Can you remember games that have relatively low user ratings on Steam (lower than 69% positive user reviews) that you actually played and enjoyed?

Please no Metacritic or so rating, only Steam user reviews.

Mine are:

Zack Zero (67%). A mediocre action/platformer that starts out quirky (not so intuitive controls, too bright acid colors on the first levels) and I thought that I would drop it soon but I managed to finish it and somehow enjoyed it.

Dungeon Siege III (63%). Obvious, fanboys downoted 'cause it's different from the first and second part. Maybe it's not so deep as the first ones in the series but the game is still good.

Disciples II: Gallean's Return (68%). Problems with modern OS and PC's. Classic TBS HoMM-like game.

9 years ago*

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This time, I'm truly enjoy playing Final Fantasy Type-0 HD (57% positive review) on steam.
I'm playing this now for 30 hours & never get bored, despite of shitty port or whatever ...

9 years ago

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same here. Its actually pretty good. People review it badly just becuase they have bad perfromance and such. but the game actually runs very flawlessly on my old potato.

9 years ago

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Same here, much fun on this one ! o/

9 years ago

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APB:Reloaded, I clocked 1,200 hours on Steam. But I already have 1,800+ hours on a single character alone in-game. XD

9 years ago

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Not available in my region but I assume the game is free to play and main complaints is because it's pay to win?

9 years ago

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Yes, it is free to play. If I may ask, what country are you in? And about it being Pay-to-Win... I would have to halfway disagree with that. New players would stumble upon facing cash shop weapons, but with enough practice, you'll begin to see that each weapon has its own weaknesses.

Feel free to check out my review on it, though. But please try not to down vote it, the game is already at the mixed review. Have mercy. T.T

9 years ago

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I went to your profile anyway, to check your region. So Russia then? If you're really interested in playing APB, there's a server specifically based in Russia. The game is called "APB: Innova", and here is the result from a quick google search.

I also heard Innova is way more balanced than we have here in Reloaded. :/

9 years ago

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Thanks, not interested :)

I also heard Innova is way more balanced than we have here in Reloaded

That is a huge LOL. Gamers complaining about Innova's servers constantly, though I'm not playing that games myself.

9 years ago

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Really? All I hear in the APB:R forums is that they recommend Innova instead. Or I think its something about the Cash Shop they have, was it better than the APB:R? Or maybe I'm just seeing things. XD

9 years ago

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That game is hacked af xD had fun with it though

9 years ago

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I'm not sure if I get what you said, but you're referring to hackers, right? I guess you just have to avoid them, that's all. It is indeed fun, of all the games I've played, this is the only one where I can truly make my character the way I want them to be.

As I mentioned above, feel free to check out my review, but please don't be so harsh. XD

9 years ago*

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Hell yeah. Despite all it's aggravating warts, that game still has some of the better interplay of vehicle and land combat I've seen. The hit detection is wonky at times though, and this only makes the blatant hackers even more aggravating. I remember a time when it was only hackusations that were epidemic, with actual cheaters in seemingly small numbers. Naturally, the paranoia and accusations snowballed into 'ragehacking', justified by their zealous belief that everyone else was doing it, so they had to 'fight back'.

Shame. I really liked that game, but I burned out on it hardcore after it was my main PvP squeeze for several years. It would be way more popular if they lowered the pricing curve on premium, though.

If any game deserves a more modern remake by a bigger more established studio, it would be APB:R.
Then again, the multiplayer in Watch_Dogs is an awful lot like APB from a modern engine, complete with a gamemode where everyone tries to run forever in cars, but where the map area is restrained to give far more chances at intercepts (and you don't even need to kill them, just stay closeby for a few seconds to steal the data package)

9 years ago

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Right on point! An engine update was supposed to be implemented this August, yet.. No news from them. They made a roadmap actually, half of it, I think aren't done or atleast not giving out any clues whether they are being worked on. They are also planning to release console version for APB, which is personally I think is crap.

And its nice to see a fellow player, whether active or not. :D

9 years ago

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'Retention' and 'Make it indie!'. They have abysmal scores, yet I think for what they are– experimental games with focus on a single, strong allegory–, they are great.

Empress of the Deep. A HOG with a really great visual design and a story that leads to an excellent trilogy.

