Do you like cats?
Thank you! Glad you like it. (•‿•)
I released a new version today, you might want to update. It fixes 2 annoying bugs:
If you open discussion by clicking on last comment (not on a title), it will remember title with a comment ID and title will be pink -> indicating that title changed even if it did not.
If you open discussion by clicking on last comment (not on a title) and comment is not on a first page of discussion, then this discussion won't be marked as read
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I've been using the comment formatting script for a while, and it's been quite useful!
It could become even better, by adding the "code" and "inline code" functionalities, as the needed symbols are missing from most keyboard layouts.
Also, it would be nice to have an option to add selected images to the list, like with the emojis. Is this possible already, to some extent?
I noticed there're a few images I used recently in the list (as well as regular links which aren't supposed to be there).
Also, the image selection popup doesn't display properly with zoom levels over 100%.
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Thanks for using the script and for the feedback (◕‿-)✌.
For now, you can only add images to list, by inserting url into your comment. As you already noticed, there is a little bug. Even non-image urls are added to the list. You can just remove them with the X button.
What do you mean by doesn't display properly? Do you mean it's positioned offscreen? Add a screenshot if possible =).
I will reply to your comment when I fix the bug and add input for adding images. Don't know when I will find time for this. Maybe this weekend or the next one.
I will think about adding code and inline code. I wanted to keep it simple and not to add formatting that is used rarely.
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Try updating to newer version (0.7.1). I fixed the popup position, added input for adding images and fixed adding non-images to popup after pasting url to the comment.
I also reworked detection of image in url, so now image will be added to popup even if the url doesn't contain image extension in it. Though there is a downside, pasting an url might take few milliseconds longer. Let me know if it becomes an issue and I will add some setting where you could turn it off. I was too lazy to do it now :P.
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Although I like the ideas of both scripts, I ended up disabling them after some use. The main thing is that I don't like that URL automatically get the forum markup, and that I don't like visited threads to be grayed out. Are these things configurable in any way?
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Hi, sorry to hear that you don't like the scripts. Features that you mentioned are not configurable at the moment. Automatic url markup configuration is on my todo list. If I have time today, I might do it... otherwise it will have to wait 2 weeks because I am traveling the next weekend and I rarely find time to tinker with my scripts during the weekdays.
As for the graying out, I've never thought of disabling it as it is a core feature of the script. Though once I have support for configuring I might just add this one as well.
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If you are using a style manager like Stylish, you could just add a custom style for Bladitos script. That's what I did.
opacity: 0.5;
span.bsg-new-comments.m-high {
color: blue;
font-size: 13px;
This is what i looks like
It changes also the color of threads with changed titles as well as the size of the "(+123)" if there are many new answers.
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If there is a topic that have 0 comments, it is always pinned at the top. It is there until someone write a post there. It can be quite annoying and people have to bump it to get rid of it.
I understand the logic but please could you add a feature for manual unpin the posts? For example, if I entered the topic with 0 comments and then left it, it would use its "date created" instead of "last post date" in the sorting mechanism until there is at least 1 comment.
Or if a topic has 0 comments after x minutes, use its "date created" instead of "last post date" in the sorting mechanism until there is at least 1 comment.
I don't know if these ideas would work but I believe there has to be a way to achieve it.
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Hi, thanks for the feedback.
If I understand correctly, the problem is, that when you sort by last discussion date, you see 0 comment discussions on top, right?
I don't think that implementing complex logic for this is the way to go. I think it will be sufficient to just treat discussions with no comments differently in this sort.
Right now sorting treats no value as the zero value, so they are always on top when you use ascending sort (on bottom when descending sort is used).
Try the new version. Now the discussions with 0 comments will be always on the bottom when you sort by last comment date (regardless of ascending/descending option).
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Yes, that's the problem. If it is a new topic, it is ok but if the topic is old several hours and there are even more topics like that it can be quite annoying. I always have to bump it or write a shitpost there to unpin it. :)
If you set a condition, that the posts with 0 comments will be at the bottom only if they are already read, then it is a good idea. However unread posts with 0 comments should (I guess) be at the top.
So if a post with 0 comments is unread, show it at the top and if a post with 0 comments is read, show it at the bottom. I think it is a good solution like that. (I cannot see any unread post with 0 comments now so I don't know if you already made it like that or not.)
