You have a better chance to resell physical disks than digital copies.
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you have a better chance to break a physical disk than a digital copy
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You can always backup your digital copy to disk, and if you have a decent printer you can even have original game covers. TL;DR: if digital is cheaper than retail, buy digital, else retail. (btw my friend is kinda crazy, he doesnt even buy good humblebundle (thq,deepsilver,etc.) because its not a disk copy O.o)
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that's a good idea, although it still lacks the art printed onto the disc itself. now if only printers accepted discs....
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I used to be that way but not anymore. In the old days when you got a huge box, with a good thick manual and sometimes even large nice maps and shit, then sure, I'd take that over a digital copy anyday. Nowadays though the games mostly comes in regular DVD-cases without fluff so I don't see the point anymore.
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This. I admit a certain nostalgia for the physical games I still have (that gold Zelda cartridge, the tombstone-shaped Stonekeep box, etc.) and might buy a few key, sentimental items in the future, but by and large it's just clutter.
If I had physical copies of all the games I own on Steam and elsewhere, I'd need a couple rooms with wall-to-wall shelves just to display them all.
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Yup. I remember at one time I had HUGE racks full of audio cassettes, VHS tapes, books, and video game cartridges. After a while, the physical size of my collection became smaller as those got replaced by racks full of CD's, DVD's, and game disks that took up less space. But now, I have more movies, music, books, and games than I have ever had before, yet I do not own one physical copy of a movie, album, book, or game aside from I think 3 or 4 PS3 games I had to buy physical copies of because they weren't available for download on PSN and a couple books that weren't available on kindle.
So that leaves the only actual reason for me to own physical copies being that with digital data there's always the chance of losing your library due to hardware failure, but I installed a 5TB network drive that backs up all of my data daily. And the chance of my PC's hard drives AND the network backup failing at the same time is extremely remote. So in the end, the only thing that could actually wipe out my library would be something like a flood or a house fire, but of course those would also destroy a physical library as well so it doesn't really matter.
Digital is the way of the future. Hell, it's pretty much the way of the present.
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I also love that smell! The slight smell of burned plastic, but in a good way... Love it :)
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Well me as I will always keep in mind things that COULD happen :P. Like steam gets closed, account hacked, lost the passwort and can't reset it, steam is down (ddosed or whatever) and you can't play because of that. Things like that. But the steam sales ... urgh ;).
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Around where I am, finding physical copies of older PC games is like finding a Unicorn listening to Bon Jovi while drinking from a Liquid Rainbow waterfall.
Anyway, yeah, I could just order physical copies online, and they will sometimes be cheaper, but never cheaper than waiting for a Steam Sale.
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Well, in my country retail copies are usually much cheaper than on Steam, at least after release (~$42 or even less comparing to 50€). Of course, the digital versions are often on sale and their prices drop faster, but I still buy quite a lot physical copies.
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Yeah, retails are also cheaper in my country, mostly because of the fact, that in Euros on Steam, games cost about 50% more than in dollars. But retails are pretty good, most new games are less than 40$.
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Depends because the only physical copies I remember having were CoD 2(which was like 6 install discs), WoW (which was another few discs, the original), Guild Wars (I believe it was a couple of discs but not certain, still have it somewhere). I got CoD:WaW from buying my old GPU and thankfully that was only 1 disc.
I've had more games but those are the ones with multiple install discs that comes to mind. I'm not a big fan of physical copies just because I like the steam library and if I want to install it I just press a button, and thankfully I have unlimited bandwidth.
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I avoid buying digital copies whenever possible. The exceptions are if the game isn't available as a physical copy or is a game I want and is at a ridiculously good price. I do bend the rules a bit more for games that are pc only though, pc discs just don't feel as collectible as console discs.
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I definitely prefer game disks, especially when it's a game that I'm really excited about. In the same way, I prefer Ubisoft's method of downloading an installer and letting you do the dirty work to Steam dumping a set of files on your hard drive, even if Steam's method is a lot more convenient. However, most of the time it's way too impractical to get a physical copy, so I pretty much only get disks when it's a gift.
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I prefer having a physical copy.. However it has been a while since I have done that for PC. Mainly due to the deals you get from various web sites,steam,ect.
Last game I got a physical copy of? Diablo 3 Collectors edition. Would have been SC2 HOTS expansion Collectors edition but unfortunately it sold out in the area I lived in so I bought the digital one.. So I saved some money doing that but I am kinda sad that I did not get the box. Other than those games.. its been long enough that I do not remember what game I got a physical copy of. ( that is non console ) I almost want to say Bioshock. ( pre-ordered ) ...
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I would have buying physical disks rather than digital copies if they were cheap in my country. Im not saying as cheap as digital copies because it wont make sense. Heck, I didnt even bought games back then because they were so expensive - now after being exposed to the cheap digital copies - I buy any game I love.
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Disks scratch and no publisher has ever, to the best of my knowledge, let you send in a scratched disc and replaced it with a working copy. It's in their best interests to tell you to just buy another one.
Recognize my avatar? It's from the Rockband games. There was actually an issue with Rockband 3 where the first batch had a bad pressing. The game would work for a couple weeks and then, without any physical damage to the disc, it would just quit. It happened to a lot of people, but when I took it back to GameStop (yes, I know, my first mistake right there) the guy told me that they actually got a memo about the bad pressing, and to not allow returns, hoping parents would just buy another one. It wasn't widely covered because it wasn't a very popular game. If they pulled this with a Call of Duty or Madden game, you would have heard about it. I got it replaced — by convincing a store with a better return policy that I'd bought it there. No receipt? Even trade. All I wanted.
I have shit for Internet compared to some of you — 3MBit DSL (256KBit up). 5-10GB game, downloads overnight. I have a big hard drive (yeah, yeah, that's what she said). It's getting full... but I have an even bigger secondary hard drive that can fully back up the first one four times over if it were empty, so I can back up a game and then delete the local files, if I need to save space.
I prefer digital because I can download from anywhere, as many times as I want. There's no rule that says, once you download a game five times, that's it, you must buy it again.
If you want to collect, you can buy blank DVD or Blu-ray cases. Get a color laser printer. Get a Blu-ray burner. Back up the game, print you a label and a sleeve, there's your physical copy. If you're good with Photoshop you can even take out the barcode and the legalese, and replace them with more screenshots, maybe even some of your own. Maybe replace the text with some of your own as well. Make it YOUR game. (I say Blu-ray because many games are too big for a DVD-R. If they're not, by all means use the cheaper media. Doesn't matter what it is when you slap a label on it.)
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3Mbit DSL. I feel you. I am using 1Mbps(100kb/s) speed. :(
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I know its a new generation and physical disks are kinda old and bla bla bla... But i actually love to have an actual physical game library with me rather than just a steam library. You know its very good to look at -_-
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