the fact that they give away 50 copies of the "ultimate" version of the game makes me ponder the most. They could have done it differently like 100 copies of the normal game yet still receive lots of attentions.
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It costs them nothing to do and has drawn the attention of many who would otherwise ignore the game. That's good marketing.
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Does it? I actually don't know that. I'm pretty sure they do not keep all the steam keys but once in a while they do ask Steam to give them some keys and if the number is huge they may have to pay a small fee. But hey, that's just my assumption
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But if only 1% of the 8000+ entries the giveaway got so far are people who learn about the game through this giveaway and go buy it then they've made an extra 80 sales, offsetting the initial "cost" of marketing. And the more people have the game, the more visibility it gets.
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It's hardly an "Ultimate Anything" the game is like a shell , great graphics and potential but zero content , i stopped playing weeks ago, the devs need to pull their finger out and add some content , the gameplay is like being a hamster on a wheel , while intitally it was exciting because of the premise of the game and the tense setting , but there is literaly nothing to do in the game , except dodge pvp campers who hide and stake out vulnerable places leading to the safezones literally 24/7, but all that said the game could be amazing.
Comment has been collapsed. get people on multiplayer maybe ? And SG is a community with hundred thousands of people, 50 copies for advertising to thousands of people is the best kind of advertisement one could make.
BTW, I played with a Guestpass for an hour.The game is on Early Access, and by that I mean REALLY Early Access.I just run around for an hour -_-
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SG's statistics may say we have 495,940 members but I think we only have 1/10 active members from that numbers. How many giveaways have you seen that received more than 20,000 entries? Not a lot, I presume.
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The most entries I can remember ever seeing on a giveaway is about 15,000, and that doesn't happen very often.
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I've seen a bunch of the featured giveaways exceed that, if anything
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Dev giveaways receive a lot more than normal ones. There are already 12k, and only one day has passed, two days more to go. I believe this can surpass 20k or alteast go close to it. Most I have seen is over 26k, I think it was for Galactic Arms Race.
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Number time! Out of the 50 copies they give away, how many would have been purchased by the winners? 5? Their giveaway will be clicked on by roughly 50,000 unique visitors, and at least 20,000 will enter for a chance to win. If this causes at least 5 copies to sell, they'll come out ahead financially. On top of this, they're getting millions of impressions in advertising on our homepage, growing their Facebook, Twitter, and Steam group reach, and improving their reputation with a generous act. I would say it's a smart move, not a desperate one. I honestly can't think of a better opportunity for marketing a game.
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thanks for the enlightenment, CG. Guess I was being too negative, cynical and pragmatism got the better of me. However, I still stand by my point that they'd not do it if the market of survival was not this saturated by the like of dayz, 7 days to die, rust,etc.
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I already own it and by far prefer it over DayZ or Rust. Nether is a brilliant game already and it's not even completely ffinished yet. So atmospheric!
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I think it's fine, 50 lucky winners will get the chance to try out the game without buying it. I don't know you, but I would never buy an early access game, but winning this giveaway could get me to know the game better.
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50 copies is nothing to a Dev. They most likely want to do something nice and promote the game. This is free advertising for over 50000 people. Pretty sure it's a really smart move.
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Actually you have no idea of marketing it seems, 50 copies is a good number to draw attention. But i dont get it why only on SG, why not other sites like FB, Raptr, Alienware etc.
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I thought the game was just some arena FPS like Rekoil before the giveaway. Granted, it still looks really rough, but I'm more interested in it now than I was before.
I still won't buy Early Access though.
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...seriously, I didn't think they would be this desperate.
Correct me if I'm wrong but doing a massive giveaway is a way for developers to have words get around about their game, right? Well Nether received shitload of coverage even by major news network like IGN. I cannot see a possible explanation on why they giveaway so many copies except they're doing poorly in terms of sale mostly due to Dayz and Rust.
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