ask the bundler. That's sure that at a time there was a glitch or such at their site, and people were exploiting it some people were repeatedly giving away IGN prime games by a dozen. And I mean that, it was about 1-2dozen copies of each game, each month. Shady stuff, but it's just stupid to add games to the bundle list back to f***n 2014 August (TWD S2)
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Woah, I didn't even see that. Adding a game two years, well, okay 1 1/2, later is really, really fucked up in my opinion.
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I lost once again tons of CV because I traded a couple of times for 5x IGN prime copies (for multiple keys!!!)... I mean I thought the cheapest sub you can get is 2.50 and if a game is 10$ fullprice it's not gonna be on the bundle list... But hey, I told myself it' fine to never reach level 10 under these circumstances so my goal is just to stay above 9 to have a little cute caterpillar on my profile (9 light dots = body, 1 dark dot = head) <3
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yeah, you're right.
But I've seen people complain about it before, where they buy a game extra cheap just to get the high CV and then complain about it.
I don't expect my bundle games to be worth squat, but I'm giving them away because I won't play them - something I was doing before I even discovered SG
My apologies for lumping you in with that group
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i bought several games fullprice without any discounts and gave them away because i want to share them. and i know many gifters are not traders and vice versa so i used my money to trade for games that i can share with them, a side effect was the cv. it's always annoying to find out you dropped once again, but honestly i sleep over it and then just pick a game carefully again.. now i pay 10$ for a game and get 10$ CV instead of 100$ when buying things 90% --- but have a good feeling about the game i've given because there's a reason why i would buy it fullprice :)
and i can understand the OP 100%, she didn't even know about ign deals and I'd be pissed about that too. i also saw the walking dead season 2 got bundled now with a date wayyyy in the past, that would annoy me as well... since they only started doing the regional pricing stuff recently and not back then when no one knew about it.
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You might be the first person in the history of Steamgifts who keeps her level at 9 so that she can have a cute caterpillar on her profile. I love it. :3
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A cute little caterpillar. I like it! I never looked at it that way! :)
But yeah, the other part of the story really sucks..
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But what the hell? I mean, firstly, I've never heard of that, but secondly, why only realise that now? If it's been in April of 2015, why can't you add stuff like that sooner? Argh. I'm just really mad. I don't know. But thanks for the info.
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I get that but there are many games that are added instantly and I mean, 11 months to add a game? Come on...
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Welcome to SteamGifts. After this happened to me twice, one dropping me several hundred dollars in CV, I decided to treat every game as bundled and completely stopped caring about trying to find non-bundled – because they just get added retroactively for some obscure daily Steam sale that pushed the Russian price to almost nothing anyway.
(Seriously though. Literally half of Steam is on the bundle list. Not even kidding with the amount.)
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Yeah. I guess that's what I'm gonna do from now on as well. Sad thing to do imo, but that's probably the best way. If you expect nothing, you can't be surprised negatively afterwards.
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So... wait, if you gift Game X on time A and then it gets on the bundle list some months/weeks later on time B... you automatically lose your full CV of game X?!?!
I thought you kept it as long that you gifted it BEFORE it was bundled... that's a weird system if I understood correctly.
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that's how it works, but if you gave away a random game on 20 July and the 6 March on a random shady site there was a price glitch, you could lose that cv... eventually
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So you lose your CV if you made a GA after the game is on the bundle list right?
And there are some exceptions such as this IGN Prime stuff, when Support realized a game's GAs might have been exploited and had to set the date the game was bundled prior to the date of your GA right?
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The point is that the web it's quite big and you can't know every single glitch. (if you consider that the bundle list could be updated several months later... no one is safe)
The "exploit" definition doesn't exist. There are games that went under the 95% in Russia and are still unbundled, games given away or glitched in small quantities and be considered still unbundled...
than after a few months bang :V
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Yeah... I see the problem, honest gifters have to pay the price due to users exploiting the system huh? As another user said: C'est la vie!