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no that's not quite right either. now new posts unread without comment are additionally showing up at the bottom instead of the top. (see attachment)
Pilda meant that if sorted from newest to oldest order, a 0reply topic will get stickied and stuck at the top rather then ever descend even if other topics are getting created after that one and getting bumps. in order to cause them to start dropping in the proper placement order pilda and myself (typically one of us) had to bump them in some fashion just to get them to drop. it was rather annoying, especially if it was a portuguese group recruitment topic and i was bumping in english. some topics get created and would otherwise never receive a comment if it weren't for us trying to get them to simply go away. (no offense to their creators meant)
if it's easier to just have the 0 comments handled separately then we'd perfer for them not to drop to the bottom till it at least gets read. otherwise it maybe just a change somewhere to get them to stay in their natural timestamp reply order.
tl;dr> basically we perfer the normal site sorting order, and descending from new to old mostly is the same as site default, except the 0 comment topics are getting stuck. - if stuck is the way it must be, we perfer read stuck 0 comment topics at the bottom, but unread stuck 0 comment topics at the top..
thanks, and happy halloween!
edits: added tl;dr, and fixed typos
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Thank you for clarification. I get it now =).
When you update to new version, sorting by last post should now behave as SG default = If there is no last post date, it will take creation date instead. So posts like this will naturally descend when someone bumps other posts.
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Hello Bladito:
I often enter a topic and then I find out that I should watch it with your great feature for marking posts. The problem is that I cannot mark the post when I am inside it and I have to go back to the list of topic, find it (it is not always easy, especially after few minutes...) and mark it there. I would love if you added the buttons Mark and Stalk also to the topic itself.
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Thanks too. :) Yes I use it a lot, for example, if someone posts a topic with GAs which haven't start yet, I mark it to notice it again. Or if a friend of mine makes an event and I would like to bump it, then I will mark it to notice it as well. But I have never used stalking. It can be useful too, though.
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Hey, I had some time today so... enjoy =)
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Very nice, all the new features work for me. I also noticed you changed the size and colors of the counts of new posts. It's much better now, good work.
To tell the truth, I use textarea enhancements by Extended Steamgifts, because your enhancement is too simple. What about adding new buttons so that it would be like in the ES script?
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I would like to have the possibility to make specific unread posts in grey color (like read posts). I am not sure if this is possible to make, though.
The problem is that if there is an unread post and I am not interesting in reading it, the post is shown in default color and it's hard to ignore it so If I want it to be grey, I have to open the post.
Solution: remove the stalk button, place it to the profiles (in fact it is another issue we talked about earlier, but this solution would be better than to have there 3 buttons) and put there a button which make the posts grey.
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It's an issue (or rather a decision) on SG side. The block where you can see the discussion text (where I put the icons) has fixed width and doesn't stretch further. I could stretch it myself, but someone might not like it that way.
Or maybe we could put those icons elsewhere. How about under the avatar?
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location works, but now the color scheme combined with SquishedPotatoe's dark theme makes the clicked ones practically invisible.. unsure if i report that to you or to SquishedPotatoe, but since i seem to remb it being a friendly color prior to the latest update i figured i'd start with reporting to you. ^^
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Quick question. Is the Steam DLC wishlister working? I have never been able to make that work but I've also never got around to fully exploring why. I know its not a greasemonkey conflict as I can disable all the others and it still does not work. It might be some other firefox addon. Just thought I'd ask before I go disabling everything and trying them one by one. I may give it a try tonight and see if I can find the conflict.
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Good news and bad news. It works, but only if I turn enhanced steam off. Note that both firefox and enhanced steam just updated on my machine at work just now before I tried it.
I think I had turned enhanced steam off before when testing so this conflict is likely new, but I'm not 100% sure of that.
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kinda a wild and crazy question.. what is the cache file itself for chrome users that contains the "read/highlighted" stuff for the enhanced discussion script?
reason i ask is because i have been frequently bouncing back and forth between windows and linux and that script is the only downfall in doing so.. i go on linux read a discussion, then come back to windows and it shows i have never read that discussion... what i would like to do to solve this is delete the linux cache file, and instead symbolic link it to the windows cache file. (yes the windows partition is setup inside the fstab to mount on boot, so it would not cause conflict and would always be accessible)
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Hi, thanks for using my script.
The data is stored in browser's local storage. The file is stored on path: c:\Users\your_name\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Local Storage\ in Windows or ~/.config/google-chrome/Default/Local Storage in Linux. The file name is https_www.steamgifts.com_0.localstorage
Hope you get it working :).
