Skanda handed me over the thread because she wanted it to see 2 full years running and well they have been running for the whole 2017 and 2018 \o/ The question now is what will happen in 2019. I am more than happy to keep them going for another year (or more) but I feel like the interest in it diminished a lot. So I am asking you now what would you like to see happen next year? I have changed the poll for this month so you can voice your option or use the comment section of course :)

[This year the themes/challenges are staying the same throughout the year and it’s up to you to pick one from the list every month.]

List of challenges:

  1. Oldest wins - Take a look at the 10% of your earliest wins and pick one (or more) that you’re going to finish this month. If you’ve already finished all of them, pick the game(s) from the oldest 20% (and then 30%, 40%,…).
  2. Most recent wins – Take a look at your 10% most recent wins and pick one (or more) that you’re going to finish this month. If you’ve already finished all of them, pick the game(s) from the newest 20% (and then 30%, 40%,…).
  3. Short wins – Play and finish a game with an estimated time to beat of under 5 hours (according to How Long to Beat), but aim to beat at least 2 of them in one month.
  4. Long wins – Play and finish a game with an estimated time to beat of over 15 hours (according to How Long to Beat).
  5. Untouched wins – Play and finish a game that you have not played before – 0 achievements / 0 playtime.
  6. Unfinished wins – Play and finish a game you’ve played (but not finished) before. You need to have between 25% and 80% of the How Long to Beat playtime in the game already.
  7. Neglected wins – Play and finish a game that you’ve been meaning to play for a long time, but always ended up playing something else instead.
  8. Wins idled for cards – Play and finish a game you’ve only idled for cards so far.
  9. Wishlisted wins – Play and finish a game you won while it was still on your wishlist.
  10. Number of days in a month – For games with achievements: get 1 achievement for every day of the month; by the end of the month you should have (at least) 28/30/31 new achievements in games you’ve won on Steamgifts. For games with no achievements: make 1 screenshot for every day of the month; by the end of the month you should have (at least) 28/30/31 new screenshots in games you’ve won on Steamgifts. In both cases you don’t have to actually finish the game(s) for the achievements/screenshots to count.
  11. Month/season themed games - Play and finish a game you won in the same month (this year or in the previous years) OR a game that is somehow related to the current month (check out the October 2017 thread for more details and ideas).
  12. Random wins - Submit yourself to chance and use to roll a number of the page from “giveaways won”, then roll 1-50 for the specific game on that page. Reroll only if you’ve already beaten the game or if it’s an endless/multiplayer game that can’t be finished/doesn’t have an ending.


  1. Custom theme – Come up with your own monthly theme, tells us what the criteria are and which of your SG wins satisfy the requirements. Other people can join your custom monthly theme by replying to your comment.

Extra information (let’s not call it rules):

  • You can pick the same challenge multiple times, but not more than 4 times in one year, or 2 times in one year if it’s the bonus (custom) theme.
  • For a SG win to qualify for the challenge, you must have less than 40% of playtime (according to HLTB) in the game when starting the challenge. This does not apply to challenges 5, 6, 10, 13.
  • If you’ve already finished 90+% of your SG wins, feel free to be more relaxed with the challenges/rules.
  • If you’ve already finished all your SG wins, feel free to join the event with other games from your Steam library.

To participate:

Reply to this post to tell us which challenge you're going to do this month and which game(s) you're going to play.
Don't forget to include a link to your current progres in the game (if it has achievements). Once you finish the game, edit or reply to your post with a clear "finished". If the game doesn't have achievements, include a link to a screenshot you took while playing.

[OPTIONAL] “Challenge me”

Instead of (or in addition to) doing one of the 13 challenges listed above, you can ask for a challenge.
Reply to the application post saying that you want to receive a challenge and someone will give you a list of 3-5 SG wins to choose from.
If you want to challenge users make sure to pick SG wins that haven't been played yet (you can use the "Do You Even Play, Bro?" script) AND at least 3 games in the list need to be less than 20 hours long!

Useful links:

Steam group
How Long to Beat
Do You Even Play, Bro? – kelnage’s script

Previous months:

2018: January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November
2017: January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December

6 years ago*

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Would you like to see these threads continue in the next year?

View Results
Yes, the same way they have been this year
Yes, the same way they have been in 2017 (each month has one set theme)
Yes, but I have a suggestion how to do it and I will tell you in the comments.

