Hey, what is up forum peoples!

I was wondering what controllers do you guys use (if any) and how do they work out for you?
I've been using a PS3 Dualshock 3 controller and it work(s/ed) great for my needs (already had them so no extra cost)
Now I tried out the PS4 Dualshock 4 and just love the touchpad that I'm usinG As a mouse! The reason I noW have a DS4 is because I picked up a PS4 so now I'll be set for future Playstation exclusives! :9)

If you have a Playstation system (PS Vita|PS3|PS4)7 feel free to add me: bugzkilla

TL;DR: What controllers do you Guys use on pc and what consoles do you have?

10 years ago*

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I'm using ps2 controler + conveter ps2 to USB. I stopped buying New consoles after investing in new pc

10 years ago

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Very nice! I still don't have a good pc and most of my friends are on consoles so I try to game on both :)

10 years ago

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Ha ha, i am doing the same thing.
The ps2 controllers are still working :)

10 years ago

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+1 I do the same thing, I almost never use a controller but if I do, I have a bunch of PS1 and PS2 controllers that I connect with a PS to USB converter.

10 years ago

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same here..^^

10 years ago

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Same here. Still using my (over a decade) old ps2 pads with converter xD

10 years ago

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same. i think i started with the original dualshock, but it's been so long.
currently using a DS3, but i bought a bluetooth dongle a couple months ago to 1. try out the DS4 and 2. finally go wireless on the PC. i haven't had the time to set it up yet tho.

10 years ago

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i must test x360 pad, cause a lot of games using it ( im using x360ce who emulate x360 pad ) and have different symbols than ps pads

10 years ago

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I am using a DS3 controller (DualShock 3 aka PS3 controller) via USB and an useful tool called ScpServer. It emulates it to work as an Xbox 360 controller and I am playing really old games and the newest with it, not a single problem so far. Even all emulators work with it (even rumble function on N64 and PS1 emulation).
You can also connect it via Bluetooth.

10 years ago

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That is the same one I am using too! I completely agree, works great. I got a bluetooth adapter and use it with the my 4 DS3 controllers to play local coop

10 years ago

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how do you get your bluetooth adapter to work, mine only works once you have setup everything, but once i reboot my pc, I have to reinstall everything and is so long. Can you help me out please!

I am using the same tool as you.

10 years ago

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I used this tutorial. The only downside is you have to use that adapter as a DS3 controller adapter but then it should always work for you :)

10 years ago

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i used this tutorial too, but as soon as I reboot my pc, my bluetooth device forgets my controller and I have to reinstall everything all over again.

10 years ago

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Try posting your issue in the comments section of that video tutorial, I'm sorry I don't have a clue how to help you

10 years ago

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I have xbox 360 and PS3 Dualshock 3 controllers that I sometimes use for PC.

As for consoles:
NES, SNES, 64, Gamecube, Wii and DS
Amiga CD32
Xbox 360
PS 3

10 years ago

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I never had an adapter for my Xbox 360 controller, but I started using the Xbox one controller because it plugs in directly with a micro usb. only really use it for ported games or dynasty warriors

10 years ago

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Sometimes I use my PS2 USB adaptor + PS2 controller, but most of the time I use my Xbox 360 controller.

And I don't have any "new" consoles, just old ones (SNES, DSi, PS1 and PS2) I'm full on PC gaming I guess... But I'll buy a New 3DS next year and maybe a Wii U.

10 years ago

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xbox360 and PS3

10 years ago

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i use my PS3 controller.
PS3 was my last console, aside from that i own:
MegaDrive (Sega Genesis)
and a gorgeous Dreamcast

10 years ago

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Dreamcast was the best console ever because it had Quake 3 arena :O

10 years ago

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PS2 Controller with a USB converter which you can get on the cheap from ebay. However, I'd rather have a Xbox controller since you don't have to fiddle around with X360ce or any other programs to get your controller to work.

10 years ago

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I'll use the 360 controller on PC, but I'm tempted to move to the DS4. As for consoles owned... X360, WiiU (Great for couch co-op and first party games) and a PS4 for exclusives/imports/JRPGs. No plan to pickup an XONE.

10 years ago

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I use a logitech F310, solid, cheap and flexible between XInput and DirectInput.

As far as consoles, grew up with a PS2 and got a Wii in high school, but they stayed with my siblings when I moved out, so none anymore.

10 years ago

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Got an Xbox 360 controller and a Logitech Rumblepad 2 :)

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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I have a PS3 so I use my DS3. It comes in handy for playing third-person games :D

10 years ago

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360 controller works for me.