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thanks, trying that out now.. will edit this reply with results shortly. xD
edit: yes ^^ that seems to of worked perfectly for what i wanted to achieve :D now it doesn't matter which os i am inside of the cache file is the same.. xD
thank you so much, it would of taken me hours to try and find out which file was the correct cache file and i probably still would of failed.
exact symlink command used if any1 else is interested
sudo ln -s "/media/mydata/Users/d3m4n/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/User Data/Default/Local Storage/https_www.steamgifts.com_0.localstorage" "/home/d3m4n/.config/google-chrome/Default/Local Storage/https_www.steamgifts.com_0.localstorage"
obviously path would need to be altered, original cache file removed on linux side, and the windows partition would need to mount on boot.
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Is that possible to add standard emoji to comment formatting ?
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Hello Bladito:
can you make a button near post in discussions section, which when I press move me to the posts last page last reply?
Or can you sort posts messages that the last message will be in first page on top?
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I notice that it goes to last post, not to last page (end of the discussion).
Sorry, if in previous post I told not clear what I want :)
Edit: just found that you already did it. Thanks again :)
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I've never noticed the import export before. Is this exporting the settings and read marks for each thread? Is this a precursor to being able to sync read marks across machines by saving the data to dropbox or something. That would be awesome. Unfortunately I can't seem to do an import. Its keeps locking up firefox and then comes back with an "unresponsive script" I can tell it to continue but just keeps locking until I tell it to stop the script.
Just wondering. This is a great script, I use its tagging and read marks everyday. The only thing I'm missing is both my work machine and my home machine agreeing on what I've marked and not marked. lol.
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Yes, export and import feature is there to help you sync data between browsers. Right now it only exports/imports info about read discussions (so no custom marked discussions or stalked users yet).
I only tested it once on Chrome and it worked back then. I will try it on FF and fix it if I encounter the same issue.
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Good thought. one line but its 501002 char long. Is that lots?
lol pasted it into a txt file to see. That produces a 489KB file. I see a note above from myself. Looks like I've been using it for 5 months. I was going to suggest that you purge the read history after 6 months to a year but..... I've only got 5 months worth.
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Hi, unfortunately this can't be turned off at the moment. I've been planing to do it configurable for a long time already... but I just had no time to do it :(.
By the way, what link are you pasting? Because I literally open the link when you paste it, and check the contents, so I add ! [] only if it really is an image. Otherwise I just add [].
And funny thing is, that if I paste only (without anyting after .com) it doesn't add any markup :).
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For example link to that topic?
By the way i guess to check for an image you need to check if the link ends with .jpg .png .gif and otherwise do not add the tag?
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Hmm I pasted the url you provided and it was correctly formatted as link not image.
Originally I was checking for image extension at the end of the link... but ... some images come without extension in url. Like this one:
What browser are you using?
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This link is invisible after that formatting, its still inside of my message above but you cant see it, why would you even add that thing when the website parsing the links without any additional marks?
Without your stuff -
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Sorry for the necro. This is the only discussion I found relevant to my slightly off-topic query.
Anyway, what I wanted to ask was can I use the comment formatting options, for poll answers, in a discussion I'm planning to start?
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Hey guys,
I've recently discovered Tampermonkey extension for chrome (I know it's been here for ages and all of you know about it. but I'm a bit slow I know :D). And I created few scripts to make my life a bit easier:
SteamGifts comment formatting
SteamGifts discussions enhanced
Steam DLC wishlister
Itstoohard remember answers
9gag remember position [NEW]
Auto mp3 downloader
So if anyone is interested, check out my greasyfork profile where you can find and install aforementioned scripts. They also work in Firefox (except ITH script, I might fix that in future).
I made these scripts mainly for me, so if you don't like them, no need to be mean to me =) I just wanted to share in case someone would find them useful. If nobody likes them, then it's fine, I won't hold a grudge ^^.
Obligatory GA over :3Changelog
Discussions enhanced
Comment formatting
v0.7.1 - Added input for adding images. Fixed position of popup on higher zoom levels. Fixed non-images being added to popup after pasting an url to the comment.
v0.7 - User can now add/remove custom emojis.
v0.4 - User can now remove custom images.
v0.3 - Added 2 new buttons for inserting images and text emoticons. You can add your own images by inserting url into textarea. You can't customize emoticons yet.
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