I think it's some kind of money laundering or scam happening on Steam and they don't know anything about this site. They sell keys for the games really cheap on shady sites to make Steam think people are buying their game and when users see that they can get keys for pennies that give them $20-100 CV, they buy them to boost their CV. I don't fully understand what is happening though.
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A couple of new ones:
Sokobon -- $60 on Steam / $0.15 in key shop. Released: Dec 27.
A dream that never wakes up -- $120 on Steam / $0.21 in key shop. Released Dec 22.
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And a few more that are new or that haven't been mentioned yet. All are $60 on Steam and $0.15 in key shops.
It feels like there's a batch of 4-5 of new ones every week now with no end in sight.
onslaught -- Released: Dec 30.
Crazy Rotate -- Released: Dec 30.
Special training camp -- Released: Dec 12.
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New games...released 30 Dec, 2022
Stick figure fight
Please update point value for these games too! Maybe 1p is the real value. These games destroy ratios in private groups and other users must gave back higher CV games for it.
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They cant change the p amount and yes, this games destroy the group stats and this is the reason why GOOD groups kick people that abuse such games (the most of such users don't do it only with one game). The BAD groups that don't kick such members... leave them and the problem is solved ;o).
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I'm not sure if it was already done or if a support member saw your comment here and updated them, but all 4 of those games are on the free list so that they will not give users CV.
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And here's another new one:
Explore the forest Kill!!!
If the title wasn't enough of a clue, the price is... (you guessed it) 116,99€ as usual.
Edited: And oh look another one. Same price. Same users giving "positive" fake reviews. Shocker.
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And a few more. All from the same "dev" with obligatory fake reviews, fake screenshots etc ofc.
Collection of asset flips and broken demo sold as games, going for "only" 45P.
Restaurant Manager Simulator
Waves Running Simulator
Babysitter Simulator
The World of a Mermaid
Stunts Contest Police Car
Humans vs Tigers
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Human vs Tigers according to steam is "Similar to games you've played: Abzu and Death's Door". LOL In what world are these two games similar to that thing? Drunken algorithm?
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interestingly enough all of their 9 titles were published just last year between spring and summer, with at first halfway decent prices for the trash these games are (according to steamDB´s lowest recorded prices they all were between $ 1.- & 5.-)
then somewhere around Xmas & New Year they must have set all of them to $ 45,- or € 43,99 ..
interesting move 8 ) have they discovered a new business model ??
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I get that POV, but it would be so hard to manage as it would require constantly checking for when it comes out of profile features limited.
Also, some real games have that too when they first launch and that doesn't make it automatically a CV/Money farming game.
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Not that unpopular an opinion, and it would actually work just fine in ideal conditions.
But alas, it's trash like this, whose "devs" employ all the dirtiest tricks from the book of dirty tricks, to pass Valve's restrictions.
Legit indie games, on the other hand, struggle to gain recognition, and stay stuck in "Steam is learning" limbo for an eternity.
Just a glance at Steam Card Exchange's announcements (i.e. lists of the most recent games to get cards) will give you an idea of what kind of fine specimens manage to pass Valve's mystical thresholds.
In other words, while sounding logical on paper, this "solution" would not only not fix this problem, but also create another.
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Add this to list $199.99 for the shell of the game
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The King's Cast;e Was $5. is now $45
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https://store.steampowered.com/app/2225980/Special_training_camp/ $59
https://store.steampowered.com/app/2228160/lianliankan/ $59
https://store.steampowered.com/app/2235780/Hidden__PostApocalyptic_3__TopDown_3D/ $199
https://store.steampowered.com/app/2208320/Explore_the_forest_Kill/ $119 (5 copies)
They were all put up by one user.
At least one of the devs had more games with higher prices.
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Jesus those prices , funny how some of them show a totally unrelated picture in the thumbnail only to open it and be a completely worthless 2D game.
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Good to hear this issue has been somewhat fixed.
