Something you might not have known and probably wont even matter. You know those cool little covers your mother or grandmother had over the heating elements on her oven? Did you know those were meant to keep mice from crawling up and onto the oven and then all over the counters?
now you know

2 months ago

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Honestly I completely forgot about the covers completely before I read this 😅
That is really interesting to know though. Thank you for the knowledge drop

2 months ago

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For anyone still using an old style oven it could save them some frustration. Never fun to see holes chewed in packaging and little turds all over the place. :o

2 months ago

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Very true

2 months ago

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I'm going to need a picture of one of those covered ovens because right now I don't have a slightest clue what you're talking about.

2 months ago

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You've never seen an oven with a range on top? Just plug oven range or oven top into google. For covers just plug in oven range cover or stove top cover, for the cheap ones add circular. Most of the ones these days are just a flat surface with nothing for a mouse to crawl though so covers aren't needed.

2 months ago

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That's the issue, all those searches come up with modern stuff, not what arbitrarily defined 'old' people from a different continent used to use 'back in the day'. You need to be an American to understand this piece of trivia. If I had a picture, I'd be able to understand how the mice got up to the oven to mess things up.

2 months ago

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Huh? Stoves aren't america only. Google isn't either but a picture isn't going to help much if you can't put it together.



no mouse on the oven

2 months ago

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I have never seen a mouse capable of climbing up smooth metal/glass surfaces, if anything, putting a blanket over it would make it easier for the mice. This is why I needed to know if you have some kind of special rodent friendly home appliances overseas that I'm not aware of. Now I'm even more confused.

2 months ago

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I am going to try to break this down as simple as I can.
Mouse scurries up to oven.
Oven has open spots on bottom.
Mouse crawls into oven.
Oven has insulation inside of it.
Mouse crawls up insulation.
Mouse is now under the surface of the oven.
Surface of old style ovens has burners on top and more openings.
Mouse crawls out of opening.
Mouse is now on top of oven.
Mouse jumps to counter.
Mouse chews hole in food packaging.
Mouse poops on counter.
Great victory for mouse.

Place cover over openings on top of oven.
Mouse cannot even.
Great victory for home owner.

2 months ago*

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im actually just as confused as Greativity... even after looking at the links provided

where are the mice supposed to crawl up from and how would those covers prevent that?

2 months ago

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Inside the oven on the insulation.
The mouse cannot lift the tin cover, it is too weak. It just cant even.

2 months ago

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honestly im still not sure... it seems to be just too abstract for me as i still dont know why the mice would even go there. sorry

2 months ago

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Because you are not a mouse.
Mouse will go anywhere to reach food.
You have never watched a mouse go through a maze for a piece of food?
Or seen a mouse on a ship? Mouse will go anywhere to reach food.

2 months ago

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I did not know the ovens would have no bottoms and that they would be climbable from the inside. I also thought you were talking about cloth blankets and not metal. Now it makes sense, thanks for explaining!

2 months ago

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Oven-baked mouse is apparently a gross smell. My in-law had a cat who brought in a half-dead mouse that ran off and died under their oven, and every time they tried to bake it reheated... everything. They just didn't bake for several years until they replaced the oven. :/

2 months ago

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That just seems like an easy thing to take care of unless it was like an industrial oven or something. Oh well I have seen people replace electronics that merely needed to be dusted or updated. Convenience is nice but it seems to completely destroy common sense in some people.

2 months ago

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Totally agree on fixing it earlier. But they replaced the stove because a burner died and another would only half heat. They just never really needed to bake. Used a microwave, didn't make cookies or such.

2 months ago

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I mean they could just move/open up the stove. Most ovens are fairly light and easy to take apart and put back together. To leave something dead inside one for any length of time just doesn't make sense to me. When I can smell something in my home I find where it is and take care of it even if I have to take a whole wall out. I had a leak on my shower one time, had to take a wall down then air it out for a few days. Sprayed all the mold down with bleach. But growing up dad fixed everything. I mean everything. Car broke down? Dad. Garbage disposal clogged? Dad. Something wrong with the AC? Dad. Now I'm the same way but I don't have money to call repair people anyway. My mom actually called a licensed plumber about the leak, I knew I had a leak because the water bill. He walked around and looked at a few things and fixed nothing. So he got paid for doing nothing and I ended up fixing the leak. He said he fixed a leak out at the meter. I went out and dug up the meter and found another, really bad, leak right at the meter. So it's not just normal people who are not handy these days. the "handy" men are a joke too.
Oh hey here's another story. I had a problem with my truck just suddenly not having any power. By power I mean losing all speed going uphill and not being about to go much above 60mph. I did like 10 minutes in google and came up with lifters/rocker arm assembly, whatever you have in your vehicle that controls the pistons. My family took it to some "professional" working at a shop and they did $1500, most of which was labor. They replaced all kinds of stuff but did nothing to the area I told them about. Truck still ran like shit. I figured out how to get in there and found out that indeed something in that assembly was broken. I don't have the tools to replace the broken part myself but if I did you can bet I would. It just makes me shake my head that I, someone with NO training or schooling or anything, can readily find and solve these problems but so called professionals cannot.

