I usually accept all invites from lvl 0 private profiles just to point them out that they are pretty retarded for not even reading a profile of person they want to scam; and then i kick them and report them. But latelly (last month) every single private profile or low lvl russian profile with 2-3 games that added me just stayed silent, not saying single word. So i wait 30 mins and then block em/kick em.

What the heck is this? "Stay silent and maybe he will get angry and start throwing his inventory items at you" scam?

10 years ago

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I'm russian with 3 ban vac but not scamming ;)

10 years ago

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I wouldn't be proud by being neither of those...

10 years ago

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Don't bother accepting them, they aren't copy-pasting that text, it's just a bot, that's why it appears immediately after you accept them. Also, don't even ignore them, just block right away or they'll add you again later.

10 years ago

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but latelly NOTHING appears after accepting :P

10 years ago

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Try to speak with the guys who added you ^^ and if his stay silent delete ^^

10 years ago

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and I think if you turn your inventory profile public, most guys don't added you ^^

10 years ago

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I had that start happening too. I even messaged a couple of them to see if they were just new people looking for friends or what. They never replied and I never see them actually in a game. I just assume their bot isnt working properly and I block them.

10 years ago

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happened to me too sometimes, i accept them, told them 'hey' and got no response, next day i had like 5 phishing msgs from them

10 years ago

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So it's case of "try not to get kicked from someone list and msg him after 24h and he will click it thinking its from friend"... that might work for people with big friendslists.

10 years ago

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I just ignore those invites ...

10 years ago

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Lol, that just happened to me.

10 years ago

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got 2-5 of those daily... just ignore them

10 years ago

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He's propably not after you but maybe after somebody else who has you in his friendlist as well. He just want to make similar friendlist in order to a) change his profile to look like somebody in particular or b) just to appear as a part of some circle to gain some believability/credibility.

10 years ago

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Up until a few days ago I went many years without having anyone on my friends list due to a few people sucking at being friends and making me delete them all off and reflect on things for a little while.

Now I have a few people added from the same group I am in and some random that needs to leave me some feedback for a received game and added me because he/she thought I needed more friends or something.

I ignore everyone unless I am actively chatting with them in chat or have to for gifting purposes. Friends on a list are overrated.

Now that you read my life story don't add randoms it isn't worth the headache wondering why they added you.

10 years ago

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Right in every point sir.

10 years ago

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Is there anything you can do about it?, I got 16 adds daily. For sure i block all of them it never stops annoying level 9000. Can i set my profile to that, that none can add me? i really need help.

10 years ago

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I've noticed the same thing. These days I accept all invites, then just unfriend them if their profile still shows as private.

10 years ago

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not sure if is the same but when they add me i open the chat (just to keep records) and they change names and profile pic really fast, i usually just remove and block them but once i asked one of those:
me - when are you gonna try to scam me?
filthy casual - nah... i just wanted to ask you something
me - begging = blocked
filthy casual - :(

they are not gonna scam but they are gonna beg!
i also noticed that there are ALLOT of csgo alt accounts for scamming by adding a knife to a trade and some useless stuff, then he asks you to add some useless stuff from your inventory, then he removes the knife, you notice and block him :3

10 years ago

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