I've been noticing quite the glut of accounts who share nothing but shovelware. I've yet to blacklist anyone, but after seeing many users continue to popup with ever more garbage. Ive become tempted to do what others have, and blacklist users that share only shovelware.
I've also noted a rather large amount of people are actually entering for these garbage games, suggesting a pool of well over a thousand bot type accounts.
This seems to be an issue i began noticing only a few months ago, and have bookmarked about 30 accounts for future reference..
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Hidden Harbor 2 Top-Down 3D
Might as well plan ahead: Hidden Post-Apocalyptic 4 Top-Down 3D
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2000€. What a steal.
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Could games perhaps default to 0 CV until whitelisted by either:
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I could see something like that working, but it it would take a lot of work to initially implement and with how little changes have been made to the site over the past few years, I don't think it would get done. If it did get added, it would probably need a lot of adjusting to get it to work properly and it would probably never work good enough to not need to constantly be monitored and tweaked. It will probably cause a lot of tickets for support from people asking to have games added.
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At least nobody here has created a giveaway for it. It would push them straight to level 10 until the CV is taken away.
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Often times these reviews are one or a combination of three things.
Often times you'll see the same people making these types of reviews on a bunch of the devs games.
The MEGAJUMP in price just happened.
I believe these are the devs Steam account and youtube channel.
This is the old twitch channel.
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It seems this time the devs have tested the limits of the pricing : https://steamcommunity.com/app/1397240/discussions/0/3765607014599506234/
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The 50 point limit is just a limit to the number of points a user needs to spend to enter a single giveaway, it not related to CV in any way. Users should get a certain amount of CV based on how much they spend to buy the game. If someone spends $80 to give away the deluxe edition of Elden Ring, they should get the full 80 CV and not 50.
The issue is when cheap garbage games like the ones listed in this thread make keys available for cheap but then raise the price very high and users abuse that to cheat the CV system. We need a way to fix the fake pricing allowing people to cheat the CV system instead of just limiting all giveaways to a max of 50 CV. A 50 CV limit wouldn't fix anything because people would still buy keys for pennies and get 50 CV which is ridiculous.
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I know it is the cost of entries, but than why not write it like:
"The Elden Ring - 50p - 80$"
You should update point and dollar value of these games to 0... Earlier created also... oh and this game is not bundled (*10p value too) so if you buy it in RU store for ~0,20cent you are instant level 3 on SG.
Another idea: if the game is marked by Steam as "Profile Features Limited" what not gives +1 count as bundled games. These are mostly lower category games...
Idea 2: max CV value is 50 as now, but on "Profile Features Limited" games it is lower 10 or 20 maybe...
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Showing the point value to enter and the amount of CV will be a little confusing and I don't think it is necessary. Most users are only going to care about how many points it costs to enter.
When you say that we should "update point and dollar value of these games to 0", are you saying it should cost 0 points to enter giveaways of games that have been dropped to 0 CV? I am fine with dropping the CV of these games to 0, but I don't think any giveaways should be 0 points to enter, even if a large number of copies have been given away for free.
The idea of limiting CV on profile features limited games has been suggested by multiple users, but there are counter arguments to it because it is not fair and may end up doing more harm than good because not all of those games deserve to have their CV reduced. I don't think it sounds like a good idea, but I don't know how games get added to or removed from the profile features limited category or how it affects the games, so I don't have much of an opinion on this.
I am not a support member, so I can't personally do anything. I just created this thread to try and figure out why these bad games are being priced so high allowing users to abuse them for CV and if there was anything support could do to try and fix the problem. Support has been backdating these games to 0 CV from the time of the first giveaways created so that nobody can get any CV for them. This is an issue that is currently only able to be fixed manually and support is busy, so it can take them some time to get to the games. We really need some kind of automated system to detect these kind of games to remove some load from the volunteer support members.
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Okay, I'm a bit confused these much values and 0 point is not a solution... :)
But I have another idea: completely remove (blacklist) these games from SG. Like "Labyrinth Simulator".... no later GA's, earliers also delete with their CV, p value, $ value, levels...