2 months ago*

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I've always felt they should make them for toilets as well, as i dont trust a simple hinge. I remember sitting on the toilet as a kid fearing possible snake or alligator attacks.

2 months ago

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Things come in through roof vents like in bathrooms as well. People aren't the only things that like shelter from the elements. If there's a way in, something will find it!

2 months ago

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Which is why i prefer to live in cold climates which heavily limits the amount of wildlife trying to creep inside. Mainly just deal with bats, spiders, and the random raccoon and rat.

2 months ago

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A typical dryer uses 5,000 watts of constant power. That's more than everything in my home running at the same time unless the ac is on.
Do a lot of laundry? Put up a clothesline, will save you a lot on electricity.

Edit for all the young people with big wallets.
If you can afford a new dryer they can be 1500-5000 watts with the average looking to be around 3000. Probably cheaper to just use a laundromat to be honest but I guess you are paying for convenience.

2 months ago*

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Dryers are for rich and/or lazy people.
Clothelines (Wäschespinne -Clothes spider-) are absolutely enough, if you aren't a very big family (5+) or live somewhere, where it is so cold that you can't hang up clothes to dry.

EDIT: I earned +1 BL for my comments to the dryer. Some people should really learn to react more relaxed :-D

2 months ago*

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Some of us are just exhausted and have not enough energy+time for all the things. I do like the smell of outdoor line-dried things during summer.

And a friend in Florida said towels would mold before they managed to dry if you hung them after a shower, so I suppose it was just too wet to line dry.

2 months ago

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Oh they will dry in the cold too especially if there is enough wind and the sky is clear. Maybe not below freezing though, I made an indoor line for bad days. Just put my heater and fan on one end and they get dry after a while.

2 months ago

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Fun fact to go along with the thread topic: you can dry clothes below freezing, provided the air isn't humid.

The water in the clothes will turn into ice, but with a bit of sun and wind the ice will sublimate (evaporate without turning into water). Takes quite a while, but it can be sped up by literally shaking excess ice off the clothes.

2 months ago

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I was actually wondering about that. Some other weird related thing is boiling water will freeze before room temperature water. Science is amazing.

2 months ago

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While I agree that they aren't really necessary I have wished I had one of those heated dryers during those periods of time when it's been raining for almost 10 days straight. There was this one time a few years ago when it rained every day for like three weeks and what everyone seemed to complain about was running out of clean clothes because they couldn't do any laundry. Weather just sucks sometimes even if it's a hot place if it also happens to be a very humid place.

2 months ago

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And where is the problem to hang them inside above a clothes line, a clothes stand, chairs, heaters, bathtube etc. ?

2 months ago

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The main problem is ludicrously high humidity that prevents anything from drying unless the sun shines on it, but the sky tends to remain overcast, we're talking about days when the air is completely saturated and that extremely humid air also gets inside the house. For something to dry properly it needs to be able to give that water to the air surrounding it but if the air can no longer take that humidity then it simply doesn't dry unless you force it out of it with something, a heater could work but those rainy periods doesn't happen during winter but rather spring and autumn when it isn't scorching hot like summer but fairly hot nonetheless, unless you plan to turn one room of the house into an oven it's not like adding heat is gonna do much difference.
Just remember that we're not talking about usual weather conditions here so it isn't a problem 95% of the time, but it does happen every couple of years.

2 months ago

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That's why I made an indoor setup, I only use it when it's not nice enough to hang out. It's a hassle but it saves money.

2 months ago

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Recently bought washer/dryer in one.

We dont dry cotton clothes or anything that can shrink. But when its bed linen, socks, underwear, towels....... Sick of having clothes everywhere hanging to dry and spending 10 minutes to try to hang the small clothing. Sure, if you have a house with a yard, put it out to dry. I live in a flat and dryer is a convenient as fuck for small tedious clothes, sport wear etc. Having clothes everywhere and especially a drying line inside takes up too much space and is simply ugly.

Also - 5 kWh is max. On average its lower than antidaz says. And that equates to very little cost overall. Who cares if it consumes more then everything combined? I use my laptop and screen daily.. that costs me way more in the long run. Worry about electricity? Tea kettle consumes more then 1000 watts as well. I would bet you boil water 3-4 times a day. Comes out to 4-5 kW EVERY day. Dryer once a week or two? Irrelevant when looking at overall consumption.

PS. of course the time at which it operates also make the different (which is my point). But f you look at power it consumes - even tea kettle is extremly high.

