How can i find a site's archive variant from like 2012/2013? Path Of Exile site?
They promised everyone , Player vs Player ( Cut-Throat mode, sort of invasion system like dark souls1,2,3 games and full loot system like Darkfall Online / other games survival ones etc ) and now in 2018 they still haven't given players option to pay for such a league,they'd said guilds will be able to rent leagues with various rules including PvP , if they don't wanna host them themselves, there are lots of players on the forums in various topics that said they'd pay for a permanent PvP league.
The current " hardcore league " gamers are still casuals imho, like MATHIL saiz in this video at 03:56 , simulates the " hardcore experience " , is either ALT+F4 when low hp or log-out macros lol
the REAL hardcore league ,for those of us who actually played Dark Souls 1,2,3 and/or other similar ones demon souls,bloodborne ,etc any pvp game really, know the only proper hardcore league is a Player vs Player permanent league 1 soft core and 1 hardcore box ticked on, the only thing more hardcore than a permanent Cut-Throat pvp league and the hardcore box ticked on is one with also
TURBO => from Race season 1 ,Monsters run, attack and cast 60% faster.
and other nice ones :) Onslaught , Nemesis , Warbands , Beyond , etc many ones really.

What do you guys think on the matter?
I've suggested some things in the past to Chris Wilson so the passive skill tree's jewels were added ( well now in some unique items like from Abyss league lightpoacher/shroud of the lightless etc also have jewel sockets) + long ago Cannot be frozen items :D i invented an OP PvP combo my Ice Spear(s) witch that perma criticals->freezes-> shatters,paired with 1 melee teammate using " Glacial Hammer" ,glacial hammer used to have long ago " shatters already frozen units" so that combo would've won not only 2 vs 2 in pvp but 2 vs any number really)
and more recently suggested players being able to see what friends are inactive since how much time since some of us had some in friends list since closed beta ( many years ago ) and then open beta ,also a while and it's just 100 max limit on Friends List / Ignorelist (and you have lots of RealMoneyTrading sites bots spammers advertising links + also trades lowballers)
So far they didn't really consider suggestions like increasing friends list limit , adding a redhead playable character ( Witch is brunette, Ranger was blonde they added Scion many years ago also blonde,you have to rescue her from Act3 in first playtrough to unlock though as playable character , but still no redhead char meh)

But what i really don't understand is GrindingGearGames's failure to capitalize on huge potential increase in the playerbase adding the permanent Player Vs Player leagues as they promised since 2012 or 2013 forgot when i saw the site first time.... There are lots of fans of the DarkSouls franchise etc...
Similar thing i don't really understand is also PlayerUnknown's battlegrounds having a Twitter Teaser trailer for Zombies but not ever adding persistent world servers with zombies+player zombies & base building as they teased,oh well i guess MISCREATED game in Crysis engine will be best close to a Fallout multiplayer except the new Fallout76 game that is out there....

And before you guys say some "gamers" like their fishtank immersion ,so they are like EVE Online's "carebears from high-security sectors" , before some of you ladies & gents say the developers would waste time & resources, the PVP leagues are already existing but temporarily between an hour and a few weeks at most it's been i think , they could add a PvP icon ,crossed swords more in the background compared to the other league buttons when one creates a character... And like in No Man's Sky when i suggested it BEFORE the recent Multiplayer update , to add PvP servers COMPLETELY SEPARATE from PVE servers some players were afraid of it, like how would it affect you ,a PvE-only player,if it's 100 % separate servers for PvP :D it's mindblowing really... No Man's Sky devs did PvP srvs anyway and the MECHS i suggested i saw they added,nice.

SURE, DotA 2's Artificial Intelligence company founded by Elon Musk is starting to progress more and more,it even beat DotA 2 pros quite a few times especially first time in 1 v 1s , but before this existed ,the top challenges one gamer would get would be from the top of the elite of PVP ,not from scripted AI ,as long ago proper real AI never existed unless maybe in the military applications, or aliens ,or just Skynet in Terminator movies heh....
SURE the previously existing " bots " in various games were and still are better than X/Y percentage of a game's playerbase, the % percentage really depends on which game but still the best challenges are from PvP not scripted AI which you can learn your way trough eventually dodge it all / cheese it/meta builds or various tricks and tactics.

All-in-all , i love Path of Exile & it's devs, it is currently and for me since many years i recommend it as so, the BEST A-rpg in the genre. ( Diablo 3 even officially lost to it recently so they no longer make Diablo 4 but a mobile variant etc ) . It's complex, free to play, they are hard working on the graphics more and more interesting news is that TENCENT Bought a part of Path of Exile's stocks ( )
so i believe it will help them a lot same with EvE online ,partially bought by Pearl Abyss makers of Black Desert Online , both developers of PoE and EvE online still decide the majority of it's things but they'll have more manpower,more resources and we'll have more shiny microtransactions SKINS for the two games.

So,what do you ladies & gents think of it, is there a way to find archive of the Path Of Exile site from like 2013?
And bonus question,what's your take on PVP ?:)
"Anything goes in love and war " they say ;D

6 years ago*

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Bless you ! What is your take on PvP in gaming?:)
for example i like that DotA 2 not only might exceed the Tennis prizepool in cash next year ,but also some countries consider to add it in schools as it is sort of a Chess but more interactive more complex and even more mind-training , all the heroes & items and skills combinations etc, various situations that require fast thinking and reflexes etc. Coordinating as best one can between defense & offense , thinking the long-game too etc

So i can see the page on that site?i want to get proof that they actually wrote they will add in the future PvP permanent leagues. ( i guess today is still " the future " but ye you know what i mean xD 5-6 years passed so far since i saw their site's announcement of PvP leagues )
Will check it right now,thanks. I will suggest them like 3rd time in few years the PvP also to increaase Friends list limit/ignorelist limit more than 100 ( the lowballers in trades are meh but sometimes in Global chat you'll have RealMoneyTrading sites that sell crafting currency orbs aka PoE's currency in game for real life benjamins $ etc lol so we do ignore those a lot and you know it's a free game they just make n ew chars level to 5-25 forgot what it's required for them to write in global chat ,probably 25 same as trading requirment ), + the redhead playable char suggestion since they have added 2 blondes scion after ranger & witch were already in the game )
And i will suggest them like second time or third time they can do a POLL a big poll so players can actually vote on it yay or nay....

6 years ago*

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SP/CO-OP PVE gamer here, so ...

Yes, you can try to find that info (if it was there) in one of the site snapshots.

6 years ago

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Co-op & pve is fine ,but i like it when PvP is added too, liiike DYING LIGHT game etc :) yes?

6 years ago

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Closed 6 years ago by TheDotAWizard.