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Setting the games to 0 CV is the current solution. The CV is being taken away for all of these overpriced games to prevent people from using them to cheat the CV system. It just takes some time for support to manually adjust the value of each game because they are busy and there are a large number of these type of games being created. Every game listed in the original post and a lot more have been set to give 0 CV. Support back dates them to 0 CV so that no matter how long ago someone created a giveaway, the CV will be removed from their account.
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I don't know what to do about groups. They have always been calculated based on the full value of games instead of real CV and I don't know why. It would be nice if the site switched group calculations to real CV.
I think manually adjusting the value of each game would fix that issue, but I don't think that is going to happen because it is even more work. The site automatically pulls info for the games directly from Steam and I don't think most support members can manually change the price of a game. If I am not mistaken, I think I remember hearing a long time ago that there was only 1 person that could do it other than CG.
I think that would be a better solution than just setting them to 0 CV. Manually set the price of the games to something like $1 or $2 and then mark them as reduced value. I'm guessing that isn't happening because the site probably isn't designed in a way that makes that easy to do.
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I don't think that only real CV is a real solution until I can buy never bundled "Profile Features Limited" games for few cents which increase my steam level unnecessarily.
Other problem if I won "Megajump" what is currently 573 776,--€. I must create 20000 "God of War" GA to fix my ratio... :-)
Another solution is for admins to ask group members to delete all of these GA's even if they had a winner. But it generates a lot of tickets. Can it work?
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If groups were switched to be calculated based on real CV it will fix the value for all of these games we are talking about in this thread because support is removing CV for these games. Megajump is no longer a problem when talking about real CV because support has already set it to 0 CV.
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CV calculation sounds great!
Except... never bundled cheap limited games from RU stores and if someone change price.
I found a good example: "GAME TUBE ♛". It is currently it is 97,50€... as I see the CV is not 0 currently... Calculated as a normal bundled game. Earlier the price was ~9€
"♞ The Tactics of War ♞" also...
Please fix these games CV too!
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Yes, those games are exactly why this thread was created. They change the price to something really high on Steam, but they sell keys extremely cheap on shady sites and users here get the cheap keys and create giveaways. They might even be creating the giveaways before the game creator increases the price on Steam, so the user might not be intentionally trying to cheat the CV system, they might just be giving away games they are finding for cheap and then the developer increases the price later.
I can't reduce the CV because I am not a support member, but I think some of them might watch this thread to check for games that users mention in comments, so they might see it here.
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We really need some kind of automated system to detect these kind of games to remove some load from the volunteer support members.
I know from at least one other member and myself that sended the mods a link, with a "please forward it to cg" message, to a tracker where dif. shady shops are listed and a automated system could take each new listed game, direct, into the reduced cv list with their prices or only send them to a log that could be manually checked and sorted in the right category.
Nothing happened in over 3 years.
So better not assume that cg will program something more diffcult/better/bigger, when he isn't willing to invest a few hours to program such a small thing (that would have safed hundreds of hours for the mods that handled the tickets and members that reported such games).
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Megajump is not purchasable on Steam... so maybe they do something also...
Currently not 0 CV games:
♞ The Tactics of War ♞
Fly Fly Tuk Tuk
The King's Castle
Bicycle Challenge - Wastelands
❂ Heroes of Hexaluga ❂
★ Fallalypse ★ Death or Cress ♝
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Apparently the dev of Megajump saw something in the news about a $2000 game and thought it would be funny to see how high he could price his game. Then he couldn't change the price back because Steam limits how often you can change it.
I'm guessing the dev removed the game for sale because he couldn't change the price back and wasn't happy with the negative comments from people saying that he probably did it as a publicity stunt to get attention.
Here is a thread where the dev responded.
Edit: The dev said they contacted Valve to try and drop the price before the waiting period is over and Valve removed the ability to purchase the game for now.