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I see it was answered, but for reference:
Game had some obscure sale somewhere on 2015. 01.01. Bundler person didn't see it.
You make a giveaway for it on 2015.08.08. You initially get the full CV.
Bundler person learns about sale, adds the game to the bundle list on 2016.03.08, sets the bundle date to not the day it was added but to 2015.01.01.
You suddenly lose your full CV because your half-year old giveaway had a creation date after the bundling date.
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Thanks for the example, I understand what's the situation and why people get mad now :P
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its in the humble bundle 16 from february 23 so i think what happens was that a staff take a research on that game and found a older date from the ign prime. IGN Prime is basicly a high value package like the Humble Bundle Monthly so they dont count it as a bundle to the moment the game commes in a cheap bundle( but the date is the first bundle)
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Seriously? Rant supported. That's freaking bullshit.
I can't afford gifting games for their full price. If this site continues like that I might be stopping to gif unbundled games altogether, because you never know when or if they decide to put it on that horrible list. You know for sure what CV you get when only gifting bundle games...
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Very true indeed. It's not what I wanna do really, but I'm starting to think that that's the only way to give away games and not get mad afterwards.
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Completely agree! Still remember the Trine 3 bundling during the Winter Sale. I bought the copy for a WL giveaway, (even though I wanted the game myself) only to have to refund it because I would have gotten less CV then I paid for.
Good thing that it got bundled for real in the last HB Indie Bundle.
I am thinking of buying this month's HB Monthly bundle, and would like to make a giveaway for one of the prerealises, but am not sure again if it will be added to the bundle list later on. Sigh....
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Agreed. I also made the same point here about this very dangerous side effect of adding games to bundle list - making people lose motivation to gift unbundled games. This is not something that should be taken lightly and could potentially harm the site.
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I'm against the CV system and would like to see it gone. As in, completely, traceless. I just got to the point where I cannot care about it any more, yes. But for a time I was actually browsing the IsThereAnyDeal main page to see if there is some decent deals on a great game I can give away and also get some nice CV from it. Since all but two games I purchased there didn't enter the bundle list since then, I stopped doing that and only buy bundles for giveaways now.
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Doing anything to it would bring negative effects. Nature of change. In this case only those would remain who actually doing this for kindness, but also would drop the given away amount drastically. As for the problem of making everything level 0 and letting the plebs in there… I seriously don't understand that if SGTools shown how a rule-check system could be implemented automatically, why can't the site natively do it by default?
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I said it before and I will repeat it here. Value at the time of GA creation should stick. By value I mean the historical low price. Price and value are very time-related in the videogame market, especially on PC. Anything you pay above, say, $8 for AAA games or $1 for indie games is for the privilege to play the game early, knowing that the price will drop to one digit levels at some point.
So what matters is the value you created for the community at the time of the giveaway. The Arkham games are on the bundle list now, but if you created a GA for Arkham Asylum on release day, should it count now the same as a random bundle shovelware leftover? I don't think so.
Sure, this change would imply some technical challenges, but it's certainly doable. It's a matter of adding the historical low price to GA history and calculate CV according to that instead of the "current" game value.
P.S. In case it's not obvious why I say historical low and not current price, it's to avoid exploitation by waiting for a sale to be over to make a GA, with the goal of being credited with the full price.
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Yes, I know that. But as someone who doesn't really have the money to buy games to give away but does it nonetheless because I enjoy doing it, I still try to make the most of my money because I only have so little to use. It may not matter if you have a steady income and spare money at the end of the month, but if you don't have that and still try to make people happy by giving games away that aren't on a list of which you think is at least kinda up to date, it really gets quite frustrating; especially if it keeps happening, you know.
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OK, my initial comment was a bit blasé, but what I really meant was that if you want to do something out of the kindness of your heart, don't go expecting anything back, be it gratitude or CV, "just because"! The world isn't that fair...
