I cant even remember I bough this bundle but apparently all Shadow Ninja: Apocalypse keys got revoked. (Edit: Seems I won it)

Last time I bought a bundle from that website (https://www.gamebundle.com)

Bundle page on Steamgifts

Discussion on Steam, waiting for a dev to respond

8 years ago*

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I hope the dev posts fast an explanation why the keys got revoked. :X

Also if they revoked all those keys they could have posted something sooner so people would have been informed...

8 years ago

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Odd coincide that keys are revoked on same day as it appears on another bundle. (https://otakumaker.com/index.php/account/admin/deal/view/77/)

8 years ago

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oh, i remember this thread- https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/BUQDD/gamebundlecom-end
So i think dev of "Shadow Ninja: Apocalypse" did not get his money..

8 years ago

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This revoking keys thing is getting old for me. I've not been 'collecting' on steam for very long, probably about a year, but it's really taking the fun out of it. I've always had to pay up front for keys because that's the way steam and bundle sites work, and obviously I have never used a stolen credit card to do this or anything remotely like that but I feel like it's me that gets punished when this happens. I mean, I'd kind of half expect it from somewhere like G2A (although to be totally fair every time it happened there I got a refund instantly) but now it doesn't seem anywhere is safe. Perhaps I should just stick to Steam sales and avoid bundles/trading, but that kind of takes the fun out of 'collecting' too. If the dev wound up not getting the money, I guess it's fair enough but can't they take the bundle company to court for it rather than revoking keys that people have paid for, assuming their money would go to the dev?

8 years ago

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Not everyone can afford to spend hundreds of thousands to fight over tens of dollars or even few hundred.

Bundle site and developer might not even be in same country or continent.

So usual option for developer is just suck it up or revoke keys.

From what I've heard, some bundle sites avoid paying as long as possible and you need to constantly to ask for it :|

TL;DR don't bundle your games :P

8 years ago

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I think for me I'm just going to totally avoid the smaller bundle sites from now on - I'm assuming that humble bundle and bundlestars etc are not going to be ripping people off but perhaps that's a big assumption on my part.

So taking them to court not always an option I guess, but revoking the keys isn't going to get them their money back. The site's still got their money, and it's closing so I guess they don't care. Make sure to get the money up front? Only bundle with bigger bundle sites? Who knows, but again, not me that ripped them off. I paid the money for the bundle assuming the dev had already been paid or would be in the future. No response from either yet, I don't think?

8 years ago

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I don't recall any revocation incidents with Humble except where they've issued the wrong keys and then replaced them. There has been a couple of case where devs have revoked keys for Bundlestars bundles though.

8 years ago

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Fixed. I just received this e-mail:

There was a recent issue with Shadow Ninja : Apocalypse keys being revoked from your Steam account.

We have acquired new keys from the publisher and a replacement key has been added to your library until the game title 'Shadow Ninja: Apocalypse Replacement Key'.

We are very sorry about the inconvenience.

The GameBundle team

8 years ago

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Even when they are about to die, they did this. Kudos to them and I'm truly sad that it didn't work out for them :/

8 years ago

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