too.

6 years ago

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By the way I answered all this users because I was bored and because it is ridiculous this mindless trend similar to fuck IGN for messing with HB, as I provided with screenshots I am a big fan of GOG but that doesn't mean I should hate or claim the statements provided here.

It wouldn't be hard for Steam to provide downloadable stuff, and it wouldn't negatively impact people who are happily prisoners of the client. It's not that they can't, it's just that they don't want to. They like it all locked down, and idiots (and shareholders) are cheering.
Again you are missing the point, not anyone wants that and even that is not the point, I already provided you the size of several big games again not a better solution.
The catalog of GOG is limited, Steam has 24K+ games I have 1.3k games there.

You all believe that if GOG goes down you will save your library and Steam should follow, sorry to say to you all but this is utopical at best, did any of you even calculated the size of the downloaded install of the game like 1k+ not more.
How many 10's of TB of HDD space would that make only for the installs then double that to play the games. this is ridiculos.

A better solution would be that a membership fee be payed in the case that GOG or Steam goes does it's member should pay for the download servers or another company to take that, even this is not optimal but...

And again you want something like this changed, why so, form the start aka 2003 is was this way, way before GOG was made in 08 of 2012 when the changed the policy.
Let me be blunt, you shouldn't have used Steam because this part is staying and you should have known that.

the rest are similar and don't need to make separate point to refute.

The tricky thing about Steam's quasi-monopoly is that you need to think of it backwards. It's not a monopoly for the end-user >(gamer), it's a monopoly for PC game developers. I.e, unless you're a really really big game producer, you pretty much have to be on Steam if you don't want to miss out on 90% of the market. A lot of games can only be played via Steam though, so it still puts some pressure on end-users too, only not as much.
Just like Google's quasi-monopoly is not a monopoly for the end-user (searcher) but a monopoly for webmasters. I.e., unless you're Mark Suckerberg or Jeff Bezos, you pretty much have to obey Google Search and Google Chrome's diktats if you don't want to miss out on 90% of your potential visitors. Some sites can only be accessed via a Google account (or a lot more commonly at least a ReCaptcha), so again the end-user also gets some pressure too.

Now again why do we use Windows we should all not use Windows to play games, we should all not use Android or Ios, we should all not use Nvidia 75% , we should not use Google etc.

Why do we use those I wonder, maybe because they are the best services and products.
Be my guest use the worst services like the Microsoft store, Microsoft search engine, AMD card are good so you can use those etc.

I one use the best two game distribution Steam and GOG and that is all the rest only copy steam and don't do a better job :D.

Sorry again trivia, Steam saved the PC, M$ screwed us many times. EA screws us always, Ubisoft does crap games for years, TW3 VS any 1 year release of AC etc so I say screw all of those period.
this is not like AMD vs Nvidia, AMD did a lot of good things , EA, M$ and Ubisoft did nill so they deserve next to nothing, they said that consoles are a priority well then your games are not a priority for me.

And indies really now , steam is the reason that the indies segment exploded so ....

6 years ago*

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did any of you even calculated the size of the downloaded install of the game like 1k+ not more

Obviously I wouldn't save most installers. For many games that I don't value that much, the online-only backup is fine. For a few that I really really like, I'd like to keep the installer though. It wouldn't take that much space as long as I'm picky enough ;)

Now again why do we use Windows we should all not use Windows to play games, we should all not use Android or Ios, we should all not use Nvidia 75% , we should not use Google etc.
Why do we use those I wonder, maybe because they are the best services and products.

Actually I don't use Google. Among all tech companies, Google (and to a lesser extent Facebook) is by far the most toxic. I reacted about Valve because that was the topic, but I don't care that much about them, otherwise I wouldn't use them at all instead of just strongly restricting my spending.
They do have a worryingly dominant position on PC gaming, but all in all that's a pretty specific segment compared to a company who owns 90% of web users except in a few specific countries (China and Russia come to mind, with Baidu and Yandex), has trackers on almost every website (only 2 trackers on Steamgifts, and what a surprise, it's Google), spies on 90% of smartphones, and read everyone's mail (yes, I know it's ironic because Hotmail/Outlook/Microsoft reads everyone's mail too 🙃 but they still have a point - it just happens that it applies to them too)
My only use of Google is via Android, because we don't really have a choice at the moment (cute duopoloy, it's either fake-open-source Android, or all-locked-down iOS, or no phone). Still, I can't wait for the Librem 5 phone, I have no Google account on my phone, I don't use Google Apps (not even the Play Store), and I keep my phone fully offline (in a wave-proof pocket) most of the time.