Which challenge and which SG win(s) are you going to complete this month?

6 years ago

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Challenge 12... and it chose Injustice.
EDIT: BEATEN. Twas kinda quick.

6 years ago*

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This month I will play most of my recent wins. Already beaten one of the wins.

Game Challenge Type Ach. (Before // Now) Status
Saints Row IV Recent Win 00 of 73 // 47 of 73 Beaten
Hyper Light Drifter Recent Win 00 of 23 // 00 of 23 -
This War of Mine Recent Win 00 of 42 // 19 of 42 Beaten
6 years ago*

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Game challenges Achievements Status
SUPER BENBO QUEST: TURBO DELUXE Most recent wins pic / video (can't get achievements) beat
6 years ago*

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Game Link Challenge Status
Grim Legends: The Forsaken Bride Achievements - 24/24 3 FINISHED!
Grim Legends 2: Song of the Dark Swan Achievements - 29/29 3 FINISHED!
maybe soon™ --- ---
Total: 53/53
6 years ago*

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I voted "Yes the same way they have been this year" but really what i'd mean is "Yes whatever is best for you, i'm just happy you'll keep it going" :3 Thanks for keeping this alive <3

And i'll come back later as I complete some SG wins (hopefully) this month.

Finished Iconoclasts and it was very good.

6 years ago*

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Thank you for the support <3 And enjoy any wins you will end up playing ^^

6 years ago

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Custom Theme: Sandbox

Game Achievements Status
Tracks - The Train Set Game - "Beaten"
Terraria 28/88 [+12] Currently Playing

Will be playing Tracks some more over the month but I made a pretty big Christmassy world, which was a town with a ski-ing area, farm and a visiting circus. :) 1 2 are a couple of screenshots, though it's faaar too big to capture everything! I also did the new Christmas bedroom map.

Final stats for the year: Finished 29 Wins/Gifted!
Jan: 11. Month/season themed games - Won/Played in January
Feb: 10. Number of days in a month (51 achievements)
Mar: 1. Oldest wins / 2. Recent Wins / 12. Random Wins
Apr: 9. Wishlisted wins
June: 5. Untouched wins
July: 2. Most recent wins
Aug: 11. Month/season themed games - Won/Played in August
Sept: 7. Neglected Wins
Oct: Custom Theme: Puzzle
Nov: 9. Wishlisted wins
Dec: Custom Theme: Sandbox

Beat at least one game every month and did all the challenges besides 3,4, 6 & 8! Am really happy with the results - enjoyed most of the games and played all but one (that I won near the end of the year) of my wins from this year. :)

6 years ago*

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11 - Month/season themed games (Games I have won in December)

Game Achievements Status Won on
Achievement Clicker 2019 5000/5000 Completed 2018-12-07
Anime Babes: Solitaire 83/83 Completed 2018-12-04
Pixel Drawing 1/1 Completed 2018-12-11
Solitaire: Learn the Flags! 30/30 Completed 2018-12-19

January - 2. Most recent wins
February - 12. Random wins
March - 13. Custom theme - VNs
April - 3. Shortest wins
May - 8. Wins idled for cards
June - 9. Wishlisted wins
July - 1. Oldest wins
August - 5. Untouched wins
September - 10. Number of days in a month
October - 7. Neglected wins
November - 4. Long wins

6 years ago*

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So I was quite busy this month but I still want to play some games, so better start late than never ;)

I will do the "Most recent wins" challenge but will just choose games won between the 23rd and 27th, so basically my Christmas gifts of this wonderful community :)

Game Date Won from Achievements Game Status
iterform 23rd December icaio 💙 8/15 Incomplete
Turbo Pug DX 23rd December RavenWings 💙 18/27 Incomplete
Finding Teddy 23rd December TerryTril 💙 14/19 Beaten
Death Goat 24th December EinAnderer 💙 2/6 Incomplete
Four Sided Fantasy 24th December Smectik 💙 7/11 Beaten
Jimmy Kamikaze 25th December Starmada 💙 30/30 Completed
Burly Men at Sea 25th December Eiion 💙 25/25 Completed
Cat couple 25th December Attila777 💙 1/1 Completed
Kona 25th December ChessPie 💙 35/35 Completed
6 years ago*

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Reply to this post to ask for a challenge.

