Yay! I paid-of my game by RMAH but was pretty sure it's bad idea to introduce that option to Diablo III. Normal AH is pretty "OK". Not perfect, but i don't dare to say "crappy". It's funny thing to buy items from others.
Good job, Blizzard. I don't buy your expansion because of that anyway, but it's good way to prove that you care about players.
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I hope they up the drop rate on anything decent then. I found almost nothing of worth the entire time I played the game.
The Gold AH was the only way to get decent gear as nothing drops.
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Possibly the most misused word in a gamer's vocabulary.
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I don't know if I should laugh or cry for those who bought D3 to use it as an extra money making tool.
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Could be that they do this. If they do, then Diablo 3 will finally achieve complete F2P/P2W on Retail
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Would have to be improved drastically.. Feeling a bit cynical about this to be honest. Part of me wont be too shocked that the "Loot 2.0 system" will be the same system just with the new items from the expansion added to the drop list with the same old values for the chance of something decent dropping. ( Soo little its not even funny. )
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March 18, 2014
I might go back and play Diablo 3 again after this.
Greed? They lose money by removing the RMAH, a % of sales goes directly to their pockets.
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All this does is make more of these people want to go use 3rd party sites. Less secure that is for sure.. but people will still use their money for items and gold.
Think this move was a bit silly on their part but it still has no effect on me. Now some of my friends will be a little upset as they have bought gold from the Real money part of the AH :P However one of them for sure will probably end up using a 3rd party site.
Also OP.. where you being sarcastic about the greed part? They made money off of the Real Money Auction House. Now that income will be gone.. so how are they being greedy?
Now that I have fully read it all. Its the entire Auction House that is being taken out, think this is actually a bad move to be honest. Think they should have kept at least one of the Auction Houses. Just my opinion though.
Due to this unless they drastically improve the drop system in their "loot system 2.0" as they called it for the expansion.. Not really going to play it much after maxing out the new class and beating the new content.
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I agree. The remove of the gold AH is only logical if they completely remove the possibility of trading - and I think that would be a bad move.
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Good move, but I thank blizzard for giving me the tool to make the game pay for itself. I never thought that I would be able to sell 250$+ worth of digital goods in the span of 4 months (until chinese farmers dominated and exploiting AH completely).
Again, as i previously stated on s previous thread about loot 2.0, this move still won't make me go back playing diablo 3 if the expansion will cost me.
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Thats Good news! Didnt buy the game because of that and other things. Now it is a good time to buy the game? What do you think?
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They do. Diablo 3 has already been on sale a few times. The WoW game+ its expansions have been a few times as well. Think SC2 was on a sale once but not 100% sure on that. I might have to dig through my emails if I still have em.. but they have had sales in the past. Just not very often.
Happens more often on special anniversaries or something along those lines mainly.
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My impressions about whole thing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HB3cuSP-qCk
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+1. I voiced my opinion in this thread already but did not do so in the same way you did it lol. I probably should have taken a step back to really think and plan out what I wanted to say instead of talking about it right away like I did :P
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Well, honestly this was the only reason I even considered buying Diablo 3, so if they're removing it I see no reason to buy the game.
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This was one of the 2 reasons I never considered buying the game. The other one was the always-online part even for single-player games.
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Wow, I really ever thinked this would happen. Blizzard has just been promoted again some steps up the ladder of the "worth-considering companies". Even though they might have made quite a lot of money from this, they take it out because it damages the game. I must take my hat off to them now.
RMAH really doomed this game from the begining. It took away most of the fun and many of the following updates were more like a method to raise even more money out of it. I told my friend a while ago that I wouldn't go back to play the game until is removed, and I feel like it's time to keep my word.
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Blizzard used to be THE company I always bought games from even back when I couldn't afford all my games and did my share of pirating. Now they're on my short list of companies I wouldn't even consider buying from... but they're making a step in the right direction with this move.
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So we can't use our gold to buy items in the house anymore?
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So we can't use our gold to buy items in the house anymore?
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I liked the Auction House, I just think they should have made the items to be Bind on Equip and maybe Bind on Account legendaries. This way it takes a lot of high-level gear off the market and people wearing Legendaries would be totally badass.
I think by removing the Auction House, they want to bring it back to what Diablo 2 was, but Diablo 2 wasn't good because it didn't have a trading feature, it was good because people enjoyed making new characters over and over again to try different builds.
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D2 was good because you could play it offline and on your LAN.
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Seems they were to busy amassing money to pay attention to anything else.
Now for offline mode.
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That was a terrible idea. I always hated that idea
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Meh, it's not BAD, it's just not GREAT. It's also very different from how D2 was played which I think upset a lot of people (myself included for a while). It definitely wasn't what I was hoping for from a Diablo game, but I wouldn't say it was bad game... However opinions may differ.
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GREEDY BLIZZARD BASTARDS ** **** #@#&#@!!! (Seems like the majority of the posters missed the sarcasm entirely, so SARCASM ALERT)
Unexpected, eh?
I never really considered Blizzard being greedy, but this surprised even me.
I'll kinda miss the free maniz :C
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