Thanks, It defnitely is (and also very needed) offcourse their was friction because of the somewhat unnatural living sitiuation plus it always hindered further progress (because who wants a guy who lives with his mom, i didnt even bothered to try anymore).
But i will try again once i moved in but i kinda dislearned how to idle chit chat, especially if a girl barely talks back, it's gonna be tough going back into that game.
Be a lot easier if i had some nice female new neighbour or meet someone at a workplace, just like this suddenly dropped in my lap.
The cheapest package is 100mbit/s download and 20mbit/s upload vs 350mbit/s and 35 mbit/s upload now. There are cheaper providers (not by much they just lure you with cheap packages for the first few months) but then you gamble with how reliable, stable etc they are.
We have one called ziggo for a bunch of years now and atleast we never had problems, and their service been great (but you do pay extra).
Even our ISP raise their price each year for some weird reason of "service" but on the other hand it's basically saying we need money to keep sponsoring the F1 races and other stuff. :p
You still have 56kbps? :P
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Let's just say, at least I don't hear that frrreeeeep-chrzmmmmmm-chrrrrraaaaaaayyyyyy-smmmooooosheeeeeeeee-chrchrchrchr sound anymore when connecting to the world wide web. ;)
But I am still to experience 100 mbit/s of download. A man may dream...
As for talking to girls/women ... I have never been good at that (and if so, I was always "such a good friend, why can't I find a boy-friend like that" ... ehrm... helloooo?), but I ended up with the most wonderful woman who has enriched the last couple of decades of my life, because things happen like that if you allow them. Just be a kind and honest person and the universe will reward you. In general, but also particularly in regards to friends and relationships. :)
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"Luckily" we never had that sound we went straight to ISDN back then (but i uhm accidently racked up the bill and ticks so high once, it was like 700 euro or something..)
What country are you from if i can ask that still doesn't have "proper" internet?
Well in the end good relationships are also friendships so yeah what that girl said you could say helloooo. I also had female friendships, but usually they had something (borderline which i found out later) or someone.. :p
I been bullied in my life so why i won't ever be hard (on purpose) to others (unless you are being really "bitchy" like my mom sometimes can be alas then i can bite back, but i believe to give in what you receive) while others may even say still turn the other cheek, but that's hard.
But yeah i also like to believe in karma, that if you do good to others that you also receive it back (and for me that took a damn long time but maybe the pieces are now finally gonna all fall in place) The universe always has a plan for you.
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Indeed, if you allow it to. :)
The main thing is to find some inner peace (took me a very long time but by now I sometimes manage to find that sweet spot - I do appreciate every tiny little thing in life and take nothing for granted, that alone helps a LOT).
I am in Austria, and while in some bigger cities you can get fast internet (depending on where you are situated exactly), most of the country is still not up to par by any means with Scandinavia or the Netherlands, for example. The last place I lived in was a very old building (torn down by now) and you only could get internet via LTE. During the day you had up to 80 mbit/s, at night when everyone came home you were in the kbit range because internet usage on mobile phones is prioritised by a factor 2:1 for some strange reason. So that was fun...
But on the other hand, I really loved the place for the atmosphere and the wonderful view (and it was dirt cheap due to it being so incredibly old and lived in, with walls so thin you could listen to your neighbours talking on the phone).
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That's true, but hard, and not to complain, but most people get their ups and downs, but if you mostly known downs, it's sometimes hard to see the positive things in the little things. Sometimes i also think having a significant other saying i love you, i believe in you (and vice versa) can really do much, but you also have to love yourself first before you can love someone else (not that i think i hate myself).
Talking on the phone, having passionate lalala...Must have been fun (depending what you fancy) :p I think it would have driven me crazy, i live in stereo on both sides now with 2 crying/screaming kids (one starts 6:45 in the morning)..
Where you live in now then?
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Well, I really mean I appreciate the tiny things. Like a dragonfly swooping by, watching clouds drift past, cycling home in the rain,... and if it is raining cats and dogs and freezing while I am cycling (like it was today) then I also enjoy the thought of arriving home and taking a hot shower. And I appreciate the big things, like having a roof over my head and food on the table without having to think about whether I will still have that tomorrow. Living in a peaceful and secure environment. Having a job and if I lose it, still having much more social security than probably 99% of the people on this planet ever will.
You have to keep things in perspective and be aware how lucky you are. Yes, we all have our issues, and there are many people who focus on the negative stuff or the things they think they miss. I don't own a lot of things and I enjoy that tremendously.
I have an aunt who keeps telling me how sad it is that I have all kinds of chronic pains and that I am not able to do the things I used to do. But I don't feel that way, because I am still active and - to my knowledge - I have no fatal illness, only slight "mechanical failures" as I like to call them. But it is a matter of perspective.
There are so many things you cannot change. But you can change your perspective and your approach.
