I've been playing off and on since launch on PS4. I'm excited to finally make the jump to PC!
I always use those coupons too, so it's a win-win!
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Hey, is it fun if you want to just play casually? I've had it in my account for a very long time, but never tried it. I have no plans to sink hundreds of hours into it to really get good, but I wouldn't mind just firing up a match once in a while. Is the AI reasonably fun to play against if you don't want to play against other people?
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It's not too bad with bots, you'll probably have more fun in a casual (but more likely a competitive) online match though.
I recommend playing a season against bots, and do some of the tutorials. Then hit the online if you're still interested.
I personally found casual being really inconsistent - because it's either filled with really good teams of people, and/or people who suck and just leave the match. Competitive is a lot more balanced, and you get a short ban (a few minutes) for leaving a competitive match.
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I second that. Give it a shot with your expectations in check.
I've put in about 45 hours and I have hit a ceiling where the casual matches vary way too much - I got tired of watching better players just fight each other for the ball while I try to keep up, then a round or two where I am the star, before being again destroyed several times. Mind you I play on Switch as you can't beat the convenience. Plus colouring and decorating your car with cupcakes and floppy disks is super manly.
Bots are fun to practice against and at least don't predictably spam sarcastic messages every time something happens.
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My family and I had a blast with it just playing casually and against bots. It's a very challenging game, so there's plenty of fun to be had playing with and against the bots.
I briefly tried online, ran into some people who were way better than me and others who were just jerks, and was happy to return to playing with just family, friends and bots.
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Let me tell you as someone who is very bad at the game and mostly played it drunk with friends against others, that people on low ranks - well, they were just as bad as we were. So yeah, even as a beginner you can have fun online and won't necessarily get demolished. ;)
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Will use the 10$ on a heavily discounted Ubisoft title. This way I get the game on UPlay and don't have to worry about Tim. Win Win I'd say. Their launcher sucks. Just saying.
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It's my understanding that Epic will still have to be open to play it as that's where the actual license is.
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Bought Watch Dogs 2 with the coupon last time. Installed and played it just fine with UPlay without any need for the Epic launcher.
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Yeah, the Uplay launcher isn't my favorite.
Why is it that Steam and GOG seem to be able to save my login info just fine, but Epic requires that I log back in every month and Uplay requires that I log back in every week? Between having to look up my password and 2-factor authentication, it's kind of a pain.
Origin used to require that I log back in every week too, but seems they finally got the "save password" feature working and now it's only every few months.
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While the Epic launcher is barebones and lacks a lot of features, at least it works. UPlay is the only launcher that actually prevented me from playing a game from time to time (didn't let me log in, always showed an error). So yeah, I too prefer the Epic launcher over UPlay. At least it's stable.
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Nice. Just spent my last coupon on Tony Hawk. Good to know a new one is already waiting. ^^
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your comment made me thinking ... just bought it for €34.99
first epic transaction is done - now my epic account is official
with already 150 great wonderful epic games in the library
its like to have a nintendo(steam) and a sega(epic) library
its good i guess 🎮
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An interesting way of looking at it. What do you think of the game? I played it yesterday. Really brings back some memories. ^^
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Sounds cool. I am just wondering how long Epic can pay devs to make their games Epic exclusive, and pay customers to buy games there.
At some point, you have to wonder how they are making money and how long this is going to go on before they killed Steam enough that they start acting like Valve.
I would really trust basic competition more.
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it would take idk how many years before egs will start to make money from this, if it will ever happen xD
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Hey if devs are happier and people buy games cheaper, good for everyone. I'm just worried that it's the "free trial" period of a long subscription from hell where once they stop giving you free stuff to make you happy, you're stuck with them forever.
I doubt they are enough of a threat to make Steam fold but I just think healthy competition is vital in a free market. Not sure that's too healthy so far
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They are playing the long game I would assume, their main target is the young ones that are mostly there on their launcher for their free game, Fortnite, and also other free games every week the young people usually couldn't afford. Way young enough to not bother with Steam when they grow older and spend their money on Epic instead since their library of games is with them instead of Steam.
At least that's how I picture will happen. Epic just needs time, perhaps the same time Valve spent to make people trust and be willing enough to use Steam when it was starting out.
I doubt they can completely kill Steam, but I think they are banking on hope to share a 50/50 market with them at least. I certainly don't mind if they achieved this. Steam having monopoly made it stagnant. Now with competition, they are moving their asses off the couch and doing stuff again.
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They are playing the long game I would assume, their main target is the young ones that are mostly there on their launcher for their free game, Fortnite, and also other free games every week the young people usually couldn't afford.
Maybe. It's a long long game though and it's also counting on the fact nobody is going to do to them in the meantime what they're doing to Steam.
Now with competition, they are moving their asses off the couch and doing stuff again.
That's for sure. And I'm fine with that too. And if it gets devs in a better negotiating position with Valve, it's all right too.
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Does the coupon stack with the other 10$ coupon ? Or at least use both of em for 2 separate sells ?
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So, to get the new items in the game, I HAVE TO connect my account to Epic even if I own the game on Steam?
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Can't even link the accounts because webpage doesn't work.
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And the game doesn't let you play if you don't link your old account... Awesome start for Epic Store service.
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what should i do with the coupon i got no idea which games are eligible?
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