Was tempted to get it last week since it was on sale over here, but I'm super glad I didn't. Now I just have to wait until the pc launch ;-;.
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I wonder what the specs will be for playing the game on high settings.
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Just bought a 1050ti that should be here "soon". Hopefully it is enough but I still need to buy a cpu to replace the i7 860 I got now :/.
If my pc still can't cut it when the game launches, you'll probably find me in a corner crying somewhere ;-;.
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A reviewer from a local pc website reporting from Gamescom mentioned rumors that the minimun specs would ask for a 1060, but it seems really weird they would release with such a high barrier of entry.
It reminds me of the times around the original Crysis release, no pc at the time was able to achieve decent performance on that, but all those years later it still looks ok
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Only when developers are using Nvidia's crapwork SDK.
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Meh, it's just FF XV. It's not even fantasy anymore.
Driving, shooting, high tech.....
They need to either go back to the roots and make it fantasy again or kill the franchise name and start an ip called Final Science Fiction.
Either way, I'll pass unless I can get it for, maybe, $4.99 US or less.
After 7 and 8, the two WORST in the franchise history, X, X2, 12, and 13, all horrible as well, I'm not too enthusiastic over this one.
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8 had its problems, but the music, FMV, and card game were great
I also liked the summons and thought the boost (rapid press) feature was novel and a compelling reason to actually watch through the animations instead of wanting to skip them.
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I'll give you 8 had fantastic music, but music alone can't save a crap game.
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"Recommended specs:"
I'm sure the minimum will be 6/8GB :)
Dishonored 2 can be played at low/medium/Custom at 60FPS with 8GB and a 660. 8GB of RAM is required, not 16GB of RAM. 16GB of RAM is recommended for the full experience. Just like how they "require" an i7 but you only need a i5 to run it at high :)
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This guy is running it at 1080p at 60FPS and he doesn't have recommended specs. He is pretty much at minimum.
Also, Witcher 3 recommends 8GB and Fallout 4 recommends 8GB. So, your argument about needing 16GB isn't valid there.
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i think my point is very valid since i experienced it, so at least for me 16gb of ram made a lot of difference (no crashes, no stuttering).
but since you tried to educate me with dishonored 2, i will in return educate you about its adaptive resolution feature.
this "thing" isn't 1080p, it's working in 720p or maybe even less. dishonored 2 adjust the ingame resolution to match the target fps set in settings, so it will keep dropping quality in exchange of performance.
so no, that empirical "video proof" isn't valid at all.
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560ti isn't minimum so of course it isn't a good gaming experience. Thats like me saying my 4GB can't run Dishonored yet minimum says 8GB. You have no right to complain about it.
I have 16GB and I did have 8GB. I found 8GB more than enough. I wanted an upgrade due to other programs.
I'm pretty sure this is just a bad video capturing software and not in game. I played this game on a laptop and it looked fine and was playable.
If you look at my specs for Dishonored 2. I don't hit the recommended specs yet it looked great and ran at 50-60FPS throughout the game. Also at the time I had 8GB not 16GB. I was running it in high settings. It was a good gaming experience without the i7, 16GB and a 1060. Minimum specs are all you need.
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I'm pretty sure this is just a bad video capturing software and not in game.
No, that's clearly low resolution jaggies caused by lack of AA. Capture software doesn't cause that. Poor capturing would lead to blurring the image.
I played this game on a laptop and it looked fine and was playable.
That's subjective. I'm betting what you consider "fine" and what I consider fine differ vastly. I won't play on less than 2k resolution with (at least) nearly everything maxed. I want the full experience from a game, especially if I've paid $60. 50-60fps also isn't acceptable to people with 144Hz monitors.
It was a good gaming experience
It wouldn't be good for me.
TLDR: You're both debating based on what a "good gaming experience" for you is. As far as I'm concerned, you're both playing on peasant settings and neither would be a "good gaming experience" for me, aka you're debating apples and oranges.
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Well, my laptop has the same specs as my PC. So, it was on high settings with a little bit more frame drop.
I mean I am debating the average PC owner. Or maybe below average. The initial point was you don't need 16GB. If you want an alright experience of a game RAM isn't something to worry about. She is praising 16GB like its the best thing to come to gaming. I'd rather go for a better CPU...
Lol, "peasant settings." Custom ultra and high is hardly peasant. Playing The Witcher 3 in 720p and 30FPS is console peasant material.
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16gb of ram is going to the 'default' for gaming in a year or so, presumably. More and more games are going to ask for 16 in the future, same thing that happened to the 4 to 8 jump. Do you know how many years more or less needed to make those 16 the standard? I really don't know.