As for the noise ... I bought myself noise cancelling headphones back then because I am VERY noise sensitive (hyperacusis and a bit of phonophobia) and they saved my life (or at least my sanity). ;) I still use them on a daily basis, be it at work (we have an open-plan office), on the train or sometimes when meditating (depending on the noise level outside). I rarely buy things for myself, but these headphones were the best investment in the past few years by a long stretch.
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I think its not given to many people to have the positivity you feel, and it's commendable, and maybe because of your situation that you can actually find the reasons to find the happyness where others can't because for them many things are taken for granted.
And yeah i used to get angry or sad when i had a bill i couldn't pay, and i also learned that it does not change the outcome, you have to accept that, but finding meaning in a dragonfly swooping by, that's another level. :p
I used to have a lot of bugs in my room, ladybugs etc, and dragonflies, butterflies on the back of my window screen, for a long time, but suddenly and somehow one day that just stopped..
And i can understand the noise thing, i got the same thing (why i bought a special 140 euro noise cancelling pc case and gpu with extra silent fans). Which brand/headphones are they? Who knows how noisy the new flat/neighbours will be. :p
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As I said, it took me a long time to reach this state of happiness, thankfulness and mindfulness. But it is nice to focus on the positive things because it makes the less-than-perfect parts of life bearable.
As for the headphones, I purchased the SONY WH-1000XM2 when they were on sale and I never regretted it. I did so after a thorough research for about half a year (which I nearly always do before buying something because I try to find out before whether I really need it - both because I don't like spending money on me/things and because I don't want to put more strain on the environment and resources than absolutely necessary).
And just as you, I made it a point of emphasis to have a quiet PC this time around. I didn't want to shell out for extra quiet fans for the CPU and the case, but the case itself already came with decent fans and good isolation anyway. I really enjoy it every single time I turn it on and hear nothing (or the faintest of noises if I concentrate).
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Thanks, seems like the headphones aren't cheap (then again i invested much in a pc, so what am i to complain, except well maybe i need to start saving up) but i bookmarked it.
Too bad you can't sleep with them, and with earplugs or even cotton balls in my ears i always hear my heartbeat, which is very annoying, do you have anything noise cancelling for sleeping?
Yeah although you can't just escape the harddrive sounds when you download/upload much and it's always busy. :p
Also very important to dust off your pc inside, and fans every few months, makes them go longer but i think it also adds to noise.
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Dust definitely increases the noise, since your fans don't cool as much with the same RPM when everything is dusty, so they will speed up. And, yeah, of course the longevity of all parts suffers.
As for the HD noise - this is one reason why I switched to SDD. ;)
I actually had an old PC that I had no access to for a couple of years go up in flames when I turned it on - well, the PSU short-circuited due to dust build-up (I assume) and then the flames shot out the back. I noticed how nimble I could still be on occasion when I dropped down and pulled the plug under the desk. :D
Sometimes I did use the headset to fall asleep (lying on my back) if the noise was too annoying. Currently I use either earbuds and listen to podcasts, guided meditation or soothing music, or I do the same with a bluetooth speaker. Both on low volume levels.
The earbuds actually block out a lot of noise. So my actual order (going with increasing noise levels) is: Nothing, speaker, earbuds, headset.
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I am surprised that happened, you don't hear that often and many don't dust their pc's either (not to mention laptops and how much it can gather). And offcourse it's just very dangerous and should have some protection.
And it used to be quite easy removing all parts to get access to, but this one i let it build in the store and with some stuff i just got no clue how to remove them (and like if i ever want to replace my cpu f.e, no clue)
And my case weighs 25 kg so also not something to go easily to a shop with (with no car). :p
Maybe earbuds will also be an idea for me thanks.
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Well, it's one thing not cleaning your PC and using it and another NOT using it for a couple of years. In that case the dust gets in at the sides and is not distributed, let alone partially blown out again. So I assume the dust build-up at the inlet of the PSU was considerable and bridged some contacts. I just wasn't aware of it at the moment - but lesson learned (in a very dramatic way :P ).
Also, while earbuds are more comfortable than a set of full-sized headphones when sleeping, they still are not a great solution if you sleep on your side. When I do that, I remove the earbud that would be pressed into my ear and listen on one side only (mostly podcasts or audio books in that case as I can't listen to music on just one ear). But I do enjoy them and also use them for sports activities.
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If all goes well I'll be moving into my own place soon as well. I have 51 days as of today to find housing. I can possibly get a 1 month extension if I need it. It's a struggle to find affordable housing where I live and the stress of finding a place is literally making me go insane. But I'm just going to hope that everything turns out well in the end.
It's super exciting getting a place of your own.
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Thank you!
Are you seeking rental or something to buy? Here people wait 10-15 years on just a rental place, and we are short 200.000 new build houses, so yeah it can be very very hard.
I am stuck to (social) rental housing, we got a site for that (thanks to a good tip from my dad to get myself signed in 12 years ago).
And you just sign in on the places of interest and then you wait if you get in a top 10.
I had no thoughts i would get a new build house, because a) being so rare and b) everyone would be jumping on it (and well 716 people did, so i was kinda lucky big part because i signed up for so long) but sometimes things will just fall in your lap.