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I thought you could drop the price as often as you want by putting the game on sale and there is a waiting period for how often you can change the full price of the game, but it looks like the waiting period is also for sales.
Here's 2 Steam articles that talk about pricing:
Q: How often can I change the price of my product?
A: We suggest you wait at least a month after release before you change your price. But if you accidentally submitted a major pricing error at launch that you need to correct quickly, we’re able to accommodate that.
After that, you can change your prices as you wish—but remember that increasing a price in one or more currencies will generate a cooldown on your ability to submit discounts. Check out the Discount documentation for more details on that topic.
Q: How often can I discount my game?
A: Custom discounts must be spaced at least 30 days apart and at least 30 days after the release of your product on Steam. Custom discounts don't affect eligibility for Steam Seasonal Sales. Note that the 30-day cooldown for new releases and price increases still applies for the Steam Seasonal Sales.
Q. Will these new discount cooldowns apply to curated promotions too?
A. Yes, discount cooldowns will apply to promotions like Daily Deals, Midweek Madness, Weekend Deals, Weeklong deals, publisher weekends, and any custom discounts. Any discount applied to a game must have 30 days between the end of one discount and the beginning of the next discount. The only exceptions to this cooldown are the four major seasonal sales: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter.
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oh, already reported, sorry
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More games for lottery winners (Currently not 0 CV):
School Bus Driver Simulator
Hidden Town
Mushroom Challenge
Streamer Shall Not Pass!
Johnny Rocket
War Trains
Memorial Park of Hypoxia
Good luck to everybody who needs to fix ratio! ;-)
I think CV0 not fix completely this problem. The only way if we do not support this developer(s) and completely remove the GA's from steamgift like "Labyrinth Simulator". Past GA's also...
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In fact, all the game from Hede have reached impossible pricing : https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/20620/ALL/
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Two that popped up today:
Drag and Drop - $40
Kalzoon - $30
$30-$40 may seem "cheap" compared to the other stuff posted here, but both are primitive asset flips that shouldn't cost more than $2.
Many other overpriced games by the same publishers:
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But it has 100% positive reviews, it has to be worth it. Also, it seems like a lot of people speak Russian all of a sudden. Out of the 12 reviews, I found 5 accounts that say they are from the US and 1 in Great Britain, yet they all leave reviews is Russian. There are 2 reviews that are identical and a 3rd that is a slight variation of those.
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I just clicked on the first game I saw for TITA Studios called [Supreme Race on Highway](Supreme Race on Highway), went to the reviews, and just looking through them I can see at least 2 reviews from the same users that left reviews on the game you posted above.
Also, most of the reviews for both games seem to follow the same pattern of just describing what you do in the game in 1 or 2 short sentences like they just read the game description and are repeating what they read. There is a clear pattern and I wouldn't be surprised if all these accounts belong to 1 person.
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Please read this part before linking a game: If you are going to link a game here, please check to make sure that it has not already had it's CV removed. Support has already removed the CV from a very large number of these type of games. People can still create giveaways for the games, they just won't get any credit for them. There are a few different ways you can check. If you see a giveaway, you can just click the magnifying glass icon to the right of the game name and it will bring you to a page that will show a date next to "No Value" if it has already been reduced to give 0 CV. You can also go to the bundle game list here and search the name of the game or it's Steam ID. It will show a date in the "No Value" column if it has already had it's CV removed. The last way you can check is to go to the page to create a giveaway here and type in the name of the game or the Steam ID. The game has already had it's CV removed if there are 2 red asterisks next to the name of the game.
A lot of games have been reported in this thread that have not had their value reduced. To make it easier to see if a full CV game has already been reported here in the past, PoeticKatana has taken the time to go through the entire thread and check all the reported games. He found a large number of games that have not been reduced and created a table with a list of all the games and other helpful info about them.
Gelweo has taken over and is updating the list of games that have already been reported.