2 months ago*

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Ah you're one of those new age kiddos. Well before you were born almost all dryers used 5000 watts ok? Happy? A lot of us "po folk" still have to use old highly inefficient dryers because we can't be affording new highly efficient ones. In fact when my old 5,000 watt beast died I had $0 in my bank to go buy a new one so I grabbed what was laying around and made a clothesline. Poor people don't exactly have an abundance of excess time either but find a way to dig up those 10 minutes to hang clothes. If I lived in town, I might take a few bucks down to the laundromat but seeing as the nearest one is 10 miles away I just make do.

2 months ago

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one of which new age kiddos? Huh? Throwing insults around like compliments are we?

Firstly - why do you say "typical" if you know it is only old ones? Does that magically erase the fact newer ones consume less? Do you also say cars are horrible just because some old car from 1960 used to consume a lot of fuel completely disregarding new models are efficient and ecological?

Secondly - at no point it was meant as an insult. Sucks that you cant afford one. Sorry about that. But did you even read what I wrote? I got one which was washer and dryer together. And it cost almost the same as a regular washer did. Absolutely zero to do with "po folk" or anything else you just rambled on about.

Sure, using clothesline is perfectly fine. Especially if you cant afford new or upgrade to dryer (or washer/dryer combo). But in which deluded reality is having a dryer something only "rich and/or lazy" people have? If you are below average income that sucks, but these days having a decent washer/dryer is really not something only rich folk buy. Its a normal appliance which you can get for normal price for an average income household.

2 months ago

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Oh god I didn't even read this garbage.
I would apologize but I certainly wont now. It was sarcasm, something that has eluded you I guess. Now go on your merry way "kiddo".
want a piece of candy?

2 months ago*

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Honestly. Get help.

2 months ago

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You are still here? What exactly are you hoping to gain from this other than "throwing around insults"? I am not your husband, I will not kowtow to you. Honestly I would spank you and put you in the corner but apparently we are not allowed to do that anymore.
Now do you want to MOVE ALONG or shall I scold you a second time?

2 months ago

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Scold me? Are you mental?

I came here to have a discussion, yet you started throwing a tantrum like spoiled 12 year old brat. I am sure the irony is lost on you anyway, so have a great day and get a grip for next time when you start insulting people, who are trying to have a discussion with you.

2 months ago

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Sorry all I hear is wahhh wahhh wahhhh. Normal people would have learned by now nothing would be gained from this discourse but clearly you are a "special little snowflake". This isn't reddit or facebook. You aren't going to get any little awards of any kind. No likes or upvotes for you. Just a cranky old man showing you how really stupid you are. Glad you enjoy it.

2 months ago

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Despite the name lambskin condoms are not made from skin, they are made from intestine. How weird is that? Who thought it was a good idea to take that and wrap it around their member and use it in such a way? Apparently some Roman. Better yet why is it still being used when there are better alternatives?
Well, in ancient times water bladders or bladder canteens were made from actual animal bladders, some people still make them. I guess "let nothing go to waste".
I still wouldn't use an intestine in such a way.

2 months ago

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No image so we can see what you're talking about exactly?

2 months ago

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No, as I said before google has those in abundance. And a picture is not going to help you figure it out anyway. If you don't know what a stove/oven with a range is and you can't use google to figure it out I can't be any more help but I provided a few links from google to the other person. From there I guess you just have to use your imagination to figure out how a mouse gets up there.
Here's the links.

2 months ago

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You know those cool little covers

I was talking about this part. I'm not sure what cool covers you are talking about, and although there are probably plenty to find on google, I don't know what you're talking about. Even an example can be great. I'm not even sure how they're supposed to look like.

2 months ago*

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I understand now, they are in the first link. They make them will little pictures on them that old ladies love, They also make ones that cover an entire oven top. You can find more with range covers or burner covers.

2 months ago

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Ok, cool, and thanks for staying coolheaded with stupid comments like mine 😅

2 months ago

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Penne = Type Of Noodle
Pene = Penis in Italian

2 months ago

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fallace is something false
phallus is something else
language is full of similar words that mean very different things

2 months ago

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You dont want to know what SRAM and OSRAM means in polish.

2 months ago

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That one lightbulb manufacturer was not pleased I imagine.

2 months ago

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Both? Both! Both is good - a species of hyena

View attached image.
2 months ago

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Interesting you should bring that up since female hyenas have a false phallus

2 months ago

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Here is something I just learned. Did you know you can access AND download all the save files of your Steam games that have cloud save functionality?
You can access them here.
Steam is storing over 1GB of CP2077 saves for me. Thanks Valve! ;)

2 months ago

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I turned it off, was using up a lot of bandwidth. I found affordable unlimited internet though so I may turn it back on.

2 months ago

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The Tuatara is the only living member of Rhynchocephalian, it's not a lizzard. They can live for over 100 years. They take over 10 years to mature and only lay eggs every 4 years. Eggs take about a year to hatch.

2 months ago

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Closed 2 months ago by Gilgamash.