Hamlet or the Last Game without MMORPG Features, Shaders and Product Placement (yes, this is the entire title); a really fun room-by-room puzzle game and a fun twist on the story.

Marlow Briggs and the Mask of Death. It's a bad game, but it was intentionally designed to be a parody of the genre, and it's hilarious for that.

Vault Cracker: One of the most enjoyable stories I ever met in a HOG.

I'd also add McPixel, because only the joke reviews pull it up. I think it is a really clever puzzle game that relies on a narrow range of comedy, but that strange spontaneity is used perfectly: every level lasts like 30-60 seconds, perfect to not overstay there welcome.

9 years ago

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I'd also add McPixel, because only the joke reviews pull it up.

Really? I thought the game is comedy and so the reviews (they are meant to be like this). Enjoyed this game too.

9 years ago

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Many are, but ever since I started writing reviews for all the games I play, I read a lot of them, and I think I pretty much learnt how tell most of the time if a review is meant to be a troll one or a bought/bribed one.

9 years ago

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Agreed - McPixel is a gem :)

9 years ago

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I liked Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta, it felt the same as those so-bad-they're-good campy movies do, wasn't long or frustrating, and most importantly I had fun :-p

9 years ago

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Puzzle Kingdoms (57% - Mixed)

9 years ago

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I also enjoyed Zack Zero i didnt play it for long but it was fun

9 years ago

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Broken Sword 3 - the Sleeping Dragon (52% positive - Mixed)

9 years ago

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All the broken sword are masterpieces !

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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Mmm... The first 3 are humor masterpieces ! :D

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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I actually enjoyed Legendary. Yup, that's right, I enjoyed it. Well except for the end, that was just shit.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

9 years ago

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Attila Total War (67% positive); in general Attila is quite substantial improvement of RTW2 which by i dont know what coincidence has more positive reviews than Attila. Alot of negative reviews are from RTW2 fanboys who cant win legendary campaign so easily as in RTW2, end of glorious empires (namely Roman), no more gladiators, not many popular Hollywood movies about 4th century etc. and ppl that didnt like RTW2 as it was a disaster at release and tend to mirror its flaws to this game, which is whole other thing to debate about.

9 years ago*

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Nether :'D

9 years ago

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Desert Thunder, amazing arcade game. It's fun, have few fun things that probablly weren't common when game was new. The funny thing is, that many people on steam hate this game for things that this game was suppose to be - short, simple (but not too easy) and arcade without story. It's like buying motorcycle and saying it's bad because it's not a car.

I had to uninstall it some time ago due to freeing up some space, but thanks to this thread I remembered to play it again. Thanks :P

9 years ago

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Carrier Command: Gaea Mission (43% positive)
It's like Hostile Waters: Antaeus Rising but with better graphics and terrible path-finding.

9 years ago

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I liked into the dark :-)

73 positive Steam reviews and 82 negative Steam reviews.

9 years ago

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Rise of the Argonauts (62%)

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

9 years ago

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Thanks for that, so I know that I'm not the only one who enjoyed Lucius 2 :-)))

9 years ago

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Akane the Kunoichi

Bad controls, huh?

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

9 years ago

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I liked Akane, too ^__^

9 years ago

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I like Lucius II as well. :)

9 years ago

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Marc Ecko's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure, with 69% metascore.

9 years ago

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Operation Flashpoint

9 years ago

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BTW, does anyone else that assuming that 69% and lower is a zone for almost bad games? I mean, the word mixed is red )on steam) and all, sugessting that game is bad. Mediocre games are cosndiered titles with around 70%. Damn, mediocre should be around 50%, and the higher the better. I see so many people assuimng that games with 6,5 or 7 grade must be bad, while many of them might end up being great for some players.

9 years ago

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Yeah, well, most games with <80% ratings on Steam are either terrible ports, horrible games or bad free-to-play models. Or users are mad because of the latest update. They MIGHT be great for SOME players, but not MOST, and a 7+ games should be good for most (at least on trusted game review sites, most 7+ games are really good)
That is because most negative user reviews on Steam are "won't even start" or "best button was the uninstall button", while there are positive reviews for horrible games like "cards 11/10". Trolls are everywhere, we need some level of moderation there (like a "stupid" button along the "funny" one)

9 years ago

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The problem with mediocre games is that… well, they are mediocre. They do nothing to stand out. When a game has especially low scores, it at least makes oyu curious what can be that terrible about it. Maybe it's a so-bad-it-is-good kind of game.
But when it's just in the "meh" range? People feel it is just a waste of time, so the only potential buyers are probably the fans of the genre/series/lead designer-director.

