Hold on your party hats, not leaving the forum, but to my own newly (re)build! (which is nice for my germphobia thingie) 2 room rental flat.
I wanted to gift Return to Monkey Island (before i got the moving out news) and especially now that it's certain i have to be extra careful with my money (and i struggle with that being a gamer and lottery player) to save up for furniture and stuff, with some persistance i could get about 2000 euro. So have some other things instead.

The place will be done in the first quarter of 2023, so still have some time to save up luckily. Due many reasons blah blah yeah this would be my first actual move from the parents (now my mothers) nest and the first time really being on my own. And i hope this is just the first step of many to come, and hopefully a relationship with a kid of my own someday too still..

And yes i waited months to use this joke. :D


Just mood music.

2 years ago*

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2 years ago

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Thank you.

2 years ago

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good luck with the move! I know it might be daunting at first but once you're settled in you'll love the newfound independence!
I'm must admit, I was expecting the title to be a ruse from the start but I was curious to see what's up nonetheless :D

2 years ago

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Thanks. :p

2 years ago

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good luck my buddy

2 years ago

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Thank you.

2 years ago

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That's great news. Have a good housewarming! Save the money for a new nest.

2 years ago

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Yeah but i heard from a cousin, probably a new floor also has to be laid and if you are not handy getting it done alone will cost 2000 euro, which would been my whole budget for the rest.

I don't know how other people manage that, and really am clueless now as how to get that together.

2 years ago

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I did the repairs myself by studying forums and YouTube videos. Terrible memories.
Doing repairs alone is very difficult. But it's much calmer than doing it in a couple with someone.

2 years ago

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Yeah but i have noone, my dad was the handyman in the family, but sadly passed away last year, he had the car to help me move stuff, the skills.
Got 1 female friend who lives too far and is often in phsyical pain, and a sister with brother in law that is just way too clumsy himself to do anything, he even let my sister and her kids paint a door because he refused..

2 years ago

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Well, hope you enjoy it! Good luck and be more careful with your jokes next time, you're going to give someone a heart attack if you're not careful.

2 years ago

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Thanks and sorry, i got myocarditis myself so i want people to be careful with their hearts!

2 years ago

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Congrats on the new home, I hope being in a new place helps you with your anxiety problems :)
that level of patience to make that joke xD

2 years ago

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Thanks. :)


2 years ago

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Returning thread to the first page

2 years ago

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Thanks, yeah finally after some happy news now suddenly my mom had to go with an ambulance, feeling her half right side paralyzed. :x

2 years ago

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Wishing her all the best!

2 years ago

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Thank you, really appreciated.

2 years ago

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Oh. Thats a very sad news. Hope she will get well soon

2 years ago

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Yeah, was some stroke thingie, but she could still talk normally, no weird face, so hopefully that made it much more mild.
She has to stay a few days for observation and then should be able to come home again.
My sister and her daughter barely to not talk to eachother for over a year, but they met eachother visiting my mom, and actually talked, so out of the bad atleast came something good too.

Thank you.

2 years ago

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Hopefully it will be one of many good things happening in the new year, if not before then.

2 years ago

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Thank you, hopefully it is. :)

2 years ago

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