Made the same mistake once, my very first trade. learning hurts...
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I got scammed on my first trade too :( next time offer something that's on sale for 2.50 or something
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Steam profile rep is not the rep you're supposed to be looking for.
It's merely a guideline for other trades to see if you're going to have to deal with someone experienced and whatnot.
You should check steamrep, ask for sourceop or (I believe, don't use it) steamtrades rep when you're doing a trust trade.
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That sucks, especially since TWD is a really great offer for the HIB. You sound like you've already figured it out, but yeah, always be sure to check Steamrep. As a general rule, I'd also recommend being cautious about dealing with private accounts and about trusting +rep comments on Steam profiles. Unfortunately, they're very easy to fake, or for the user to delete any negative ones.
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It is possible that he scammed someone for the URL, used it and then scammed this person with the used URL.
It's also possible that you're the scammer trying to detour the OP from doing this, who just don't know. :p (I don't actually think so, just saying, anything is possible)
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This guy is very busy, he has already seven offenses
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Thats good, the more DJ999 will bitcX about it, the more likely it is that his account will be suspended. This redneck (Michael_B.I.G.) can only push this to a certain limit. I would just complain plenty to steam to finally get his account banned, since he had already so many offenses and steam let him be. Its partially Steams fault!
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+rep comments on the Steam profile are really worthless. You can delete whatever you want there yourself and just have your friends or even alt-accounts post something there. Go to and do your trades there. Getting +rep there is not that easy and you always track who gave them and their rep and you can't delete -rep there yourself. And of course check steamreps before doing trades.
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Nothing more to add, except don't go first on keys
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I've gone first on keys a couple times but I make sure that I check SteamTrades and Steamrep first. I also find it worthwhile to search for their user id to see if any reports have been made against them at SteamRep hat haven't been verified yet.
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Yeah, you may be right. It depends on the user, but if he hasn't, idk a 100+ rep on steamtrades, i'm never going first with my giftable copy.
in fact i didn't have to go first ever, all the traders with key went first.
except for my first trade, see post above, but i was naive at that time.
didn't know steamrep or trade or anything related. but that kind of scarred me for life
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He can see my copy in the inventory, i can't see his key. I'm relying on his word, that he has it. He can even check, if something is different about my copy. Like RU Version, ROW Version, not working in this or that country. That's the difference in my opinion. Sure i can scam someone too, by not gifting him afterwards, but he at least knows it's there, and can check it too
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I meant how is it more/less risky for you whether you go first with a key compared to a gift. Whether you send one or the other you can still get scammed by not receiving anything in return when you go first. It's doesn't matter whether it's a key or gift, or whether you can see the other party's inventory or not.
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you should always steam rep when trading, lot's of scammers out there, and you don't just stumble upon them, they are actively seeking out people to scam. I was trading the games from bethesda collection, and like 4 scammers tried to trade with me.
Also rep in profile can easily be faked, if you want to be more through, check the reppers profile if they seem legit. Also ask them for their steamtrades profile, and you can also search steamrep forum for the guy's steamid, in case they haven't been added yet to the database.
If you get trough this things, trading can be a very successful and rewarding experience.
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You don't just "ask" for a SteamTrades URL, that's how people are impersonated. They send you the URL, the person is too dumb or lazy to verify the person they're talking to and they get scammed.
If you check the SteamTrades URL, be sure to click the "View Steam Profile" and verify the amount of games, number of friends, etc to ensure you're talking to the real person.
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yeah of course, you should always verify anything he sends you, be it his steam profile, steamtrade profile, steamrep profile.
In fact, this is a good way to know if they are going to scam you if they are sending fake profiles.. let him send you the links, then compare.. you will know fast if he is lying and you won't lose time with that scammer.
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^^ this. yes, always ask to be linked to their Steamtrades profile, then compare it to the profile of the person you are chatting to in the chat window and make sure they match. if you have added them to chat then it should say you are friends on their profile as well. some scammers will try to impersonate other legit traders that have a lot of good rep.
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I know how we can all help.
1st. Block any communication with Michael_B.I.G
2nd. Report Violation: Misconduct or whatever, stating that he scammed user DJ999.
If Steam gets a lot of these report I guarantee you his account will be banned in the next few days, just from the shear number of violation reports that Steam will have to deal with :)
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uhhhhhhhhhhh no. That doesn't seem appropriate to me for random people to go and do that based on what is essentially hearsay at best. Unless you are a victim of the scammer or witnessed the scam yourself then people shouldn't be getting involved. It would be very easy to make up a scamming story about someone who you don't like (that is innocent) to troll them and get people to make frivolous reports against them. I'm not saying that's the case, but you have no proof either way.
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Ok I think I found him. On LinkedID website found by Fynal. He is listed that he is a "Web/IT Director at Ksun Radio".
I check the Ksun Radio and there is a single Web/IT Director there. The persons name email and photograph is listed there. DJ999 now you can write directly to him and his friends or even give him a call!
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No way, man. I NEVER complete a trade until I know what I am receiving is legitimate (even if my rep is low). If you have a physical gift in your inventory, that is proof enough that you own it. You can place it in the trade window to prove you own it without actually completing the trade. Do you remember his Steam username? I'm sure the admins and everyone else would appreciate knowing who this person is. I certainly don't want him coming to SteamGifts and pulling that scamming crap here.
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Yea, check Steamrep next time. However, you do need to go beyond that. Check their profile by clicking on their name (don't trust a link to "their" profile because it may be someone else's). If there's not many games or the +reps they get are all from people with no/small amount of games steer far, far away from them.
So far, you're the only scammed person I've seen so far here I have sympathy for. Rest of the complainers here thought they were pulling the wool over someone's eyes before they got scammed.
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I really wanted a HIB 7 BTA, so I made a thread in steamtrades for it, and offered The Walking Dead for it. Someone added me, and asked me to go first. I did so, because I didn't really have any rep, and he had lots of rep on his profile, a bunch of +rep and "good trader" comments. Well, I gave him the game, and he gave me a used url, so it didn't work. He then blocked me. THEN I checked steamrep, and lo and behold, he was a listed scammer. I really hate myself now.
Edit: The worst part is, I don't even care about TWD, just that I didn't get the bundle.
Edit: The guy was , Michael_B.I.G.
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