I had 3gb of ram and was the king, next year I needed 4 as recommended, lol.
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I know it will be the default for recommended but... As for minimum it will be 8GB.
For me I'm slowly upgrading my PC and RAM is cheap as chips. So, I upgraded it cause I can, but its definitely not important.
Its just people forget there is a minimum. Like recommended isn't "if you don't have this then you can't play it" like minimum is.
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I'll agree with you there Mully, 16GB has been the default for me since 2011. When the recommended was 2GB I had 4GB, when it was 4GB I had 8GB. Memory isn't expensive so why not have the extra, I certainly won't go back to having just 8GB memory, I'll have 16GB at least on my next build.
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Lol, "peasant settings." Custom ultra and high is hardly peasant.
Again, debating a subjective topic. I just said it's peasant settings to me, and it is. Recommended Requirements means exactly that - their recommendation to enjoy the game to the fullest.
She is praising 16GB like its the best thing to come to gaming.
No, she was pointing out that 16GB recommended is becoming more and more common for the best gaming experience. You may be willing to settle for less, but there are many of us who are not, and that's why those Recommended Requirements are there.
I'll say it again - you're debating two entirely different topics.
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"ow the pc experts will say 16gb ram requirements for games are only in my head <3"
Again, my initial point. She is acting like you need it. Minimum of 8GB is the requirement. That is not subjective, that is objective.
Minimum = Requirement
Recommended = Suggested
But yes, I agree the best experience is recommended settings. However, good (which is what we were saying) is minimum.
Plus, no I'm not willing to settle for less. I'm actually upgrading my PC because I can't run games in the highest settings anymore. Which is partly why I went to 16GB.
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She is acting like you need it.
Your interpretation. She later clarified what she meant. 16GB Recommended Requirements are becoming common. And for people like me, who want to enjoy it to its fullest -- yes, it's a requirement. I don't want 90% of a game. I want 100%. I want all the bells and whistles, all in Ultra HD resolutions, and I want it to run smoothly (and I don't want to have to spend 20 minutes disabling other apps to do so).
Which is partly why I went to 16GB.
That was entirely my point. Sure, you can play a game with less, but to get the most out of (some) current games, and upcoming titles, you're going to want 16GB, a nice monitor, and a hefty CPU/GPU.
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There is no such thing as recommended requirements. You stated that you require all the bells and whistles or it isn't a full experience.. That is subjective. Many people don't have the luxury of 16GB like you and I. So it isn't a requirement as the game is very much playable with 8GB. Before I upgraded. I easily ran games with high/ultra at a stable FPS of 60. I just couldn't see a mark in a wall or strands of hair... And god forbid couldn't have chrome running... The horror. Talk about first world problems xD
Again, I do want to get the best experience. But that is a luxury and its recommended. Most people have 8GB and its still good for the next few years. I'm sure its not much of a hassle to close chrome etc to play a game. There is a minimum for a reason.
Edit: Also with her logic. I hope she has an I7, a 4K monitor, 1080ti, and 7.1 surround sound headphones. Because its a requirement.
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There is no such thing as recommended requirements.
Sure there are. They're recommended to max everything at the listed resolution.
You stated that you require all the bells and whistles or it isn't a full experience.. That is subjective.
Of course it's subjective, but the recommended reqs are there so you know what you need to get the "full experience" the devs intended (aka taking advantage of all the nice features they implement).
Many people don't have the luxury of 16GB like you and I.
Yep, that's why there are also minimum requirements.
I easily ran games with high/ultra at a stable FPS of 60.
Nevermind the people with 144Hz or Ultra HD monitors, for whom the recommended requirements are meant (and we are talking about Recommended, not Minimum -- or at least I was).
Talk about first world problems xD
Irrelevant. I'm talking about Recommended Requirements, not the Minimum. This comment is the first I've mentioned of the minimum reqs.
There is a minimum for a reason.
There most certainly is, but we were discussing the recommended requirements and why they're there. (edit: and so was Mully).
Edit: Also with her logic. I hope she has an I7, a 4K monitor, 1080ti, and 7.1 surround sound headphones. Because its a requirement.
Did you read anything she wrote, or was your sole intention in posting simply to argue with her?
Edit: Also with her logic. I hope she has an I7, a 4K monitor, 1080ti, and 7.1 surround sound headphones. Because its a requirement.
She explained her logic, and you argued that it's not required to "play" the game. You're not even debating the same thing.
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Recommended does not equal required.
I want those specs but I do not need them.
