Nice guide.
Edit: haha, full of placer "a's." Hopefully you'll find time to finish them all.
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I will. I'm going through them. Just looking for some youtube videos that were in the thread that I accidentally derped.
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How to get achievment in Defense Grid:
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Tesla + slow ftw! and 1-2 missile in some missions
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Savegame for Shogun 2:
Auto completing the battles should get you three consecutive victories.
Jolly Rover is just a matter of getting to the Mess, putting a fish on a hook, using a greasy rag on a window, opening it... then putting some peppercorns on the spilt rum, opening the window again.
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Aim for as many plates as possible, and repeated attempts should net you the 5-star rating required fairly easily. Avoid crashing, naturally.
"Tunnels I", "Tunnels II", and "Fission I" are very simple assignments, even a chimp could do it. You'll need to scroll back through the listings to find them.
Similar to Lead and Gold: Grab a friend, find/make a server with 2fort and get 'er done.
Same here. You + Friend = easy tickets.
For clarification, to get this achievement you need to complete the Hell world (World 4), both light and dark levels, with a combined time of under 500 or so seconds. I do not recommend getting this legitimately if you aren't already close to getting it. Check out this video for a save file to use as well as instructions on how to use it. Note: This may screw up your leaderboard times as well as achievements.
Head to Level 5 (don't worry it doesn't take too long to get to), jump underwater, and change characters at the last second to extend your breath meter. The achievement should pop up near the end of your last character's meter. This may take a few attempts to get it to trigger properly.
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A Reckless Disregard: crashing looses you 250 points each time. There is a place where there are two plates for 2000 points next to each other. Purposefully crash immediately after grabbing one, then grab the other. This will net you an extra 1750 points. This gives a bit more leeway and makes it easier to win.
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How to get Serious Sam HD achievment:
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Mount & Blade: Warband
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For the Beat Hazard one, just play a song called Gimme by Alice Cooper on Easy, you'll have 2 minibosses (which count) pop up at the 3 minutes 10 seconds left mark, then just as your 60 seconds has almost hit, a third boss will appear, that's fine, just don't go shooting... and bam, you've got the achievement.
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First, the level can be selected by clicking in the middle of the sun in the level select screen.
Then, just copy this solution for the puzzle and you're set.
Go solo on an easy map, pick sharpshooter, get a hand cannon, get a crossbow, use the hand cannon to get you through most of the mobs until you encounter a skrake (he'll have a monkey mask on), and then just spear him in the head.
Go to the auction house. You can easily get firecrackers for ~1000 crowns, which you can easily get from a Tier 1 excursion.
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Bit Trip Runner is easy enough, on the first level, get all 13 gold, then run straight into the first fire in the bonus round you get for collecting all 13 gold.
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I will take a stab at the ones I got:
Sunburn - Turn 21 blocks red with a single paint
Play pointman and find a long and slow paced song. Carefully fill the whole grid so no colors touch in groups of 3 or more. Surf the side of the track until a red paint comes up.
Counter-Strike: Source
Happy Camper - Get 2 kills standing in the same spot with a zoomed sniper rifle.
Load up your own server then pack it with bots and only give them knives. You can also set this up with two other friends
Summer Swimming Hole - Create A Combo At Least 6 Deep.
Open Zen Mode and set it to all 1 color. When the game starts make all arrows point left. Click the bottom right arrow. Once everything clears hit the fast forward button until you lose. You will unlock it.
Metal Drift
Road Trip Rampage - Achieve 5 kills on each map.
Self explanatory. Set up a server and pack it with bots at level 1 intelligence. I set the round time to 5 minutes. Then play and kill 5 or more bots per round. It will cycle through all 5 maps.
The Wonderful End of the World
Wonderful Big Bladder - Reset the game, and complete the entire thing in one sitting.
Self explanatory. Pain in the butt. There was an exploit where you could just replay the last level, but they fixed it a hour or so ago.
Poker Night at the Inventory
Summer of 69 - Win a hand with a 6 card and a 9 card of any suit.