6 years ago

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I think your link is just strengthening his point.
The fact that you have a limited list of DRM-free games on Steam (some require special actions to be DRM-free) just proves the point that all other 95% of Steam games have DRM.

6 years ago

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My point is that Steam is a client that was meant for servers and digital downloading concept from 03.

That is all, the fact that this is suppose to be some denuvo equal DRM restriction (I am exaggerating here ) is beyond me.

The option for DRM free is there that is the point, the fact that publishers choose to have any kind of DRM is their problem and not the clients :D.

6 years ago

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I think you're right about it being mainly a platform for game distribution.
But I do think that the DRM part is very important to Valve, as it fixates your games to Steam.
If tomorrow, someone builds a better game distribution platform we all want to use, we (the consumers) will have a real problem as all our existing games are permanently bound to Steam.
This is why Origin, Uplay, Twitch, etc. all trying to build their own platform and compete with Steam, and us (the consumers) are getting screwed here, because we're forced to do what we hated doing in the first place - install a bunch of different launchers each for playing different games.

6 years ago

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I know what you mean but again Steam is this way from 03 and that is 15 years ago.

The problem is that Uplay wants a piece of the pie, the same for M$ and Sony ... sorry for not giving a fuck for those that screwed the PC market so many time.

Gable is a formal M$ employee that was feed up with M$ policies.

Ok monopoly and stuff, why do we have HB, steamgifts, g2a bad example , Kinguin and other hundreds of key sellers if Steam is such a monopoly.

As I said we should screw Ubisoft for that policy of needing 3 DRM not Steam they can be drm free, Steam didn't make it mandatory.
EA really now, the greedy motherfuckers that invented greed, I would really want to see then finished.

Also the 33% aspect , well some history trivia, when Steam got mainstream the publisher were yeaaa only 33% the retailers buy them copies with less then that in bulks.
Now comes EA well we don't want anymore, we saw that Steam works so we will implement our own steam to screw all of you :)).
And EA was forced to do that because they tried to use the Steam platform to sell microtranactions so screw them.

Neaa for me only GOG works the rest can dissapear and I would not care, GOG works for indie and good old games and steam for the rest see GOG connect :D.

6 years ago*

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In one word: HumbleBundle
Ever since HumbleBundle single-handedly created the bundles phenomenon, by creating the first bundles in 2010, the bundles market has been growing to enormous proportions.
The first Humble Indie Bundle was fashioned after Steam bundles, that would offer several games at reduced price (over buying each individually).
The first Humble Indie Bundle sold tens of thousands of copies. And was a much bigger success than anyone anticipated. So it birthed a whole new company (HumbleBundle) dedicated to selling Steam key bundles.
Initially bundles had a single Steam key - which would activate all bought games (just like a Steam game pack). So the trading/reselling value of the bundles was minimal.
Only around 2012, when HumbleBundle started offering individual game keys (probably in response to competitor bundle sites offering individual keys) did the current state of affairs came to be, which changed the Steam keys world.

This change had several consequences:

  1. Sites like SteamGifts, SteamTrades,, etc. were created with the sole purpose of trading/gifting Steam keys.
    Up to that point there was no need for such sites, because if someone bought a key - he used it.
    It's only with the appearance of individual-key bundles, that people found themselves with spare keys and found it useful to be able to trade their spare keys (or gift them).
  2. Sites like G2A, Kinguin, etc. were created, because people realized that if they can trade their keys for keys, they can also sell them for money.
    While the game publishers could begrudgingly live with their games being traded away (as it's an insignificant amount). the phenomena of Key marketplaces where users are selling Steam keys for money, has created a new type of challenge: the Key traders.People who use the cheap prices of games during bundles to stock-up on hundreds or thousands of keys, which they then sell for profit all year round. So instead of game bundles having a small bend in the sales figures for a month or two, any bundle can now permanently reduce sales figures for a game.

So now Steam hates the bundle sites, as they sell keys circumventing Steam, and Steam doesn't get a piece of the pie. And developers hate the bundle sites and marketplaces for permanently reducing the prices of their games.

6 years ago

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Let me put it this way Steam is a client, the client can't hate anything, VALVE may hate this but I don't care that is the point.

Steam will not chance anything related to keys because it is simple, that is the best marketing there is.
Yes the sales drop but the cheap publicity is there as a result the profits still rise :D.

