so do u love them?
Links don't work and I love animals but but I also love bacon. -p
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i figured it out boy thx. no one will judge u for loving bacon or any kind of meat.its good for u and tastes good
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I will definitely judge the fuck out of people who love meat, or at least use their love for meat as an excuse for participating in the mass slaughter, torture, and abuse of countless animals every year. In my personal assessment, meat is not "good" for anyone because its nutritional profile is simply inadequate and is completely outclassed by plant-based alternatives. Numerous scientific studies have connected, both correlatively and causally, lower meat consumption with improved health and a plant-based diet with higher quality of life.
I used to love meat, as well, but there is simply no tenable argument for its continued consumption, and countless—moral, ethical, environmental, economic, cultural, and otherwise—for the contrary.
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If anything, it's those who consume animals products who require the intervention. Whether out of sheer ignorance or dietary sociopathy, people who consume animal products contribute to an industry which systematically slaughters over 150 billion animals every year. To put that into perspective, that is the numerical equivalent of over 25,000 Holocausts every single year, if we were to use the oft-cited 6 million estimate for the number of Jews killed in the Holocaust.[1]
I'm the one that needs help? No, I'm one of the only sane people alive.
[1] – Of course, the Holocaust targeted much more than Jews, with estimates ranging as high as approximately 20 million killed.
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Here is my opinion.Eating animals and generally meat appart from human flesh is ok and in fact normal.Why? Because we need to.First, meat has been conected with enjoyment . From the ancient year,friends and family would get together to enjoy what god gave them too.However u could come and say that those years that u didnt have to eat have passed and that we have to concetrate on other things now.Considaring that many people dont have the basics to leave, I will be thankful that I cant taste something other than vegitables and fruits.Seccondly, I would like to stress that not only animals feel pain.Believe it or not,plants feel the same and in fact, they are eaten alive.So that really sucks.Last God himself said that animals will go str8 to heaven as they dont have the ability to express themselves , as they are sacrificed for our survival.What I wanna say is, dont be so buthurt about eating habits as long as it doesnt include humen meat.Everyone make their own choices , right or wrong, but pls dont say that Holocaust and animal consumption is the same.
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So what if it's normal? Why do you exclude human flesh? You are already eating the flesh of animal corpses who did not consent to be slaughtered. Why should you draw the line at humans?
Meat absolutely is not necessary for living a healthy and enjoyable life. In fact, meat consumption has a direct negative impact on both due to the health complications that accompany it.
No, plants do not feel pain. That is literally impossible because they lack the nervous system whereby nociception is possible. There is no evidence whatsoever that nociception is possible without a nervous system, and there has yet to be found an analogous system whereby nociception (or some analogous experience thereof) could be experienced by plant life. Clearly, your understanding of pain has no basis in science. Even if that was true, however, then the ethical position would still be a strict vegetarian diet similar to the ones adopted by Jains because that would entail the least possible amount of plant deaths. Every single animal raised for slaughter has to eat plants (or other animals) to survive, and in doing so remains an inefficient food source which costs more plant lives than it would take to simply eat the plants we feed the animals.
I don't care in the slightest what fantasy or fictional deities you believe in to cope with the meaningless of existence and the suffering therein, nor do I respect using those delusions as a basis upon which normative claims could be established. As far as I'm aware, however, no religious text explicitly states that animals go to Heaven (or whatever fictional paradise that serves as its equivalent), so even according to your mythology that is not true. Even if it was true, that is not grounds to justify the slaughter of animals, and not only because consumption of animal products are not necessary for survival.
I will be "butthurt" about people's eating habits when their eating habits directly and indirectly contribute to anthropogenic global warming (which is leading us to planetary suicide), food insecurity, global hunger, inefficient agricultural methods, a culture of violence, morally and ethically inconsistent behavior and values, and the systematic slaughter of an incalculable number of animals every year simply because people like you are too much of moral cowards to give up that momentary sensation on your palate when you eat an animal's flesh to save that animal's life. Why should I respect someone who is too much of an ignorant and spineless sociopath to make a basic change in their life that would yield incalculable benefits to themselves and to society all because it might be a minor inconvenience for a few weeks or months? I shouldn't and I don't.