From experience, the first hand of any game will always have a 6 and a 9 delt at some point. I think they did this on purpose. Just let every card be delt and go all in. They should all fold. If you mess up, do not start a new hand, start a whole new game.
Movie Night - Download and watch a trailer in Steam.
Self explanatory. I recommend meet the medic.
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Basically you have to do the game twice. The second time in one sitting. Now I'm not entirely sure if it does have to be two times, but I had to play the game twice over in order for the achievement to trigger. The game is short, by the way. Maybe two hours first play through, and I clocked 40 minutes on the second.
The game is simple enough. The biggest challenge will be in the infamous "Cafe Internets" level (it's one of the first you unlock). I couldn't manage it until a friend suggested a path, which I refined and will now present to you.
Ultimately you should have over 400 points in order to A-rank it (which is required to complete the game). Remember that it just counts individual items, not their size, so every little bit counts (the little dice things or whatever especially are important). You're gonna have to move quick and deft to get this. Good luck.
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Thank you for consistently helping by posting achievements. I'll be sure to go through and add everything.
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Check my guide on the B12G forums:
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This... was an annoying one, let me tell you. Now the prize booth says you need to get 75% of a level's maximum score, but it may in fact be only 50%, I'm not sure. Now either of the default songs should be doable to net 50%. For 75%, you'll need to experiment with your own songs to find one that is...
a) Long enough. It'll need to be more than 3 minutes I think. None of the tracks in the TF2 soundtrack will work.
b) Not too long. Otherwise it'll quit on you halfway for some reason. This happened when I tried Money by Pink Floyd.
c) Active enough. Apparently Aqualung by Jethro Tull isn't active enough. The algorithm's crap in general.
d) But not too active. The game has a habit of throwing difficult obstacles in your face, and only drawing them when they're too damn close. You'll want to minimize this Fake Difficulty. So Still Kicking is out, unless you got the patience to memorize it's web of bullshit.
The general target should be around a 60-90k point song. My winning song happened to be Carmeaty Burana from the Super Meat Boy soundtrack.
Pro Tip: The multiplier is everything. Build up and you'll be racking in points in no time. If you crash it'll reset, and that's what's gonna screw you over. So if you have a choice of difficult maneuver or reliably keeping the multiplier, keep that multiplier. You can afford to skip some point plates, so don't flail around trying to grab all the plates. Keep it steady and don't lose your cool.
It's only 50% folks. Easy breezy.
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Yep. Check under (b)
It must be handwritten and each achievement has to be on its own postcard. It has to get to them before the 18th, but I'd wager they need to get there sooner if you want to spend the points.
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I am an idiot. I accidentally deleted my original thread while trying to hit the edit button. Please post any tips you have and I'll put them in here. If you need help or help with co-op achievements. Come and ask.
Each Day has a free achievement that you can get without having to have a game to earn it.
Day 1 (June 30th)
Sunbathing - Be perfect in Transition up to the first intermission
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II: Retribution
Promethium Summer - Kill 50 enemies while using a flamer
Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West
Summer Hits - Kill 7 enemies in a row with headshots without dying
AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity
Air. Wind. Sun. Pain. I Am All of This, and Your Mom Makes a Fine Pasta Dinner - Complete the Summer Sun level from the main menu with full points
Toki Tori
Get a Tan - Stand in all sun beams
Swords and Soldiers HD
Vamos a la playa - Complete Viking Campaign level 3 by killing all units.
Welcome to Camp - Join The Summer Camp Official Group
Day 2 (July 1st)
Hamilton's Great Adventure
Beach 2011 - Complete the "Up, up and away" extra level in the Amazon Jungle
Science is an Indoor Activity - Beat 3 published ResearchNet assignments
Total War: SHOGUN 2
Summer Son - Your daimyo wins 3 consecutive land battles during the summer season
Alien Breed: Impact
Time to Party! - Complete 3 Co-op Assault multi-player games
Team Fortress 2
Escape the Heat - Jump into a pool of refreshing water while on fire
Sharpshooter - Score 2500 in the Carnival minigame
Find your friends - Link your Facebook Profile in Steam
Day 3 (July 2nd)
Swedish Summer - Experience Rain and/or Blizzard 20 times during one Versus match to unlock a much needed treat
Fireth of July - Cause 20 groups of fireworks to go off in a Hoard Mode level
Jolly Rover
Bon Voyage - Send a shipmate on a trip to remember
Super Meat Boy
Medium Rare - Spend as little time in hell as possible
Garshasp: The Monster Slayer
Cool'em in Summer - Throw ten enemies in the water while on the raft.