Your giveaways will be well-appreciated by the silent majority, and if they happen to result in any reward at all (e.g. thanks from the occasional winner, any nudge at all towards a higher level for yourself), then that's a happy bonus!
As someone who hasn't had a real income in a long time either, when I have something to give (albeit only bundle spares in my case), I open them up to everyone and anyone and hope someone gets something that they wouldn't otherwise have had (like I do when I win a giveaway). By and large, I get way more positives than negatives out of it.
My philosophy is to expect nothing, and that enables to me to appreciate anything that ever goes better than bad!
Keep on giving and enjoying it, dude(-tte)!
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My philosophy is to expect nothing, and that enables to me to appreciate anything that ever goes better than bad!
That's something I do most of the time as well. Though here it kinda feels like something had been given to me and then someone came to take it back again. Anyways, yeah, I guess I kinda need to just accept that and move on with a different view on things from now on regarding this site.
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That's a great way of looking at it, but on the other hand: the CV is there and whether you like it or not, it "rates" your giveaways automatically. And since it cannot be switched off, as long as it is there, one can be bothered by how it rates your activity as a giveaway creator even if you care about the actual rating or not.
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Sure, you can choose to be bothered by it (and with some justification, even). I just choose not to (I have way too many other things to bother about that cause me stress, so I try to to bother only about the things that have a real negative impact on my life, even though that doesn't come naturally to me...).
In fact, if you have few enough issues in your life that caring about CV is worthwhile, you're a lucky dude(-ette)!
Having said that, we're all different; I'm just sharing what works for me.
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I'm going to put in a mild disagreement here on the way you are framing this.
Expecting nothing in return is perfectly fine with regard to your relationship to your GA winners. Some people expect a thank you or other small show of gratitude, but ultimately the winner doesn't owe you anything and most people understand that.
Expecting nothing from the site that is enabling your ability to be generous is a different matter altogether. SG owes it's existence to the people who make GAs here. Rules must be laid out, but when the site enforces a rule in a way that people think is unfair then, yes, your expectations DO matter, even if the issue is over the brownie points (CV) you are losing.
As SaraphL pointed out above this kind of thing can make the more generous users lose their motivation to gift unbundled games. That's not good for SG. So it's a valid reason to be upset.
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Looks like they started adding exploited games to bundle list.. FINALLY!!! Never alone was free on IGN since 1st april 2015 and it was heavily exploited. If you go for example on gameminer and try to make giveaway for it (for steam key section), you'll see that you are not getting anything for it, 0xp.
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I have never heard of that until today. And I hadn't seen a flood of Never Alone giveaways during that period either, so it's really surprising news to me.
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it was never free only free for members of ign prime and they pay for the membership
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Key word is EXPLOITED!!! Just because you don't know way to register for free doesn't mean there is none. I know, support knows, almost every russian knows, actually.. a lot of people know, bunch of chinese/taiwanese lately know something new... Bunch of accounts created that way is still valid and they are regularly collecting free games.
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yes thats correct but have nothing todo with the game itself like i say before it was only 12000 keys not the free game you recive every month with ign prime
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There was a bug when IGN Prime was first created. (Maybe still now) People were able to make unlimited accounts that never expired with no billing information. That's the exploit people are talking about.
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A single member of the Support team updates the list. As surprising as it is, they aren't perfect, and can miss deals that would be eligible for the list.
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he update the game because of the humblebundle from february 23 2016 so its not that late :)
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Hmm. I get that and I guess I can't be mad at them specifically, I'm just kinda mad in general because I didn't think that the list was that far off. I don't know, really.
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its not far off its because they count some bundles as bundles and some not also not every free game count as a free game in the db. I think its based on the numbers the gamecount for ign prime members was only 12000 and because they pay for the membership i think they dont count the game really as a bundlegame
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I still don't 100% get why it was added. So there was some kind of bundle on IGN Prime which is a payed subscription? You said it's somewhat like the monthly Humble Bundle? Why is it added then? Is the membership that cheap or what is happening?