You are contributing to the animal equivalent of over 25,000 Holocausts every year. Yes, I will make that comparison because it helps contextualize the emotional gravity of a crime to which you are unsympathetic but nevertheless complicit. If you don't like that comparison, since it reveals an uncomfortable truth about your dietary practices and the world in which we live, then perhaps you should have some integrity and make changes in your life to rectify that qualm of yours rather than requesting that those who call attention to that fact cease doing so.
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I stopped reading and lol'ed away after you said: "plants can feel pain".
This is how myths, rumors and religion are passed around. Some moron says plants can feel pain without any research or evidence and a bunch of sheep just accept it without even analyzing it.
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Better teach them lions to eat tofu.
Also all humans have canines teeth, you're basically saying evolution is wrong.
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No need to feed lions—or any strictly carnivorous animal—tofu. We can either genetically engineer lions to subsist on strict vegetarian diets, or we can castrate them to extinction as a last resort.
A basic study of human evolutionary history as it pertains to diet would demonstrate that the vast majority of human history has consisted of a plant-based diet that heavily emphasized fruits, nuts, and berries up until recently. During a short period, after the invention of fire, meat was consumed, which provided a quick source of calories and complete proteins. At the advent of the agriculture approximately 10,000 years ago, which signaled the beginning of the Holocene era, humanity took back to consuming a largely plant-based diet with meat as a delicacy. Only after industrialization did meat become a major staple for the Western masses, since meat was historically a food cherished by the rich and powerful precisely because it was a rare and inefficient food source.
Although pointing to human dental structure is a well-known fallacy that no informed person would use as a contention for eating meat, and not only because implies specious premises which must be accepted to be a coherent argument, even by that standard there is overwhelming evidence based on human dental structure alone that our species evolved and is principally adapted to eat a plant-based diet. For example, the existence of wisdom teeth is direct evolutionary evidence that humans evolved on a plant-based diet, which is consistent with the dietary patterns of our evolutionary ancestors. Only recently has meat consumption been a regular part of human diet, and only in some regions, which may have been why that extra set of molars have become vestigial in anatomically modern humans.
Do you have any other unscientific, illogical, and ignorant remarks to make in an attempt to show me up and defend your untenable dietary practices, which I can promptly correct and refute, or are you through?
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I don't try very hard with logic when it comes to veganazis, they listen as well as SJWs.
Keep being a monster to those pain receiving plants though.
and thanks for your college thesis.
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You don't try very hard with logic because you lack the critical thinking skills to perform those logical computations. Obviously, you lack a valid argument to support your untenable position and are now resorting to petty insults and caricaturing in a feeble attempt at maintaining a high ground you never occupied. For the record, "SJWs" don't exist and only reactionary dullards believe in, and use, such a nebulous and meaningless term.
Next time, provide a valid source rather than an archived comment chain to substantiate your ridiculous assertion that plants experience pain. Like I stated above:
No, plants do not feel pain. That is literally impossible because they lack the nervous system whereby nociception is possible. There is no evidence whatsoever that nociception is possible without a nervous system, and there has yet to be found an analogous system whereby nociception (or some analogous experience thereof) could be experienced by plant life. Clearly, your understanding of pain has no basis in science. Even if that was true, however, then the ethical position would still be a strict vegetarian diet similar to the ones adopted by Jains because that would entail the least possible amount of plant deaths. Every single animal raised for slaughter has to eat plants (or other animals) to survive, and in doing so remains an inefficient food source which costs more plant lives than it would take to simply eat the plants we feed the animals.
Feel free to fuck off anytime. Since you clearly can't step up, do everyone a favor and shut up.
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You look up articles like it's all fact, there's a shit ton of studies but please, keep being a closed minded, carnivore extinction wishing, fucking insane freakazoid and ramble on in a thread where no-one wants you around so you can keep pushing your vegetable agenda like the Hitler copy-cat you are.
Make yourself comfy, the internet has room for everyone.
