Hiya folks,
I've been scouring the internet for a way to see which sites are logged in through my Steam account, such as Steamgifts, BLAEO, Lorenzo-Stanco, etc.
The point is that I want to revoke Gleam.io's access, but I can't find a way of doing so through Gleam. I assumed it would be easy to find a list of websites using Steam SSO, but alas, it isn't.

Anyone knows where I could find that info? Thanks!

2 hours ago

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Uhm, access to what exactly? As far as I knew all that the sites got through steam login was your user ID and a confirmation that it was you login in. Any extra access, like activating keys for you, is an extra confirmation. So gleam only really has access to knowing you.

2 hours ago

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If you're not banned from Gleam, then you can remove your Steam account from your Gleam account. If you are banned on Gleam, then you can't remove any accounts on that Gleam account, and adding any of those banned accounts to a new Gleam account will ban any other accounts connected to that Gleam account.

2 hours ago

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this might be useful atleast to be aware where all is connected.

2 hours ago

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For Gleam, you can logout via the raffle page. Click the Edit link above the tasks, you can remove Steam account link here.

2 hours ago

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