They are clearly for inviting people to this site and helping it grow and flourish into a grand site that is a great thing to behold, right?

Apparently not, apparently they exist for people to get their close friends to join and no one else eventually causing the chain of invites to stop and making the sites growth become stagnant. Or at least, this is the way much of the community seems to think they should be used for. Why is this? Is it because they don't want competition for the giveaways? Do they honestly think that the bad seeds aren't going to find other ways to get invites? Are they just elitists that feel that now that they're in the site it is perfect and that it can only go downhill from this point if more people come?

So then, to address the questions at hand... Don't want competition? Well, you clearly haven't noticed that with growth of members has come a mostly equal (or even greater) growth in giveaways made. But wait you say, if that's true, then why are giveaways getting 500-1000 entries instead of 100-200? Because there's 5 times as many people and 5 times as many giveaways and 5 times as many points. However, you still have a 5 times as good of a chance to win as you did before, or maybe not. But you have a great chance to win still. Bad seeds find other ways... Yes, they do. Whether it is getting the special invite codes, or having their bad seeds invite them, and then they invite more, etc. But wait, you say, if they're held accountable how can they still do this? Unless you make it a one strike system, they'll all still be able to invite a few really bad seeds and then have one other person they invited start the chain again. But what if we limit invites you say... Then those of us who are honestly just trying to help the site grow won't be able to, because we'll constantly find things blocking our path, and it will just make people less willing to believe this site is legit if ya can't buy an invite without a diamond the size of a testicle.

Are you elitists? Yes, most of you are just of an elitist view that the site was better when you joined or the site couldn't possibly be better with any more members. Plain and simple, this view will cause stagnation and make this great thing just die out entirely.

Now to really scare you... One day this site won't require invites.

13 years ago*

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There's a subreddit for that, r/circlejerk

I'm so confused I have no idea what the thesis is.

13 years ago

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The guy brings up some valid points, just because you do not agree with them does not all of a sudden make it rubbish

13 years ago

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I can't begin to agree or disagree, I don't understand what he's saying, it's very convoluted. I've read through it three times and there's testicles, elitists, stagnation, competition, with every sentence ending in a question.

13 years ago

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It's a thread based on the recent 'we should ban those who invite people who get banned' movement. I'll agree it could use some formatting, but it's not that hard to read.

13 years ago

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Movement? Movement? This entire thread is now silly.

13 years ago

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Well, what would you call a collection of people within a group who are rallying behind a specific idea? A pear?

Please, I'd love to know a better term for it.

13 years ago

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And there is also a collection of people against the specific idea. You people are overreacting. No has implemented any sort of system.

13 years ago

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Well typically it is better to voice both sides of an argument when anything comes up. If something is accepted initially by everyone there is typically something wrong with it.

Big Secret: I'm actually not necessarily 'against' the initial idea of banning people (though I am against making it go more than one layer deep). I'm just a big fan of a good solid debate and am more than happy to take up the side I am against in order to create a better overall idea.

13 years ago

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yeah the paragraphs above never mentioned bans, so I guess that's why I easily missed it.

13 years ago

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This is clearly in response to my suggestion. I was merely suggesting it and the fact that my idea has both supporters and people who are against it says that its an idea that requires consideration and discussion amongst members. I never intended to make it about competition, in fact, I'm all about bringing people to the site. My idea was to help prevent abuse of the invite system for their own malicious purposes, if you have any other ideas to help prevent false giveaways and whatnot, I'm open to your suggestions and discussions.

Edit: Missed an sentence and fixed spelling errors.

13 years ago

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Sure it wasn't your intent Keres, but competition will come up. Playing devil's advocate and forcing the opposition to accept crazy unrealistic depictions of their side are all part of a good debate. I'm mostly trying to encourage discussion.

13 years ago

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I'm not sure where you're going with the idea of forcing the opposition to accept their crazy unrealistic depictions of their side, but still the issue needs to be addressed. I'd prefer to have a discussion instead of saying, "Nothing needs to be done" because it has occurred repeatedly and we need to take up a proactive approach to try and circumvent this.

