I have sent many keys to winners, I just email them to them. If they are a decent enough sort, as all have been with me sofar they will redeem it and all is well.
I had to delete a giveaway, ( i accidently started the same one twice - double tap) and it took one of my spots for about a day
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I don't know about your second question but giving away keys is totally fine.
You can email it to them or just give it to them in chat.
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You can gift keys, that is no problem. And indeed there is no way to add a key to your inventory to trade it after, any key activated on your account will activate teh game in your library.
That should be one of the features taht came with the new possibility to delete ongoing GAs. If it happens that you would also mess up and delete the other 2 GAs, I'd say you should contact support.
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"Why didn't I get it back? Suppose I mess up my next 2 giveaways? Will I lose the ability to create giveaways altogether?"
If you mess up 3 giveaways in a row, you really shouldn't be allowed to do another one, don't you think the same?
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I don't know, for a noob it's not that hard to mess up once or twice, and then if the winner is also a noob and doesn't confirm the prize, or if he doesn't activate the key himself and gives it to someone else or something...
It seems to me this system is really harsh on noobs, but the more gifts you give away, not only that you know what you're doing, so it's less likely to make mistakes, but you also get more leeway for messing up. Shouldn't it be the other way around?
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I recommend to hand the key over personally, so you can be sure the winner actually gets it, especially if it's a "first time winner" - they sometimes tend to forget to mark the game as received, so you can kindly ask them to check the "received" box after you handed over the key.
1) as stated before, you can not convert a key into a tradeable copy, giving away a game key is fine
2) the number of giveaways you can have open simultaneously is calculated by this formula: 3 + (number of successfully ended giveaways / 3) - (number of currently running giveaways)
in your case: 3 + (0 / 3) - (1) = 2
a deleted giveaway will always count towards the "number of currently running giveaways", that's why you will now only be able to have 2 simultaneous giveaways open, until you either gave away 3 games or contact support (you should not do this unless you think it's really necessary).
Note: If you delete 3 giveaways and haven't given away 3 games, then you can no longer create a giveaway, until support manually increases your giveaway number.
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It's always better to add the winner on steam and give him/her the serial (less issues and you know that they go the key for sure + they go all ERMAHGERD THANK YOUU <3 <3 :P)
Also no issues with gifting keys :) All the games I've given thus far have been keys
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I think it's obvious you can gift keys for games you don't have. Just make sure the key us Steam redeemable. And don't test it through "Activate product on Steam".:D I would suggest give the key through Steam chat not through email because you may want to be sure that the winner activate it. If you give it through chat you can say him to activate it immediately. If he doesn't activate it and says he will do it later - he's probably going to regift it or trade it away and he will say you didn't send him the key. But you can ask for reroll if he doesn't activate it.
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When activating a key, if it's a key for something that exists in the owner's account, the person will be told this by the client. You can test for key viability this way.
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If you want an advice, don't send the key by email, it's safer to just add the winner on steam and give him the key on chat because if you send the key by email and the winner doesn't answer you can't reroll the giveaway as it could have been used.
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I have rerolled a couple of keys that I've sent by email. Once because the guy won two of the same game in a span of a few hours and again because the DLC was already present in the winner's account (unbeknownst to the winner). Support only needs to hear from the winner than the key hasn't been used.
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Of course you can use keys from other sites! Just make sure that the winner will mark as received, which is why I always add them on Steam in order to give them the keys.
You have to contact support if you mess up your other two giveaways, but do not worry... They will not punish you.
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First time gifter here... or rather gifter wannabe. Let's say I have a key for a game that I bought online, but not from Steam Store. I created a quick 1 hour giveaway thinking I was going to send the winner the key by e-mail. While the giveaway was open for entries, I didn't have anything better to do than read "The new gifter's guide to gifting". I didn't see anything about just sending the winner his key, only how to send a game from my Steam Inventory. With only a few minutes left, I panicked and deleted the giveaway.
Do I have to somehow tie the key to my steam account? How do I make a game that was not bought directly from Steam's own store appear in my Steam Inventory? I couldn't find any way to do it. Is it even possible? Can't I just simply e-mail the winner the key without going though my Steam account? In case I can, will I still get the credit for gifting it? But then why doesn't the "new gifter's guide to gifting" say anything about it? This is confusing.
After deleting the giveaway I did not regain the ability to create the gift. Instead of 3, now I'm only able to create 2 "additional gifts". Why didn't I get it back? Suppose I mess up my next 2 giveaways? Will I lose the ability to create giveaways altogether?
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