6 years ago

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challenge me :D , no more than 3 games tho please, might not have enough time this month

6 years ago

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I would prefer if someone else would pick but I case nobody else does in a decent amount of time:
Mushroom Wars HLTB: 4,5 hours
Grim Fandango Remastered HLTB: 11 Hours
Titan Souls HLTB: 3 hours

6 years ago

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i reply here when i progress?

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I failed last month to finish Pillars of Eternity II...
This month i will go again with the 4. Long wins. The game will be : Just Cause 3

EDIT : I finished the game : Game Achievements

6 years ago*

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I'll do Untouched wins with Lara Craft GO

6 years ago

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voted for "Yes, but I DON'T have a suggestion how to do it".

i'd be truly truly glad to share it with you, my dear Little Mouse with Big Beers. i mean, i like to see these threads. appreciate the work, dedication, even passion, at times.

then i question myself, thou: "is that worthwhile?", so each one of us could have a different answer.

i'd say "Yes, it is". we -all- should try to create -and keep- content for our community here on -and at- SG.

it's the hard way, but if you'll feel a little demotivated, meanwhile, there's a bunch of good threads where you'd take some inspiration :D

that said, i'll quickly get back to my idling stuff.

Buonissimo Natale!

6 years ago

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I knew I missed an option for the answers D: :P

Thanks for the support <3

Yes, them games will not idle themselves ... oh wait ;)

Buon Natale anche a te! ^^

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

6 years ago

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I think the "pick your own theme" is not satisfying as someone else choosing a challenge for you. In 2017 I was looking foward the next theme every month, now I know will the same the whole year.

Same here, but from the poll it surprisingly seems most people prefer the way it is done now.

Some sort of competition, using a chart to show every participant and the ones with most games played/beaten every month.

A chart is a good idea and very much doable! As for the giveaways that are in the 2017 post, I would love to reward people people who play every month, but sadly I am afraid I do not have the ability to do it constantly or them being anything else but bundled/cheapo games.

Thank you very much for taking your time to write your suggestion :)

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

6 years ago

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Oh yea, once every few months would definitely be an option since I can hoard up some keys.

6 years ago

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+1. I agree with everything you just said. I used to participate every single month, but since it was changed to the same thing every month, I just stopped caring about it. :/ I'm actually really surprised that people want it to stay like that...
I'm glad you liked september theme! It's still happening every month, we just moved it into to a group. Here's the stats from october

6 years ago

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Since I did a win to join playing appreciated guess I may as well post it here as well, if i do any more wins ill put them down too

Game Challenge Status
Club Life Recent Wins Beaten 100%
Cook, Serve, Delicious Unfinished Wins Beaten 100%
6 years ago*

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every month I finish atleast one or more of my wins. this month I will finish Deponia: The Complete Journey and Rusty Lake: Roots.

6 years ago*

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Challenge 1, finish one of your oldest wins. The game is Pahelika: Revelations HD, it's the first full game I won. I won 3 DLCs before that game
I've had it for a shamefully long time and it's about time I play it!

6 years ago

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I voted "Yes and to keep it the same", but really I vote for whatever works best for you. I like this monthly thread, and wish to see it continue. :)

6 years ago

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Thank you for the support ^^ From the looks of it, it will definitely continue :)

6 years ago

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I voted Yes, keep the same.
Mostly bc I currently have 13% of wins left to play according to BLAEO, so when people voted for 3 games it was generally the same thing (esp since a couple are very long) or ones I'd already played. Or if I really wasn't in the mood for a hack & slash/could only play a shorter game that month half of 'em were out of the picture etc. Since BLAEO has the Challenge Me I do that instead if I want more specific recs.

I tried to mix things up and play as much of a variety of the challenges as I could which was my own "personal challenge" anyways, but could possibly make it a tad harder by saying only 2 challenges per year or something instead of 4, to force a lil more variety/challenge. I'll be doing these monthlies either way in 2019 if they continue, I might just have to skip some months if it goes back to 2017 version. Happy to take part regardless and enjoy these. :) Thanks again for hosting!