9 years ago

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And this the reason that I think steam should have something like neutral option. When people review neutral (for them) game, they often tend to decide to give a negative opinion (from what I saw on steam). Not because game is bad in some way, but because they didn’t like it. It’s not objective. I know it’s hard but I belive that movies, music, games, you name it, should have objective reviews. Right now it’s “I will leave negative review because I didn’t like the story and some features; game is free from bugs, it’s well done, devs are updating it but who cares about that?”. Then imagine situation with neutral button “I didn’t like the story and some features but game is free from bugs, it’s well done, devs are updating it so I can’t actually say anything about game being bad itself so I will leave neutral review”.
Like Uroboros said, right now it’s something like 0/10 or 10/10. Adding 5/10 option would be more fair and I think that might change scores of many games on steam.

9 years ago

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You have no idea how much I'd love a neutral option on Steam reviews…

9 years ago

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Not only you ;/

9 years ago

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Yeah, that's a weird thing in reviews.
50% is considered to be really bad, not mediocre. It's funny when this causes enraged fanboys to send angry, protesting emails to review sites because a game they liked got an 80% score which is 'an insulting score'.

It's a bit like how when a site has a review system that lets you rate it from 1 to 5 stars, you will rarely see people rate an item anything but 1 or 5, and the in-between votes are a minority. Or how people use the review upvote/downvote on the steam store to mean "I AGREE / DISAGREE" rather than "This review is fair and informative / this review is unhelpful".

People are just too dumb to deal with basic things \:3/
As the votekick system on any multiplayer game will attest

9 years ago

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Honestly I have nothing to add to your comment. IMHO you are 100% right with everything you said.
Most game reviews seems to be subjective, and when you read examples of 'friendship' between some devs and some big game services It only make you more suspicious about them. People seems to forget how that scoring schould work, and some of the 'journalists' don't help with changing that.

9 years ago

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I consider anything above 60% to be "playable." That's why I always check the "mixed" scores and read the reviews to see if I might like the game, anyway.

9 years ago

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So far this is probably one of the best way to deal with it. I also check some gameplays on youtube and read reviews from few journalists that, at least in my eyes, can remain objective and know how review should look.

Still, I check most of games, even with really bad steam score. I have saw too many dev drama in review section that had nothing to do with actuall game. Honestly I have trust issues toward steam reviews (unless they are like 1% positive from 1000 reviews, but then it's somehow entertaining to read all that ruckus).

9 years ago

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lets see...
Kane and Lynch: Dead Men - bad reviews on every platform but i did like the game
Reservoir dogs - same as Kane and Lynch, probably even worse.
CT Special Forces - bad port though
Infernal - does anyone even remember this game?
Bret Airborne
The Nightmare Cooperative

9 years ago

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Bret Airborne is a lot of fun! I found it addictive, actually ;D

9 years ago

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Zack Zero was indeed fun. It's easier to be positive about that because I've got it for beans in a bundle, but it was legitimately fun! Though a little more open world, a metroidvania-like version would be much, much better. Elemental powers were fun, but you didn't really needed to vary them, because the levels were that easy and usually corridor-like.
Superfrog HD 47% Maybe I'm tougher than the average gamer, but I don't get all the comments complaining about camera and motion sickness. The camera is indeed a little weird, but with a good old peripherial view (when you kinda just stare at the monitor instead of focusing [don't forget to blink!]) absolutely solved it, and also was easier to concentrate on dodging. I honestly enjoyed this game - so if you can do it for cheap, try it out, the game is good - the presentation is the reason people like to give negative reviews for it.
[Fall of the New Age Premium Edition](] 57% While certainly not as good as for example the Brink of Consciousness games, this was quite a solid one. Beautiful backgrounds, good animations and the daring, point-and-click - like, harder puzzles/item combinations. Just by picking a few negative reviews, people are slapping negative reviews on games which genre is not for them - I mean if one negatively reviewed almost every indie and point-and-click / hidden object game but positively every AAA action game, then his reviews worth sh*t objectively.

