Is it any good?
this game even with awesome reviews is far being for everyone.
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Have you ever played Dragon's Dogma? That's basically MonHun, but with more story focus
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It's a much cheaper alternative, and if you enjoy it then you would enjoy Monster Hunter too
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I have, and have played it, but i think its not the same, in dragons dogma cannot select the monster i can chase, and i really love to hunt the hydra, its me most favorite monster to hunt, but this monster only appears in two places, and... i dont remember, but after kill it, do not spam until NG. In dragons dogma yo can use a mage... Not happen on MH, i do not try MHW (i watch some trailer videos before launch), but i have MH3rd and i have played on the past MHTri. I really LOVE this game, and i like Dragons dogma two, but are not the same... By the way, in dragons dogma you can climb on the monster, i know in MHW you can (not happen on MHTri or MH3rd, but i remember in other MH can do it), you can climb monster in dragons dogma like shadow of the colosus, but with more freely. Oh and in Dragons Dogma... As no online... Well, i mean multiplayer, i know you can "share" you pawn, but nothing more. (by the way, there is a mmorpg of dragons dogma, not know if right now are dead or what).
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I know they're not exactly the same, but you can get a taste of what MonHun offers from DD. DD is definitely more of a single player experience than MH
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I think there is a lot of more differences of gameplay, than just say "not exactly the same", in this case "Dark Souls", are like MH too, its an "action combat" or whatever its call the gender. I really love this kind of games, by the way, have dark souls 1, remaster, 2, SOTFS, 3. I even think Dark Souls are more like Monster Hunter, because can use armors and weapons of the bosses, in dragons dogma that not happen.
Hey but dont worry, that is just my opinion. What i just think, every one feel that this game its like other, etc... I just think its a really different games, but they share that can move character, and his atacks like each other.
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Definitely, MH has much more weight to the combat, as you said like a Souls game. And if I was to say MH is like another game I'd be more likely to say God Eater, since they were trying to capitalise on the success of MH.
I just think of DD as MH-lite. It's not got the combat depth, and has a much more traditional rpg gaming loop. But, and the main reason I was recommending it, it is cheaper, and if you like the monster fights in DD, you'd probably like MH.
Anyway, I agree with a lot of what you said, I just still feel the links between them
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My biggest problem with MHW is that it put a huge emphasis on co-op. I prefer online games where I can play solo just fine, being the socialy awkward person that I am :D
Anyway, there is a game called Dauntless. It's supposedly very similar to MHW and it's free to play, so you could try that one if you decide against buying MHW ;)
An intersting fact is that Dauntless devs abandoned lootboxes some time after the EA fiasco and adopted the more consumer friendly monetization system, or so they claim. So that's another reason to check them out, I'd say.
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i just don't see the difference in complexity? If it's all behind the scenes in the code wouldn't then that make dauntless the better product just by being simpler?
Adding all kinds of multipliers and modifiers like sharpening mechanic and such is easy for games like these.... balancing them out is the difficult part...
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Hmm, I see. If the game can be comfortably played solo, then that's great :)
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You can play the free to play Monster Hunter Online with an English language fan patch even though the game is Chinese only. It will give you a feel of the game on PC.
English patch and installation guide:
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I will admit, I didn't read the entire OP because I am not interested in the game and know nothing about it, but I can answer the question as to what warrants the game selling for $60. The simple answer is that people are willing to pay that much and the devs/publishers don't care about how the game should be priced, they only care about how to make the most money. They say in the trailer that they sold over 8 million copies, so clearly they made the correct pricing choice to benefit themselves. I'm sure there are tons of people that will not pay $60 and once the hype and sales numbers start to drop to a degree where they feel like they can pull in more customers by dropping the price, they will.
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Clipping happens a lot in older titles, so It is probably common in MHW.
Non-existent. It's just a bunch of mumbo jumbo. Like, Kill these because I told you to, kill that because reasons.
There are a lot of monsters in the game. Giant apes, lizards, dragons, fishes, etc. A monster may come in a different variation. Ex. Yian-Kutku and Blue Yian-Kutku (difference in color and elements).
Other cons that you might wanna know:
-Grindy (You have to kill a certain monster for as long as it takes to acquire whatever you needed for your armor. I'd say 10x grindy than Dauntless.)
-Just like Dauntless, You'll have to kill the same monster over and over again in different quests.
Monster Hunter is far superior than Dauntless though, IMO.
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I don't mind the grind (i played grindy games like wow or warframe or diablo and loved them) but the rewards have to compensate for it...What grew old on me baout dauntless was that the only reward is being able to fight the next boss and if the next boss is just a reskin then it's not worth it...