I obviously don't want you to answer all of those, I'm just trying to understand what's happened here o.o
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its $ 6.95 / month and goes cheaper if you take a quarter or a full year but yes its like humble bundle monthly only not that good, you dont know what you recive sometimes you only recive 1 game in a month and sometimes they add some games like alienware (1000 keys or so) but you need to be a member and that was what happens with never alone. They addet 12000 keys so not really a bundle more like a giveaway for the members
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Ah, alright, so there had been a giveaway for it. Hmm..
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There's a monthly game given to IGN Prime members.
The membership normally cost about $7/month, but t he issue with IGN Prime subscriptions is that there is a whole lot of exploited accounts. I know at some point you could create an account with false payment information and still get in, not sure if it's still possible nowadays. There's also the issue with expired account still having access to everything. My one-year subscription ended a couple years ago, yet I still have access to every single game they give away.
My guess is when adding the game to the list following the latest Humble Bundle, Shobo realized that it had been exploited from IGN earlier.
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Thank you, now I really start to understand what the issue is here. Oh man.
You're probably right.
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because thats how steamgift works or should i say how giveaway sites works. They would not work if nobody would giveaway free games so it gives two methods to do that :
if they would not work like that the most of us would be in less then 3 month lvl 10 and the site would die
i work a long time for a similar giveaway site it makes totaly sense
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yes or that but i think its not work that good thats why playblink have a really small community for the age of the site
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In such "missed" cases, I'm curious as to where the prompt to add the game to the list comes from, when the window is so far passed. Does this unnamed support member constantly dig through old sale archives in hopes of finding a qualifying Russian discount? Do they receive 'tips' from random other people who have done so? Seems silly to me.
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That's exactly what I wanna know, too. Why was it added now, and not, say, 5 months ago?
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Someone reported it and/or, the maintainer of the list was reminded they missed the exploit because of it's appearance in the Humble Bundle. It's perfectly logical.
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This bullshit only supports giving away nothing else than bundles. Already happened to me twice and even at the full CV award it wasn't as "efficient" as buying bundles like Indiegala ones. And guess what, it wasn't even a real bundled game, it was just some discount on some Russian site. I think it's unfair to set the effective date to earlier date than a week or so before present time.
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I agree. There should be some kind of prescription regarding this. Though that's also not ideal in certain situations, I guess.
I still don't understand how they even got that date now, after one year. Oh well.
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Yes, there's joy in giving away stuff but if you don't really have the money to buy games and do it nonetheless, only then to later be credited less than what you actually payed, it gets frustrating really quickly.
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By the way, official statement from "the bundler" over here since it annoyed me that I lost over 200$ in CV again..
And no offense here towards him, it's many people pushing him to add this and that I believe.
But whatever, I got used to it honestly :D -.-
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-__- super frustrating.
But thanks a lot for sharing this here.
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The worst part about the bundle list is that at some point, no one will be able to join the site again because they are not reaching the 100$ non-bundled gap in account value, like my siblings for example.
Und übrigens, da ich nicht mehr den Link zum invite-only RWBY giveaway habe und nicht weiß, wo ich es sonst posten soll: Hab seitdem tatsächlich alle Folgen geschaut und bin begeistert! Nur.. die letzten paar Folgen gingen ja richtig ab, totaler Weltuntergang :O Meine Lieblingsfolge ist "Never miss a beat", weil ich den Kampf extrem nice fand mit dem Saxophonspieler und dem Rollschuhweib :D
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Right. Hadn't even thought of that o_o
Ahhh, das freut mich grad richtig :D Yaay, ich hab wen dazu gebracht, sich das wirklich anzuschauen ^_^ Und ja, die letzten Folgen gingen echt ab und ich denke, dass die ganze Serie nun auf diesem Level laufen wird. Weil wenn man sich das mal als ganzes betrachtet, ist die letzte Folge von Staffel 3 "The End of The Beginning" und wir sehen Salem (die am Ende ^^) endlich mal - das ist die selbe Person, die den Anfang von Staffel 1 gesprochen hat. Damit wäre nun die Einleitung zuende. Also.. seh ich so. Bin auf jeden Fall total gespannt, wie's weitergeht. Und falls du's nicht sogar schon gemacht hast: es lohnt sich auch, mal einen Blick in die Wiki zu werfen; da werden die ganzen Themen und die Farbensymbolik und alles immer gerne bisschen erklärt. Just saying :)
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Well I complained about sunrider acadmey a few days ago, yes it was bundled but the date is the wrong date. Thousands of copies were stolen from the anime sites. Which was why there was suddenly a huge influx of Sunrider Academy games. It was being exploited. Apparently one site lost 30k in stolen keys. My argument is and was that it shouldn't be bundled from that date, because the keys were being revoked and people who abused it are being suspended permanently.
