So, it just happened that today, August 23, is the day I was born. So, I really feel great and looking towards the next year of my life, with all it's challenges and good stuff it will bring into my life

But, more to the point. I spent some freaking lot of time to make some interesting event. Had some ideas, tried to experiment and implement them... And, I dunno, I can't say I succeeded. Because I had a lot of work and time offline I haven't properly finished it. Although this is the first event I ever created for public so it is better than none anyway.

It is a small text adventure with some few giveaways inside. They are not hidden at all (almost) and I haven't tried to do it complicated (almost). So I guess you can call it a walk in the park. With gifts. It is purely experimental so I really hope it will go as planned.
While 'playing' (if you can call it so) you'll have to deal with almost no puzzles (although I've used Jigidi for some giveaways, like 5 of them), no plot and a lot of bad humour and probably grammar as I'm not English speaker.

You may encounter some bugs (like game totally broken and not working), please report them here so I can fix them ASAP. Actually, you're welcome to leave just any kind of feedback here.

Giveaways are divided into RU/CIS and ROW parts and consist mostly of bundled games. Shame to me, but I haven't got enough time to properly work on ROW part of the game and I'm sorry for that :( Even if you're from ROW - you can still try to complete the game (yep, it is completable).

All giveaways are level 3-4+ and will end on September 1st 23:59 GMT+3. No real restrictions, just keep in mind that I will check all the winners (and not only winners) with SG tools, so participate only if you're sure you have nothing to hide.

Last, but not the least: although this giveaways are almost public, leaking any of the links will lead to having all the GAs deleted. If you want to share with someone - just handle them the link to this thread and not the link to the actual giveaway. Please.

So, you just get there and press "Start" and get the good stuff:
Quest for loot and something else

And don't forget to bump!

P. S. I've tested it several times but still not sure if it has some game-breaking bugs. So, maybe you'd like to use the save feature (although available only after registration)

UPD: There were few bugs along the way, thanks everyone who reported them, I hope they are fixed now.
I wanted to remind you that this is a text adventure, so you can not only click stuff, but type it in. And there are few places where you should use this advice and be watchful. Experimenting is a good thing.

UPD2: ROW players, I understand that games for ROW are not as good, as for RU/CIS, I feel bad for that, but I tried to give at least one worthy gift for those, who complete the whole game, so even if you can't enter east's giveaways, it is still could be worth it to try it. After you complete both sides of the game - something unlocks.

UPD3: Okay, I guess I have to make it clear: you don't have to and can't do ANYTHING with the robots. To get to the western room of Neo Tokyo you need something else, like obtain a stimulus to go there. And to obtain it (it is an item, in fact) you have to read text thoroughly and do something. I even left a small hint in one room's description.

UPD4: Okay, one last try. Sometimes you have to look somewhere, where text gives you a hint.

UPD5: Scarf is just for fun, no use for it.

Another update: Little time left, hope you had fun, thank you and wish you all who participated good luck. After giveaways' end it will take me some time to send all the gifts and keys so be patient as it may take up to 2-3 days.
Also, for all who voted that this is a bad event: quite a shame I haven't got any feedback from you so I haven't got any chance to make next event (in case it will happen) any better.

8 years ago*

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What do you think about this event?

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I like it!
Could've been better
It's really bad
I don't care, I just came to grab free stuff

Bump, thank you for doing something different.

8 years ago

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Glad I did and even had some appreciation

8 years ago

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Bump for an awesome event with great selection of games! You made a really nice quest, thank you. Hope you'll tell us solutions in the end (curious about the last one remaining for me - Neo Tokyo). Happy Belated Birthday once again :)

8 years ago

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That's easy, I've made numerous hints, even inside the game. In Noir the last sentence says that you can hear something in south. Still you got no direct way to interact with the south. So you had to look south, not just go. This command is unlisted but it is one of the most essential commands in text adventures.

8 years ago

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Haha, I remember that particular moment. I was typing something like "check south" and probably some other variations as well except the right one :D Thanks once again for the nice event!

8 years ago

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Попробовал look после UPD4 во всех комнатах, кроме нужной, хех.

8 years ago

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