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The last monster hunter game I played was monster hunter freedom unite on PSP, and I played it for 1500 hours. If your looking for a good deep storyline then sadly monster hunter isnt for you because the plot of MHW ends at about the half point of the content. You see the way these game work is in a mission based system with 3 different ranks: Low, High and G-rank quests. Every rank will introduce new monsters that werent in the previous rank and stronger versions of monsters that youve seen before or require you to hunt more than 1 of those monsters. So the game finds ways to pad things out but in my experience it never really feels like an out right grind because you have so many weapons to try out and learn to use and the fights always feel epic. Im just really glad that we finally get a monster hunter on pc, ive been waiting a century for this. also if 60$ seems too much you can get it from GMG for 49$.
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Monster Hunter and Dauntless are fundamentally repetitive games in that they both operate off the same gameplay loop, you fight and kill a monster, craft weapons and armor from its drops, repeat until you're strong enough to move onto the next monster. In terms of your character, you don't learn new abilities or anything like that, you get stronger by getting better gear and by learning the intricacies of your weapons and the attack patterns of the monsters in the world. There is very little story to speak of, in the sense of a classic campaign, the emphasis is definitely put on the combat.
If you haven't already played Dauntless, do it. It doesn't quite have the same depth as Monster Hunter, there's only 4 weapon types to try out, there's far fewer different monsters, etc but it's completely free to play and it's pretty easy to get into. If you enjoy Dauntless but wish there was more to it, then look into Monster Hunter World. If you play Dauntless and find it grindy or repetitive, then don't even bother with Monster Hunter World.
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I'd suggested that you watch this review. It's honest, detailed, and although the reviewer loved the game, I think he makes very clear who it is for.
If you want a place where he sums it up (somewhat cynically), here it is. Really, the game is for people who want complex crafting, and using what they crafted to take down a variety of monsters in beautiful environments.
But I suggest you watch it all.
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on the first one i dont mean falling through the map. i meant clipping through monster parts like wings and stuff... many areas that dont have collision meshes.
And on the third point from what i get dauntless does the exact same thing but for free... why pay 60 dollars for this one?
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you're probably right but i just can't shake the feeling that if you take out the mounting mechanics and the more detailed and claustrophobic maps MHW is just a dauntless with more weapons and monsters... that's my problem. I cant figure out how MHW is more refined than dauntless after 14 years in the making it's the same problem like PUBG and Fortnite... PUBG had much more developement time put into but still lagged behind. I'm not saying the same thing will happen here since the guys at dauntless are so slow in rolling out new stuff but I'm skeptical MHW has enough new things to bring to the table to justify the pricetag. 50% of my reasons to buy MHW right now are the fishing mechanics :).
im not really concerned about microtransactions in MHW since i understand that those are minimal
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I haven't played Monster Hunter World or Dauntless, so I can't really answer your questions about them, but I just wanna put this out there-
God Eater 2 Rage Burst is also an alternative. Obviously I can't really say how similar it is to MHW (or Dauntless) since I only have second-hand knowledge of MHW, but overall it follows a similar "fight giant monsters with oversized weapons with a ridiculous amount of planning" routine. Its gameplay gets pretty complicated as you get further and further (just understanding how the "bullet builder" in this game works is ridiculous XD ). Overall I don't recall running into any major bugs (actually I don't recall running into any bugs, but I tend to not pay too much attention to small stuff when they're infrequent). It does have a story and a lot of characters to interact with (though I should mention that there are quire a few filler "go do this mission in-between plot progression"-styled missions; as well as a lot of "optional" ones that have more or less no connection to the story). As for monster variety- well, while each monster does have 3-4 different "variants" of it (for larger monsters while those variants might look similar they tend to have different weaknesses, weak points and attacks), overall different monster groups tend to look very different from each other (it's kinda their "thing" in-universe- they can literally look like anything since they take the characteristics of what they eat, and they can eat anything). Finally, for the price concern, the game was in a Humble Monthly a few months back so you could probably find it very cheap (and it'll probably go on decent sales in the future). Also you get God Eater Resurrection (the remake of the remake of the first game) for free with this one.
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Disclaimer: I'm ignoring all the comments before me because they are long (and I know why they are), so I don't know what has been already said.
So, once upon a time I had a Wii and one day I had 50€s to burn. I had beaten all the good stuff and got pretty disappointed by the lack of quality games the Wii had to offer. I did hear about Monster Hunter 3 and saw a bit of it from a friend of mine, but never heard of the MH franchise before. I was kinda bummed by the lack of graphical quality I saw and the fact that the story was really meh.