It hurts the community. I'm not going to buy Just Cause 3 and give it out, because it's on the bundle list. Even if I buy it at 40 dollars to give away. You may say if you think about CV then you're doing it wrong, but quite frankly, who cares if I'm doing it for CV? It doesn't matter why someone is doing it, they're still giving the games out. So even when Just Cause 3 does have an insane sale, still not going to do it. Same with Lords of the Fallen, same with other good games.
And quite frankly we need to have an open discussion on the whole region-locking situation. It shouldn't matter if the Russians or anyone else gets an insane 95% discount, because you're punishing everyone who lives in ROW countries and have to pay absurd prices for games. It's hurting the community as a whole.
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This. This is a comment I can 100% agree with.
I didn't hear about the Sunrider Academy situation before, but from what you're saying, it doesn't make sense to add it to the bundle list if the keys will get revoked later on anyway. Oh well..
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I'm not upset about it being bundled later (though it got bundled because again Russian prices), I got irritated at the date. It shouldn't have been bundled from that date. Yes it was exploited I agree with that but it was a self-correcting problem as the keys were getting revoked and people were going back and marking as not received.
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That makes total sense to me. I don't know why anyone would argue any differently.
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That's when it started, isn't it? But one cannot see, when it was created... (at least we as usual human beings ;)
So if you set the starting point in the somewhat near future and it gets bundled in the mean time, well...
One more reason to not use that feature :/
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No, if you create a giveaway today, and you set it to start in a week, it will show as created March 10 and it's the date that will be used to determine bundle status or not.
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If some games are confirmed/leaked before a bundle is live, Shobo will usually use that date instead of the bundle release date. He doesn't always find out right away but it has already happened that he moved the bundle date for some Groupees game by a day or two because we realized that some users made giveaways for these games during the preorder period.
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The RWBY giveaway .... I remember you now. Well slightly off-topic. If you are searching for giveaways with a lower tendency to be bundled (now or later) than I recommand to look into the Steam OST editions or Collector Editions of these games. I did it a few times for already bundled games which I wanted to giveawy but get a bit more CV (for example Fly'n OST Edition or To the Moon OST Edition). Although there are also counter examples like the Never Alone Arctic Collection. But usually the risk is lower.
And to be even more off-topic: You have an impressive achievements statistic.
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Hey, yeah, that was me ^^
Thanks for the tips. I don't know what I'm gonna do, to be honest. It kinda feels like that every game was / will be considered bundled at some point, so the most sensible thing to do would be giving away games that actually have been bundled before. I don't know. Anyway.
And thanks, ha. It's mostly just thanks to hidden object games, I guess.
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So many people complaining about CV, It's just a number... This site is a place where people can give games away for free. It doesn't matter if the game is bundled or not. If you give something away and it is a bundled game then oh well... at least someone is enjoying that game and the developer got some money which are both good things.
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Yep, seen this too and that's not really logical. And another bad thing is when they add expensive games with price glitches (like Just Cause 3) in the bundle list, which makes people avoid giving it away.
