congratz .. hope you'll give back something good =)
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I didn't insult anyone, I just normally said I hate those threads, when a lot of people making this threads for their first win. There wasn't any insult or hostility from me, or how to call that. You are just children that needs to insult someone. :) Just mind your own bussines and stop starting a fights. Little kids don't have anything better to do than a attack, insult anyone. People says online community is stupid, and they have a reason, it's because of people like you. I'm won't reply anymore, I'm not into these fights, but I guess you children raising your EGO by this, so keep writing some insults if it feels good to you.
And no, he didn't replied the same to my comment.
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You also sound like a child. You also attacked the OP and said you hate people like him. Another one stated "normally" that he hate people that only gave Dota 2 away (basically the same comment like yours) and you insulted him for not minding his own business, although you also didn't mind your own business. Why do you insult people for doing the same like you? And you were the one who deleted the comment and now don't want to write and hide like a child. You are the most childish here and the one who makes online communities bad.
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Just a one more comment: No, I didn't say I hate people like him, I said I hate these threads people are making, I didn't attack him, and it wasn't meant that seriously as you think, like I said, no insult, no hostile, I even wanted to say CG, before you idiots started insults. but that guy who replied to me, attacked me. But OK, I'll leave in your imanigation. Yes, I deleted it, because I don't like fights, but people like you love them, and even starting them. :) Yes, I don't want to write and fight, I'm sorry I am not into fights little poor baby. But I guess fights makes you feel so cool, your EGO must be so big I'm sure. Now you insulting me because I don't wanna fight, hah, that's so good. But that's allright, I know you wanna fight, like a loser you are hidden behind the monitor. But in real life, you will be the one who's hiding. You are so cool for wanting to fight, insult, right? You must feel so big and cool! So sorry I don't want to, I don't need this. ;) But I guess you do, just keep raising your EGO by fights, if it feels good to you, then OK. But I don't need this, and I don't need any fights. You must feel so cool for wanting to fight. I'm sorry, but you are just idiot with no brain, shut up please and don't reply to me. You are not what you think you are, I know "people" like you, rather pigs. You are just like the many others. Another walking piece of sh.t of this planet. Now I'm just waiting for the others to start insulting me too, and fight.:) You like it so much, so... It makes you feel more "manish" right? I didn't attack anyone, or insult. No. That was all you who did. You are the only children here. And no, I'm not the only one who makes only community bad, I'm trying to be fine with people. At least I live in reality, and I am not brainwashed like you are from all this internet stuff and games and who knows what. So, only because I don't wanna fight with anyone and write like that I am child. That's so cool what you said. You are an idiot. -.- You really must feel so cool when you are fighting like that. I don't even like hand to hand fights, but you like this too, right? You are just a simple "man", rather boy, like many others. Have a nice day.
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"So sorry not everyone has a lot of money and buying games to give them away, you f.cking smartass. Mind your own bussines, kid. Don't make yourself so cool only because your mommy buying you a games. F.cking retards nowadays. Jesus..." That is what you replied to me. Let the world see! Haha.
I wonder why you deleted it though... Is it because you saw how absolutely childish your comment was?
I'm not entirely sure why you would rage so hard because of a simple comment. My dear Steamgifter(coughleechercough), you need to take a chill pill! Also, my mother doesn't buy me my games, because I have a job. Since I have a job, I have purchased games to give away, which you have not ever done. So, what does that say about you? Mr. Grown Man. Mr. I'm a righteous fuck who can't take a joke.
Perhaps you should get a job too and not stay at home eating donuts.
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Sure, I am childish and you are so awesome and a adult, right? Why I deleted it? Like I said before, I don't like fights, and I didn't want them to continue, but no no, you two must keep talking and fighting. How childish this is, I'm sure your brains can't even imagine. Why would I rage? Maybe because it wasn't a joke like you said? And if it was, I am not in a mood for stupid jokes like that, so keep them for yourself and stop bothering me with them. Oh, you must be big boy because you gave away some valuable games, aren't you? And tell me how I am a leecher you stupid fag. If i was a leecher, I just login here, enter some giveaway and then logout, and I won't give away at least a stupid Dota 2, but I'll keep it for yourself, like a real leecher. Oh, so sorry I raged so hard about your comment, but it pissed me off. Sorry I can get pissed of though. And sorry I hate f.cking fights so I deleted them. But I guess you like them, yeah, and who's childish huh? Boys likes fights. Can't you just shut up and stop being little dumbs and replying to my comment and stop strating a fights? Who the think you are? What are you proving to yourself by this? You think you're cool when you're saying crap like this? You start insulting me and you expecting what? That I will smile? You start an insult, and I'm of course the bad one now, of course it's me! How can it be you, right? You are the best, right? You can insult, but I can't defend myself. Who the you think you are? You are the ones who need to grow up, not me. You don't know me, so shut the up, I'm tired of idiots like you, over the entire internet, over the entire planet! Go insult and fight with someone else. Or just keep raising your EGO by this on me. I guess it will be the best choice for you two. You are buying a games and giving them away, and you think it makes you to be something more. But sadly for you, the reality is different. Now, give me a break and go fight with someone else if it makes you feel much cooler. Yeah, maybe I raged little harder, but only because it wasn't nice from you. ;) At least I can admit my fault, but you can't admit yours, and you will keep talking about how I am just the only one who's the childish retard or something. Even if it is you... And don't forget to post something childish and stupid again on your level. Did I ever attack here someone for no reason? No, so why are YOU doing that? I bet because you are just a little idiots who needs to prove something to themselves.
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It feels so good man. So good. When I have some money, I'm gonna be sure to give back to the community
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