Favorite Marvel Movie from last year?
Same for me to #1, #3 and #5
For the #7 I finally gave the correct answer, but it could be better if the creator give more options for that one. It's not the answer in this one, but for example: "Superman, Super-Man, Kal-El, Kal El, Clark Kent, etc". The article "the", for example: "The Lord of the Rings, Lord of the Rings, etc" in another questions...
Anyway, I like the quiz :)
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I was a Marvel fan growing up. I'm just not fond of Disney and what they turned Marvel into (and don't get me started on my poor X-men and FOX). That being said, Black Panther, though flawed and overrated, wasn't bad and Guardians 2, though not as good as the first, was a good movie.
I've always been bored to sleep by the Avengers even as a kid so the Disneyfied version doesn't do anything for me. Imagine how thrilled I am that they made everything in the damn 'verse about them. :P
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I don't know when you grew up, but for a while, X-Men were the greatest thing in comics. Today, the big push for avengers is because Marvel doesn't have the film rights to X-Men; a previous owner, who was far worse for the company than disney will ever be, sold a lot of movie rights to whoever was willing to pay them, and for far too little
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Oh I know Xmen were big. I literally learned how to read on my uncle's Uncanny Xmen comics (as they were released, yes I'm that old lol)
They were just so much more interesting to me than the Avengers. Even though it was the Claremont years that made them huge, and brought a level of complexity of characters and stories that was sometimes missing before, I always felt like they were a real team, whereas the Avengers were just a bunch of lone supers operating in one comic "together".
I also know about the X-men rights (all for this silly cartoon) and I totally agree they've done terribly. Especially since that ridiculous first class teenage reboot. Seems like their main concern at this point is to cram as many character cameos as possible with known actors in every movie and to burn through as many plot outlines as possible just to rub Disney's face in it.
Still that doesn't excuse making every damn thing about the Avengers, like Infinity War with every other character being there just to be on posters and be cannon fodder.
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I don't know if they can stick closely to the stories without paying the original writer but I'm really hoping this acquisition will result in a more coherent universe. I think that was the whole point. Let's see.
In the meantime, they are butchering the Dark Phoenix storyline again and it looks to be way worse than the first one. All for special effect value. At least last time they had an actress who could pull threatening and dark..
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Thank you for the puzzle. Knew 5 out of 7. Had to look for the other two.
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So on the first quiz i got stuck... Then i started the second one. It seems a bit easier, however this question... Who is responsible for the creation of Vision? (4 answers separated by commas and 1 space between answers)
Is hard AF... I am pretty sure i have all four answers, but it is not accepting... :(
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I have the same problem. The quiz creator didn't add all 16 variations I think - I mean 4 answers - if you start with OP's 2nd answer and he has not considered it, with the order of the other answers, then we are just wasting unnecessary time here...
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Your 7th question has many different answers. You are thinking of a specific super hero, but there are at least 3 others (+ 1 group) that have been played by different actors, without counting all X-men.
Even if you count only super heroes that had at least two movies under their names, both of them released after 2000, there is still 2 other good answers.
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I think the only correct answer for that question should be "Half of them"
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Stuck on formatting for Q3 on quiz 1, it seems very straightforward...
Oh, I see you gave the answer, weird, thats exactly what I wrote...I wonder if somehow you use a different symbol...
Yes, your is ’ mine is ', so only a copy/paste of yours works for me.
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Question 2 in the first quiz should probably be something more like "What was keeping Tony Stark alive until the end of Iron Man 3?"
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you know, you can also add answers to a running quiz
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I had q5 wrong first, but I then changed the order and it worked
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I've tried them both ways, but now that you talked about, I did the same but with the second one written wrong, and it worked.
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Question 3 in first quiz and 7 in second for me. Pretty sure my answer is right, but can't get the formatting. Especially on Q3 I've tried it all!
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I totally missed that, was looking for hints on the page, like a dummy, thanks! :)
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only missing q7 from the second quiz
I think I have the correct 4 names, but it doesn't take them
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I don't know... I am already confused as it is... I was jokingly referring to this answer https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/d7TKS/marvel-movies-quiz-lv-4#HfqRT3O
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Got it, thanks for the giveaway and helping us out, OP!
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Shawarma is a good indicator that I did watch them though haha ;)
Or at the very least the first Avengers movie ^^.
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Not sure if I understand you correctly(not know where is the hint too). But anyway I tried many combinations. even made a deeper search and after these 2 characters I had 2 more which can be counted. But we are searching for a actor names or name of heroes (I tried name of heroes not a actor names). I am talking about question: "Which two Avengers are not included in Avengers: Infinity War?"
EDIT: also I can give you answers on private somehow:), but not sure how:)
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Like the others, can't get Quiz #2's Q7 right even using the hint when I'm sure I'm putting in the right answers and formatting. Also seems to have a formatting issue for Q3 as I'm trying both the shorter version of the name and longer version with different punctuation to no avail :/
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Nevermind just reread and realized it leads to the same GA anyway haha. Thanks anyway though :)
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Both solved. Bump.
Guys, if you're stuck, read everything in the original post (and the comments).
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Quiz 1: http://www.itstoohard.com/puzzle/Vq6v7Ukf
(Added Formatting tips)
Alternatively, I created another Marvel Quiz with different questions and 2 same questions from previous quiz. This will also lead to the same SG link.
Quiz 2: http://www.itstoohard.com/puzzle/RTakwdWn
Answers will only be based off the Marvel movies and trivia. Good luck!
Note: Game is Lakeview Cabin Collection.
GA starts July 2nd and ends July 30th. Reminder- If you already completed the quiz, remember to submit your entry.
If you had issues with formatting for quiz 1, look at below. IF you still have issues after reading the hints, please add me on steam and include SG Marvel Quiz in the message so I know you are not a bot/random person.
Q3- I will just give the answer since it was badly worded: Hey big guy, Sun’s getting real low
Q5- Will have a hint within 1 day appear. WIll make it much easier.
HINT- Fixed to include answer with and without a dash.
For Quiz 2, If you are stuck on Q7, read very closely how the question is phrased. One of the answers is not Jarvis.
Since I did not add all possible variations, I will give first two responses to save time- Iron Man, Hulk, xx, xx.
HINT- I used/referenced a QUORA article for my answer.
As promised, below are the Marvel Quiz answers. If interested, I have Yugi-oh /Star Wars quiz for Hand of Fate that ends 8/19. (LV2, SG Tools),
Quiz 1
Q1. Vision
Q2. Arc Reactor
Q3. Hey big guy, Sun’s getting real low (given)
Q4. Seven
Q5. Ant-man, Hawkeye (other variations)
Q6. Ryan Reynolds, Ben Affleck
Q7. Spider-Man
Quiz 2
Q1. Bruce Banner
Q2. Jane Foster
Q3. Avengers: Age of Ultron
Q4. Yondu
Q5. Howard the Duck
Q6. Thor
Q7. Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Ultron, Thor or Iron Man, Hulk, Ultron, Thor
Q8. Seven
Q9. Vision
Q10. Stan Lee
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