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And as far as I know it was only available in the UK for a couple of minutes, right? Something like that. But yeah, that also really sucked.
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Yep. And other expensive games had price glitches and became bundled. Were they so many to justify their addition to the bundle list? Because now, nobody gives them away.
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That's a whole other dilemma. I mean, I do agree that they should be added to some extent but on the other hand I also think it's pretty stupid.
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Yeah.. yeah, I guess I just learned that today.. the hard way.
I had this happen to me more than once now and I'm kinda really tired of it by now.
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Anything above 95% I think, but it counts for any region (looking at you RU...)
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Well I mean I believe I've seen some of the higher-tier Humble games cut over half-off the price before showing up in that Humble Bundle some time later. Hence Elunes' rage(?)
Also this 50/50 chance of it being up-to-date xD
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Oh, when the games are included in ANY bundle whatsoever it doesn't matter the discount percentage, but when they go on sale for over 95% they get to the bundle list even if they haven't appear in a gaming bundle before, that's what I meant. sorry if I wasn't clear enough.
Now that I re-read your comment it's true that when a game has +70% off it's a sign of an incoming bundle with that game sooner rather than later, specially when it's 80% off hehe
I love that website, it's super helpful just like Enhanced Steam addon!
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because the bundling process is not automated at all. It's one guy doing all the work and sometimes stuff slips by him, and when he eventually finds out about it he has to retroactively fix it.
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Sadly I have to agree with you.
Now I get that ther is as far as I've read only 1 person doing this and I totally understand getting behind cause it's a major job.
But a backlog since April 2015 just screams that they need to get more people to be a ....whatsitcalled bundle-adder.
As far as I can tell there are people willing to do so (for free obviously).
The argument that there is 1 person doing it gets weak when there is no decent reason as to why it has to be only 1 person.
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That's one of the most pertinent issues in many volunteer efforts. There are always a core group of people with all the power, who complain they have too much work to do, but are are unwilling to trust other people to help.
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Well since good ol' Zomby explained it already, this is more of an exception than a rule. Don't get mad, mad were the guys that bought Mad Max and watched it get bundled a $60 in less than 6 months! ;]
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;_; I'm trying to so hard not to be mad. But y'know, it's not the first time it has happened to me, so yeah, I'm indeed not happy about it.
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The problem is retroactivity of bundle value...
I probably have even less money to spend on games than you. With the risk of throwing money because on the other side of the earth there might be a huge discount on a 15$ game I just bought or that game being added to a bundle 2 years after, it's not even worth. I mean, who the hell would have guessed that Dreamfall Chapters would have been bundled, and even so soon?
At the end of the day, instead of buying a 15$ game, it's better to buy bundles for 15$. You can give away more games and get more CV as well. The only games that are safe, are stuff like GTA V and 50$+ games.
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I don't think that's the case as you can't go any lower than what my monthly income is (it's 0€, yay), and all of my giveaways were financed by money that had been given to my for my birthdays or Christmas and stuff like that. But yeah, moving on ~
I guess I will actually start doing that. Only giving away bundle games, I mean.. which it's a shame, really.
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We're in the same financial situation yay :D
Anyway it depends on prospective. Indeed it's cool to give one good unbundled game and make a SG user happy but on the other hand, there are some awesome bundles with which you could make happy 5-6 users at a time and spending nearly nothing. (for example I would be much more happy to win KOTR2 than most of the 50$+ games on steam)
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Yeah, that's also true. I guess there just weren't many "good" bundles recently. At least I didn't think of them as good. Anyway. I guess that's the way I will do things from now on though.
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So, basically, "Giveaways for bundle games created after the bundle date will always receive 15% of their value." (FAQ) doesn't actually mean that giveaways created before said date will always recieve full value, as there is no really such a thing as a fixed bundle date - ever-caring staff-members can suddenly find some ancient data and change bundle date retroactively. Basically, they choose to punish a lot of honest users for exploits of the few. Nice.