6 years ago

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I actually wanted to refrain from answering here as its cluttered. There IS a better platform imo. GOG. The DRM is not re-enforced on GOG due to the Devs and Publishers supporting DRM-FREE. You see the same games being on Steam and GOG.

There is a limit number of games on GOG due to, their own In-house curation. They handpick games to be in their store, unlike Steam. Not all Devs and Publishers support DRM-Free like Microsoft, EA. AAA studios/publishers creates their own client so they can retain majority of the profits. If you publish a game on Steam/GOG you have to pay a price. If you are an Indie publisher or non-AAA studio/publisher, you need Marketplaces like Steam/GOG because they have a crowd and a client that allows execution of their Digital products.

In the end, its all about profits, exposure. If Steam and GOG does not take a cut and Origin, Uplay, do not publish their titles on them, they would be a fool because their own platforms are terrible.

Games on Steam and GOG are also altered. In steam, Denuvo, other Rights checking apps are applied to the game so that the client can keep track of the Usage thus applying the correct DRM aka Spying. GOG forgo the DRM rights therefore is packaged into an Executable File to launch. However, it is easy to forget to update/check your game updates if you launch your game directly.

6 years ago

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Nice someone that gets it.

6 years ago

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To end this charade. Go to steam, download a drmfree game , run it. close it.
DELETE THE STEAM CLIENT. Now go to the folder of the game and run it. Guess what it won't work. That's why cracked games have a cracked steam.'ll
That's why Steam by itself is restriction.

6 years ago

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I have a solution ... do that for me.
Make a paper on it and show me the results.

Never said is not a restriction per say also the way you said it is like all games behave that way hmmm.
Then show me that all games from that list behave that way.

Steam is the client, get it, Stream is not the restriction but the DRM SteamWorks, if the publisher implemented steamworks then that is no the CLIENTS RESTRICTION, the fact that DRM is not mandatory is should prove that but hey logic and stuff :)).

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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I was referring to this :

"The games or software on this list do not have any DRM once they are installed which means that they do not require the Steam client to be played. Typically, you don't have to tweak the games or software in order to run them wherever you want; the list will make notes of any exceptions."

He was referring to this as a rule and not an exception ; "Typically, you don't have to tweak the games or software in order to run them wherever you want; the list will make notes of any exceptions."

Which made me laugh my ass off :)) and implied to do an empirical research and show me the result in a paper simple as that :D.
Now I need to believe anyone that writes things on the internet because reasons :D.

6 years ago*

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if you do this with the GoG client you will have different results. But its ok. Have it your way, if one doesnt want to see the light, who are we to enforce it?

6 years ago

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" if one doesnt want to see the light, who are we to enforce it?"
Dams is this a religion, the DRM free religion count me out of any religion base mentality.

It seams I don't know many things, the 3 A's for my papers in CS exames based on this topics were just wrong :)) ... meh what ever :D.

6 years ago

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Where is this world going when our top scorers in CS exams have no idea that DRM has nothing to do with the client and they also connect it with originals.
Anyway... Have fun doing what you do mate. I am not on SG to debate ones view of gaming industry techniques.

6 years ago

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You are not "debate ones view of gaming industry techniques." but you commented this :
"To end this charade. Go to steam, download a drmfree game , run it. close it.
DELETE THE STEAM CLIENT. Now go to the folder of the game and run it. Guess what it won't work. That's why cracked games have a cracked steam.'ll
That's why Steam by itself is restriction."

Interesting also they way you commented :
"if one doesn't want to see the light, who are we to enforce it?"

Still I wonder if all don't care why do you comment with so many responses hmmm.

About the grades, maybe I cheated, who knows :P.

6 years ago*

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6 years ago

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Nah, don't bother, I just reached this point a few hours ago. ^__^

6 years ago

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Yea the point of what, yes posting Vegeta videos :)).
And Steam being a client with no mandatory DRM. let me refraise it copyright infringement protections :))).

Here let me bother other users comments :
"DRM comes in when the Devs and Publishers decides to re-enforce DRM which limits the Usage of the Game/Product. As digital rights may also apply to Digital Films, Artwork, Audio Books, etc. Steam as mentioned in is a Software/Marketplace to Enforce such restrictions to its Users. The fact that GOG does not require you to be Online to play their Single player games means such Rights are not re-enforced.