6 years ago*

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From the looks of it will definitely continue :) How exactly I am still not 100% sure, was thinking of some hybrid between the 2 ways so people who want different theme/challenges each month can have that and people who don't want to do that specific theme/challenge can participate too. Possibly mixed in with QueenB idea to have a leader board. Dunno, need to sit down, think about it some more and put some ideas down on paper. I will try to update the thread once I got a concrete idea to see what people think about it :)

Thank you for sharing your thoughts, they are very much appreciated! ^^

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago*

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It's been a while since I participated (last month was March, I believe) and right now I have couple games under my belt I'd like to get finished before the year ends, so I'm again skipping this event. I voted to see these threads continue because they are great motivation and have helped me in the past not to neglect my wins, and I'm looking forward to seeing (and participating!) a new one in January.

My vote also went to keep the threads the same as this year's, simply because some of the set themes from 2017 were ones that "locked me out" from following them simply because there was no win that would match them. With this format there's always something and still get to feel 'included' in the challenge. :D

6 years ago

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Best of luck with the games you want to finish!
I definitely don't want to/wont exclude anybody, but I also want to make it a bit more interesting/diverse than the same list of 12+1 challenges every month. I will need to figure out a good way to do that. Well except if someone has finished all of their wins, then I can't really do much :D
Thank you for sharing your option ^^

6 years ago

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The only thing that'll keep people coming back is Profitz!
but taking this to the next level by maybe making the challenges into scripts among other things could also be good for the event.

6 years ago

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About profitz from a different comment reply:

I would love to reward people people who play every month, but sadly I am afraid I do not have the ability to do it constantly or them being anything else but bundled/cheapo games.

I am not sure what exactly do you mean by making the challenges into scripts? Would you mind explaining please :o

6 years ago

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Like having a script to search through people's libraries if they have big libraries and lots of wins to give them a random game that is an untouched win, an unfinished win, a win that was idled for card, etc...
Unless that already exists and I'm blind?

As for profitz, maybe share the burden of giveaways with a group? with a monthly highest achievers giveaway or something?

6 years ago

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The problem with that is how would a script know if a game without achievements was just idled for cards or if it was actually played? Also some games you can actually beat without getting any achievements. And there is also no real way to distinguish between a beaten win and an unfinished win unless someone got all the achievements in the game. The best thing I could think of is picking a random games of someones BLAEO SG win list since you can categories them nicely, but not everyone uses BLAEO.

There actually is a group for this already, though it was made by the previous host.

6 years ago

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Damn, I'm at least partially blind because I actually didn't notice the steam group before, but I specifically meant a group of giveaway makers so that you wouldn't always have to be the one awarding others and you'd also be able to participate in the prize giveaways.

I guess with longer games, it'd be compared to the average time to beat, which is a flawed way, as hardcore idlers can just idle games without installing them..
Though manually asking for a screenshot of the "game is complete" screen is probably the safest solution?

6 years ago

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the post to get challenge is closed by a mod o: cant comment.

6 years ago

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Woops forgot to edit that link, thanks for pointing it out :) You can comment here.

6 years ago

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Just to add to the discussion, I really liked the way it was in 2017 and I voted for that option in the poll. I used to wait for this thread, but now there is no reason to wait for it. It's always the same and I hope this doesn't sound rude, but it's just boring now. Apparently I'm in the minority here and it will stay the same, but I wanted to add my 2 cents anyway.

6 years ago

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I actually agree with you. I am trying to think of the best way make it a bit different every month but still allowing anyone who wants to participate (aka they don't have any games that would fit under XYZ or just don't like any of those games) to do so, like some kind of bonus theme of some sorts.
Thank you for your 2 cents, they are definitely appreciated ^^

6 years ago

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Good luck with keeping this up! I love it, although I didn't come around to join the last couple of times. Hopefully I can fix that in the new year :)

6 years ago

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Thank you <3 I hope you will get the chance ^^

6 years ago

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Post was already long so why not make it longer

I wasnt actually around in 2017 to know what the old ones were like. While I sometimes looked through these threads I typically ignored them since I wasnt taking part.
The sound of it though with the themes sounds nice though so I voted for that for the sake of that part even though I dont have the biggest selection of wins to use with a theme. (looking now at what they used to be that bit can really be ignored)
But I like the blaeo monthly themes that goes on, gives me ideas of what I could play instead of spending ages going nope, nope maybe? nahhhhh oh what about this, i dont have the rest of it so not really an option. then i just get to nothing!
Looking through I noticed one was like do the most recent wins and even made note of the challenge me and was nice to see that peoples efforts are being noticed. It wasnt just a thread making for the sake of it but taking note.