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Because it was only bundled by HB (the bundle just ended 2 days ago)... I don't think that was ever bundled before. It was given away to some store/service (don't remember store name) customers...
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It's no mistake. You seem to be new here, even though your giveaways say otherwise :')
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No, I am not new here (probably a little bit less then 2 years) but that doesn't have anything to do with that.
And yes this could be a mistake - if you say it was bundled just show me the bundle.
I showed you that it wasn't bundled before HB now you can prove me that I am mistaken. :)
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Yes you're right, it's just that most people refer to games on the bundle list as bundled whether the games on there were in a bundle or "only" heavily discounted.
It's just that you stated it might be a mistake that the game is on there. That lead to my assumption you might not know how the list works. But it's clearly added on purpose with that exact date. That's what I wanted to explain, games get "bundled" (aka added to the list) not only because they appear in a bundle but also because of heavy discounts (or other means that can be exploited).
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I am more a trader then gifter :) (trading can also be fun - if you do it for fun and don't count each $), so for me bundled is bundled.
I now how system works. But counting heavily discounted games on the same as bundle isn't so good. But this completely different subject :)
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everyone is so angry because of bundles, but the lv system would be broken right now if they didn't have a bundle list. then everyone would be pointing fingers at russians "omg look at this guy he exploits the system with unfair prices!".
so there's no easy solution, unless the level system is removed. and then everyone would be crying because they can't level up
i've been bundled several times and it seems i can't get out of lv7 so i know the frustration and how angry i can get, but in the end it means nothing.
forget about it and keep giving away what you want, if it gets a price reduction later or it's bundled, so be it. just accept that some stuff will return less cv than expected.
and always blame the bundler :3
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Some of you don't seem to understand my main problem with this. Sure, yeah, I lost CV, but what I'm actually angry about is the fact that it took one year, one year for it to be added. Yeah, there's only one guy working on that list, blah blah. Then obviously the question arises why it's only one. I don't know. I'm just mad that I can't even rely on the bundle list because they keep adding stuff that's dated one or even one and a half years back. Like, what's the point of the list then? Just say everything's bundled already. .-.
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it's only one person because the more people you add, the slower the process is, since they will have to discuss what gets bundled and what not to avoid conflicts.
last time i was bundled was deus ex, almost 2 years ago, added while my giveaway was running. old retroactive bundling isn't rare. annoying, but i'd take the bundle list rather than exploiters and looking at everyone being lv10.
and ofc ourse you can't rely on the bundle list, take it as an archive. if you want to know if something will get bundled, you have to research prices on isthereanydeal and steamdb. even enhanced steam returns the wrong prices sometimes.
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I think that's the bigger issue, not how many people are doing the bundling, Yirg.
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The Level system depends on the bundle list being maintained and updated. Under the current system the bundle list will keep growing, soaking up price glitches, regional pricing issues, exploits and so on. Unless we change the system itself, this is inevitable.
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...and I agree that that's the right thing to do. It's just the time it takes until some glitches / exploits are discovered what's really annoying me. Like I said earlier, you can't blame the bundler for it either, yet it just is frustrating sometimes.
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Good, good! When the bundle list covers the whole catalogue, the system becomes redundant and everyone will be happy.
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Like, what the hell.
Yes, I know how bundling works and yes, I know that it's necessary, but there's one thing I'll never understand:
Why the fuck add a game to the bundle list one year after it's been "bundled"?
That now happened to Never Alone. It was now added as "April 1, 2015". Where do they even get these kind of dates now?
I just feel stupid now for buying a what I thought was considered unbundled game only to now find out that it's actually been "bundled" all along.
Like, cool. Yeah, CV, blahblah, I'm just mad that I bought those copies for more than I am now credited for because the information I was relying on was wrong and not up to date.
And no, no giveaway this time. I'm just mad right now.
Edit: Soo long story short, it's due to IGN Prime, apparently. Zomby2D explained it pretty neatly here.
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