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If those studies exist, then cite them. Otherwise, your claims are meaningless to me. Speaking of Hitler, I'm not the one actively contributing to the numerical equivalent of 25,000 Holocausts every year. That would be you.
Fuck off and take your childish playground insults with you.
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Am I seriously taking you for a ride this easily?
You've already gone back to stage one in the loop of fallacious arguments.
Meat helps mental power, you're probably too weak minded atm. Get a steak in you man.
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Oh, I get it, your standards for comedy are tantamount to that of a literal retard, so you consider it fun to "troll" me by acting like thinking is something you struggle doing. None of my arguments thus far have been fallacious, though you wouldn't know that since you actively commit them and fail to understand what they are.
Meat appears to have neurocognitive benefits because of the high levels of iron, zinc, and certain amino acids (like carnosine) present in moderate to high quantities therein. Every single vitamin, mineral, nutrient, and amino acid found in meats can be fully acquired through a plant-based diet and supplementation. Yet again, your excuses only demonstrate your utter ignorance on this topic. Or are you still "just pretending"?
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You are just so cute with your "holier than thou" mindset, I fucking love getting vegantards in a tissy.
Back to comparing you to Hitler m8, So you wish for the genocide of carnivores or otherwise over a third of the animal kingdom right?
That or genetically modifying carnivores?
I wonder who ELSE tried to genetically modify an Aryan race while at the same time wiped out a bunch of things that he didn't think belonged...
Keep up the insults coming though m8, it shows us how much a superior fuhrer you are.
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You are mistaking my militant confidence for hubris. That is your mistake, not mine.
I am not promoting genocide, only sterilization as a last resort. That was not Hitler's policy, nor is it even eugenics. It's species regulation and control. Your comparison is not even remotely accurate.
I can only assume that projecting your own behaviors onto me is another "trolling" tactic of yours. In any case, this joke of an exchange is obviously going nowhere and you apparently too much of a Dunning–Kruger idiot, or too committed to acting like one, for any further dialogue to be constructive.
Final response. Fuck off.
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Fuck Off, was all you had to say, but you took your time and made a fool of yourself and your beliefs.
Btw sterilization of an entire race/species IS genocide... Hitler or not it's fucking insane.
Have a nice day though.
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Eating meat has helped humans develop their brain and intelligence, by providing a lot of available energy. Vegetarians lose this advantage and therefore tend to be too dumb to reason with.
On the other hand, Americans eat a lot of meat and also tend to be too dumb to reason with, so it's probably more complex than this.
(How's my trolling?)
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It's okay, but you gotta pick one or the other side to take. By making a somewhat leveled statement like that, its balance negates much of its antagonistic and controversial potential. It's more effective to use a strategy like coolskeleton95 above, where you just stick militantly to an extremely ignorant position and attempt to use numerous fallacies and debunked claims relating to the topic in order to get the opponent to waste his or her time explaining how wrong you are. Although there are more complex trolling methods, low-effort but effective strategies like the aforementioned tend to produce much quicker and more plentiful results.
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I could as easily state it as objectively so, and I have no problem maintaining that position, but I decided to qualify my statements by taking personal responsibility for the claims, since it sounds less arrogant. For some reason, confidently stating a controversial claim that is supported by authoritative research is often mistaken as hubris by the ignorant and ill-informed.
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Μου αρέσουν και τα φαγώσιμα, αλλά και τα μη φαγώσιμα. :B
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Το σουβλάκι συνήθως έχει μέσα κρέας από τις γάτες και τους σκύλους τής γειτονιάς. :P Δοκίμασε και στρουθοκάμηλο πάντως και δε θα χάσεις.
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αμα ειναι εμπιστο το σουβλατζιδικο δεν υπαρχει θεμα για την ποιοτητα του κρεατος, τον στρουθοκαμηλο που θα την βρω ομως ;
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havent actually seen the post credit scene 0_o Thx a lot boy !!!
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"oldie" but goldie.
edit: every Marvel movie has after credit scene!
disclaimer, do not watch the after credit scene for Guardian of the Galaxy. you would be disappointed...
don't say i didn't warn you
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I'm pretty sure we're talking about a different kind of thing, because shawarma looks a bit different than souvlaki (different ingredients, different bread, etc.).
