This week I celebrated my second wedding anniversary. As horribly clichéd as it sounds, I realised once again that life is precious, and that I am infinitely grateful for being married to the most beautiful and amazing person I know. My wonderful wife isn't my better half - she's my better everything. But this is all just an excuse to give away some games, eh? Just for you, this thread also has one of those... "trains", as you young whippersnappers like to call them, my first in almost three years. So get on that, and... do me a favour and remember to brush your teeth today and tell someone you care about that you love them.

Just do it.

See, that was nice, wasn't it?

Ah, I love the taste of fluoride in the morning.

You're welcome!

EDIT: Thank you everyone for the congratulations, I appreciate the wishes even if I didn't reply to everyone! Also: There are now more quest completers than half-completers, so cheers to that! As some people seemed to be having trouble finding the train, here it is (SGTools protected, but VAC Ban and trade ban filters only, because I'm giving away VAC-enabled games. UPDATE: NOW ENDED).

EDIT #2: EXTRA GIB ADDED (Lv. 2, At the very end).

EDIT #3: Train gibs ended. Last engine still running. ENDED.

Not many who read giveaway descriptions around here, it seems. Oh well...

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7 years ago*

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Did you do that favour for me?

View Results
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. - George Bernard Shaw
Yes [Quest Complete + 100 XP]
Nope.jpg [Quest Failed + 0 XP]
Only half of it. Not saying which half. [Quest in progress]

Congrats and Happy Anniversary !!! ^^ I couldnt find out how to join your train lol (I have read the descriptions) Am I the only one who didn't get it ? :D

7 years ago

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I'm entirely lost also. I've read descriptions of the above, brushed my teeth and even turned to my wife and told her I love her (her response: "you're on some weird steamgifts thing again aren't you?" :D ). It did not magically appear in my browser however.

This is honestly the first one I'm thoroughly lost on, even went through page by page of all prior giveaways from 2 years ago, still totally stumped. The only thing I can figure is it has something to do with that image, but I'm entirely confused as to what...

7 years ago

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Try reading the post again, carefully. You may see something there.

You can also try going over the text with your cursor.

7 years ago

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Aha! Thank you, very very much.

Granted, I own all games at my level, but I sort of expect that in general. The puzzles are the fun bit. :)

7 years ago

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Happy Birthday for both !

7 years ago

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I'm still laughing. Congratulations on the two years! My wife and I are coming up on our sixth and let me tell you man, it only get's better with time! Wishing you many many more to come! Enjoy every moment while it lasts my friend!

7 years ago

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Six years, wow! Thank you for the encouraging words, looking forward to it :)

7 years ago

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Happy anniversary! Thank you for the ride.

7 years ago

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Thanks bump

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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congrats and thx

7 years ago

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Amazing images and descriptions. Saved pretty much all the images. Thanks for this pleasant journey and happy anniversary!

7 years ago

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I saved most of them too! ^5

7 years ago

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I'm glad you liked them. Cheers!

7 years ago

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Happy Beump

7 years ago

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Congratulations! Here's to many more

7 years ago

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View attached image.
View attached image.
7 years ago*

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OMG Digimon yes!

(If you weren't already whitelisted by me, I'd be doing it now. =P)

7 years ago

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View attached image.
7 years ago

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Happy anniversary! It's nice of you to share your joy with the rest of us. <3

I did as you asked. It reminded me of something that I experienced once. I went to meet a group of people with Asperger's that get together frequently. I have it myself, so yeah, went there for the first time. There was this girl who was fairly loud and spoke exactly what she thought, but she was also nice. She surprised me by saying to me just before I left (paraphrased), "Hey, when you see your mom, tell her you love her. My mom died to cancer recently, and while I said I loved her a lot, I keep wanting to say it to her again. So do that for me, okay?" And... well, I did do it. It was so out of the blue, but so sweet at the same time.

Thanks for the giveaways! Have a bump~

7 years ago

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Thank you for sharing that. I'm glad you got to show your appreciation to your mom, I'm sure it was sweet for you both. I should do it more often as well. Check your group gibs, btw <3

7 years ago

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You're welcome! And thank you for that. I did indeed check, as asked! <3

7 years ago

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Contrats and wow, thanks!

7 years ago

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Happy anniversery, may you and your wife enjoy many more anniverseries! :-)

...and I did complet the quest.

7 years ago

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Thanks for the gibs, already own some, but was a few I liked.

7 years ago

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Thanks, bump.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Thanks and BUMP!

7 years ago

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Congratulations and thankulations!

7 years ago

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Happy anniversary!
Thanks :)

7 years ago

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Congrats man, thanks for the giveaways and BUMP!

7 years ago

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Happy birthday and I love you.

There, quest done

7 years ago

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Oral hygiene and love are valuable things

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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Heh, I bet you are :) Thanks skanda!

7 years ago

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50% done :O

7 years ago

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