I missed a Starfield deal, seems like it ended yesterday. :[
Starfield for 15,99€ at MediaMarkt
It was for Germany, not sure about other countries... (maybe Austria too?)
I hope this deal will come again, or price will drop in other shops!

Giveaway (ended): https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/NFovi/chained-together

2 months ago*

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Is Starfield worth 15,99€?

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Shut up

In czech had one company few months ago promo that they were one weekend giving Starfield as gift to order of hardware over 30€. You missed that as well. My collegue got it with buying new mouse.

2 months ago

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2 months ago

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No, it was on CZC.cz store as some special offer for 48h, I think it was actually even for less spent, like 20€ or so. Cause I refused to believe to my collegue when he said he got something named like Starfield as gift to his basic logitech mouse. It was like month after Starfield was released, but he even showed me email where it was said they are sending him code and he needs steam to be able install it. He had 0 idea what the game is and asked me about my opinion on it.

2 months ago

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I always seem to miss such deals. Not sure about extra shipping costs though, but still pretty nice deal. Think I will start to check deals sites (not only for Steam games) more often.

2 months ago

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The life is much too important and worthy to have because of such stuff bad feelings and/or a bad mood.

2 months ago

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You are right. 🤗

2 months ago

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I went to sleep late, slept unwell because the heat, then ended up being slowed down at every step towards work - and then I'll still need to work :D not a fan of today, but I don't feel particularly angry, just a bit frustrated - both by my choices and the random events.

2 months ago

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Have you considered not go to work?
cough cough Hey boss, I am suddenly sick today cough

2 months ago

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View attached image.
2 months ago

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My eye surgery (which I need for work) got delayed 3 months :// Now I gotta waste money for new glasses... I hate it here =_='

Hope you'll get another deal on Starfield soon, I'd imagine it'll go on deep cuts often considering its notoriety :'DD

2 months ago

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I hope so. Don't care about its notoriety, it would make me happy to play this. 😊 or maybe I'm too optimistic, we will see

Sorry about your surgery. Glasses can be very expensive. 😐

2 months ago

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you are too optimistic. this game is $hit and you shouldn't worry yourself about it...

2 months ago

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View attached image.
2 months ago

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Starfield has some serious design flaws (hundreds of worlds, yet not enough variety; no seamless landing), wasted potential and probably still a lot of bugs. Yet you can easily spend 100+ hours in it and have fun while doing that depending on what you like. The story might not be epic, but some factions quests are pretty good. Some characters are interesting, others not. I'm not sure why people expected more in this regard. It's not by Bioware. If you are into sci-fi, exploration and don't mind slow progress, it's pretty good and a lot to do there.

2 months ago

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Mushrooms on pizza. Rage!!!

2 months ago

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It's cold (8ºC right now), I don't like cold, and just to make it worse it's humid as fuck (91%).

2 months ago

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For me Starfield is worth about 10 €. Pretty sure it won't take long until it gets there.

2 months ago

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With PC gaming, most games drop in price later on or have better sales.

2 months ago

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Only way I can afford AAA games. Wait, wait and wait for the dealz.

2 months ago

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Swedish summer. It's said that nothing equals the Swedish summer, and maybe they are right. In the way nothing equals having your blood replaced by mercury or something.

To me it's more like a Polish port prostitute; It might look good in the distance.
And that is a constant state in Sweden, because the summer is never near, always waaaay in the future or just passed. And once in that tiny window of time when it is actually here... Rain, cold, clouds and more effing rain.
Anyone promoting Swedish summer as the best thing ever deserves to be shot first when the revolution comes. Three bullets; knees, groin, head.

It has been what? One good summer the last 20 years or so? I call bullshit.

2 months ago

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Sweden sounds like a good place to live weatherwise. :D (no joke, if possible I would just skip too warm summers)

2 months ago

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I have experienced some Swedish summers and they are nice. Much better than the humid heat I get in the Rhine Valley.
But the Irish have the best weather. Very rarely too cold or warm and always some nice rain around the next corner. :-p

2 months ago

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Very rarely too cold or warm and always some nice rain around the next corner.

Also in the corner, behind the corner, above the corner and well, just any time really. But sometimes it's "just a drizzle" so it's ok I guess.

