So, I was trying to self-teach me a crash course in network security the other day and one thing led to another and I ended up on the Reporters sans frontières website, I was surprised to see that the United States of America, land of the brave and free, oh say can you see etc etc, is an Enemy of the Internet.

And you know, it kinda shocked me a wee bit, I mean, for a country who regards so highly individual liberties and hates meddling of the state (I mean, it's [$current year%] and they don't even have a proper National Healthcare system cos muh freedom and why should I pay for hobos to get treated) to be so heavily policed.

You can have a look at the wikipedia articles , or simply call your local Blue Coat Systems representative (

I mean, look at the linked image

How does it feel to have the same freedom on the internet as established, worldwide hated and mocked dictatorships such as North Korea? Or as the Cuban commies?

It's a bit like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you've already paid.

View attached image.
8 years ago*

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Alanis Morisette?

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Muh freedum

8 years ago

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As others have said, surveillance practices are not the same thing as censorship. For the most part there is complete freedom of speech or expression. Unless you live here you don't really know.

8 years ago

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It's very naive to think that a country is about freedom of . Anarchy is purest form of freedom. So in end maybe we don't really need full freedom though. Not until technology reaches to the point where it becomes self sufficient on human needs.
However just like with USA, many other western nations are about capitalism and corporatism. Those limit the rights and liberties of the people in general, specially those that are less fortunate. That goes for limiting internet too. Most of the reasons aren't so obvious. However most of them come down to profits in end. I mean in murrica profits equal freedom, right? Atleast for the rich.
Lets be honest though, usa has never been the country of freedom really. It has always been a marketing tactic. Specially these days almost all other western nations in Europe are more free on individual freedoms. Healthcare system in USA is one of the many ways they limit your rights and freedom.

Ofcourse what is best to do is always a big debate among everyone. General populace isn't ruled by what is right though.

8 years ago*

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The main issue is nobody gives a damn about internet privacy and security. The next generation of voters might care slightly more(computers have integrated into this one more), but most of us still don't give a damn or are too STUPID to fight censorship and net neutrality issues. Citation?

SNAPCHAT EXISTS. "Your image shows up for a while and is gone forever!"


Not to mention the fact we're being constantly tracked and profiled by advertisers(why do you think Google gives us so many free services, exactly?) and the FBI can tell your ISP to look up EVERYTHING YOU'VE DONE ONLINE whenever they feel like it.

Also, we're definitely not the most censored. We have buttloads of tracking and people trying to break our security("backdoor" in encryption). But not censorship. Unless you mean Facebook censoring news based on political agenda.

8 years ago

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Net Neutrality is bad for business. And business is everything, right?

8 years ago

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bad for some businesses, good for others

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Net neutrality is bad for the consumers and bussinesses that don't align with the ISP ideas.

8 years ago

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Because we have shitty people run are country . If Clinton wins it be 100 times worest, she want censor everything

8 years ago

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if trump wins, it'll be 1000 times worse... he thinks shouting will solve everything
either way, we're fucked

8 years ago

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Is this a joke topic? You compare USA internet to Cuba and North Korea, where internet is ILLEGAL in private homes? Seriously?

8 years ago

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The image is wrong, Mexico have a weak legal structure about internet and telecom... and human rights, and consumer, and legal in general.

yes that's sad

8 years ago

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Technically they have very low censorship over there but it's no secret certain groups (anonymous, 4chan etc.) do the dirty work online for the FBI. F.e., Wikileaks and different independent news outlets. On the other hand whatever press agencies like SITE report over the middle east gets portrayed as facts even tho it's run by former Mossad member Rita Katz, every news channel in the west copy pastes that information and you get mass propaganda. It's not censorship but people get censored by being portrayed as outcasts/loners/weirdos for having their own opinion about things and questioning whatever info is being fed to us.

8 years ago

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Can you give more examples of activities of 4chan that were benefical for the fbi? They attacked

8 years ago

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If they're censoring the internet here then they're not doing a very good job

surveillance is where the US really shines

8 years ago

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Just my two cents as I only skimmed the links (hard to do more on my phone).
It seems more like they are saying the internet is policed rather than censored. You can find pretty much anything, but it's behind a paywall.
It's certainly something to think about though.

8 years ago

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It seems to me that you just like to argue and enjoy opening threads about controversial topics so that you can argue with people.

8 years ago

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+1 I regret opening it already.

8 years ago

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If you want you can't comment on the topic. If you are not going to do that and attack me personally, you could've saved yourself the effort.

8 years ago

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I just wanted to share my opinion :)

8 years ago

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How much did Putin pay you to write this BS?

8 years ago

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Привет, товарищ. Сквозь грозы сияло нам солнце свободы.

8 years ago

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No i dont want to buy your sister for bottle of vodka. Thou thanks for offer.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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ROFL. US regulations may negatively impact members of RsF. So their opinion is what it is. Map clearly shows that they only care about surveillence of their activities, and ignore all other so called "govt spying" regulations. Attaching Enemy of Internet label to the US on that basis, well, I can only say "it is easy to find a stick to beat a dog"

8 years ago

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Censored because Hilary Clinton.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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From one of the first sentences in the first article "very little government mandated technical filtering occurs in the US."

8 years ago

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i wont even get started on this basically boils down to we have a corrupt system here in the usa.

8 years ago

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my porn comes in fine, im not bothered in the least about all that grand "internet censorship". (i think its time for a big mac in the greatest country of world). "internet censorship"... what a laugh

i let you know how i feel about that big mac with extra "max" sauce

8 years ago

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America was free, but now because we are spoiled and lazy, we have just decided to let the corporations take over the country. Believe it or not, corporations are interested in censoring the internet if they think it will make them more money, and they do.

8 years ago

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