To enforced such rights depends alot on the Devs/Publishers. Its their livelihood. Enforcing in a way generates more income due to demand, due to sales. On the other hand there are people whom prefer DRM-Free meaning I can use my purchase as Freely as I want to. There are DRM-Free games on Steam. However, they are not clearly indicated so. Its not bothering me as much as Region-Locks therefore I did not look into them.

The games published on Steam and GOG are pretty much the same except for Patches and Updates. These depend on the publishers/developers. Certain games published on GOG may not be as updated as Steam however GOG is working to keep the games well updated. That is not an issue for the older games as Legend says that Devs used to ship out Completed games rather than Early Accesses or Badly Bugged games."

Conclusion my point was this : "To enforced such rights depends a lot on the Devs/Publishers. Its their livelihood."

6 years ago*

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18 signs to know if a girl likes you over text
#9 Lots and lots of emoticons.

I may be wrong, but I think there is something going on between you two.

6 years ago

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Yes you may be on something.

Also emoticons is to represent the nonverbal part of the communication, text is below 10% too restrictive!

6 years ago

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I bought Civilization III as a requirement for spending $5 on steam. If you install Civ III and launch the game without being online on Steam it will prompt an Error. However after you click OK, the game continues to launch. I do not know if its DRM-Free but I do know certain steam games Do Not require you to launch Steam to play and can be played Remotely aka Offline.

However, that does not mean what DRM is. Steam has apart from DRM rights enforced the usage of its client so that they can check your Usage and update your achievements. For games with achievements it is better to be Online to register correctly. There is pretty much the Denuvo client which is one of the softwares aimed to re-enforced Digital Rights Management.

I may be wrong on this but a game May be DRM-Free on Steam but it does not mean you do not need to be Online to play the game. That part is being enforced by Steam, it is not a DRM requirement but a Steam Product requirement. You can install the game as much as you want but Steam Client only allows usage on certain computers. This is perhaps where DRM got mixed up with the Restrictions Steam had applied on its Application.

The fact that we had not bring GOG into this argument Denuvo, etc. Is because games on GOG do not enforced DRM as on Steam. GOG also wants to give the players the freedom they enjoyed as a player. Bad news is the selection is not as wide and vast as Steam. End of the day, its all about Profits. GOG is also owned CDProject, the Parent of CDProjectRed that produces the Witcher Series and soon, Cyberpunk 2077.

6 years ago

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In my experience most of the games fail to launch without the steam client, i haven't search it very deep though.
My best guess is that probably the games containing the Steam SDK (for overlay and achievements) will have the error that will not let them continue. Yes you can play games offline too, but with Steam on offline mode in most of them
I will surely agree with you that money makes the world go round but there is always the moment before the curving point where many companies just work for the common good. After the point there is a Steam period for a while and then they go total Apple.
We can not compare a platform like GoG with anything else because it was made with no DRM in mind. There are so many games that their communities are plagued by the DRM itself. When you can not play a game that you bought, because a protection code malfunctions, there is always bound to be misery. We can only support the industry any way we can so they can move away from DRM practices. They can surely lower their prices too but that, alas, is another conversation.

6 years ago

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Yes, I understand that. I do not usually try playing games online but its not easy to maintain good connectivity at times. That is why I feel GOG is a good platform to support the Devs, DRM-Free content. Not just being DRM-Free but also their dedication in bringing quality games to players. Also making sure that older games that is sold on their stores is playable on Modern PCs unlike Steam. Where there are multiple instances that gamers reported not being able to play an older release.

The only reason why I am still using Steam as my top client and rarely using GOG is because of the variety and the widespread availability of Steam games. Recently GOG is giving a hard push. Since they had also recently started to offer more recent titles. I am optimistic about their future. Also with GOG connect I can get a number of Steam games on GOG too. GOG is very generous too giving games away to communities. Perhaps that would change in future if they grew as big as Valve but us gamers are just enjoying while we can.

I want to list an example of Heroes of Might and Magic III Complete which is now only available on GOG not on Steam though previously they had offered the complete edition but removed it. Not even on Ubisoft. Time will tell on how DRM will change for the future as there are more and more positives on DRM-Free helping keep Piracy away.

Edit: I mean: "I do not usually try playing games offline"

6 years ago*

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Again I said there are some games that can be played offline I did search this and it works.
Don't need to uninstall steam just close it and the process from the task bar.

And GOG is ideal but GOG doesn't have AAA or 24k+ games, why is that because the devs and publisher will never do this, good or bad this is the context :D.

