Some games aren't listed, and as such, are being submitted under the $1 key.

p.s. this is not calling out. please do not link any giveaways in question.

11 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

11 years ago

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The key will still offer the game specified, along with others. So your logic is, report them for bad submission instead of marking as bundled?

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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The earlier HBs were bundled even though there was just one key. Exceptions have been made before.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

11 years ago

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Just because it was easier in the past doesn't render the argument invalid now.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

11 years ago

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That's only true before Humble Bundle #4. Afterwards, other than the THQ bundle, all single games were still put on the bundle list even if there was only a single key. See Rochard, SPAZ, Vessel, Amnesia, Limbo, Super Meat Boy etc.

11 years ago

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hes talking after the $.01 steam keys went away. your thing only applys to hib4 and earlier, single keys marked as bundled went as late as before hib7 when they became separate keys

11 years ago

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I believe the Humble THQ Bundle was the only other case in which all of the single games were not added to the bundle list.

11 years ago

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Most of them were later added under the weekly sale. The one exception I can think of is CoH.

11 years ago

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Yeah, but that was because the weekly sale gave individual keys. If that bundle had never come, the games would still not be on the bundle list today.

11 years ago

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What about the new sales policy? Surely the THQ bundles would fall afoul of that (even the $10 THQ medley one). Not that it matters now, but curious.

11 years ago

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THQ Medley was $10 for $110 CV, it wasn't a problem (I did not include Metro 2033, because I think it was already removed from giveaway list by then). It also was not exploitable.

I'm actually not aware of any Amazon bundle being over 95% off before promotional coupons (which had to be bought, adding an additional cost that most people don't consider).

The closest were:
Paradox War Chest - $7.50 for $140 CV, a savings of 94.6%
DOW Franchise Pack - $10 for $160 CV,
93.75% off
Paradox 2012 Ultimate Pack - $10 for $189 CV, ~94.7% off

Keep in mind all of these were pre-promotional coupon prices.

11 years ago

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If they give you the whole bundle, yes, file a report ticket. They are abusing the system.

11 years ago

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And noone is likely to actually do that.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

11 years ago

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It could be seen as calling out all bundle key gifters for exploiting, when it's just a sale, no different than any sale on Steam.

11 years ago

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Why should these bundles be added to a list? They're not exploited keys. A gift is a gift.

Seriously. All these complaints, accusations, pointing at sinners... Just drop the contributor value entirely, or make a rule saying not to complain about how CV is run.

11 years ago

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I like to be of equal mind here but this is a different argument for a different thread. Sorry bro. I just want to know whether this bundle will be added to the bundle list. And/or when.

11 years ago

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You totally miss the point. Every other Humble Bundle has been handled exactly the way that the OP is asking about, so it is actually you that is complaining about how CV is run.

11 years ago

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As for treating every bundle like the first humble bundles, I still fail to see why we should use a bundle list at all. A sale is a sale. Having CV is secondary to the question, but still fully attached.

The bundle list has to do with CV. Point respectfully reconfirmed.

11 years ago

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Before the bundle list, bundle games were banned. Would you rather that instead?

And this is really quite a derail.

11 years ago

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Agreed, though I wouldn't mind continuing this discussion.

WTB button that splits forum threadlets into new threads, PST.

11 years ago

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I don't know any specific threads (or titles of these threads) to find the ones you're looking for, but reading this thread, this one, this one and cg's recent notice may get you up to speed with what the community has been going on lately.

There was also a poll recently but a majority still voted for the CV system to stay.

11 years ago

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That has not changed my opinion of the CV. It should stay if the community wants it to stay, but I don't have to like it. I'll still vote against it when the subject comes up.

Sorta back on topic: Buy this bundle. Great games. Less action but same quality as the THQ Bundle, imo.

11 years ago

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Doesn't matter if its a sale its already been noted that humble weekly is considered a bundle as far as SG is concerned.

11 years ago

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No it's not, after the Double Fine bundle I was still able to give my Stacking key from Amazon at full value. (Although, they could very well change that retroactively.)

11 years ago

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If they're doing what's described they're breaking another rule entirely, it isn't about the bundle rule. If you have to lie about what you're giving away to give it away, then don't. Until the bundle is made an available giveaway, people just shouldn't be trying to give it.

11 years ago

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Do you mean " People giveaway the non-BTA key as a individual game and receive full cv" ?

11 years ago

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Yes, that's what I mean.

11 years ago

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while we're at it, can we mark all the sonic games as a bundle and have the cv be retroactive? people doing this are essentially getting just as must extra cv per dollar spent as what wot is complaining about. I mean if we are all going to whine about people giving away games using huge discounts why not be equal about it?

11 years ago

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Amazon bundles have been brought up time and again. Unfortunately they will always be considered sales and not actual bundles since Amazon buys these keys at normal prices. Amazon takes the loss, not the publisher, by making these bundles. Or so that's how it goes; I'm just repeating what's been said here on this topic before.

11 years ago

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Shobo has specified only exploitable, 95% off or over will be added to the bundle list. The Sonic bundle is in neither of these categories.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

11 years ago

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worse than shadow harvest

11 years ago

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Worse than Darksiders and Red Faction: Armageddon.

11 years ago

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Worse than Bioshock Infinite.

11 years ago

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Worse than Rapelay.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by wotgamer.