I made a list of all existing and upcoming games on steam that were/ are being made in Pakistan:


Please mention in comments if you know of any 'Made in Pakistan' game that isn't listed.

2 weeks ago

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Checked the list and own none of those.
Can't even say that I dont know any of them.
But good job

2 weeks ago

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I am also from Pakistan and thanks for sharing the info.

2 weeks ago

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought we weren't allowed to create discussions to promote our curator links?

2 weeks ago

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I'll correct you: In User Projects, with how they have made their post without linking to any group, without curator links (but simply a link to the curator page itself) or advertising any 3rd party giveaways or infringing on any other overriding rules, this post - as is at this point in time before possible future edits - is actually ok.
That doesn't mean that advertising curator pages is ok in general in every context and/or in other sections of the discussions, but as is this post currently is within the limits of the site's rules.

2 weeks ago

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thanks for the clarification.

2 weeks ago

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I wouldn't have known of any of these games except for Red Glare, had someone not posted this. Thanks for sharing & hope this isn't stepping on any mod's toes because being suspended is no fun.

I feel this is a good initiative, to highlight games being made in an underdeveloped part of the world, that struggle to get any attention otherwise.

I hope I can send some of you fine folks a Steam friend request to grow my network and have more people to play with. You can do the same.

2 weeks ago

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I don't have any connection with Pakistan, but I do support these types of informative curators, as it at least tells me something of the game instead of joking around. Pretty sure there's one for Serbian games that I follow to be a bit aware of the local scene (as I stopped reading local press a long time ago). Anyway, good luck.

2 weeks ago

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