10 years ago

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I dont use a controller, but i been thinking of getting one just to play dark souls 1 and finish dark souls 2, and then playing more hack&slash games :D

i have a ps2 thought i almost never use it, i been thinking of getting a wii u or a ps4 but right now ps4 is too expensive and the wii u dont enter my country because of the importation laws and all that shit

10 years ago

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A PS3 controller, not sure what type it is though, don't use it much except for platformers and racing, which I haven't played of in a while

10 years ago

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I also got a Xbox360 controller and i'm pretty pleased with it, mostly with the thumbsticks placement, towards the PS standard plasment, but maybe one day, i'll get a PS-style one too. :D

10 years ago

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I use:

  • Xbox 360 controller - duh!
  • Defender Cobra Mk.5 - a very nice joystick for a reasonable price
  • Saitek x52 throttle - makes a great HOTAS with my joystick
  • Freetrack - free alternative for TrackIR, I can't play sims without headtracking anymore!
  • Saitek R220 - a very basic, cheap steering wheel that I bought for pedals (cheap rudder!)

I'm not sure if you count voice commands as a controller, but if this is a case, then I also use VAC (makes a HUGE difference in ARMA series).

And I don't own any consoles. I don't have enough money nor space for them, gotta buy me some more controllers!

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

10 years ago

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I use a Xbox 360 and a Xbox One controller.

i had the 360 one for years now, used for everything with the XBCD drivers, i could customize everything (deadzones, axis) the lot, loved it no problems to report, but its getting old even tough still works perfect the springs on the sticks are noticeable softer, so i got a..

Xbox one controller and its been dissapointing so far, as expected the Microsoft drivers are shit, the triggers use the same axis wich is bad if your are playing a racing sim were you could need to break and accelerate at the same time, some games detect but assing the buttons all wrong or even dont assign them at all, and overall the pad feels way cheaper, plasticy and is only available wireless, already dont see much point in wireless controller, since im sitting right there already but this one dosent even has an adapter, so the only way to use it on PC is trough a mini-usb cable wich if your familiar with them you know the connector will go soft afther a while and youll get disconnected with every little movement, so, pretty bad xd

TL:DR Xbox 360 awesome, Xbox one sucks

10 years ago

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I just have a 360 wired controller. No consoles though. I'm waiting for a wireless Xbone controller for PC.

10 years ago

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Ive got X360+Nintendo 3DS,i use my X360 pad on PC wireless(got cheap wireless receiver for 5$)

10 years ago

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I have an Xbox 360 controller from Thrustmaster, works natively with Windows drivers, since it doesn't matter what brand is the controller if it's for X360, no problems.

My second controller is a Hori GEM Pad 3 Onix, shiny :3, it works just like a regular PC controller this means you have to configure it for different games, I use it for fighters, 2D shooters and emulator, since it has a much superior D-pad than Microsoft's controller.

10 years ago

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Using Ps3 Dualshock 3(Thanks motioninjoy)

Have PS3 and PSP.Will add you if I won't forget it.Name Zuntar btw :)

10 years ago

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Use this instead for PS3 controllers, much better than Motionjoy, this and more, for Dualshock 3 and 4, once I installed it to use my friend's PS3 controllers and restarted PC, it just works as plug and play as a Xbox 360 controller would, no need to open the program every time, and no shitty ads. You can install as USB or Bluetooth.

10 years ago

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Plug and play sounds so nice :)

Thanks for the info,I will try that when I get home.

10 years ago

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It will run as a background thing, you won't even notice it's there. It works to me without any problems, if you install all correctly, should to you too, but only for Sony PS3 & PS4 controllers.

10 years ago

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You can also use "Xpadder", but it's another thing, not a Motionjoy replacement, with this you can assign any keyboard or mouse button to a controller button, or even functions/scripts, this way you can for example play WoW with a controller, as my friend does, he even wins duels with it xd, and he also assigned the mouse cursor to the analog stick, so he can navigate his PC without moving from the bed.

10 years ago

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Yup, I use this one too. Motioninjoy fried one of the USB ports and my bluethooth adapter on my last notebook, also it gave me a nice share of adwares and malware. I would stay far away from it. The XInput Wrapper works flawlessly and is clean.

10 years ago

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I use a good old Logitech cordless rumblepad 2 since late 2008, beats the shit out of a 360 gamepad, imo.

Consoles? I have a Mega Drive 2/Genesis buried somewhere and a "borrowed" gameboy and NES (they were "borrowed" from me a while back).

10 years ago

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Using a PS3 Controller with the DS3 Tool (or motionjoy)
Best decision I have ever made

10 years ago

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