Also piracy is not the issues, see CD red project statements they profited from the exposure.
Even I tried Tw3 for a couple of hours and after that I have 221h in it :D.
Great games will profit from that exposure, games from EA and Ubisoft not so much because ...

6 years ago*

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I agree GOG does not have AAA games. There's a good collection of great indie titles. 24K+ games does not mean they are quality games. I believe you know that. :)

The fact that GOG has a smaller selection apart from AAA games is due to their curation system. Opus Magnum was not included at launch as they did not believe it suited their player base. After making headlines over the gaming industry, they were later invited to GOG.

Not all AAA games are good too, recently, there's alot of AAA titles that only have good graphics and no quality content. I see more gamers on twitch asking for more quality contents rather than quality graphics. GOG exists for such alternative and I agree it is ideal.

6 years ago

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And I agree with this.

I also have 170 games on GOG.

I can't agree more AAA, I mean and this is not a good example for this case : TW3 this is a AAA from my pow even tho it is made by an indie company.

AAA to the quality and not the AC, Fifa's, F4, etc
Foe example and not many will agree with me ELEX is more of an AAA then many AAA beacuse of the hancrafted map and deeper RPG elements, but is an indie because of the lack of polish etc.

I don't know if you read all the other comments of mine in this thread but I rely on steam and GOG to play games.
GOG for old games like Arena, Daggerfall, Jazz Rabbit 2 :P and Steam for new titles.

6 years ago*

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I did read other comments but I did not remember everything. I replied because you mentioned GOG and the lack for AAA titles.

AAA titles now appears to be more focused on graphics and not much on content. The quality of Indie games have risen in great depth. It could be the content, the story-writing like The Witcher or graphically. As more developers left AAA studios to produce indies. Of course there devs that makes filler games on steam too that are very poor in overall quality. I do not call them Indie devs at all.

In my opinion, today. AAA studios just mean they have higher resource to invest. With Kickstarters, Quality Indie Devs can fulfill their vision and create quality games better than AAA studios. That is when AAA studios try to buy up the indie devs unless they are as successful as Witcher or Stardew where they would not be tempted to sell and have the resource to create the game they wanted.

Well in the past these AAA studios were also indie devs. Everyone just published their own game under their own name. Games were more complete and perhaps the devs have more pride in their product than just cashing out.

I am glad you are enjoying your Older games on GOG which was their initial intentions of creating the site. I have mainly play steam as most of the titles are similar as I redeemed them with GOG Connect and like the lot of us been clearing backlogs.


6 years ago

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"Digital rights management (DRM) is a set of access control technologies for restricting the use of proprietary hardware and copyrighted works."
GOG has Galaxy but it's not vital for playing games bought on gog store. So it's not drm. You can still download games thorugh it but play them without launching Galaxy - they are DRM-free. Steam has DRM - no steam - no playing games.

6 years ago

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OK tell me then why there are DRM free games if STEAM is all about restriction ??

6 years ago

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Steam is a client, you knucklehead. It is meant to let you one-click install and start games.

Steamworks is Valve's DRM solution* and it is offered optionally to any publisher who puts their game on the Steam store. Some do not take this offer and do not use any DRM, some use an in-house method (Uplay, GfWL, Rockstar Social), some use a commercial one (Denuvo, SecuROM, Tagés, SafeDisk, StarForce, and so on).

Read before you continue this, because it is getting embarrassing:

*Among other things. Steamworks offers a lot of tools for people publishing on Steam.

6 years ago

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keep it civil first, dude I know all of that but it seams you have a one mindset that STEAM IS RESTRICTION which is not the point of it,

Let me say this GOG stands for GOOD OLD GAMES that was the concept and for those all DRM free works now let me see how many new titles does GOG put each title good and bad AAA and indie ??

LET that sink it ...

Also you seam to have the mind set that I am against GOG :)), I have ~200 games there but I use the client and don't see it as a DRM as you see the steam client.

The DRM aspects are there for steam but to ignore that there are a lot of steam title that don't need the steam client to run is misleading at best.

Steam was meant fro 03 as a client for distributing valve games and to build servers to say that it is a bad thing is retarded in principal.

6 years ago*

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GOG does not stand for anything. If you have zero idea what GOG is, do not force a matter you know nothing about. GOG stopped being Good Old Games over three years ago.

6 years ago

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FFS and what is your point ?