2 months ago

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Don't threaten me with a good time.gif

2 months ago

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It's still available her (also in germany). But you have to fetch it in the store.

2 months ago

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Wait? Go outside? No way.

2 months ago

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I know, I know, it's scary - VERY scary. But a real hero loves horror and suspense! ;)

2 months ago

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I have another excuse anyway. :D Checked availability of all stores nearby, but no copies available for pickup.

2 months ago

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Could also be luck, because I don't really know if the game is worth playing. :)

Here, they also deliver by Uber, but only in a range of 6 km around the store - and I live exactly 6.3 km away...
Other delivery isn't ayailable.

2 months ago

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That sucks - IF you planned on getting it. Even with Uber delivery costs it's a great deal (in my eyes).

2 months ago

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It's not bad, that's true, But I think, the game will drop in price soon anyway. It's like Gollum in space regarding this.

On the other hand, it's Bethesda...

2 months ago

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Short form content taking over the world. Attention spans deserve better.

Read a book and visit your libraries! 📖

2 months ago

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I love libraries.
I know that makes me a big nerd these days but I always find the coolest library anywhere I go and visit. It's like my own kind of temple.

Oh and kids, he means places like Wikipedia but real and with actually true information about everything.

2 months ago

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Bump above two comments for truth.
Especially like the comparison "my own kind of temple".

Maybe I'll say I'm angry at myself because I'm still not consistently sticking to my minuscule goal of reading two pages a day. Able to finish one "real" book this year (sans articles/technical books), but still on the way to two.

2 months ago

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just kidding ^^

2 months ago

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Do videogames count as book? I mean in some games there is lots of text.
Damn, my last book was years ago. Can't even remember what book.

2 months ago

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I'd say it counts if there is a decent chunk of the game dedicated to reading like a visual novel.

2 months ago

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Double standard of U.N 😡😤😤😤

2 months ago

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Game as a service.

Oh wait, just today?

Hmmmm. Game as a service

2 months ago

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I am at the point of life, where nothing makes me angry or sad anymore xdd.

2 months ago

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Nothing at the moment. This energy of mine shouldn't channel itself onto rage but happiness. The day has been pretty great right now. I woke up well, my nose wasn't stuffed and I feel fine. I am at peace and grateful for everything that has happened to me, good or bad. Today is a good day to appreciate such opportunity and express my love for everyone I have in my life, who still remain. I want to take a moment to thank everyone who has made mine or someone else's day better, be it words, be it actions. Your love hasn't gone unnoticed 🥲.

2 months ago

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You radiate positive vibes❤️

2 months ago

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2 months ago

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Man, Bacon, you put a smile on my face!
Keep looking up and smelling roses.

2 months ago

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Currently? The amount of advertisements in Forza Horizon 4. Waited so long for it to hit a good discount and I've only played a couple hours and I may be too dejected about the game to continue playing. There's loading screen advertisements, pop up advertisements, banner advertisements, a bunch of dark patterns to lead you to buy their products, and of course let's not forget the unskippable video advertisements. But oh well, I got a solid backlog so I've been working through that the past couple days, not the end of the world.

2 months ago

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I thought it was pretty good and certainly worth 15, I mean I put over 250 hours into it and will put some more in when the dlc is all done
People will complain about anything, even something they played for 100+ hours which to me seems contradictory. If you didn't enjoy it then why put yourself through 100+ hours of torment? I don't play things I don't enjoy. Just my thoughts.

2 months ago

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While I agree that complaining about a game after spending hundreds of hours on it seems contradictory at first glance, it's not rare that the issue making players angry is that small incremental updates basically changed the game from under their feet over a longer period of time, happens all the time with online multiplayer games.
Last time I played Rocket League, which was earlier this year, I realized that the game at this point is no longer the one I started playing years ago. At this point it's basically an underwhelming sequel with a bunch of minor changes I dislike that add up to an experience I dislike, except that instead of being an actual sequel it's a replacement that took the place of the original bit by bit and the game I loved is gone despite that Steam claims that it is still there in my library.

2 months ago

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Fair enough. Most people seem vehemently against the game though, like they never got any enjoyment out of it. Certainly not GoTY material but I liked it for the most part. My biggest gripe was that turd it gives you after you beat the game that can't be modified.

