Same as Mullins. I made a mage last season and got up to like... 107 I think. Not sure what I'll do this season. Maybe reroll easy mode Crusader again like I did in season 3.
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Nice. I sort of plateaued with the mage. I was only able to get up to Torment VI I think. Of course, I play alone most of the time, so I don't know how well the stuff scales.
What happened to that idea I heard about which let you use an existing character, but stripped it of gear and refreshed it to level 1? I don't like having more than one class on my account, unless I'm playing hardcore.
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there's torment 10 now xD
i also play singleplayer most of the time, sometimes with a friend online but it's pretty rare. :3
didn't try the reset option. since the only thing that changes a character are the items (you can respec skills as you like) there's no point in doing it, i just create a new one each time i play. when the season is over, i decide if i want to keep it or delete it.
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Well, I decided to do the rebirth thing with my first main... my monk. She's the one I have most time played on. I was struggling with her after the expansion because the gear drops I was getting weren't really upgrades... and it seems the seasons are way easier to get better drops, so... I rerolled. Thinking of doing that with my Demon Hunter, too, but we'll see.
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this season thanks to free set for your first character, if you pick a class that can play straight away with given set you can jump to T6 almost immediatelly after you finish your set journey 9aka in few hours since creating character, even quicker if you get a boost). After 1st day of season I was already clearing T6 and GR 25+, after a week (I had a break this week, no play since last friday) I was already doing GR65 ;) Long Story Short - atm my Seasonal Paragon is already higher than my main Paragon ;p This season is crazy, give it a try ;)
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I for example don't mind so much Diablo (but it would still be nice to be able to play with US users from time to time - if laggy, then on lower GR level and problem solved) but real bummer for me is HearthStone - in this game lags don't matter as much, and no cross-region play means that organizing any friendly tournament (let's say SG Hearthstone championships) can be done only in same region. Because even if someone makes US account he will not have access to his cards library. And while getting new account for let's say Diablo to play on US only costs you what? 40$ on sale, getting all the cards you have on EU is not so easy. It takes months of farm or hundreds (thousands) of dollars. Noone will do it just to play with US ppl from time too time :/
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I got it but steam (especially rocketleague and Fallout right now) keep me too busy and away from the new season.
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I'm playing too, EU server.
Helbrecht#2696, feel free to add me if you want, but I'm not playing much these days.
I can't really give you any advice for Demon Hunter yet, cause I haven't played one for a really long time and I don't know what changes they made to it.
If you're playing season, there's an easy way to receive a full set really early on (for Demon Hunter, it's the Shadow Mantle )
Once you hit level 70, you receive Haedrig's Gift, that gives you the 2 first pieces.
Then if you kill Zoltun Kulle ( a boss in Act II, you can do it in Adventure Mode if you have not reached that part of the story yet) on level 70, you get another Gift.
That enables the 4 pieces-bonus on your set, and with that power boost, you should soon be able to do the last part, a Tier 20 Greater Rift solo, to receive the last Gift.
With that full set, you can get a really good start farming for better gear.
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Note that only works once in the season, so choose carefully the character you want to receive the Gifts with.
Edit : Another advice, in the settings , in the Gameplay tab, Show Advanced Tooltips and Elective Mode are really useful.
Advanced Tooltips give you actual number about the damage of your skills, instead of just saying "Hits all enemies around you"
And Elective Mode allows you to use any kind of skill in every slot, instead of one skill by category.
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Have to admit, Demon Hunter is the one class I have never really been able to get into....might have to try again this season.
Also, haven't played a Barbarian since pre-seasons ;o
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DH is an extremely boring class at end game. I would recommend researching all of the classes before committing yourself to one of them. A disintegration wizard or a whirlwind barbarian will provide lots more fun.
I don't play much anymore but go ahead and add me if you'd like. Aeternum#2186
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I understand. Demon Hunter is all about laying traps and turrets down and letting them do the work for you while you shoot the monsters in the face. It ended up being a bit tedious and boring for me but last time I checked they were the top damage dealers in the charts though I have to admit that was months ago. The new patch may have changed a lot of things.
Still, the point is to have fun so go with whatever you want :)
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First of all don't forget to create a season character.
There are many people playing and gearing up right now since the new season just started so you can join public games and do rifts and bounties to get gear/mat easier, most people won't mind even if you're undergeared, just don't join greater rift groups untill you get a hang of your class.
Also in this season you get 2 pieces of one of your sets for each step of season journey you complete.
Look for builds in, usually only 2-3 builds are viable each season.
Oh and if it's your first time playing, I suggest you go through the story mode first. Not sure if they changed it or not but when I first started you had to finish the story mode on one of your characters in order to unlock higher difficulties.
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I played D3 until 6 months ago, the game became really boring and repetitive and none of my friend play anymore. Seasons might be fun for the first week but then they become the same boring experience Imho (Blizzard never released the pvp they showed before release). If I could sell my account I would, but I have Hearthstone too and I play that a lot :D
PD: If you want a game like D3 but more hardcore, with better graphics and mechanics you should try Path of Exile. While F2P the things you buy with real money are mostly cosmetic.
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Im sorry, I mean for me, because I like more realistic graphics and diablo 3 has cartoonish graphics. If you like those you will love D3 and Torchlight sure.
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poe has terrible graphics, and i don't mean the cartoon/realistic stuff, it's just bad lol
i also prefer realistic graphics
Lineage Eternal
lost ark
the koreans have the best realistic character modelling imo
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I was comparing it to Diablo, I know there are other games with waaay better graphics out there.
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new season eu hc wd :)
is fun, with the new set you can do really a shitload of damage and still just hang back and let your 3 giants do the work :D
btw.. leorics manor is awesome and the new secret levels are pretty decent tough i did not quiet beat it yet.. its pretty difficult with wd as you must kill multiple critters affected with 2 specific buffs...
well.. maybe if i m full ancient it will be easypeasy ^^
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Haven't really played much this season as it started the same time As Dragon's Dogma released but I'll add you as I'm on EU too
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more than about your Paragon which can be easilly farmed fast I'm intrested in your gear and what do you clear atm ;) I last played last friday, but I I'm currently 628 Paragon on this season, playing Earthquake Barbarian, GR Solo 65 atm, so if you're capable of running GR 60+ we may roll ;)
Anyway I'm here: :>
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i still need to buy it on pc... hopefully next month ill be getting it
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Get it while it's a sale somewhere. It's well worth it.
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I agree, buying the expansion is the best thing you could do for the game. Besides many features they could have given to the base game too, the content is well worth the price. If you enjoy the game, that is.
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they recently cut the price of RoS in half so it's basically on sale now :)
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if you need some boost runs on t10, hit me up!
moepspecial #2461
running crusader at paragon 600+
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Game was plenty of people playing it before they removed the auction house.
Blizzard has no half-measures, when they see something is not working well, they change it to the opposite. First there was the auction house and you could trade everything (items, gems, gold...). Now there is no auction house and you can't trade pretty much anything. Nonetheless, you still need to be connected to the internet to play...
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Lineage Eternal
lost ark
nothing to do with your thread but have you seen these games before? they are cool but still unreleased
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So, I just picked the game + expansion up (I think I might be the latest ever to this party) and was wondering who else played? It'd be nice to have some other people to do stuff with, I should hit 70 later when I convince a friend to boost me, and since the season just started I'm guessing there'll be other people trying to gear themselves as well?
General advice/help would be welcome too, I've made a Demon Hunter.
Battlenet is Larren#2414 if anyone wants to add me. ^^ <3
Gib away for reading this far down: thnx for skyrim
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