Unless you tell the second one not to give it to you, and they reroll. I won the same game within an hour of each other, so I didn't see the first and couldn't remove my entries for the other ones I was in. I accepted the first and as soon as I could, told the person running the second that they should reroll. They did, and I can pass the filters with no problem.
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I wonder if you could buy a copy of the game and give it to the giveaway creator and ask for a "late" reroll?
Is there even a time limit on reroll requests?
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That really didn't take you long once I enabled the bigger font. Is this your summoning call?
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A network of spies? Other than the investigator/spies/detective team of yours truly? This is not good. We seem to have competition. I'll have to call Detective Bear about this.
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Depending on the game, it might be easier to trade for it if you have some spare keys lying around.
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As they said buying the game will fix it. Sorta. Then you'll have to fix your spiritual taint by reciting no less than a hundred Hail Marys whilst dancing widdershins around a bonfire kindled by the blood of the innocents for the glory of our true lord Cthulhu.
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It fits the definition of filter accurately, and it is appropriately filtering you.
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I did the same thing with two games. I gave them both to friends when I was brand new. I've literally never felt more dumb now. Too bad one was a tex murphy collection that was $1 on humble bundle but now $30 on steam >.<. I guess we live and learn from our mistakes
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Actually, if it's all the games but Tesla Effect, Bundlestars throws that bundle out fairly regularly, I think.
That's likely why it's got the trade value Ambi noted for it.
If you can't manage a trade for it, you could hope Bundelstars rebundles it again. :)
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I guess you could see it that way but they don't avoid punishment through support that way just the slut-shaming that usually follows. Plus it shows at least a little bit effort to come clean.
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well -answer to your concern is easy - SGT is not part of SG, it's external 3rd party tool thus it can only do things and check things that are publicly available to it on SG and Steam Profile. As SG doesn't publicly show suspension history nor "games that got regifted but activated later on" there is no way to check it and that's why it can be avoided with activation of won game later on. As VAC status stays always on then there's no way to avoid that.
Still - Activation rule is much more common in SGT GAs than VAC rule, just saying ;)
Also keep in mind that even if regifter adds game much later on for sake of SGT GAs - in time he had not-activated he probably already got into quite a few of BlackLists ;) And on these he will stay even after activation ;)
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We have to distinguish between justice and vigilante justice here: The official punishment for not activating wins, regifting or trading them works on a 3 strike system. First offense as listed under Roles at the very bottom; 2nd offense -> increased punishment and 3rd offense leads to permanent suspension.
However quite a lot of people think that the punishments are too lenient or not enforced properly so they use Blacklists or GAs that use SG Tools Entry filters to keep out rulebreakers. While that is completly understandable it's additional vigilante justice added on top of the regular punishment.
While activating a game that you previously failed to activate cleans your SG-profile when it comes to SG Tools GAs and saves you from Blacklists it doesn't make the suspension go away and if you still fail to follow rules afterwards the punishment will be harder next time. So basicly it helps avoid vigilante justice but not the regular punishment through SG support.
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My pleasure ;) Very impressive giving-spree by the way considering you've only been back a few weeks :D
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That's true plus there's always a ton of likeminded people you can talk to about the most outlandish games, books or movies most other people might not know :D
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A lot of things in life can be remedied by contrition and making amends.
Some mistakes, however, cannot be undone, and a person's past follows them.
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I wonder what category cheating in a kids' game falls under. On one hand: it's a kids' game (at least the only VAC-protected titles I ever saw were the online shooters). On the other hand: if you sink that low to cheat in a kids' game, what else can you be capable of?
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you should buy and play it! VVVVVV is one of the best indie games ever, if you ask me. :)
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I actually really want it. I just gave it to a friend who would've appreciated it more
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I have a similar issue. Just cause 1 was stupidly cheap, like 63 cents, so me and my friends bought the game to gift it and farm points. I BOUGHT it and gifted, cool. My friend did the same but instead of a public giveaway he made a private one with me and some other known friends. I won the giveaway but told him to give it to his brother as i already owned Just cause 2 and would not play it.
1 year later i was suspended for not activating the gift and regifting, last one was false but i saw no real point in discussing this with support and just suck it up.
Now i am always banned by this tool, so yeah.
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VVVVVV is a really fun game. You could probably trade for it or find it cheap for a ToD or some cards or something on here.
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Happy cake day! I have a surprise for you! Add me on Steam.
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A long time ago, when I first got steam gifts. I tried to be cool and give a friend a game I won. I got in trouble and never did it again. I take the website a lot more seriously now but that one incident has since tainted of innocence. So, is there a way to fix this or do I have to live with it the rest of my life? I was thinking about buying the game I won but I don't know if that would work.
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