GOG stands for Good old games that is the abbreviation for.

It seams you are basing this all on sentiments which for once let me make this clear I don't care.

"GOG stopped being Good Old Games over three years ago." This sums it all what your really mean with all these statements :)).

6 years ago

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No. GOG used to be the abbreviation users used for Good Old Games. Good Old Games was replaced with GOG when they abandoned their oldies policy and started adding newer indie and a few AAA titles to their portfolio, then expanding over to DRM-free films as well.
As I said, if you do not have any idea on GOG, its workings, and its history, stop pretending you know what you are talking about. We are dealing with information that even its wikipedia page tells you that you are wrong, so this is really getting embarrassing.

Also, my point above still states. If there is no DRM on the Steam client, close, or even better, uninstall your Steam client and start your Dark Souls game. Tell me how it goes.

6 years ago

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OK mister that knows it all, what does GOG stands for now if it meant Good Old Games.
Cough "In 1994, Marcin Iwiński and Michał Kiciński founded CD Projekt. They originally imported games from wholesalers in America to sell in Poland.[7] In early 2008, CD Projekt launched under the moniker Good Old Games. The initial goal was to release classic games to a modern audience without digital rights management restrictions.[8]"

What are the information that I am so wrong for.

You said that Steam is DRM, I said that Steam is a Client that has even DRM free games :D.

Also let me use your style see here it is :

GOG was used as Good old games :D.

6 years ago*

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Dude your example is subpar :)).

Let me get and example for you as good as yours, show me a online game that plays without any comunication with GOG, this is the kind of example that you gave me :))).

6 years ago

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show me a online game that plays without any comunication with GOG
Uses UbiSoft's servers.

6 years ago

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So it has communication with Ubisoft :)) ... that's better because it is not GOG and Steam related connection :))))))),
FFS you don't understand the principle at all.

online / server needs data packages ~ sever client connection :D.

You just want to prove me that Steam is DRM and that is super bad :)) because reasons and gog galaxy being optional similar to steamworks is good but DRM in general is bad ~ Steam is bad etc

6 years ago*

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  1. Nothing. GOG stands for nothing now. The company and the site is simply called GOG and nothing more.
  2. Thank you for completely discrediting yourself by flat-out trying to lie, see pictures.

View attached image.
View attached image.
6 years ago

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Again what is your point.

This is not about me, I can lie or not, don't make this personal it is irrelevant to me.
Also if you use that statement as an evidence you also agree that GOG is DRM with galaxy :)), you can't take the part that you like and ignore the rest :))).

Another question, why is this important for you to make steam a Draconian DRM, when it is an option ?

Again if it has DRM free games why is it DRM only ???

And to end it with a screen shot as you to prove that I don't hate GOG : and I adore Galaxy by the way even if it is DRM :))).

Another example is that my must to play future game is Blade of Darkens see the top of my profile that is a game removed from GOG :( :

If your point was that Denouvo and any similar crap is BAD that I would have agreed because I know a thing or two about encryption being my bachelor's degree diploma project and all :D.

6 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

6 years ago

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Eh, it has been cheaper

View attached image.
6 years ago

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I would take that if I had noticed xD

6 years ago

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I spent my milk money on it. Totally worth it. :P

6 years ago

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Cause why not... I wonder why did I miss it when I was active then :)

6 years ago

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2014 aka 4 years ago.

Also it was free but the last sale was 2 years ago :D.

6 years ago

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Sure, but after getting it 99% off, I didn't need it during later sales.

6 years ago

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And that was a glitch, was it WW ?

I got it also for free but ...

6 years ago

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Regional, I believe, but it was so long ago that I can't be sure.

6 years ago

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Nice price glitch over there. Good for you. I can't even remember why I opened a Steam account in 2014, nevermind using it actively before 2016. The flash sales on the Steam Store and such price glitches remain the stuff of legend, sadly. Long gone, but not forgotten.

6 years ago

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Indeed, they shall be missed.

6 years ago

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Happy cake day!

6 years ago

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Can someone buy it for me? I can pay with Steam wallet.

6 years ago

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Since DRM is mentioned in this thread, I would like to input it here. It became a mess to look at the above comments.
Digital - The form of the Digital game.
Rights - How is the game going to use. (In this case Steam - 3-5 CPUs, GOG - No Limits)
Management - What is the plan for the rights to be used.

