So, do you?
it is a mess, but you can;t denial it a fun thread to look at for those who don;t give a damn about the topic
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yes it is, religious a serious topic, and should be tread with care, what amusing is what other who don;t like to treat it with respect and care do, it ... kind of a sarcastic laugh , a lament on the state of humanity ,
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so far im not seeing any reasons to do so
unless we can't even mention the word "religion"
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Of course it's a Nokia. What other brand of phone could withstand that constant, crushing pressure?
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I don't care. A person's beliefs is not relevant or beneficial to my life for me to push for or against said beliefs.
I'm not going to stop being friends with someone just because of what they believe in, that's like negating any friends you may have because they worship one console over another.
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Don't really care about pentagon, im not an american citizen. Nothing personal, just my opinion, also i don't like the fact that islam like alot of other religions block certain aspects of freedom, and that is something that i just can't accept as a libertarian.
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First of I like Your way of discussion Sir, but now to the subject of matter, i wasn't talking about Mohammed himself, i was talking about the stuff that is happening in Islamic country's (Marriage) I'm well aware of this kind of marriages in Africa (that is paedophilia too), but that doesn't change the most important thing here - that is not good and in many ways for young girls(even without sexual relationship). Girls that Age don't know what love means, or don't have an opinion on most things in life, its to early, a child should have time to develop both socially and mentally for marriage or sexual relationship, a child of age 15 or even bellow, isn't developed yet, it's not only bad on a moral side of it, but also its bad because this children don't get to choose for them self, they are either forced to marry some old pervert (sorry but any guy who wants to marry a 15yr. is that for me, Muslim, African, European or Scientologist its all the same) or are talked into making a decision that will affect the rest of their life - and that age isn't for that. And i don't say it to point out that Islam is a bad religion and the rest is great. In my opinion most if not all of them are bad, Catholics have a big problem within the church with child molesters, and that is a big deal for me too.
About freedom:
Freedom of choice (for those children),
Freedom of belief ( wont quote fragments of your books, or add links of people beheaded in Syria for believing other religion than Islam) -and yes i know only fanatics and radicals believe in that infidel shit, but again, when im watching what is happening in such country's like France or England, where immigrants of Islam belief try to push their laws in cities/countries they didn't originate from, many people don't know that immigrants family's have couple of children, while European family's have about 0-2, and a lot (im not talking all) of those immigrants go to cities like London, don't work just live of money from the social help, districts are becoming more and more Muslim, then they go out on the streets and demand Shari-at laws, sorry but to be honest I'm trying to be calm but when I'm hearing something like that i go off the rails - go to another country and demand your couture/religion laws in that country, while taking money from social help and doing nothing? that's not only rude that is stupid and arrogant. Also again i understand on the streets those demanding are the radicals ect. but they are in the first line who walks behind them? many of those "new Islam" or "modern Islam" believers who say they have nothing in common with those radicals.
Freedom of speech - for an example why can't i make fun of Mohammed if im not Muslim? I can make fun of Jesus, Buddha or Mohammed and yes any1 can punch me in the face for doing so, but killing for making fun? - That is not right. If any1 wants to believe in Allah his choice, if Muslims want to kill another Muslim for making fun of Allah or Mohammed - that is still sick, but that guy knew what he signed for (see the diffrence?)
I can go on and on, not only on Islam but other religions too, so don't look at me like a Anti-Muslim, i just hate any acts against unit's freedom.
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That poll is so confusing.
i have a question to the 13% who doesn't care. Do you guys believe in God or not?
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Not exactly what i wanted to know.
you could have said no instead, and i would still assume you respect other people beliefs
i was just addressing them because they choose the only option that doesn't answer the initial question
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I can't form a positive or negative opinion on the existence of a higher being. Not without sounding biased, at least.
There's too much shit going on in the world splitting people apart and I don't need another variable into the mix, that's all.
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You are agnostic?, so, in a way you do care to know if god exists or not, you're just not sure, thats an option on the poll btw
As for me i like to keep things simple, until proven wrong, my answer is no :P
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The 13% who didn't care enough to answer before will surely answer now!
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I voted that i believe in God,in my country its very rare for people not to believe in Him.And also why are people so against the thread,yes it has been done so many times,but that doesnt mean it cannot be asked again.
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