9 years ago

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Well, it barely counts sitting at 69%, but I'll have to go with The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II. While I criticized the third game earlier today, I can say that I've got more than enough enjoyment out of the second one (first one too, but that one's at 86% which is kinda mind-boggling for me as VH2 improved in almost every aspect yet it has much worse rating).

9 years ago

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Do you like the second more than first?

9 years ago

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Absolutely. More content, improved skill trees, combat feels more satisfying (and also more responsive), along with an epic (cliffhanger) finale made for a much better experience. I really don't understand what people were expecting from it to give it such poor reviews. Now the third one on the other hand, the third one should've been called The Not-So-Incredible Adventures of Van (Diablo-Clone-Wannabe) Helsing instead of being the third installment, because you can't even play the base class in it (you know, the monster hunter? ah, screw that guy. How about a Phlogistoneer instead which makes 0 sense storywise anyway. Sigh, now I'm ranting about VH3 again.. I'll stop here :p

9 years ago

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i should really start playing it...

9 years ago

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Might want to start with the first one, otherwise the intro of VH2 will spoil the ending of the first one (and intro of VH3 will spoil both)

9 years ago

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have both 1 and 2 (pretty sure)
and i plan on playing by order..
life gets in the way (and other games)

9 years ago

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Ah, of course. I didn't mean you should play it straight away, just figured I'd point out that the story is linked throughout the games.

9 years ago

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got a place on my whitelist
whats that background on your profile????

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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theHunter: Primal 66% positve, i really like it!

9 years ago

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I mean, I really liked the story and the characters, while a bit empty in characterization, were still better than in 70% AAA games I've played.

Deus Ex: Invisible War — I liked how they wrapped up the story and turned characters like Chad into this other kind of characters, and I loved to see some possible ramification of the Helios ending of the original. Not as good as the original in depth of the plot, but still fucking nice.
Nikopol: Secrets of The Immortals — Maybe just because I am a fan of the original comic and puzzle games.
ANUBIS: Zone Of the Enders — Not a PC game, but I just hate how people go crazy about MGS but forget about Kojima's other gem...

9 years ago

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Agree for Watch_Dogs, it's my favorite game too for the same reasons than yours.

9 years ago

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I love it too, playing through the DLC (Bad Blood) now! but if I had to choose, I'd say I like Deus Ex, Halo, Tomb Raider, and The Elder Scrolls better... with Deus Ex being simply the best video game series I have ever played.

9 years ago

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Strike Suit Zero: Director's Cut: 69% user reviews (Really fun mecha / starship dogfighting game in space)
And Yet It Moves: 65% user reviews (Underrated game)
Arcane Worlds: 51% user reviews (It's okay for an experimental kind of game)
Gravi: 31% user reviews (WHY???)

And that's all on my list, according to the SteamDB calculator (which I used to view the user scores for all of my games).

9 years ago

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SteamDB calculator (which I used to view the user scores for all of my games).

Good idea, thanks. Let's see...

9 years ago

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The problem with Arcane Worlds is that we already have two games very similar to it, Magic Carpet 1 & 2, and it really does not do much to set it apart from them at this point in time, other than having a more advanced system for interacting with the terrain (Magic Carpet 2 actually had a rather advanced system for this as well), and progress on Arcane World has been super slow

9 years ago

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I'm not justifying the game's rating - I'm simply listing them by whether or not I enjoyed playing them.

9 years ago

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I'm assuming it's the lack of updates for Gravi due to the lack of funding, from what I've read, and the resultant lack of gameplay polish - this was a post in the Hashbang Games group from LAST YEAR. Which is kind of sad, because I also kind of liked it :(

9 years ago

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I don't feel like checking every game I liked for it's review score, but I will mention this one -
I Am Alive (67%). It has it's flaws, granted, but it's very innovative and extremely fun. I don't know why so many people dislike it.

9 years ago

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I liked what I was able to play of it, but I'm one of the "lucky" ones who cannot play the game due to game-breaking graphics problems :( It's the people with problems like I have that are leaving the negative reviews (I didn't give it a neg. review, btw.)

9 years ago

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