Hello everyone. I'm looking for a pretty specific type of television series; namely one that handles courts of law with a jury. There was a Belgian fiction one which I loved so much but it's pretty old, is never aired again, can be found nowhere on the internet and isn't on DVD. So I'm looking for something along those lines.

The things I liked most about it was that it was fiction, but not dramatized in any way. No music, no over-the-top drama, just realistic courts of law with a jury that consisted of normal everyday people.

Is there such a thing?

<The television show was called "Het Hof van Assisen", which roughly translates into "Cour de l'assis"; the English equivalent of that type of court would be the Criminal Court.>

11 years ago*

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No clue. Sorry!

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Reinheart.