Lets put it in a scenario.
Game Devs - Keys/Door Makers
Puplishers - Marketeers
Steam/GOG - Marketplace

The role of publishers is mainly, some of them were game devs previously. Due to successes of their titles the became Publishers while developing their own games. The publishers allows indie game devs or simply programmers to concentrate on creating their games. After which, the publishers with their experience will market the game to the respective platforms and their contacts.

So the game devs made the game and decided with the puplishers to enforce DRM. They brought the game to Steam which is the marketplace. If the usage of the game is limited more people will have to buy the game if they want to use the game more. In a case of if you intend to have a lan-game with your family, everyone needs to buy the game on steam because you need to access the game to play.

In GOG case, you can just log onto your account and download for your family members. The instance you will need to stay online will be for updates or for Achievement recordings. I am not sure if achievements is recorded if you completed the achievements and login to GOG Galaxy later. The point is you do not even need Galaxy as you can download the game from the Browser.

DRM comes in when the Devs and Publishers decides to re-enforce DRM which limits the Usage of the Game/Product. As digital rights may also apply to Digital Films, Artwork, Audio Books, etc. Steam as mentioned in is a Software/Marketplace to Enforce such restrictions to its Users. The fact that GOG does not require you to be Online to play their Single player games means such Rights are not re-enforced.

To enforced such rights depends alot on the Devs/Publishers. Its their livelihood. Enforcing in a way generates more income due to demand, due to sales. On the other hand there are people whom prefer DRM-Free meaning I can use my purchase as Freely as I want to. There are DRM-Free games on Steam. However, they are not clearly indicated so. Its not bothering me as much as Region-Locks therefore I did not look into them.

The games published on Steam and GOG are pretty much the same except for Patches and Updates. These depend on the publishers/developers. Certain games published on GOG may not be as updated as Steam however GOG is working to keep the games well updated. That is not an issue for the older games as Legend says that Devs used to ship out Completed games rather than Early Accesses or Badly Bugged games.

6 years ago

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Can't agree more.

"DRM comes in when the Devs and Publishers decides to re-enforce DRM which limits the Usage of the Game/Product. As digital rights may also apply to Digital Films, Artwork, Audio Books, etc. Steam as mentioned in is a Software/Marketplace to Enforce such restrictions to its Users. The fact that GOG does not require you to be Online to play their Single player games means such Rights are not re-enforced.

To enforced such rights depends alot on the Devs/Publishers. Its their livelihood. Enforcing in a way generates more income due to demand, due to sales. On the other hand there are people whom prefer DRM-Free meaning I can use my purchase as Freely as I want to. There are DRM-Free games on Steam. However, they are not clearly indicated so. Its not bothering me as much as Region-Locks therefore I did not look into them.

The games published on Steam and GOG are pretty much the same except for Patches and Updates. These depend on the publishers/developers. Certain games published on GOG may not be as updated as Steam however GOG is working to keep the games well updated. That is not an issue for the older games as Legend says that Devs used to ship out Completed games rather than Early Accesses or Badly Bugged games."

Conclusion my point was this : "To enforced such rights depends a lot on the Devs/Publishers. Its their livelihood."

PS: only one person blacked me :P

6 years ago*

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would totally get it, if it was 5€ cheaper

6 years ago

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i though it was for free XD

6 years ago

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Pretty sweet. It's too bad they don't offer this for their NA players.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

6 years ago

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Unfortunately not available to the USA customers :(

6 years ago

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for now is out of stock... i can only join to waiting list...

6 years ago

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What's the point of GOTY version of this game? It has no DLCs.
I got two keys, the second one says I already own this product but then nothing pop up, since the first code what i have activated pops up the game installation window.

6 years ago

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Prepare to die is the Goty it has the DLC inside similar to DSII SOFS.

6 years ago

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The second key is another Dark Souls GOTY. A glitch in Bandai Store. 😃

6 years ago

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You get two keys for the price of one ?

6 years ago

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At least yesterday, I don't know if it's been fixed.

6 years ago

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you still get 2 keys for the price of one, i bought 2 packs of dark souls prepare to die edition and one dark souls 3 season pass, and got 6 keys all in all.

(apparently doesn't work anymore)

6 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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It's still working, one of my friend just bought 2 ds1ptde and 2 ds3sp, and got 4-4 keys each

6 years ago

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is the glitch still working?

