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I think it can best be explained in story.
The flying fish swim from the bottom of the ocean then jump out of the water and literally touch the sky, but before they return to the water, they are attacked by a flock of sea gulls who either try to eat them or try to capture them and bring them to a fish store where they could be sold as pet fish, but secretly those pet fish are sent to the government where they are trained to be an elite force of secret agent animals who are sent on dangerous missions across the world. the name of this division of the government that trains these animals is called W.T.F. an organization who works closely with the animal kingdom which is an actual place that exists at the center of the earth where many undiscovered animals called Cryptids live, and once every 24 hours after the earth makes a complete rotation there is a loud ringing sound created by the magnetic field that surrounds the planet and it can only be heard by crickets which is why the make that "cricket sound" which is also means that the crickets are trying to communicate with the with the moon bears on the moon, who are planning to build a spaceship to fly to earth so they can coexist with earth bears and then combine the two species and make a population of moon/earth bears that will have silver fur, black wings , golden claws, red eyes, long fury tails, and shiny razor sharp teeth. After the plan to make this species of" AWESOME" bears. the moon bears will migrate to a planet where they will claim as their own and they will also use the technology that they stole from the humans and become the 4th most advanced civilization in the galaxy. While the humans on the planet earth are now without their beloved technology the have no choice but to rebuild everything that they have lost by starting from scratch, but it was at that moment that space pirate named seikooc landed on the planet and decided to stash his collection of "space money" on earth, but the humans decided it was their chance to be rich and powerful again so they captured seikooc's ship and took his space money and somehow called the space police who turned out to be the AWESOME Bears. The AWESOME bears believed that the humans were weak and pathetic which is why they stole their technology in the first place. sooo having pity on them they decided to give them back their beloved technology. since the AWESOME Bears have already Enhanced their own technology since they migrated to their home planet called AWESOMENESS!!!!!!. and they have also become the #1 most advanced species in the galaxy, which somehow explains why they have become the the galactic enforcers. Now that the humans have their technology back things can go back to the way they were. During the time when the human race had lost their technology the creatures that live at the center of the earth had become the Dominant species of the planet earth, even after the AWESOME Bears returned their technology.
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