I rather not pay for it again
What kind of computer do i need to have to run this game without frame drops? It doesnt support multicores
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Blur was so much fun! Specially online. Like Mario Kart with real cars but the modding added a whole new tactical layer :D
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I open this thread to see if anyone want it back..
100% not disappointed
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Even though some users got it legitimately and can still play it till this day (if they still have it in their library), it's one of those rare titles that had innovative, brain melting gameplay features that hasn't been seen in an FPS game before, such as walking on gravity magnets, changing gravity to reach the exit, portals with well done effects (you can say Portal stole this) and how the level's environment changes (rarely, only on certain scenarios). The shooting and moving portion is like one of those old school games where you are running in a fixed speed - no sprinting, dodging or anything like that. Just move and shoot. Nowadays, this game is nothing special, but back then it was amazing for it's time and it ran on a Doom 3 engine, if you can believe that.
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Prey, omg, I played it twice if I'm not wrong.... so good game, even for a old title, is better than much titles from these days....
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Onimusha 3: Demon Siege.
I love that game on the PS2 and when I noticed it went on sale, I decided to skip it at the moment and bough something else first since I've finished the game twice. Little did I know the game got removed not too long afterwards... :c
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Hmm definitely not from the Steam store.. :c You can try looking for it at third party retailers (GMG, Gamersgate, Amazon, etc.) but to be honest I haven't seen the game in a long while so the chance is really slim. Of course, you can try your luck at trading but do expect to shell out quite the amount of cash for it. Since the game was removed, it instantly became a collectors items and those costs big bucks. Take Deadpool, before it was released again in the store, for example, a copy can reach more than a $100 alone if I'm not mistaken.
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Well, if you don't mind the unconventional alternatives... You can always emulate the game via a PS2 emulator or plunder it from the high seas, matey! Arrrr
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Or instead of stealing it, you could buy it http://smile.amazon.com/dp/B000ELVIIS and wth would you want to emulate the console version a native PC game anyway?
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I don't mean any offense. I didn't check out Amazon beforehand so I didn't knew it was still available and trading usually costs a huge amount of money for these games, which most people don't have. Besides, I did mention unconventional alternatives up there.
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Terminator Salvation is as generic as any third person shooter gets. It's still quite fun though, especially in co-op. Shame that the story mission is too short (I remember finishing it in less then 4 or 5 hours or so)
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At one point in time I had both of the above in my Steam cart and at the last moment I deleted my cart because of the bad reviews. Very big mistake as I'm a removed games collector.
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Ouch, I can feel the pain.. T_T Have you checked Amazon if there's any spares left or anything? Someone pointed out Onimusha 3 is still available there.
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With removed games the problem is that not all retail hard copy game serials can be used on Steam, these two above listed are an example that the serials don't work on Steam and the very few remaining as Steam code are either dodgy, uncertain or cost an arm and a leg.
These removed games retail hard copy serials can be used on Steam.
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Ah, I see. Something new everyday I guess. I do hope one day some of these titles will find their way back to Steam or at least available elsewhere.
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There's some hope for that like for example with Deadpool returning to the Steam store after a long absence.
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OutRun 2006: Coast 2 Coast and Wanted: Weapons of Fate
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Scratches. It's really a shame that probably the best point-and-click horror game of the 2000s has been removed due to some copyright conflict.
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Didn't even know it was on steam to begin with.
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I'd really like to see the Mafia games come back, I missed the last sale for Mafia II, and now I regret it...
Also, were the Godfather games on Steam too? I really enjoyed playing them a while ago through not-so-legit means, so I'd like having them legally digitally.
Another vote goes to older Football Manager/FIFA Manager/FIFA/PES games, they usually get removed just before the new one come out :(
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Stubbs had some clunky, frustrating, and underdeveloped elements to it.. but the co-op really helped mitigate that, since it was pretty darn fun to goof off with a teammate in, and their presence helped deal with any frustrating elements. [Note however that I only play games on their hardest difficulty settings whenever possible, so I assume using a lower difficulty would also mitigate frustrations.]
Unfortunately, the PC version didn't include co-op, so unless you're entirely opposed to the play style, I'd suggest getting the xbox version instead. Legacy consoles [and games, unless they're RPG, Fighting, or Nintendo games] tend to be quite cheap to acquire [original xbox games especially]- though I suppose getting a 360 just for Stubbs might be a bit much. :P
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The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena is available on GOG, DRM-free.
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MLB 2k11 or 2k12 - I don't even know much about baseball but had fun playing RBI games when I was a kid and I'd be looking to recreate that. RBI 15 and 16 are on Steam but they're apparently bad, so the 2k series might've been my best shot at a good baseball game on Steam. Super Mega Baseball: Extra Innings looks fun, but obviously very cartoony.
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Its not been three words for a few years now it's literally just gog
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221 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by zkndlin
There have been many games removed from STEAM, mostly because to something to do with copyright or the game didn't work anymore and the developers didn't want to patch it.
But with there being a lot of games removed from STEAM, im wondering, what game(s) do you wish would return to STEAM?
I myself really wish Stubbs the Zombie would return to STEAM, never got to play this game, owned a Xbox 360, could've bought it when it was available with backwards compatibility, didn't actually have any money to buy it :(. By the time I started getting into PC gaming (2013) the game was removed from STEAM only a year beforehand. Real shame :(.
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