While i wont be following your little "extra info" Ill be continuing to mark down any wins I do. I do weekly posts on blaeo anyway so marking it down here to isnt that much more effort

So I continued looking after I posted this and it continued to amaze me what it used to be like. It felt like it was loved. So much effort was being put into it with the custom themes but mainly as I mentioned before posting down how many people took part. Like people can easily look through to see but it would be nice to see easily the old challenge me markings where it was like 100 people took part but only 60 did 1 game at least. Of course its better with more people. Plus that was just an example since thats what I noticed before anything. Was that top bit of info.

With anything of course it would be take effort. Whether its coming up with a new theme or marking down how many people took part, so its really up to how much effort you could put into something like this where you arent getting much from doing this every month now. As you mentioned the interest in this has gone down which is to be expected for anything.

Thats why the above opinions could jump start it back up. I noticed a few people mention prizes. Which does have its own set backs, like how often? can you do it/have a good enough game? How would you decide who takes part? Giving it a chance to anyone who did a game would give no reason to try harder but having to do to much could make people not even bother to try. So then you could instead consider, especially if you could get someone to help contribute if need be, is do a prize for people who do a few games and then later on (be like 3 months or so) do a bigger giveaway for the people who were more active in taking part alot.

6 years ago*

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First of all thank you very much for taking your time and writing an extensive comment! ^^ I will try my best to reply to it, but I got a whole lot of 1,5 hours of sleep tonight so sorry in advance if any parts of the reply don't make all that much sense because my brain does not make sense either :/.

I dont have the biggest selection of wins to use with a theme.

A couple of people mentioned that already. I definitely would want to continue in a fashion where everyone can participate, just make it a bit different and exciting every month.

of spending ages going nope, nope maybe? nahhhhh oh what about this, i dont have the rest of it so not really an option. then i just get to nothing!

I am glad (or not so glad) to hear I am not the only one that does that. I swear I spend more time trying to figure out what I want to play than playing games.

While i wont be following your little "extra info" Ill

I am not 100% sure what you mean with this one, the part under "Extra information (let’s not call it rules):" maybe?

I do weekly posts on blaeo anyway so marking it down here to isnt that much more effort

Yea I do the same so what I basically did for this year is to look which SG wins I have played on BLAEO at the end of the month and then pick a challenge where I could put the biggest number of games under.

So I continued looking after I posted this and it continued to amaze me what it used to be like. It felt like it was loved. So much effort was being put into it with the custom themes but mainly as I mentioned before posting down how many people took part. Like people can easily look through to see but it would be nice to see easily the old challenge me markings where it was like 100 people took part but only 60 did 1 game at least. Of course its better with more people. Plus that was just an example since thats what I noticed before anything. Was that top bit of info.

Yep, a lot more people seemed to participate in the first year or so. I only "inherited" (for the lack of a better word) this thread this November so no changes could have done for this year, but I hope to find a way to make more people interested in it again in the new one.

With anything of course it would be take effort. Whether its coming up with a new theme or marking down how many people took part, so its really up to how much effort you could put into something like this where you arent getting much from doing this every month now. As you mentioned the interest in this has gone down which is to be expected for anything.

Honestly I don't mind putting effort in it at all. I love to see people actually play their wins (yea yea, I am hypocrite, but I am trying my best at least), I wouldn't put as much time into moderating Playing Appreciated already if I wouldn't, or take a look at almost all BLAEO posts even if I very rarely comment on them. So to me it is worth it as long as some people participate :)

Which does have its own set backs, like how often? can you do it/have a good enough game? How would you decide who takes part? Giving it a chance to anyone who did a game would give no reason to try harder but having to do to much could make people not even bother to try. So then you could instead consider, especially if you could get someone to help contribute if need be, is do a prize for people who do a few games and then later on (be like 3 months or so) do a bigger giveaway for the people who were more active in taking part alot.

I have hoarded up a decent amount of bundled but actual games, not shovelware keys for games during this month so while it would not be a problem have a prize(s) every month it would sadly not be anything amazing unless someone would be willing to make some giveaways for the cause as I am not currently in a position of being able to do fancy GAs at the moment sadly (hopefully that changes sometimes soon). I was thinking maybe making a smaller giveaway for everyone who participated and then something a bit better for the top X amount of people ala chart/leaderboard system that was suggested earlier in the comments.