6 years ago

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you could try :)

6 years ago

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LOL, it stopped working

6 years ago

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too bad :(

6 years ago

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It worked with Ds3 deluxe edition, and again i purchased another copy, but doesn't work this time

25 euros straight to gutter

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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I guess dark souls PTDE is compulsory when buying other items for the glitch to work. because in the first order i bought both of them but in the second order, i bought separately.

6 years ago

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Order 1 get 2 keys each, order 2 went to shit.

And if you don't get the keys immediately( after sms verification) don't unlock the key and directly ask for refund as you'll get only 1 KEY, not 2 keys

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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That's cool :)
Unfortunately i can only buy 1 copy of ds1 since i have no more payoal funds :(

6 years ago

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hey lemme know how many keys you got, 1 or 2

6 years ago

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I still havent bought it yet mate.. im not sure if i buy it or not. Soecially since apparenty only triggers only on the 1st purchae.. maybe i could help other folk too idk.

6 years ago

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you should buy it without question my friend

6 years ago

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Can anyone confirm whether it's working only on DS1 PTDE or on other games as well, like Project Cars, Naruto etc..

6 years ago

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DSIII season pass the same :D.

6 years ago

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so you get 2 keys for ds3 season pass?

6 years ago

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Yes !

PS shouldn't farm for keys to trade, let others enjoy the games :D
I will only get one more key for to give away for a friend :D.

6 years ago

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so you put ds1 PTDE too in the cart, or the ds3 season pass alone??

6 years ago

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For the moment DSIII season pass and will get a key for DS1.

After spending 150EUR in summer sale I am low on cash :))).

6 years ago

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i'm asking while purchasing, you put ds1 ptde + ds3sp, or just ds3sp??

6 years ago

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only DSsp as I said before.

6 years ago

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I just placed an order for DS 1 PTDE and DS3 Season pass, took 15 minutes for the order to go through, got 2 keys for DS1 and 1 key for DS3 season pass.Both games were in the same order.

6 years ago

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so you got only 1 key for the season pass, not 2??

6 years ago

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Yes, 1 key for season pass. 2 for DS 1.

6 years ago

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That's sad :(

6 years ago

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15 minutes? I put an order in last night for ds3 season pass - already own ptde & ds3. ended up getting an email this morning to tell me that the order has been rejected after spending most of the night in pending despite verifying. Put another order in earlier with my other paypal account - still no dice. Been a couple of hours & still no key. Guess I should have used a vpn, setup a fake email address & put in a fake address rather than using my actual details - aisus y hafa a bloody dai.

Store is also a pain as it auto displays in the language of your region without an option to change it - I might live there, but that doesn't mean it's my native language - I'm having to use an online translator (fun times).

6 years ago

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well i mean i ordered at first dark souls PTDE it was approved and went through, Then i ordered PTDE + DS3 season pass, it was approved, then i tried ordering a season pass more, and it was rejected and then they refunded it, but they also refunded the PTDE + DS3 season pass purchase even though i had gotten the keys already and used both of the season pass keys.

6 years ago

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So basically, you got ds1 ptde and ds3 season pass for free ??

6 years ago

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maybe, i guess if they didn't resell the PTDE keys or they don't revoke the keys. I have written to their support and i will see what they say.

6 years ago

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What have you written to the support?

6 years ago

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i asked whether they wanted the money back and what they would do now that i had used both of the season pass keys + had written the PTDE keys down.

6 years ago

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Hahahaha, you've a true heart man, you really have a true heart...

6 years ago

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well they answered:
"Thank you for the message.

We have checked your orders -removed- and -removed- and can confirm that all their content had been already unlocked, so therefore no refund could be done.

Thank you for your understanding!

Best regards"

however they haven't cancelled the refund, so i guess free games are good games :), as long as they realise that the keys have been unlocked i guess there isn't a problem.

6 years ago*

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but they already initiated the refund?? correct??, did you paid via paypal or card, i added you to discuss

6 years ago

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yeah they initiated it 4 minutes after refunding the last thing i tried to buy which they denied, and i paid with paypal.

okay so i sent them an answer to their answer to my ticket, and this time they told me clear, that it was their problem and not mine :).

"Thanks for getting back to us regarding this issue. Indeed after checking the orders there has been an error in the system causing an undue refund to be sent. Our technical team is currently investigating the issue.

Since this is a problem on our end no action on your part is required. Having activated the keys is not a problem for you in any case =)

If you have any further questions let us know.
Best wishes,"

6 years ago*

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Well, now the gave you confirmation that "you got the games for free"... and you can enjoy them as long as you want..

6 years ago

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