Because Batman burned my credit card and Iron man hacked my bank account.
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I had to travel to the center of the earth and rescue my monster. Almost died, but Ron Swanson swung by and helped me up. Gave him all my bacon made him my profile pic as payment. When we saw my monster, it was dead so we went back up and just ate more bacon. And eggs.
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Why didn't I buy it? WHY THE $%^&%$#$%^&(&&^%FUCK DIDN'T I BUY IT? Let me ask you something, Mister. I have been through hell and back. World of Warcraft, Skyrim, Runescape, Maplestory, you name it. I did them all. And I do mean DID. From a very young age, too. You might consider it pedophilia, but the law didn't. The law didn't care about minority children like me. Any old game could mess with me whenever it wanted. So when I saw this game bundle, I knew what it wanted. It was trying to manipulate me. It wanted me to get down on my knees and submit. But I wouldn't let it. I suited up. Two katanas, a bitchin' AK47 and medieval knight's armor (because I could and it was only $0.01 on Amazon). I came at night, to slit that goddamn bundle's throat, but it wouldn't die.
Or maybe I wouldn't, couldn't kill it. Maybe I didn't want to. I loved that bundle, truthfully, but I was damaged. I knew it inside. Why had I tried to attack it? Why had I tried to hurt it? For once, I wasn't the victim, the bundle was. My misplaced affections had hurt it, so I ran. Far away. But now, you have given me the opportunity to see my bundle-kins again. Please, for the love of God, at least let me speak with it? Please. I beg of you.
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I was too busy no lifing on a videogame to do anything about it.
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The purple aliens with mustaches didn't tell me that the pancakes on the roof of the lemon house were important. Since I didn't take the pancakes off of the roof of the lemon house and trade them for a piece of chocolate cake, the unicorn in the lemon's neighbor's lawn stabbed me with it's spike. My grandmother, therefor, needed immediate medical attention because the white fluffy puffballs in the garden were so cute. The jambajuice bill was incredibly expensive but still left me with so much money that I felt wonderful not to be spending any money on frivolous games.
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So one day I saw this Bundle-in-a-Box bundle launches, then I wanted to buy it, but then I got abducted by aliens and was abandoned in outer space, so I tried to release some force to get me down back to earth. I burned through the atmosphere, an airplane, and when I reached the ground, I punched it SO HARD that it made an earthquake, which cut the connection from my computer to the internet. I managed to get it fixed, but by the time, it had ended already.
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The almighty god of pasta first ate my credit card then made me play this: for a complete 5 seconds, it was so awful I decided to buy this and play it instead: , but I cut my thumb while cutting a 6.9mm stick, so I ragequit(ed?) and played this instead: and while I liked it in the 0.69 seconds I played of it, alas, the god of spaghetti appeared and took my virginity.....OH, I meant to say wallet, yeah, that.
Anyway, this post had nothing at all to do with an excuse for not buying the bundle. Sorry about that good sir, but it looks....delicious! And nutritious! Yum! Also, pasta.
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Super mario came to my house..said something very mysterious and runned away..Then came luigi and kidnapped the super mario. Then nothing happened and then super mario eated luigi and destroyed internet for 5 years in zorbx universum. So that's why i couldn't buy humbully dumbully bundully
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Well. You see, first I checked my e-mail. Figure do that real quick before purchasing a bundle. Well. I was mistakingly e-mailed highly sensitive corporate data. I'd upload it or link it, but doing so would be deemed inappropriate due to the grotesque nature of this information. However, I knew I had to pick up my life, and get out of dodge. I kept a USB flash drive with the data upon it, my only companion.
The first week, I eluded capture from corporate spies and contracted killers. I took to the sea. That's where this story gets strange, though. Modern day pirates commandeered the vessel, leading to a standoff between pirates and spies. Luckily, due to my service upon a nuclear submarine, I'm well versed in SCUBA operations, and managed to flee the ship underwater where I hitched a ride from a dolphin.
