This isn't exactly a fair trade in my opinion. Earbuds go for around $37 USD, while you can get Rising Storm for around $15 USD if you own RO2.
EDIT: The Vintage Tossle is also worth around $8.5 USD, so that would be a huge loss for you unless you really want the game.
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I don't keep up on TF2 trading anymore, but yeah, earbuds are really valuable, and to a lesser extent so is the vintage Troublemaker's tossle cap.
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Earbuds are worth considerably more than the $20 price tag on Rising Storm. However, since the other trader acquired it specifically at your request to complete a trade he'd agreed to with you, it's not really fair for you to back out of the deal now and leave him stuck with the expense of a game he didn't want.
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Yeah. I'll admit it's certainly a bit of a gray area, and if it were a situation where the guy already had the game in his inventory and nobody would lose anything other than a little bit of time, I'd certainly advocate just calling it off. However, speaking as someone who was on the losing end of a few such trades when I first started trading (albeit to a lesser extent), and as someone who has also been in the somewhat infuriating position of buying a game I didn't want myself to complete a confirmed trade only to have the other party back out at the last minute, I feel like the right thing to do is to complete the trade as agreed and count it as a lesson learned.
On the other hand, reading through this thread I think I'm the only one advocating anything other than just getting out of the deal as soon as humanly possible, so what do I know? Maybe I'm just nuts. ;)
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In short, you will be losing out on that trade with the earbuds alone.
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You can try. If I were the other party in that trade I'd be willing to add a fair bit more so that no one would have any hard feelings and I'd still have gotten a pretty good deal. However, if I were in your shoes and he refused to add more, I'd feel like he was within his rights to do so and I'd still feel like I should go through with the trade.
And I'm right there with you at being surprised by the value of purely cosmetic TF2 items. I don't quite understand it, but as long as other people do, I'm happy to unload my pixels for free games. :P
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Just remembered something that could be pretty important. Does the person who added you have a private profile?
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Then I would highly suggest thinking about this trade. People who randomly add people to trade and have a private profile can be pretty shady sometimes. The game could be scammed, bought with a stolen credit card, and stuff like that, which could get the game removed from your library after the trade.
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Do your research on him. If his profile is private, check it on SteamRep. If you don't know how to get his SteamID, turn on visible links in steam and it'll be at the end of his profile URL. You can also ask him if he could switch his profile to "friends only" so you can check his game total, age of account, etc. When you get his ID you can also see if he has a SteamTrades profile here to see if he has any bad rep.
Or, to be honest, you could back out. If this is an early trade for you, he seems to be taking advantage of it. I've never seen any shame in backing out of a bum deal when you learn you're going to lose a ton.
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I would add the Enhanced Steam Extension for chrome and firefox to that list.
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Earbuds = worth 24 tf2 keys
Rising Storm = worth 6 tf2 keys
He's TOTALLY RIPPING YOU OFF, just BACK OFF from the trade.
Nothing worse than greedy assholes who add random people with valuable stuff then try to scam them off with ripoff deals like this. Tell him to shove it.
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This. I hate how most trading guides actually encourage the practice of adding random people or friends and making a huge profit off of them.
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Basically, do NOT! This is the same as paying $40 for a $20 game. Earbuds are worth $40, and Rising Storm costs $20. The other hat is worth not that much, so just don't do it. Some say it's rude to back out now since he already bought the game, but he's basically scamming you out of $20! ($15 with the other hat)! If he's going to be rude, then be rude back!
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not a good trade. for him to take advantage of someone who doesn't know value of these things justifies you backing out of it
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Recently I got asked to trade 2 tf2 items called earbuds and Vintage Troublemaker's Tossle Cap.
I asked for rising storm and they were able to get it. Now I would have traded but I was stopped by
steam guard because it was off and now I have to wait for 15 days to trade.
Now me being a trader noob, just suddenly learned that the earbuds is pretty valuable( dunno about the hat yet).
I am just wondering if this trade was fare.
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