I was offline about 3 months and mt contribution lvl dropped from 3.9 to 1.9 why ?

1 week ago

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mine dropped too :(

1 week ago

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on your main account or where?

1 week ago

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yes, the account where I farmed 100 copies of bad rats.

1 week ago

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Can I get a copy?

1 week ago

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might seem lie beggin

1 week ago

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Man's got an 11 day suspension for what seems like sarcasm?

1 week ago

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1 week ago

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Ouch. Sounds hard.
But they never start with such high suspension lenghts, so it couldn't be the first case of the same suspension category.

1 week ago

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They were in a heated argument in some topics recently, may be linked to that. Can't really remember which one though

1 week ago

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Yeah that makes more sense.

1 week ago

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Your only meant to have one account!

1 week ago

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See sgtools and the FAQ. You may or may not have paid for the keys, but game keys were likely found to have been handed out for free somewhere so they ended up rerated at $0.

1 week ago

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You mean steam gift not like steam key for contribution lvl?

1 week ago

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See FAQ - Why did my level decrease?

Why did my level decrease?

There are two reasons why a decrease could occur.

  1. Values are calculated based on the current USD prices of games in the Steam store. If a game lowers in price, the value of previously created giveaways will adjust accordingly, and this will be reflected on profiles and levels.
  2. Certain games on our site are flagged as "No Value" or "Reduced Value". This is done manually by our volunteers, and therefore there might be a delay before these values are assigned. For example, a game might be included in a bundle on January 10, 2018. If on January 13, 2018 we flag that game as "Reduced Value", with an effective date starting January 10, 2018 (the day the bundle started), then giveaways created between January 10-13, 2018 would have their value reduced accordingly.
1 week ago

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Even the giveaways created before years ??

1 week ago

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Regarding article 1: yes.
Regarding article 2: possible if it was missed before.

1 week ago

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Click the little magnifying glass next to the game to bring up more details about said game. On the game page it will tell you when a game became Reduced Value and No Value.
eg. SEGA Bass Fishing - No CV on 23 July 2023, almost 4 weeks before you giveaways for that game.
Likewise for Hotshot Racing, made No CV the day before your giveaways.

And yes, No CV and Reduced CV dates may be backdated ... staff are volunteers and don't monitor 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

1 week ago

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Yes its was 0 cv when i creat but other games was full and reduced cv years ago

1 week ago

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Then look at it positively and be happy that you had much more cv from that games and a higher level, for a timeframe X, as they had given if the mods had earlier the time to set them into the correct category (unbundled/bundled/free).

It's better to see the glass as half full as to see it as half empty :o)

1 week ago*

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This is the way.

1 week ago

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i really dislike your avatar

1 week ago

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You blacklist me bcuz u don't like my avatar ? Wtf wrong those people !!!

1 week ago

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Maybe he had other reasons for the blacklist.
It could be everything, from not liking that people take more as one copy of a freebie, to your name, the color of your socks, the date when you joined, your steam profile, which GAs you made, for which level you made GAs and and and and.
Unlimited possibilities.

Some understandable, others aren't.

1 week ago

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That's insane bro :O this community is very toxic

1 week ago

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Eh, it's more the fact that any community of large enough size can and will attract eccentrics. Don't worry about it too much. People can and will do things for reasons that you may never learn about or understand. That's just how life is. It's pointlessly stressful and unproductive to care too much about the actions and opinions of passing strangers.

1 week ago

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Nah. Don't worry too much about blacklists. Just make giveaways and enjoy

1 week ago

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Oh plenty of reasons to blacklist that one.

1 week ago

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you're not missing out anyway, all my giveaways are trash

1 week ago

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The best solution to losing points is to earn more points. :)

1 week ago

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138 wins vs 46 gifts do not indicate that it is a valid option for someone like him.

1 week ago

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Could be way worse...

View attached image.
1 week ago

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I mean... for every user with positiv ratio there has to be someone with negative.
So basically if you wanna have a positive one you are "forcing" someone else to be negative :P

1 week ago

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Correct! If everyone would have the same ratio of 1:1, we could name this site Steamtrades. :p

1 week ago

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Only a comment to stats of users in general, nothing about the user they wrote above:
It give 1,015,278 level 0 users that already moved the bar to the negative in each case if they won something.
I think the bar is by far enough in the negative that the active users could act without the "feeling forced to go into the negative to counter balance something" :-D

Partly about the user:
138:46 is for me no problem, i would be happy if many would have such stats.

About my BL to compare:
I checked in the last weeks my BL, which is only filled with level 5 or higher users, and seen there hundreds of users with over 1,3k wins and with luck 100 gifted.
I kicked over 200 from my BL, because they changed the behavior (tiny amount), got perma suspended (more as the changed behavior ones but still a low number), gone into inactivity (big part) or have lost level(s) to be now below lvl 5.
And then i added in a few days the same amount. So my BL is again full with 1k accounts (and each of them is a bigger fish as someone that is maybe named in the discussion^^).

1 week ago

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As you once posted in the Pride thread:

1 week ago

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