Now, I am in need of a handful of games to pass the time away. I would have a medley of such already, but the ill-timed adventure came just before I could use my bank card. Obviously I cannot do such, now. However, with your help, I can possibly meek out this existence.
John Doe.
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I did not buy the bundle because computer games are just a vast mind control conspiracy. The Illuminati/Bilderberg alliance didn't kill JFK because he was a pawn of the Catholic Church nor because of his mob ties. They didn't kill him at all. They removed his brain hours before the shooting they staged as a cover up so they could implant it into a genetic clone of Adolf Hitler, whom Nostrdamus referred to as Hister and/or Mabus. JFK/Hitler aka Mabus II is currently heading up the computer game mind control project to ensure a massive army of sleeper soldiers to put down the handful of resistance fighters that survive the HAARP earthquakes. They can't hand the planet over to the dread lord Xenu if there are any free minds left. All of this has been thoroughly documented. We have a fiat currency man. Reagan was the last human president even if he was a cyborg. Everyone since then has been a reptillian priestess in service of the dark ones. 2/3 of the Senate doesn't even exist. They're holograms. Watch them closely and you can see which ones are real.
I will not be a pawn of the interdimensional reptillians nor will I serve the traitor prince Mabus II aka JFK/Hitler. You'll have to fry me with your Y-rays from the secret weapons platform on International Space Station. Please join me in the resistance, free people of Earth. Either you fall prey to the computer game mind programming efforts of the traitor prince or you can die as a human being. I for one don't want the eye parasites to feed on my memories. Join me in the hopeless resistance, brothers and sisters.
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Our story begins right here. Right with the kid. Kid's sleeping now, tired by all the misfortunes he's had to go through. Fought hard for his friends, too. But in the end he couldn't make it. Kid just wasn't ready for the final battle yet. Course', a stranger popped up recently. Right from the grips of the calamity. The stranger was an ura, but the kid didn't care. In times like this enemies because friends. The stranger brought some mighty useful items with him too. A harp, not that great of a player, but it sure made time pass. Kid likes falling asleep to the sound of it. Also brought a telescope, from his old workshop in his homeland. Great for tracking incoming attacks of squirts or ghast fellas. But something else too. Don't think he showed it to the kid yet... A humble bundle. The whole deal, too. The one the kid passed by when he was running from a horde of the calamity. He didn't take the risk to grab it. Valued his life more than the bundle. Was that the right choice? Only future'll tell. With that bundle, he could have won his final battle. The calamity would have cowered in fear. But the kid knew better. The bundle was too far away and protected by too many creatures. Didn't want to lose a limb in the fight. But now, the stranger has it. Don't know how he managed to get his hands on one. But the kid needs it. He needs it bad or he won't be returning to the Bastion.
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I hadn't bough bundle,u now why? Of course not! When the world is being overtaken with this nanytes,and micro robots,you just buy retail and digital games to spread them all over.Why i hadn't bought it? I was so busy taking care of theese stuff to keep us all f*** safe.
You are welcome.
Edit:Nanyt sweeping completed.Bundle is safe,i can have one.
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So I bought a couple extra Bundle-in-a-Box bundles (not including the extras) and my friends aren't interested now.
Their loss is your gain. I will give away an unclaimed key to the person who best answers the question: Why didn't you buy the bundle when it was active?
I'm looking for creative answers more along the lines of "aliens kidnapped my grandmother and I needed to pay her ransom" rather than "I didn't know about the bundle".
This giveaway will run for at least 2 days, until I decide whose story I like best.
Picking a winner has been quite difficult. I wish I had a couple hundred keys to give away to all the creative writers in this thread. However, after much thought and gnashing of teeth, I have decided to award the bundle to Mythrilshotgun. I'm sure the games will come in handy while he's hiding from those spies and assassins. ;)
And thank you to everyone else who entered, I quite enjoyed reading all the posts.
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