13 years ago

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It's just a function of debating meant to help show the possible extremes of the opposing side's position. It's meant to help the opposing side think about exactly what they are arguing for. As for saying 'nothing needs to be done' I'm moderately certain I did not say that nothing needed to be done, but instead suggested the idea of flagging accounts who have invited people (who in the short-term were bad eggs) so that if someone is obviously trying to cause trouble, the admins should have an easy time noticeing.

I'm just arguing against the idea of mass bannings because one guy slipped up.

13 years ago

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I apologize, I did not mean to point the finger at you being of the one that's been saying nothing needed to be done. I'm just saying most opponents have said no outright or didn't like the idea of 3rd chain but did not object to immediate invitees. Flagging accounts would require more work on moderators part, and as far as I know, there's only one admin. As far I know, I don't think moderators have the ability to see who invited who at this time being, just IP addresses being logged.

I don't see how there's a mass banning because a guy slipped up, according to my suggestion, if we implemented the rule of taking accountability of their immediate invitees- only the inviter and the violator/invitee would face consequences. Never anywhere did I say a ban would be the only punishment either, it could be a suspension and if the inviter has shown irresponsible invites repeatedly, then perhaps a ban. If the inviter has shown to invite 10 people, and one screwed up and none of his other invitees did, then he could make a compelling case and not even get a suspension or warning and those 9 other invitees would be not punished.

13 years ago

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Well the original thread made it sound like if Person A invited Person B, then Person B invites Person C, and Person C messes up that both A and B should be banned. As I just said in the other thread in general a small suspension or perhaps even a 'points debt' (making someones points go to negative so that they would have to wait for it to go back up) would be much more acceptable in general to the invitees

13 years ago

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My original idea did have chain of responsibility, but it seemed to have met with resistance so I suggested an edit where PersonA would only be responsible for their PersonBs, more people have responded positively to that.

13 years ago

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the fact that I feel responsable for the people I invite and so will only invite the people I know and trust and not random strangers; this is why I have only invited two people and probably wont invite any others.

13 years ago

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well, I got my hands on a couple.


Shame on you all for missing that.

13 years ago

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Off topic, but meh. I probably wouldn't of joined even if I got the invite. Purely for the fact I'm not a huge music listener, sorry to say.

13 years ago

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music listener?

13 years ago

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Thought you were referring to Oink as you did previously, What you were talking about then?

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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This ^ is really the only reason I made this thread.

13 years ago

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he does bring up a valid point. But the fact atm is our mods have their hands full right now and they need a way to enforce the rules. Maybe restricting invites is the key, maybe its not. I still think that having some accountability for your invites would work well as long as the mods don't over do the punishment for the poor guy just handing out an invite to whom he thinks is harmless. That's where you have to trust in the mods judgement call.

13 years ago

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Maybe we could just decrease the amount of points we get, i mostly don't know what to do with my points but create invitation code. Maybe 1 point every 20 years.

13 years ago

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Excellent idea. Then most people will get on avg. 2-3 points before they stop caring or die.

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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With the summer camp sale I was thinking this was a problem the same as you. Now I am not as sure as I was before. except for glapos going crazy a while ago there hasnt been too many giveaways created. Or maybe this is because there arent 1892 fake giveaways being created? That seems to be much more under control as well.

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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13 years ago

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13 years ago

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there is a subreddit for giving invites to people, which I usually try to post invites in (because I've hit the max amount available until some get used) but since registration is disabled, they are useless for now.

13 years ago

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i think a lot of people on the internet don't know when to use the word "elitist".

13 years ago

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what is this internet you speak of

13 years ago

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That sounds elitist -_- *warning (This is a joke)

13 years ago

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Wall of BS.

13 years ago

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Note : its your opinion :/

Edit : i don't know what to say D: !

13 years ago

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It is indeed a wall of Bacon Strips.

13 years ago

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i love bacon strips, but they are not good for you

13 years ago

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I invited 11 people. Why you ask? Because someone else was nice enough to invite me.

13 years ago

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Closed 13 years ago by Shardok.