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Yes, you know your shawarma, but you don't know our souvlaki. xD Moglis was talking about souvlaki. Shawarma, on the other hand, has different ingredients and bread than souvlaki. That's what I was talking about. :P
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i didn't know the name.
but i know the food... we have that as well.
we refer to it by the skewer it's made on (shipud in hebrew)
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I know, but you just have a different version of it. :P Souvlaki is either a simple skewer or pita with multiple ingredients. ;P And souvla means skewer. Souvlaki means little skewer.
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ah. got it :)
but what do you mean multiple ingredients? on one skewer?
like meats or meat and onion etc?
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I said "pita with multiple ingredients". Like gyros with potatoes, tzatziki, and tomatoes. Just a mere example. Just check the souvlaki-pita part in the link above. :P
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i do agree that Australia is a tasteful country ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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You're preparing it wrong then.
I love Emu sausages, but you have to add beef fat when you are making them, because like roo, they are very lean.
Plain emu can be pretty gamey, but the right sauces can make the difference.
I suggest mincing it or even a fine dice, and let it stew with a beef flavoured gravy mix (like Gravox) until it's very tender (Slow cooking works best), with some potatoes. When the meat is tender and the potatoes are breaking up and thickening, add some sweet vegetables (Corn, carrots and peas), and let it cook until the peas are just tender enough without losing the crisp feeling on your palate.
Serve with a room temp red, I prefer a merlot, and a side of hard biscuit/toasted roll, to soak the gravy up.
This works well with Roo, or buffalo too, or any toughish/gamey meat.
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nah, you can still taste it - it's like putting BBQ sauce on your ribs - it enhances the flavour in a positive manner - any meat just needs to be cooked right, cook anything wrong and it tastes like crap.
Except Penguin. I have yet to find a way to cook it that it actually tastes good.
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I care about them but not as much to become an animal rights activist
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what if I told u I was gonna put that on description ?
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I love animals, I don't even kill flies, I capture them one by one with a glass to release them outside. They are food for someone.
But I'm not vegan, I like meat, not everyday and I try not to waste it. I care how animals are treated and it looks normal to me.
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How can you tenably maintain that you care about animals while both condoning and participating in the systematic slaughter of them, without their consent, in an industry that both historically and contemporarily abuses and tortures the animals it uses and slaughters? That is a fundamentally inconsistent and ethically irreconcilable position.
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Other animals do not have moral agency. You do. Consumer demands mean little in capitalism because those who direct and define the rules of capitalism ultimately determine the spectrum of opinions and options that are accepted in mainstream society. To believe that consumers have a serious choice in the matter despite being in the subordinate position economically is absurd as believing that slaves could viably achieve systemic change by not serving their masters as diligently.
It seems to me that you consider so-called "humane treatment" to be sufficient for animal rights and welfare, despite how it's fundamentally absurd to consider nonconsensual captivity and slaughter to be humane treatment. If you are serious about animal rights and welfare, your goal ought to be the liberation and emancipation of animals from their exploited and oppressed conditions, not merely the amelioration of the conditions of their enslavement. What is your goal: less oppressed slaves or no more slavery?
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I don't consider myself very different from any other animal and don't consider any of them more important than another and I admit that I should be hunting instead of shopping but the world is just overpopulated so if you want my opinion this is the main problem, a problem no one seem to care.
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Even as someone who is opposed to anthropocentrism, I recognize that there are marked differences between humans and other animals which allot us with unique characteristics and responsibilities, including as stewards of the environment and all its inhabitants, regardless of whether everyone acknowledges them. Why should you hunt instead? Why not eat a plant-based diet which does not entail suffering and slaughter of innocent life?
I don't see how overpopulation is relevant to any of this, nor do I consider our current population status as "overpopulated". What does overpopulation have to do with anything of these topics and on what basis are you claiming that we are experiencing overpopulation?
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if yes then dont join this zombie animals in fact,mostly pigs
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