2 months ago

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Oh, I wasn't defending Starfield tho. Even tho I haven't played the game it just looks boring from trailers alone, and everyone who has played it describes it as very tedious, so I'm not gonna defend that game in particular. I mean, I got bored with Skyrim back in the day and that was supposed to be the good Bethesda game.
I just wanted to point out that you can play a game for a hundred hours and be disappointed in a way that makes perfect sense.

2 months ago

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Pretty much any game these days boils down into boring fetch quests if you are trying to see everything but Starfield had a lot of good story in there and I enjoyed the shipbuilding. The planet scanning is the tedious part and the outpost building and trade routes were poorly implemented but I haven't played since before the first patch and these games seem to rely more on moding than anything. I'll try it again someday with expansions and mods.

2 months ago

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I'm not really angry. But if I was, it would be because it's Monday! Eugh. 😫😛

2 months ago

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If you are unemployed like me, Monday is like Sunday. :D

EDIT: Hmm, not my best post I suppose!

2 months ago*

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Heh, always look on the bright side! ;)

2 months ago

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Certain real-life news make me incredibly angry towards my country today, but it's a forbidden topic on SG, so I'll just shut up.

2 months ago

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My country is full of self-absorbed, short-sighted shmucks.

2 months ago

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Yep I can relate. Although we did avoid a catastrophe, it was a close call and it's really not that hard to go vote, people!
Still crossing my fingers for you guys.

2 months ago

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Thanks! And thanks for Mr. Dubstep as well :)

2 months ago

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If I bought a house in my region 5 years ago before the pandemic began, I would have paid $150,000 for a decent house.
I was not ready though back then, so I stuck with renting.
Then prices inflated, interest rates went up and a big housing crisis happened.
My wife and I after bidding on many houses finally got one at $310,000...
So I've basically lost $160,000, plus 5 years of rent, and the interest on the mortgage I'll end up paying for during the next 25 years.
Meanwhile a childhood friend bought a house before the pandemic, and that house is now worth more than I will earn in the next 10 years.
I have spent the past few months trying to deal with the grief of basically having saved up money for nothing at all for the past 10 years.
It's tough to keep a positive outlook on life sometimes :/

2 months ago

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Its a bethesda game, wait for it to inevitably be in some bundle(maybe even choice)... and hope modders have done their work(the only reason it is still on my wishlist... once its cheap enough I will check if the modding scene is ready). As it stands not worth touching atm.

as for what makes me angry today... nothing... to be fair I have been awake < 10 minutes.

2 months ago

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Do you know the feeling when you REALLY want to play a certain game, better sooner than later? Not sure if I can wait for a bundle. If I see an offer like this again then will probably buy it. Really want this game. Just 40-50€ is too much. But 16€ looks like a superdeal and it is a nice looking physical copy too (just without DVD 😁).
But maybe it won't last too long anymore until it's in a bundle or something. I don't know. 😇

2 months ago*

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It's a new day. Today I choose to be angry about yellowjackets. Those things are just A-holes with no exceptions. Unlike hornets which are fine in my book.

2 months ago

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Just get a month of Xbox pass for 9 bucks and play it there. I don't think it's a game you'll spend months in, tbh. I played about 15 hours and got very bored despite being super hyped to see it was in the Pass in the first place.

2 months ago

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No. I want this on Steam. I know I'm stupid.

2 months ago

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Nah you're not stupid, you're one of the special people ;)
Seriously though I get it. I wanted it on Steam too. Then I had a free month of Xbox pass, played the game for a few days and decided to save my money.
There will be other deals, shortly enough. Once the price hits that low, it happens again.
Maybe next Humble ;)

2 months ago

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2 months ago

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Angry today... Um... Leafblowers? I'm gonna go with leafblowers, because today is just kinda average. It's not 108, and it's not 40mph gusts, and I only woke up twice during sleep, and the almost migraine never went full bore and is kinda vague and distracted today, and I have frozen pizza for lunch, plus a fast net at work to download games on the Deck while I work. Cold soda, and probably easy boring dinner tonight.

There are 5000 chores that need doing, but that is just too common for anger. Today is just a day.(Also, I totally keep finding games I'm about to to buy on Steam that I already own on itch.io, so...that's nice.)

2 months ago

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Closed 2 months ago by schmetti.