I decided to give it a try anyway.
Man, I rarely see such an amount of time on my games. Look at my steam. I have 1000 hours on CS:GO because I used to leave it on for drops, but otherwise my most played game is Rocket League with 164h.
The second most played game I had was Final Fantasy Tactics Advance with a 480h file (a game in which you pass most of the time on micromanagement) and the third is Pokemon Red with 400h because I was a boring kid that wanted to beat the elite 4 200 times.
DO NOT skip Monster Hunter if you are attracted to it. They are $60€ well spent.
MH is not about combat. It's about mastering every little aspect of it. It's about risks, rewards and self growth. You don't just fight, you have a lot of stuff to learn. You learn about your armor and abilities, about various weapon styles, where the monsters spawn and where they go to hide, when to strike and when to run.
You mentioned Dauntless. Dauntless (I played the beta too) is just a fraction of what Monster Hunter is.
But I am a man that likes to learn. And even If I'm not very good at Rocket League, the learning process is partially similar to that game. You learn on the field because there's no other way, you learn the hard way and it feels good.
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I think each game that costs $60 or more is too expensive and shows only how greedy devs/publishers are and that it give too much people that pay such prices.
When the people stop paying such prices the prices will go down. As long as the prices are paid they will go up.
Easy economic rule......
So i NEVER pay more then $25 for a game (mostly only around $5)
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You can play the free to play Monster Hunter Online with an English language fan patch even though the game is Chinese only. It will give you a feel of the game on PC.
English patch and installation guide:
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.1. and 2. are wrong, you're thinking of the older MH's here. This one is way different: way too much story and 50% boring tracehunting gameplay. But yes, plenty of clipping, the PS4 is only a low mid-range PC, so of course they have to cheat a lot
.3. is correct. the monsterpool is extremly small and my biggest critique point against the game.
Go for it during a $20 Sale. but also no TL;DR, so not sure if I missed anything
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I've actually had my eye on this as well. There's another game called Dauntless that's in open beta right now that looks kinda similar and might be worth checking out. I haven't had a chance to do so myself. If anyone who's played Dauntless wants to post about their experience so far that would be great. Also any differences between the two would be great to mention as well. Thanks
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I played Dauntless till end-game and I love it. The thing is though, the game is very rough in shape, still lots of bugs/glitches/clunkyness. There is decent content to keep you busy for a couple of days. But this ain't by far a MH killer, mostly because this is a F2P game with only a few features and in rough shape, while the other is a 15 year old franchise that refined itself over the years after each new title.
Also Dauntless is more similar to the old MH games than it is with MH:World. Since all of the fancy new features between MH and MH:World ain't in Dauntless. Also there is no crafting during hunts in Dauntless.
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It's in beta still so I expect there to be a ton of bugs and glitches. The open beta is there for players to help test and develop the game as well as report bugs/glitches and prepare it for it's official release somewhere down the road. You loved the game you said so that's a good sign and hopefully it will continue to improve. Phoenix Labs has an amazing team with some of the best devs in the industry, so hopefully it will turn out well.
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Awesome review and I 100% agree when buying a game at that price its not good enough to be told that you don't need to worry about story line. I'm glad I read this review because MHW has been on my buy list for a while but I been a bit reluctant because of the feeling it might be like Persona or Tales of Vespia etc. with the repetitiveness . I loved Dragons Dogma so was one of my reasons to buy the game.
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I'm a cheap fuck and i tend to analyse the games i buy really thoroughly. Lately i got my eyes on monster hunter world and all the reviews I see online about it say it's the best game ever made but man... I am the kind of guy who supports the pc master race idea and I just don't see the reason to whip out 60 bucks for that game... Don't get me wrong, I love the combat dynamic but i don't think that it alone should warrant a 60 dollar tag...
I'll lay out what i got so far and please tell me I'm stupid and i should buy the game :)))
I don't know and I'd really like to be convinced to buy the game but then I'm not a fan of japanese weird anime stuff, and when i look at monster hunter world and dauntless sisde by side all i see is PUBG and Fortnite all over again // never liked pubg or fortnite (only played about 5- 10 matches until i won enough to get bored). Disclaimer: I dont hate games that are popular, i hate games that have only one good thing about them... good gameplay alone does not substitute for a full game (see DOTA, LOL, CS GO, Rainbow 6, PUBG etc) I do love games that have the complete package (see dark souls)
Is MH any good? or is it just the fact that there are no other games on consoles to create competition for MH so the devs sell whatever the hell they want? should I just play dauntless instead and keep my money? I'm really starting to incline towards buying deep rock galactic instead but that's a discussion for another time...
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