The current housing situations make many people having to go back to live with their parents unfortunately, but not everyone has that luxury
I don't know what will happen if your days run out (will you end up on the streets?) and is this your first place or you had before?
Anyway i really hope something falls in your lap too and can leave the stress. :)
It's exciting, but also stressful i think, the moving itself, suddenly being really alone, all the administration you never had to do, but also the bills. Maybe if i end up with a relationship that would be also new on top of it all, which is also exciting but also with it's "downsides" like suddenly having to share your stuff, hope you won't end up fighting with eachother (too much) etc. :p
Annnd then kids which gives their own joys and agonies.
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It certainly is, thank you.
To stay in the Monkey Island theme, since it's talk like a pirate day and new monkey island. :D
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goodluck first time living on the own can be a great thing, i still remember when i moved into the place im at
long time ago, it was awesome having freedom and everything, goodluck with your first place of your own ^w^
also ur post title your leaving was quite a scare
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Damn, you got me with the title π You are a positive influence on this site and seeing your "Happy Squall" avatar always gives me some warm nostalgia feelings. Glad youΒ΄re not leaving SG and IΒ΄m happy about the great news. Hope moving goes smooth and all π
IΒ΄m moving too this November and its a completely new building that probaply wont have an internet connection for ~6 month π I hope the LTE-reception will be at least halfway bearable. Internet is just as vital as power, heat and water π
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Thank you, really appreciate it π And sorry for the scare. :P
Hope your moving goes smooth too.
6 months is a very long time yeah, i haven't really thought about it or know, i just kinda expect it to be that there would be internet right away (after getting a subscription), maybe there isn't too.
I lived a good 20 years without internet so one would say you can get used to no internet, but oh your face when your connection drops for a few minutes it's like in the link. :p Wifi and air are about the same yeah. π
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Yeah, that was pretty much my reaction when I got that info xD I assumed new buildings would be connected right away nowadays.
Since you move to a "rebuild" place, IΒ΄d guess and hope it will be different for you... but best try to get that Info early on so you can prepare if it takes longer.
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I think they would be connected, it's near/on an industrial site, so they got the means, not like it's in the middle of nowhere.
This would be my first time moving away from your parents old place you lived (in my case much too long) and then suddenly being alone, it will definitely be different in that way, i hope it will also be different in that it also opened the way to meet someone to share the rest of my life with (as being so long without because of that reason being at home so long, it's just not been a fun way of living, lonely not having someone to say i love you, i believe in you, and vice versa, affection is important too in life).
The housing cooperation won't start to contact me until october (but they own like half the city) so they aren't in a rush either. :p
If i ever do need internet (to download or check email), it's only 5 minutes biking away, could always drop by my moms still. :p
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Congrats on a new step!
Somehow I thought you are older a bit (like 40++). Probs because of all these YT videos from 70-80's you linking in your topics [like this one =P]
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Thank you.
And i am "old", lets just leave it at putting the ++ out of it, well okay since september i am 42. :p I just had some bad luck, dropping out at school at 15 which caused a whole domino effect for the rest of my life (but i seen people get worse out of it, even traumatized forever), and some people are just late bloomers, i'll leave it at that. :p
But my parents also let me grow up with older music, in the early nineties i was a big Beach Boys fan, and drove my parents crazy singing along with a high pitched voice/yelling. :p
And wow the first ever i heard queen, i was like who the hell are they? And my parents and their friend enjoyed it just as much that i liked it.
But i also like the music history all together, i even have a small collection of music from the 20-30's, and then you feel suprised sometimes you hear a song they later made a pop song out of it (and you be surprised how much is really ripped off from one or another). A music (history) professor would have been a great job for me. :p
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Congratulations! I'm so happy for you! And I'm happy for us, because you're not leaving SG. I'd miss you and your threads.
Thanks for the giveaways!
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I'll congratulate you after the move....
Meanwhile, to get boxes for the move, you can ask stores for their empty boxes. Do not ask from stores that sell food. With such stores, you run the risk that the boxes have cockroaches and/or their eggs. So ask at electronics stores or other non-food stores (but not stores that sell boxes -- they'll just be grumpy when you ask).
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Hold on your party hats, not leaving the forum, but to my own newly (re)build! (which is nice for my germphobia thingie) 2 room rental flat.
I wanted to gift Return to Monkey Island (before i got the moving out news) and especially now that it's certain i have to be extra careful with my money (and i struggle with that being a gamer and lottery player) to save up for furniture and stuff, with some persistance i could get about 2000 euro. So have some other things instead.
The place will be done in the first quarter of 2023, so still have some time to save up luckily. Due many reasons blah blah yeah this would be my first actual move from the parents (now my mothers) nest and the first time really being on my own. And i hope this is just the first step of many to come, and hopefully a relationship with a kid of my own someday too still..
And yes i waited months to use this joke. :D
Just mood music.
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