I would love to put a more concrete plan together today but all my body wants to do is to take a nap on the keyboard. Once again sorry if any of the parts are weird and confusing and I hope I addressed all the main points. And thanks again for taking your time and writing that out :)

6 years ago

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Yeah the extra info (lets not call them rules part)
I dont bother to follow that anyway I just do whatever I come to while others of course will do 1 set challenge like recent wins instead of me in my above one where I got recent with unfinished.

Also I understood it all and its nice to know you are doing all this

6 years ago

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Welp, kinda late into this month, but I have two Christmas themed HOGs from a good while back, so I guess it is time to scratch them off the list in the upcoming days. =)

6 years ago

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Christmas themed HOGs? Mind sharing the names in advance? ~A HOG lover :)

6 years ago

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There are a few of those, but my current ones are the second and third from this series from Elephant Games:

There are a few more on Steam though: (strangely, this one had two proposed sequels, but the BFG user base downvoted them… granted, the story is not exactly Christmas-based, more like you happen to have Santa as one of the characters)

6 years ago

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Thank you so much for sharing! They are all going to my wishlist (although the reviews of the last one are not very encouraging, I would still like to see it for myself) :)

6 years ago

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First of all: I wish you a Merry Christmas! 🎄

Î really enjoy this thread so I would be sad if it wouldn't continue next year.

About the mode: I like both. Of course if you win not much the defined challenge is sometimes not possible so why not do the following:

  1. Give a theme for a challenge each month in one comment but as now with the "challenge me post" another comment where people can choose one themselves if they can't find something for the ongoing theme challenge.
  2. Let people make suggestions for the theme challenge of the month after the next month. In the next month you take the suggestions as poll options and the most voted theme will be the theme of the next month.


  • In January people suggest themes for March
  • In February these suggestions will be the poll options and people can vote for their favorite. People can then suggest themes for April in the comments.
  • In March the most voted theme will be the theme challenge. People can vote for the suggestions from February for the April theme. People can suggest themes for the May theme.
  • ...

In case this is not too complicated of course 🤔

6 years ago

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First of all: merry Christmas and happy holidays to you as well! ^^

Î really enjoy this thread so I would be sad if it wouldn't continue next year.

Good news then, it is definitely continuing :)

Give a theme for a challenge each month in one comment but as now with the "challenge me post" another comment where people can choose one themselves if they can't find something for the ongoing theme challenge.

This is about what I wanted to do. A theme for those who want and free choice for those who can't/ don't want to.

Let people make suggestions for the theme challenge of the month after the next month. In the next month you take the suggestions as poll options and the most voted theme will be the theme of the next month.

Oooooo I never thought of this, I really like this idea! I would have to come up with something for January and February myself (if you have any good ideas I am all ears), but from then on it should work :)

Thank you so much for taking your time and writing down your suggestions! I greatly appreciate it ^^

6 years ago

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How about "Cleaning out my closet" challenge for January?

Includes: Oldest wins, Untouched wins, Unfinished wins, Neglected wins

And for February, it's the Valentines Day month so how about a "Love is all around" challenge?

Includes: Games about love (like VNs and so on), Wishlisted games, Game you won from a friend (= whitelisted user), Games won in a whitelist giveaway

6 years ago

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Oh I like those! They have wide enough "sub-categories" that they should hopefully allow almost anyone to join in. I would like to use them if you don't mind of course. I would only change "Untouched wins" into "Idled wins" instead since then you can clear out anything that has some playtime in it and are left with nice 0 numbers on playtime :)

6 years ago

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Game SteamGifts/Backlog Achievements/Screenshot Status
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Backlog Achievements finished
Old Man's Journey SteamGifts Screenshot finished
Tower 57 SteamGifts Achievements finished
JigsawMania Backlog Achievements finished
Pinstripe SteamGifts Achievements finished
Call of Duty®: Infinite Warfare SteamGifts Achievements finished
Supermagical SteamGifts Achievements finished
METAL GEAR RISING REVENGEANCE SteamGifts Achievements finished
6 years ago

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(almost) End of month bump :)

6 years ago

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Closed 6 years ago by MouseWithBeer.