List of reported games that have not had their CV removed yet
List of reported games that have already been reduced to 0 CV
Update: Thanks to the support members who are looking into this. I noticed that many of the games listed below have been set to reduced or no value. Dropping the games to no value is great, but letting them get reduced value on fake $50 games is still kind of crazy. They are still getting $7.50 real CV each for dozens of copies of $50 games. It would be nice if those could be reduced more, but at least something is being done. Thanks for helping :)
Update 2: Big thanks again to support. A comment has been posted to let us know that all the games listed here have been added to the free list so they don't give anyone CV at these crazy prices. I just checked the dates on all the games compared to the date of the first GA anyone created for them on SG and I am happy to report that every game listed here has been set so that nobody will get any CV from these games no matter when they created the GAs.
Update 3: I just want to point out that this thread is not meant to be a comprehensive list of all of these type of games. I stopped adding games to the list here a long time ago. I originally created the thread to try and figure out why these games are being priced so high and if there was something that could be done to prevent users from abusing them to cheat the CV system. There is a large number of these games being created and support has been working to remove the CV from them. There are probably hundreds of these games at this point and I have no intention of trying to keep track of them all.
I am not a support member, so I personally cannot modify the value of these games. If you want to report one of these games that has not had it's value reduced yet, support members may be watching this thread and posting about the game here may get their attention, but I am not positive. I believe the official way to report these games is to file a support ticket in the "Add game to list" category.
Also, if you notice that some of the games listed here are not expensive anymore, they were at one time and probably will be again. I do not know why they change the prices so drastically. The game may be $2 one day and $200 the next.
Original Thread
I just noticed users giving away multiple copies of games that are full CV with a value of $50 (a lot are $50, some are $25-45) and they look like they should cost $1 or $2. There is no way anyone would pay that much for these games and they all have around 10-12 review that are 100% or 90% positive.
Is someone creating these games for the purpose of cheating the CV system here or is there some other reason why they would be created and somehow users here got keys to give away?
I am not saying that everyone who gives away one of these games is bad since I can understand if a user normally creates giveaways for any free keys they get and happens to get one of these from somewhere, but I checked one user's account and they are creating multiple GAs of most of these games and another account that is giving away 5 copies each of a lot of them.
I'm not sure what can be done, but maybe support could manually set the value of games like these to $1 or just mark them as free so they don't give any CV. I don't think anyone would have much to complain about because I doubt anyone is actually paying much if anything for these. The only ones that would be upset would be the ones who lose their fake CV, but they have nothing to complain about.
I just want to point out that the majority of users, like myself, have been here for many years slowly working our way up through the levels. I am almost level 8 after 8 years, but if I knew where to buy these games on grey market sites for pennies, I could be level 10 tomorrow. I don't want to do that though because it is wrong and if everyone started doing it, it would hurt the site. If a new level 0 user gives away 5 copies each of 12 of the $50 games listed, they would be level 9. It would probably only cost them around $10 to do this where it would cost the average user giving away their spare Humble Monthly games around $1200 or someone who looks for decent sales or bundles that give about 4 times what they pay in CV around $750. (Edit: It is no longer just $50 games, there is now a very large number of these games giving $200 CV)
This is just a short list of examples from when I created the thread. There are hundreds more that follow the same pattern.
Art your brains
Ball Torture
Bots City
cookies СOOkies COOKIES
Crazy Zoo
Dr. Science quest
DUCK Mission
Eagle Simulator
Fishy Business
Fortitude invasion
Grot Slasher
helicopter 2.0
Hot Summer
Ink World
The Last Metal Shooter
Limousine Parking Simulator
Magic War
My Sweet Ants!
Need for Spirit: Off-Road Edition
Over City
Panda Run
Pixel Pirate
Police Hot Pursuit
Puzzles with nature
Ragedanger Earth
Rich Taste of Ecchi
Super Arkanoid
TOTO Quest
Underwater battles
Voice Shooter "Pif Paf"
What do you hear?? Yanny vs Laurel
Yuonger Adventure
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