Introduce yourself - Post a comment on a friend's Steam Community profile page
Day 4 (July 3th)
Defense Grid: The Awakening
Out of Bullets - Beat all 5 'Out of Bullets' challenge modes without using Gun or Cannon towers
Men of War: Assault Squad
Grand Master of Barbecue - Complete the steam summer sale bonus mission!
Flight Control HD
Nice Shades - Open all umbrellas simultaneously on the Stunt airfield
The Polynomial - Space of the music
Sunburn - Use the sun to kill an enemy
A.R.E.S.: Extinction Agenda
It's Getting too hot - Trick a Bomber to hit and destroy a Zytron Walker (LA)
Iron Grip: Warlord
Everything Under the Sun - Purchase every available weapon and upgrade.
Write home - Recommend a game to your friends
Day 5 (July 4th)
Mount & Blade: Warband
Lady Of The Lake - As female character, give a companion character a great sword.
Summer Hot Dog - Make a barbecue of 20 zombie dogs in a single slaughter mode match
Fortix 2
Harvester - Collect 50 sunflowers on Greemland or Classic levels
Summer Dip - Stay Underwater for 40 sec without taking damage
Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter
Swimming instructor - Drown an enemy
Say Cheese - Post a screenshot
Day 6 (July 5th)
AI War: Fleet Command
Heat Wave Brown out - Accumulate a net energy balance of 300,000.
Monday Night Combat
Bayheimer - Cool guys don't look at explosions: This achievement can be earned by killing an enemy pro with explosion damage with your back turned.
Beat Hazard
Striptease - Strip the turrets off 2 bosses and keep them alive for 60s
Foreign Legion: Buckets of Blood
Chicken BBQ - Kill 25 chickens
Nation Red
Molotov Grill - Start a game in Strategic Mode and pick only four perks: Fire Starter, Friendly Fire, Remote Detonator and Molotov, then detonate 12 Molotov grenades in one game
And Yet It Moves
Bat-Wetter - Heat wave in the cave! Cool down a sweating bat with a drop of water in The Great Escape
Play time - Play a free game demo
Day 7 (July 6th)
Killing Floor
The Big Hunt - Kill a circus Scrake with a crossbow
Atom Zombie Smasher
Dog Days - Rescue at least 100 people in July
Left 4 Dead 2
Stream Crosser - Survive the Cold Stream campaign on any difficulty
Solar Flare - Complete the Solar Flare level
Spiral Knights
Star-Spangled Bomber - Get Cracking! Add the Firecracker bomb to your arsenal
Guardians of Graxia
Fire Sale - Hit at least three enemy units simultaneously using either the Hell Storm or Wild Fire spell cards.
Roastin' yer Marshmallows - Bump into a fire in a Bonus Challenge
Day 8 (July 7th)
Beach Party - Start the party on Glade
Sunburn - Turn 21 blocks red with a single paint
Counter-Strike: Source
Happy Camper - Get 2 kills standing in the same spot with a zoomed sniper rifle
Summer Swimming Hole - Create A Combo At Least 6 Deep
Metal Drift
Road Trip Rampage - Achieve 5 kills on each map
The Wonderful End of the World
Wonderful Big Bladder - Reset the game, and complete the entire thing in one sitting
Poker Night at the Inventory
Summer of 69 - Win a hand with a 6 card and a 9 card of any suit
Fate of the World
Catch Some Rays - Hooked up space solar power arrays by 2110
Movie Night - Download and watch a trailer in Steam
Day 9 (July 8)
Day 10 (July 9th)
Day 11 (July 10th)
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