I have a few achievements actually! Good job I checked.
Last time I played JC2MP was when it was in version 0.0.15, so no multiplayer achievements for me.
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I wish I could but I only have Just Cause 2 on PSN :(
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Dang, I never took screenshots, and I'm not sure my current computer can play the game. Here's to hoping.
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Dang, I never took screenshots, and I'm not sure my current computer can play the game. Here's to hoping.
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JC2 was the first game I got 100% of the achievements on Steam. But I never bothered to take screenshots.
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I never got 100%... Every time I try to focus on unlocking them, I start doing crazy stuff in the game instead. :(
I require human blood
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Oh, I forgot about my favorite part: The grappling hook, combined with the open world, it's the closest I got to be Spider Man. And that's huge, if you consider all the Spider Man games released. And glide with the parachute and the hook it's the best transportation, 'cause the driving engine is awful, at least.
My photoshop knoledge is zero, and I have no drawning skills, but I will try to shot something in the JC2 multiplayer later
A screenshot, not stuff
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Please wait a moment while I catch my breath, then start gathering the required, er, "treasures".
Also I crave for yummy human flesh
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Halloween theme! Lots of people have been telling me it's better than my previous one... But it's not very suiting for me. (Bloody teeth? I don't really kill people. ;_;)
Dragon chews on a human skull
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I may edit the original a bit and see if it's suitable, then. ^^
I think I messed around with the contrast light/darkness and shadows.Everything red was added after with a brush, except the red light in the corner which is a neat editable illumination effect.
Dragon requests human flesh
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Just Cause 2 is actually one of the 1st few games i own back when i started on PC gaming. I still fondly remember playing till the wee nights in 2012 when i first started playing it. I always liked open world games and the freedom in just cause 2 is liberating.I am pretty excited for the Just Cause 3 release (though i will probably only buy it after it gets cheaper and bugs get ironed out) Have 45 hours of gameplay though i am not a fan of completing achievements :/
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I have Just Cause 2, played it and got Achievements there. The game is awesome and I love it to just rund around shooting at things and let them explode or parachuting (is that a wor?) around.
Got stuck in the air
Not my favorite moment but it was a funny glitch. I got stuck in the air, couldn't move anymore and rose higher and higher.
I am level 4 but i won once payday 2 merry christmas soundtrack twice. It was more then a year ago and i got already suspended for it. I am sorry for it.
I hope i fulfil the requirements.
I finished the game today. You can see here my achievements
And i made a little picture which shows a normal day of my life.
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"Create a image of you wreaking havoc, destroy the world around you! (Example: ground/Sky/Sea/etc destruction scenes are all welcome)." Like draw or rl? :o
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I will try to make a good terrible picture for when I do this. lol
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I seem to be fulfilling the requirements - level 3, nothing shady I hope and almost 100% achievements.
My favourite part was attaching random people's planes to the ground with grappling hook in multiplayer.
I also liked some bugs like random villagers spawning and sitting in the air.
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Alright, here's my entry. I will post all of the required ways to enter as a comments chain, so that linking images doesn't get confusing.
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My favorite screenshot was from when me and a friend got everyone to go teleport to Pie Island. There must have been at least a few hundred people skydiving down to this island. It was glorious.
Unfortunately, my hard drive died a while ago and I lost the best of my JC2 and JC2-MP screenshots. :(
Instead, I'll just go with this screenshot because the first moments are usually the best moments.
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My favorite thing about Just Cause 2 is...
PSA: Please brace yourselves for a wall of text. Thank you, have a nice flight.
First, the feeling of complete freedom you get from playing the game. You can go pretty much anywhere and everywhere across the 400 square feet of free roam island, filled with lush jungles and forests, arid deserts, snowy mountain peaks, small villages and towns, and massive cities. You may travel by foot, by car, by tank, by plane, by helicopter, by boat, and most importantly, by parachute!
Second, the "vertical freedom". The amount of efforts that were put into perfecting air travel and movement in Just Cause 2 definitely makes it stand out. The parachute and grappling hook combo is an original and creative concept which gives you the advantage of easy and quick vertical take off during combat.
Third, speaking of the grappling hook... Damn if this isn't one of the greatest and craziest thing in the game. Got Panau soldiers after you? Grapple the car and attach it to the ground. Watch it flip over hilariously, while you blow up the other pursuer with a rocket launcher and jump off your car right before driving off a cliff, which results in a badass explosion as you parachute your way down to the ground.
Fourth and last on my list...
I won't lie, I love explosions. More explosions means more fun.
Aaaaand done. See you all in Panau.
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I only played 5 hours of the second one, so I guess I don't qualify, but just in case I reserve this spot!
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I absolutely love Just Cause 2, I've tried to get 100% of the achievements (I know you don't need to have them all) but everytime I try to do it I just start blowing things up and lose focus but still it's insanely fun.
My favorite thing is of course the explosions but the grappling hook is what I use the most to have fun, what I like to do in JC2 is go to the military airports, call a small vehicle and then wait for a plane to spawn, once the plane spawns I grapple it to my car and let it take me to the skies while I'm on the car, most times it just ends in the plane crashing into the ocean or against a mountain but my girlfriend and I have way too much fun doing that.
Here's the screenshot I was shooting down a missile and it was getting away, I almost crashed into it to try to stop it but it exploded just before I did.
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Event #2
Previous event can be viewed here: CLICKY.
[CLOSED] - Love creating chaos? Love Just Cause & Just Cause 2? Want a chance to win a copy of Just Cause 3? WELL now's your chance! 25 Lucky top scoring chaos causing individuals will be picked (possible 5 bonus spots depending on number of participants) & sent a invite to Aurorable's Discussion to prevent ga leaking. After all invites are sent the giveaway will be created along with a few bonus games.
Points: Fulfilling each task will gain you points (max 30) the more points you earn the better chance you have. Failure to follow rules = Invalid entry.
Mandatory Requirements:
Drawing/Photoshop (15 points) + Description (5 points):
Theme chaos: Create a image of you wreaking havoc, destroy the world around you! (Example: ground/Sky/Sea/etc destruction scenes are all welcome).
Screenshot (5 points):
Your favorite moment? Post 1 screenshot YOU took from JC or JC2 (or JC2Multiplayer).
Favorite part (5 points):
NOW lets blow some stuff up!
Special thanks to JoaoWho for help & feedback :D
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