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Recommended does not equal required.
Then clearly they're not there for you, but they are requirements for someone like me.
Mully was merely pointing out that 16GB requirements (and recommended requirements fall into that category) are becoming more common to get the most out of a game. Her subsequent comments clarify her point. You've said the same thing yourself above, and even said you purchased more RAM "partly" (to quote you) for that reason (and also upgraded your CPU/GPU).
I'm not even sure why the fuck the two of you started debating.
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Well thats cool if 4K settings are a requirement for you.
But at 1080p those specs are far from what you need.
Honestly, RAM is nothing when running a game. I'd much rather upgrade CPU/GPU. They are important. Yes I partly wanted if for gaming, it was a bonus but not the intended reason for purchase.
Honestly, I give up... You clearly don't know the difference between want and need.
"Did you read anything she wrote, or was your sole intention in posting simply to argue with her?" Oh and that. Get off your high horse. I would have replied the same to anyone.
I just thought it was stupid. if you rquire 16GB to run a game. Then wouldn't you need to close down programs anyway?If the game needed all that 16GB to run at full potiental.
Anyway, I'm going to play some games now. This is boring. I don't know why you got involved and started speaking for her. But yeah bye.
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Nope, I'll just go spend my money on an i7 and a 1080ti cause I can :)
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Honestly, I give up... You clearly don't know the difference between want and need.
The OP is about what you NEED for Recommended settings, for crying out loud.. I'm not sure how that's not clear. Minimum requirements aren't even listed and that's what you began your debate with.
I don't know why you got involved and started speaking for her.
Didn't speak for her. I read her comments, including those after the first.
I got involved because the OP is about Recommended Requirements, and you were talking about Minimum (complete with a video and everything).
"Did you read anything she wrote, or was your sole intention in posting simply to argue with her?" Oh and that. Get off your high horse. I would have replied the same to anyone.
It was an question based on observation, past experience, and recent comments - you were debating entirely different topics (which I've pointed out numerous times). I replied to you same as I would anyone else.
I agree, this is boring. Enjoy your game.
(Edited for capitalization. ;) )
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It does.
If you are going off needing 16GB from that list, then everything else is a requirement according to your logic.
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I don't know.... if it has 4k cutscenes 170 is quite realistic considering what kind of game FF is
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Nice to see it's coming to PC and that it's available in my region. Maybe there will be good sale when I can get a better computer.
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I remember when i mistook in the teasers the characters as Cloud, Zack and Angeal, sigh either way, im not interested in playing this shitty game with edgy emo dressing overpowered boy band pretty boys on a slaughter fest tour trough the country and whatshit... i want Crisis Core on steam...
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On one hand: woohoo!
On other hand: jesus fucking Christ, Nvidia will fuck this up too?
I wonder how many bitching we will get for that 170 GB size. (To be honest, that means it'd take over three hours to download for me, so that is a bit large…)
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It's already confirmed that it will include patches and dlcs from the console version
FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION boasts a wealth of bonus content, including content contained in free updates to the console versions as well as paid downloadable content originally available through the Season Pass.
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That 1080Ti better be for just 4k >.>
Very excited it's finally coming on PC, it's why I didn't get it on PS4. lol I knew it would come one day.
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5 Comments - Last post 2 minutes ago by Sooth
221 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by adam1224
2,364 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by FranckCastle
172 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by BSkorpion
16,655 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Golwar
8,636 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by tommiwa
29 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by Adamdoodles
16 Comments - Last post 1 minute ago by Tshcktall
113 Comments - Last post 9 minutes ago by Vasharal
4 Comments - Last post 10 minutes ago by Sakakino
68 Comments - Last post 15 minutes ago by xXToXiiCDOGZz
2,891 Comments - Last post 27 minutes ago by JMM72
11,020 Comments - Last post 55 minutes ago by JMM72
29,458 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by marilynhanson
FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION will come out on March 6th on Steam (store page), Windows Store (store page) and Origin (store page) for $49.99 (source) and will include every update and additional content released for the game so far.
The official trailer is available HERE
The official minisite is HERE
The official system requirements are:
Nvidia posted a detailed article with a description of every Nvidia-exclusive feature this title will use.
There's a benchmarking tool available to check performance:
The preorder will go up on February 1st as well, and that will include store-specific bonuses. It is unclear if they will also be available as paid DLC.
EDIT: It looks like the items for the Steam version will actually take advantage of Steam's inventory system, as there are some test items displayed on the game's steamdb page
EDIT2: The game will have official mod support as confirmed here
EDIT3: Added link to the benchmarking tool
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